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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11172710 No.11172710 [Reply] [Original]

Stop seasoning your food

>> No.11172758

>be ching chong/nignog/streetpoop/sandnig/polychong
>greatest racial achievement is putting spices in your food

Woah, h-hold on, t-this is the power of non-wh*toids!

>> No.11172774

Imagine be this mad about low IQ nigger memes making fun of sissy white faggots not using spices in their food sooo much that they lash out irrationally at spices and purposely avoid them to get revenge on the nigger meme. The absolute state of you retards lmao

>> No.11172779


>> No.11172855

Careful or I might season your tendies tonight with a pinch of black pepper and make you cry before my date with Tyrone, son.

t. Mom

>> No.11172859 [DELETED] 
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>my cuckold fantasies are an accurate representation of real life

>> No.11173197

>be roman
>be too stupid to understand the concept of zero

>be arab
>discover literally every mathematical equation ever while germans were still living in muds huts with no discernible language

>> No.11173220

>be arab
>discover literally every mathematical equation ever while germans were still living in muds huts with no discernible language
Except zero and then throw away 90% of what you did discover to embrace the bed-shitting, pants-on-head retardedness of Muhammadanism.

Meanwhile the Scandinavians discovered, and settled North America 500 years before anyone else in Europe and were the only nation on earth to have anything close to equal rights for women.

>> No.11173270

>be a wh*toid snownigger
>the greatest racial achievement is killing each other

>> No.11173324

>imagine being this insecure

>> No.11173374

AFWM masterrace.

>> No.11173393

wow, equal rights and fleeing from your home

>> No.11173427

>be arab
>conquer india
>plagiarise greek and hindu mathematics, including the concept of 0
>enslave foreign scientists and gather them all in baghdad, resulting in a islamic golden age of science
>adopt the antirationalist doctrine of the Ash’ari school
>watch in horror as your society crashes and burns

>> No.11173436

>be scandinavian
>establish settlements in North America 500 years before any other european knows it exists
>literally get your shit kicked in and btfo to the point where no one is left alive by stone age savages
Y-you sure showed them who was boss!

>> No.11173516

>Impying they didn't just rape themselves into extinction

>> No.11173536

>What is Byzantium

>> No.11173626

>you will have an asian son

>> No.11173631

Killing nonwhites isn't really an achievement to be fair. It's like patting yourself on the back for swatting a fly.

>> No.11173673

Consider what it means for the "poor savages genocided by the euros" meme when the Vikings; renown for their savagery and hardiness, were run off by the fucking Inuit. Not even hardcore injuns like the Comanche, Apache, Yaqui or Lakota, but the fucking "Let's dance our differences away!" Inuit.

"Poor defenseless Native Americans" my white Irish ass.

>> No.11173679
File: 23 KB, 220x302, 1FA2F09C-FDFE-401E-8248-853C8D71E0BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is only acting in his nature, he must shitpost

>> No.11173680

Tell that to Kitchener or to everyone massacred by the fucking Mongols kid.

>> No.11173689


>> No.11173697
File: 33 KB, 500x564, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this assblasted shitskin
Stay mad, darkie. Stay mad.

>> No.11173699

Marcus was highly autistic. The best emperor but very spartan.

>> No.11174468

>equal rights for women
Sometimes I think I'm the only one on this site still concerned about our mishandling of the women question.

>> No.11174526
File: 495 KB, 470x239, KickHer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order fries
>theyre seasoned

>> No.11174569

>equal rights for women.
You say that like it's a good thing, a "noble" thing, when it's just the opposite. Adults don't let children make important decisions because they lack the experience, wisdom, and discipline to make those decisions, and females are NO DIFFERENT.

EVERY society that has attempted treating females as "equals" and allowed them to make decisions that impacted society eventually DIED as a result.

Females are biologically designed to be selfish so as to preserve the species, and that selfishness means they make absolutely TERRIBLE group decisions.

Look at the cops, the military, and any other service that lowered standards just to appease the ego a few insane feminists. Women belong in the home raising kids, because that's what they excel at, while they fuck up everything else.

>> No.11174574

>shitskins so btfo they intentionally ignore the fact that the modern world they live in was created by their betters....WHITES.

>> No.11174638

>listening to some 2000 B.C boomer

>> No.11174642

>be arab
>build the capital of education in the east
>get completely decimated by a bunch of horse riders who live in tents
>revert to a state of complete savagery, losing all your achievements and fighting your own people for centuries to come

>be german
>bide your time
>copy everything the medis and arabs do
>take over the entire world and develop the most prosperous empires for centuries to come

>> No.11174739

Me mad? Hardly, I'm not the scandi bitter because his ancestors were obliterated by folks whose greatest technological achievement was literally a wood fire, lol! Go slurp some fermented fish effluent and get back to us, Svenson.

>> No.11174874

The next best invention to fire is the rapefugee crisis.

>> No.11174876

Or, you know, the Vikings weren't really that tough.

Pretty much every non-white warrior culture was way more fearsome than any white one.

>> No.11175168

Nice run-on sentence faggot I can't even read that shit

>> No.11175204

>EVERY society that has attempted treating females as "equals" and allowed them to make decisions that impacted society eventually DIED as a result
Shit argument. Obviously they died because all societies eventually die.

Our societies exist as a counter-example because women are treated as equals. Unless you mean to say that we're going to die eventually in which case I ask you to give one example of a society which never died and cannot be argued as "on its way to death"

>> No.11175221

>clock tower 2

>> No.11175243

>Women belong in the home raising kids, because that's what they excel at, while they fuck up everything else.
i dunno man there are some women who are good at being scientists or musicians and shit like that, better than some men who try to do the same.

>> No.11175287

historically inaccurate fiction
nobody was living there. They decided to leave because the land wasn't good
>nonwhite warrior culture
>more fierce
kek imagine being this brown and insecure
the 'fierce' Aztecs were little manlet bitches who got their shit kicked in by a handful of Spaniards
Thousands of Zulu died against a couple hundred colonizers

>> No.11175524

This is some real weak sophistry.

>> No.11175958

>The 'fierce' Aztecs were little manlet bitches who got their shit kicked in by a handful of Spaniards
Stupid meme is stupid, we have accounts of the conquistadors that partecipated in the conquest of Tenochtitlán, and we know that the Spaniards also had thousands of indios allies pissed at the Atzecs for their constant Flower Wars for prisoners to sacrifice and for their high taxes. It's not like it took Cortès a few days either, it took him four years of fighting to subdue the Atzecs.

>Thousands of Zulus died at the hands of English colonizers.
I didn't know warrior cultures were supposed to be bulletproof.

>> No.11176119

>Better than having a white daughter (male)

>> No.11176128

>EVERY society that has attempted treating females as "equals" and allowed them to make decisions that impacted society eventually DIED as a result.
name these societies.