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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 450x450, 64cd72b6-59a4-4a58-8c23-a7e65619f538_1.63d205751401d6b7d9aa2eee58af74bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11204812 No.11204812 [Reply] [Original]

You'd think cereal companies would be more cautious about these types of mistakes.

>> No.11204819

I sure hope someone was fired for that costly mistake

>> No.11205492

this is an amazing cereal and it makes your poops a stunning green color.

>> No.11205495

so does lucky charms, at least for me it does.

>> No.11205496
File: 19 KB, 543x443, brainlet short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmmmm high fructose corn syrup!

>> No.11205521

no, see the joke is that we're making fun of the "oops" part, implying that it was a mistake. try to keep up lil zoomer.

>> No.11205530

and a newfag quickly loses the point

>> No.11205537

>t. newfriend
still slow on the uptake I see

>> No.11205580

nah, just old

>> No.11205587


>> No.11205588

No king rules forever my son

>> No.11205594

Except for Nicholas Parry (Orlando, FL)

>> No.11205597

yes except for him.

>> No.11205616

oldfags never rule
newfags never rule
we all just waste our time on this shithole

>> No.11205827

Anyone try that Crunch Berries Slurpee?

>> No.11206924

It tastes exactly like cereal and it is fucking disgusting

>> No.11207557

yes. i really like crunchberry cereal, but the slurpee is way more disgusting than you imagine. it tastes like the leftover milk in a bowl after the crunchberry cereal has steeped in it for 30 minutes. i bought one, couldn't finish it, let a bunch of people at a party try it, and not a single person liked it.

this guy gets it

>> No.11208479

Tunnel snakes rule

>> No.11208507
File: 557 KB, 2504x3269, franken-berry-strawberry-monster-cereal-2017-review-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that pic related caused mass panic in the 70s after children who ate it had shits that looked like blood. The "condition" was even termed Frankenberry stool and at least one paper was published on it.