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11169903 No.11169903 [Reply] [Original]

If this isn't God's gift to mankind, I don't know anymore. What's your favorite flavor?

>> No.11169913

I don't get the appeal. Why would you want soda in an open cup poured out of some public communal machine instead of getting a nice sealed bottle or can?

>> No.11169914

For me, it's the Coca-Cola, the only soda flavor.

>> No.11169916

>raspberry flavor
>tiny splash of lime flavor
>ginger ale

>> No.11169932

I don't get why they restrict certain combinations.

>> No.11169938

Because you can refill that cup over and over, totaling to a decent volume of soda beating out even a 3 liter bottle in cost per ounce.

>> No.11169939

Probably causes a deadly chemical reaction.

>> No.11169941

For me, it's 70% cherry diet coke and 30% vanilla diet coke

>> No.11169942

What's the point if you can't enjoy it in the comfort of your own home?

>> No.11169965

Become a millionnaire and rent one.

>> No.11169971

based warren probably has 10 of these in his house and even his own personal burger maker

>> No.11169974

Are you kidding? Two of them wouldn't fit in his tiny house.

>> No.11169982

you forgot about his underground sex cave?

>> No.11169985

Why would you need 10 freestyles in your underground sex cav- ohhh

>> No.11170375

>old person gets infront of you

>> No.11170382

It takes them 5 minutes to navigate to diet coke

>> No.11170398

They put these in a new movie theater near me and they're fucking terrible, half the time most shit is greyed out/unavailable and they cause massive backups.

>> No.11170406

Soda water. No flavor.

>> No.11170413
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The one that doesn't make the residue of the last plebeians orange fanta drip into my diet vanilla coke

>> No.11170423

Fuck freestyle machines. You want coke? Well here's coke + lemon + cherry +artificial strawberry that the last 3 morons had before you. You want water instead? It's fucking brown because the nozzles don't get cleaned. You're a fucking faggot OP

>> No.11170811

I worked at a restaurant that uses one of those, the flavor cartridges became a bitch to change out once they switched the cardboard.

>> No.11170917

For me its
>60% coca-cola
>40% ice

Sometimes Dr.pepper if im feeling particularly experimental that day.

>> No.11170928

Speaking of innovations in beverage dispensary, where the fuck are these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfgDAIs-Kb8

>> No.11170931

vanilla cream soda

>> No.11170940

Half coke and half cherry dr.p

>> No.11170961

I mix all the sodas into one, just for the meme. Its called a suicide, and I miss doing this at fountains.

>> No.11171001

I love peach mellow yellow zero

>> No.11171008

>Doesn't run water to rinse before he makes his own drink
>Assumes other people will rinse after naking theirs

>> No.11171013


>> No.11171021

i love these because they're getting common and it means i can get carbonated water if i'm out somewhere instead of something sugary or plain water

>> No.11171030

Shouldn't the machines clean automatically? This sounds like a design flaw that should have been spotted long before these things went live.

>> No.11171032

my nigga

>> No.11171068

Mustard gas

>> No.11171077
File: 92 KB, 1200x800, 07-mellow-yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orange mello yello

>> No.11172271

One bump.

>> No.11172273

For me, it's Bang's

>> No.11172349

Coke with cherry or vanilla.

>> No.11172373
File: 18 KB, 382x284, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla Sprite

>> No.11172501

This. I hate these machines because the flavorings stick to the nozzle and taint anything that comes out of it. its not always the worst thing, I got a plain Coke once with what tasted like a bit of orange and vanilla flavoring inside it, and it was god-like. But my favorite soda is Sprite, just plain old, regular Sprite. Whenever I try to get any out of the machines, the flavor is always thrown off from all the other sodas and additives coming out the same nozzle. I find that running water through the machine beforehand doesn't particularly help, either.

>> No.11172513

there's one at my work. well, it's technically not my workplace. it belongs to a building tenant. but as a security guard, i have access.

what am i gonna do, bust myself?

>> No.11172524

I really dislike the idea that more choices = better customer experience. Fuck the number of options, all I care about is quality, which does not come from the Coca-Cola company. So this marketing gimmick is just trash to me.

