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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 900x507, Balmoral-Pig-Overall-Champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11144267 No.11144267 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes when I eat pork, especially fatty cuts like Cantonese pork belly, pig ears, or chicharonnes. I get a weird, unsettling thoughts like "this probably tastes like a human being", which causes me to feel disgusted.

It may seem silly but sometimes it's caused me to stop eating and purge my food. My parents are Spanish so it's not like pork is frowned upon, it's very common in my house.

>> No.11144271

In religious texts, some peoples were cursed into becoming pigs.

>> No.11144276

>My parents are Spanish
Many "Spaniards" are in fact moros or judeos who chose to falsely adopt the trappings of Christiandom in order to pursue a more lucrative existence after al-andalus was reconquered.

>> No.11144298

I kinda like that we have an idea of what people taste like. I'm kinda disturbed that I'm eating such an intelligent animal.
Not getting tortured sure is lucrative. Those guys have all been fucking each other for 600 years, there's not much point in drawing lines.

>> No.11144310

Here's a report from William Buehler Seabrook, an actual, real-life cannibal:
>"It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have."

People don't taste like pork. And honestly we probably don't even all taste the same since our diets are so varied.

>> No.11144313

Mohammed pls fuck off

>> No.11144318
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>there's not much point in drawing lines.
I wasn't the one who came in with m'heritage implications, isaac musa ben muhammad
If you had pure blood, you wouldn't be disgusted

>> No.11144319

This is a natural feeling, brother; for pork is haram as is proscribed in the Koran; complete the process of enlightenment and join the brotherhood at your local mosque.

>> No.11144330

Why do you Muslims hate pork so much?
It's cheaper than beef and perfectly safe with today's cooling chains.

>> No.11144335

Jews and certain christian fundamentalists hate it just as much, why is 4chan so obsessed with muslims?

>> No.11144337

Don't try to make sense of goatfuckers and their retarded religion.
They need to stick to their own countries and stay the fuck out of ours

>> No.11144340

You put quotations around parents and started talking about the moors, Cletus. Your reading comprehension skills might need sharpening.
Speaking as a white person, pork is nice with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, onion, rosemary and butter and you are a disgrace.

>> No.11144354

I dont really give a shit.

>> No.11144357

You remember that edgy little prick that was always trying to start shit back in 7th grade?
This is what happens when you give him anonymity and tell him that the brown people are his biggest problem.

>> No.11144362

>can't even see the entire thread on his screen
>makes factually incorrect claims and gets mad and defensive
Speaking as a chinese person, I suggest you not bring up /pol/ nonsense if you don't want to get your shit pushed in, because no matter what you're not going to come out looking like the good guy

>> No.11144369

Some Chinese are also bad at history and low on reading comprehension, my bad.

>> No.11144373

That's the trick. Just dig in your heels, blame others, and truth is falsehood and falsehood is truth. I mean if your own posts aren't visible on your 4" phone screen without scrolling, that means nobody else can see them either, right?

>> No.11144386

T. Brownie

>> No.11144389

when I eat lots (500 gram or so) of grilled pork I get very loud and long farts
and I feel very sorry for all those dead pigs we kill every day because they're so lovable and cute

>> No.11144391

Fuck off racist piece of shit

>> No.11144409

So are you saying it’s only ok to kill and eat animals if they aren’t cute? Then what do you consider cute? Are cows cute? What about chickens?

>> No.11144414

Pigs are very smart. If they weren't so fucking delicious I'd be pretty upset about us farming them. But uh... they're pretty much only matched by Cow for flavour, yeah?

Sorry Babe

>> No.11144422

Honestly almost any animal can be cute if it's well groomed and not a vicious shit.

>> No.11144432
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> it’s only ok to kill and eat animals if they aren’t cute?

Welcome to pescatarianism!

>> No.11144866

yeah i shudder at the fact that there oblivious fools in the world missing out on this shit, every single time i take a bacon snackie

>> No.11144950
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This is NOTHING compared to the horror that sets in after MURDERING an INNOCENT PLANT.

>> No.11145039

No, but touching raw chicken gives me that feeling. I'm no pansy about meat or anything, but raw chicken disgusts me to no end.
I fucking eat raw pork on a regular basis, but I have to wear food-prep gloves when handling raw chicken or I'll freak the fuck out while preparing it. No clue why.

>> No.11145048

Same. Raw chicken is like the aids of meat.

>> No.11145258

harden the fuck up
I bet neither of you are ever breaking down whole chickens and so you're a cooklet who is constantly wasting money.

