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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.36 MB, 3309x3309, fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130950 No.11130950 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to listen to /ck/ and fall for the keto meme
>1 week in
>already feel like someone is trying to pierce my heart
thanks, cunts

>> No.11130955

sounds like a personal problem anon. that's not a symptom of keto flu.

>> No.11130956

I bet all your eating is bacon and cheese lmao

>> No.11130959

>doing keto
Are you going to go Gluten Free, too?

>> No.11130964

>decide to listen to /ck/ and fall for the vegan meme
>1 week in
>my wife left me, my dog died, and I got a flat tire on the freeway
thanks, cunts

>> No.11130968

Lol just got on the internet grandpa? pescevegetarian is where the diabetic boomers are at now.

>> No.11130971

SEETHING ketards

>> No.11130975

>eating f*sh
miss me with that gay shit

>> No.11130976

>decide to listen to /ck/ and fall for the keto meme
>1 week in
>bf caught me with his bull and stabbed me in the heart
thanks, cunts

>> No.11130980

Its called laughter, vegan. Use better bait next time you feel like trolling.

>> No.11130987

>if you dont consume copious amounts of fat like a pig, you must be a vegan
this is your mind of coconut oil

>> No.11130995

its just a angry poltard or r9ker who found their way to /ck/. Ignore baiters

>> No.11131029

/pol/yps and /r9k/ human waste are exactly the brainlet dumbfucks that would fall for the >muh fat keto meme, my dude

>> No.11131039

you fell for another eliminate carbs diet... you didn't get lit up by a firing squad. shut the fuck up.

>> No.11131190

ITT: Fat fucks

>> No.11131201

Heart palpitations are normal during keto flu. Also take your electrolytes. This is keto 101 bro.

Never gonna make it.

>> No.11131234

>take your electrolytes
just say "drink water" you annoying fucking prick

>> No.11131601


>> No.11131605

Do you think water alone contains electrolytes?

>> No.11131608

Why do you think water conducts electricity?

>> No.11131612

yes, you fucking mongrel

>> No.11131614
File: 52 KB, 1024x1024, 0D2D48CD-718D-43D5-B126-6D2E7E27C0A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gatorade conducts electricity better

>> No.11131620
File: 2.88 MB, 479x255, bulge 'ed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think that electrolytes are the only form of energy and that all food has no nutritional value therefore you HAVE to drink gud gud yummy gatorade every second?

>> No.11131636

Electrolyte imbalance. Sounds like mild hypokalemia (potassium deficiency). I know you're not eating vegetables. Anyway, here's how to fix that: 1. Drink more water. 2. Eat an avocado, some spinach, pumpkin seeds or dark chocolate. Alternately, you can keep eating like shit and sprinkle a little potassium chloride salt substitute on your meat and cheese.

I think 50% of people would die outright of malnutrition if the government didn't force food manufacturers to fortify shitty processed food with vitamins.

>> No.11131644

It doesn't contain anywhere near enough.

>i'm having seizures, palpitations, and feel like shit, could be hyponatremia

>> No.11131660

>do you think that electrolytes are the only form of energy
Nope. Because I'm not a fucking idiot, I am aware that they're not a form of energy at all.

>>that all food has no nutritional value therefore you HAVE to drink gud gud yummy gatorade every second?
What does nutrition have to do with electrolytes? Why are you conflating two totally unrelated things?

>> No.11131670
File: 7 KB, 193x261, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, i don't know why everyone didn't die of hyponatremia before gatorade was invented, and now were suddenly at risk?

>> No.11131693

So mix a teaspoon of salt into a fucking glass of water. I don't think OP has hyponatremia. I mean, maybe he does, but I would have expected major complaints to have been thirst or headaches. Heart arrhythmia point to potassium.

>> No.11131752

Jesus Christ. I just noticed the OP picture even has pumpkin seeds sprinkled under the big gay avocados. Troll or retard? Why is it so hard to tell sometimes? Is it because everyone is an asshole or because there are so many morons?

>> No.11131780

Heart pain is not what heart palpitations are

>> No.11131793

This, they're more of a fluttering sensation than a feeling of pain. You really should consult a doctor sharpish.

>> No.11132062

is keto THE brainlet diet?

>> No.11132139

Cutting out sugar is like stopping cocaine suddenly
I'm about two months in and I feel great. Keep going

>> No.11132168

Eat only raw meat. Preferably grassfed. Its the primal diet. Will heal all illnesses.

>> No.11132177

>nobody had issues with mineral/electrolyte intake before the modern era
lol @ this millennial I bet he thinks vitamin fortification is poison too

>> No.11132267

Op I tried high fat and ended up in hospital with hipokaliemia as this guy said. If you feel like eating a banana eat a fucking banana.

>> No.11132277


>> No.11132702

Whst is it about keto that triggers the autistic fat spergs on this board so much?
Are you fatties just SEETHING that people are losing weight and feeling great in general and you know you can never do it cos you arent able to drop the snickers for a day?

>> No.11132826

Because it's fake for profit shit by literal snake oil salesman. The nips have had a diet based around rice and noodles for centuries and have the highest life expectancy of any country. Mediteranean countries too. You got suckered by a carnival barker and just like the evangelical who knows their fairytale is bs, has to keep shilling it.