>> No.11172527

Let it run for 2-3s before putting your cup under it

>> No.11172820

Nah the dispenser gets real dirty and if it is not hand washed daily, and scrubbed with a metal cleaner, residue builds up. Fun fact: most places wash the nozzle but don't scrub the crud out, and it looks like runny semen.

>> No.11172895

Vanilla + Orange Coke Zero

>> No.11172939

Dude every soda fountain I've seen has a tab just like the water one with carbonated water.

But if you want to add flavor I guess you have a point.

>> No.11173323

On the rare occasion I get fast food, AND a soda, I get a peach Fanta.

>> No.11174179

not the case where i've lived, i've only seen the plain water tab in everything but one bbq place and ikea

>> No.11174181

I like that combo too

>> No.11174591

There a place near where I used to work that had orange creamcicle coke. It was like sucking God's dick. Never seen it again.

>> No.11174625

is there a flavor mix that actually works when pumped one at a time? i tried mixing like 5, but i ended up tasting the last flavor i picked followed by some dilution.

>> No.11175279
File: 90 KB, 500x295, Lime_Coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking coke with lime. It's the single most perfect combination
>Coke sold this shit commercially for a single summer when I was in middle school before it disappeared forever
I must have drank two a day

>> No.11175300

Actually, fountain soda tastes ten times better than pre sealed soda

>> No.11175336

raspberry vanilla pibb

bib oof

>> No.11175372

Coke with lime is top tier

>> No.11175381

fucking shitty ass machine
uses the same ass shitty not quite carbonated liquid and just adds a 'flavor' to it that doesn't even taste like the real shit. I would rather just buy a normal soda that I want, because I'm not a fat fuck who needs 3 refills on his sodas and doesn't enjoy disgusting syrup water. Please rethink your lives.

>> No.11175383

ever tried dr pepper with a lime wedge squeezed into it? it's the only way I can drink dp

>> No.11175454

For me it's diet vanilla bangs

fucking god tier, get it every time I go to Qdoba

>> No.11175721

For me it's Coca Cola brand Unsweetened Room Temperature Tap Water®

>> No.11175726

soda is such a waste at its current price, why would i choose a cup of sugar water over another cheeseburger?

>> No.11176816
File: 29 KB, 493x423, DZOlTrvUQAAnZcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cucked out of pibb in my state since the coke bottlers over here carry dr pepper only

>> No.11176850

Diet cherry coke with a splash of diet vanilla fanta

>> No.11176857

you mean cliet bangs? bangs has bite!

>> No.11176943

For me, its the cream soda/diet cream soda which seems to be out of stock 80% of the fucking time

>> No.11176949

Thats because cream soda and root beer are in the dangerous territory where they're popular enough to run out but not popular enough to warrant constant refills like Coke, Pibb, etc.

>> No.11176960

lemonade but I usually grab half a cup of some very cherry coke then go refill with the lemonade.

>> No.11176992

The nozzle is constantly getting hit by different sodas. That shit tastes nasty.

>> No.11177083

>Actually, fountain soda tastes ten times better than pre sealed soda
Blatant lie. Machines never get the syrup distribution right, and it's also just fucking disgusting to have an unsealed paper cup for your drink.

>> No.11177107

>The nozzle is constantly getting hit by different sodas. That shit tastes nasty.
^This too. I really don't understand why anyone would voluntarily take the communal soda option when you can just get your own personal sealed bottle or can instead.

>> No.11177113

Let me check my passport... yep, to old to reply.

>> No.11177142

Orange Coke mixed with Vanilla Coke or, if they have it, Limeade Mello-Yello.

>> No.11177160
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>> No.11177178
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Because you can customize a soda you want to drink instead of being limited to what is bottled. Maybe you don't understand because you're fucking stupid???

>> No.11177206

Why would I want to have customized poorly distributed syrup having disgusting as fuck communal soda in an unsealed paper cup instead of a regular Coke in a sealed bottle or can? That doesn't make any sense.