>> No.11145271

Pork is bland and disgusting

>> No.11146556

Motherfucker, I routinely butcher chickens. If you've been on /ck/ a while, you've probably seen me extoll the virtues of buying whole chickens and butchering them yourself to get meat, bones, chicken rinds and cooking fat. I do it all the time. I still hate touching the little shits raw, though.

>> No.11146559

Okay Muhammad

>> No.11146573 [DELETED] 

nah, OP.
Not everyone's girlfriend looks like your pic-related, so association with cannibalism is non-existent.

>> No.11147859


>> No.11147868

Islam isn't just brown people. Why do racists like you always try to make it about race and not ideology?

>> No.11148672

Now I feel weird about eating veal

>> No.11148674

B-but... This is necessary. Life feeds on life, after all.

>> No.11148676

Honestly if there was a way to artificially grow cultured human meat without having to sacrifice a life for it, I'd love to try it. Meat is meat. What's the harm if literally no harm has been done?

>> No.11148699
File: 367 KB, 1027x834, Genetic-Map-of-Europe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Wenceslao Spiclord. Science says otherwise. In fact, as long as phenotypes are concerned we look whiter than Italy and have more white people than france at this point.
Also read on:
Limpieza de sangre (cleansing of blood, i.e. ethnic cleansing)

Also if you weren't a brainlet you'd know that:
Most """"""""arabs"""""""" in spain were converted Vandals (germanic) that settled in north african and berbers, current populations of those areas don't reflect the former populations of those areas.

The """""arabs""""" depicted themselves in andalusian art as white skinned, red haired and blond haired guys mostly, which goes hand in hand to their vandal ancestry.

The "spaniards are arabs" meme was started by butthurt jews who got wrecked by spain's will to cleanse itself and were expelled to france or portugal.

>Those guys have all been fucking each other for 600 years
You've been seeing too many blacked videos boy, back to reality now.

Mental illness, probably has to do with OCD or is related to it.

>> No.11148714
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>eat pork ribs
>that tearing, crunchy sound/feeling

>> No.11149553

I'm eat pork ribs RIGHT NOW. However, they're baby back ribs, so no tearing, crunchy sound/feeling. A neighbour brought'em over yesterday. Never had barbecued baby back ribs before. They're unsatisfying, both in meat:bone ratio and the fact that because they're soft, I don't get to gnaw on the bones for scraps of meat I may have missed.

idk what it is, but there is some supremely satisfying about gnawing meat scraps from bones, be it the T-bone from a halfway decent steak, the drumstick from chicken cooked over an open fire fueled by good wood, the wing from a roast turkey or the rib from a barbecued rack of pork.

What do each of those phenotypes (?) on the left even mean?

>> No.11149698

I feel a little bad because pigs are really smart and they know when they are going to be killed.

>> No.11149783
File: 38 KB, 827x524, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews and certain christian fundamentalists hate it just as much
Nice try, Abdul.

>> No.11149917

I won't get too much into it, seeing as this is a cooking board, but it has to do with how people interact with Muslims in their daily life. Muslims are seen as recent invaders to European and American societies, whereas Jews have controlled Christian countries for quite some time. The minority of Christians who refrain from pork are an irrelevant minority. Muslims, on the other hand, are replacing the native populations of some European cities.

>> No.11149931

Jews don’t go marching in the streets with signs saying “Behead those who insult Islam” or decapitate British soldiers in the UK or set off bombs on buses or demand that every supermarket have a section to cater to their religious food limitations, etc etc

>> No.11149939

Right, most Jews don't care about their religious laws per se. On the other hand, they prefer to subvert societies by having their pawns carry out their cultural Bolshevism. See: feminism, socialism, neoliberalism, Hollywood, open borders, mass migration, etc.

>> No.11149945

White people are easy to manipulate. That’s all there is to it; even if all the Jews were shoa’d, another race would come in to control the whites. Probably Indians.

>> No.11149961

>Indians contolling whites
now that I gotta see

>> No.11149967

OK, what does any of that have to do with food though?

>> No.11149981


>> No.11150002
File: 339 KB, 780x390, Dairy is Genocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All meat and dairy should make you feel uneasy

>> No.11150025
File: 279 KB, 750x458, michelle_hunziker_schwein_jan16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat pork meat from happy, cheerful pigs.