>> No.11133418

Don't do this.

>> No.11134958

Damn, big EVOO trying to bring da man down!

>> No.11136149

Alright, is anyone else not shitting? I'm eating ~1000-1100 calories per day, about 18g of fiber, no dairy, and I only shit every other day, and when I do shit, it's only like small droppings.

>> No.11136763

completely the other way for me, started keto like week-two ago and im shitting just water and sometimes 3-4 times a day.
Feels great tho, im saving on toilet paper, just 2 wipes and my ass is completely clean

>> No.11137429


>> No.11137525

>cutting out complex carbs

kek... KEK

>> No.11137544

why can't people just eat properly jesus christ.
if people want to lose weight so much, how about just not eat a day once a week, and watch your calories rest of the time?

>> No.11138048

Keto works way better than hypocaloric diet for many reasons

>> No.11138152

>bff caught me with his bull

>> No.11139872

Absolute pleb, out of this board

>> No.11140752

>not eat a day once a week
Fasting is ketogenic like the meme keto diets, anon. Why not be such a faggot and only be in ketosis one day a week when you can be a chad and stay in ketosis sll the time.

>> No.11140764

Why not faggot?

>> No.11140767

M-muh toxins are COMPLEX mom!

>> No.11140778
File: 33 KB, 376x500, Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to the geniuses on /ck/ ...
c'mon, dude.

>> No.11141337

Yes the first week of keto can be challenging, like purging a drug addiction.

>complex carbs

You mean "sugar", sweetie

>> No.11141347

>all carbs are "sugar"
This is why you don't listen to these retards.

>> No.11141355

Carbs are either sugar or starch, which is just a long sugar chain. Educate yourself, carbtard.

>> No.11141386

Or fiber or cellulose. Whoops, forgot a couple didn't you, you fucking retard? And only an idiot is going to claim they interact with the body the same way.

Can't wait for you to die young for your ignorance.

>> No.11141394
File: 78 KB, 724x738, 1484482231061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a fuck about indigestible shit

>> No.11141784
File: 20 KB, 510x419, 1534080566964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying on the internet, OP..
The moment you resort to lies to prove a belief, is the moment you really should stop and think for a second that maybe, just maybe, your beliefs are complete and utter nonsense?

>> No.11141794
File: 33 KB, 641x729, carb boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody said anything about "all carbs", carblet.

>> No.11142806

>becoming obese enough that you need to go on keto
stop projecting anon some of us have self control

>> No.11142933

What kind of a stupid fuck butchers their salmon like that? Makes me fucking mad.

>> No.11142972

If you need to lose weight you should just fast.

>> No.11143094

You might be low on sodium/electrolites.

>> No.11144641

A real great way to get your electrolytes and avoid cramps is Knorr bullion. Packed with Potassium and Sodium Chloride and tastes AWESOME. If you get it in the Spanish section of the market it is over half priced. Drink a coffee cup of that a day and it'll set your right.
Also start drinking mineral water like Pelligrino.

>> No.11145578 [DELETED] 

cuz i like eating big, carb-heavy meals. not a fat fuck, i actually do cardio so i eat a lot everyday.

>> No.11145604

because i like eating healthy, tasty and big meals without having to take a single supplement or having to pay any attention to what i'm eating or having to make a post on leddit or here asking for help.

also because i am not a fat fuck and see no reason to be in ketosis all the time.

>> No.11145626

Keto diet=bad
Sun-gazing diet=good

>> No.11145665

What if I told you being in ketosis would stop that sleepiness in the morning and middle of the day?

>> No.11145697

i sleep regularly and don't feel any sleepiness. probably it's so minor that i can easily ignore it.

>> No.11147221

Keto is God’s Own diet.

>> No.11149417

So you can have some carbs on keto?

>> No.11149708

You might want to take a potassium supplement. The first couple of weeks while your body is adjusting, your electrolyte levels can drop way low. Low potassium causes heart problems, including but not limited to tachycardia. I had to deal with that.

You can either use "salt substitute" (which is potassium chloride, instead of normal salt which is sodium chloride), or can buy potassium gluconate tablets.

If it's bad and you can't find either, you can eat a banana and just worry about getting back into ketosis later. Better to drop out for a couple of days than to end up in the hospital.

Be warned, DO NOT OVERDO potassium supplements. Too much of the stuff WILL kill you. They use it in executions to stop the heart.

>> No.11149712

>potassium supplement

Lol nice DIEt, shitheads

>> No.11149741

Up to 20g per day, typically; sometimes up to 50g if you have a superawesome metabolism. Most people don't have a superawesome metabolism, so stick with 20g or less unless you buy test equipment.

>> No.11150302

its not for retards, retard
if u cant listen to ur body theres no fucking point unless you're supervised by a professional

>> No.11150326

>mainly fat based
>any carb thats not directly sugar
gee, sure is hard to keto
watch what you eat you... fuck.

>> No.11150704

>Ketard using vegan as an insult
>Retard calling a higher functioning retard retarded
What? You're terrible at trying to be funny, please stop and never post again