>> No.11150036

>I feel a little bad
Womp womp

>> No.11150054
File: 42 KB, 600x450, 600597-1_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so lovable and cute
For (you)

>> No.11150069

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.11150099

That's a tasty looking oniky

>> No.11150101
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, 1519780730958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another race would come in to control the whites. Probably Indians.
I'm crying of laughter. I hate jews but please, do not compare literal shitskin retards with our jewish overlords. I mean, they haven't figured how to poo in a loo yet and you say they'd be capable of peaceful genocide.

Don't forget who colonized your shithole, currynigger.

>> No.11150103

>you're a fucking idiot
Yep, he is. Jabon Iberico is a fucking meme. It's the worst quality meat and hugely overpriced.

>> No.11150132
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>believing in god

>> No.11150160

>i'm a wop assblasted over the fact prosciutto is an inferior product to spanish hams

>> No.11150254

Both the same fake. Prosciutto coming from Dtch slaughterhouses...

>> No.11150282
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>> No.11150291

The fat coats my mouth and overstays its welcome. Pork flavor runs everything it's in and I feel like I need to gargle dish soap afterwards. I like turkey ham and beef bacon better.

>> No.11150917

Probably because pork is just an absolute shit tier meat, I wouldn't even feed our dogs pork, the muzzies got one thing right go figure.

>> No.11151006

I have never been much of a fan of pork and it is a rather filthy meat and prone to disease. anything the Jews and Muslims both agree on to be bad has got to be pretty bad because those people are filthy fuckers themselves. I didn't eat pork for about 20 years but got tempted back buy bacon and chorizo. cured meats are generally ok because they are safe from botulism. I still would avoid eating roast pork or pork chops because there is no flavour. pulled pork can kiss my arse

>> No.11151020

>literally protected designation status

>> No.11151022

* t i p *

>> No.11151024

whatever you say but for some reason the Spanish really love to act like Turks I don't know why but they just do

>> No.11151036

vegans make me uneasy especially when they start doing those stinking rancid tofu farts

>> No.11151042

yes little known but true any meat can be turned into bacon. it's not the pig that tastes nice it's the sodium and potassium nitrates and nitrites they taste like pure heaven

>> No.11151242

My best friend is a sand nigger and there dad and mom came to America in the 80s. They loved BBQ ribs and he got pissed when he learned they were pig, not cuz he ate them but cuz he loved him. He said if Muhammad was here today they be no ban on pork

>> No.11151413

>cured meats are generally ok because they are safe from botulism
Umm, no. Botulism derives from the latin "botulun" a word for sausage, a cured meat that was the primary vector of botulism before canning, retard.

>> No.11151451

Islam allows eating pork when you travel to other people's lands. makes you wonder what all the immigrants are fussing about when the Quran clearly says that they are allowed to eat absolutely anything while they are outside their homeland

>> No.11151464

sorry but you are the retard. botulism is an anaerobic organism which means it cannot survive in high oxygen environments. the use of curing salts including nitrates and nitrites introduce a large saturated amount of oxygen into the fibres of the meat does botulinum toxin cannot be produced by the botulism bacteria. why is it that people on 4chan cannot be bothered to find out what they're talking about before posting but yeah interesting little snippet of History I never realised that was an old name for sausage and it was probably not cured, just dried, and not dried well

>> No.11151515

Use better spices or herbs to tame the pork's smell

>> No.11151691

fish are in fact cute

>> No.11151721

That's not quite true.
Islam allows for the consumption of pork if the alternative is death OR when traveling. Once a mudslime emigrates from his sand dunes into civilisation, he is no longer traveling but settled. Once he has settled in a forein land, he is not to eat pork.
Remember: Islam was created by nomads, so traveling always has different rules. Another example is prayer. Muzzies are meant to pray five times daily, facing towards Mecca. When traveling, however, the rule changes and they're to just pray towards the front of the caravan.

>> No.11151755

Muslims will be settled when they stopped praying to Allah and learn to be civilised otherwise they should be considered still travelling as there will be many flights to deport them on

>> No.11151811
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>The average dairy cow is so deformed it has forgotten how to use a cow bell

fucking kek

>> No.11152739

>a rather filthy meat and prone to disease.
Ok so instead I will have chicken because its cleane....ah.

> anything the Jews and Muslims both agree on to be bad has got to be pretty bad because those people are filthy fuckers themselves.
Agreed that they are filthy people (((Yahweh))), but combined, even adding the retarded parts of Christianity that don't eat pork, you're talking maybe up to 1/6 of the world's population. The rest of us like eating pork. Get with the times, shitlord.