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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11128031 No.11128031 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be starting college in a week. I'm a little tight on cash and I want to save money on food. I know enough about cooking get by.

Do you guys have any tips on cheap foods I can buy or meals I can make? I'd like to have a somewhat nutritional diet but it doesn't have to be perfect. Ideally I'd like to spend maximum €10 on food for 5 days but I can go a little over if necessary.

Any tips?

>> No.11128052

Whatever is cheapest is going to ary a lot based on where you live. I don't know much about shopping in Euroville but here in the states it's hard to beat rice and beans for cheap wholesome nutrition. See if you can get your hands on some kind of cured pork product to flavor them with, like some bacon, a chunk of ham, ham bone, etc.

>> No.11128067

When are you going to learn frogposters only post bait threads for Yous then abandon it immediately

>> No.11128076

What kind of beans would you recommend? I have to I literally never eat beans.

>> No.11128090

you can buy 10 lb bags of rice or beans at some places. idk what to tell you if youve never eaten beans.
also big bags of that thin pasta noddles are at almost all markets. that and bullion cubes make an ok meal.

>> No.11128098


idl call me a faggot or somthing i dont reall care but they are not bad suggestions

>> No.11128108

you can literally buy 15lbs of hamburger and eat burgers every day no problem

>cucumber sandwiches

>> No.11128128

@mods can we make a sticky of some guides for beginners shit please

>> No.11128173

I've heard a lot of people in your situation turn to ramen, OP
Mug brownies are a nice treat, you can goggle a recipe for those

>> No.11128182

15 lbs of ground beef = 65 to 90 bux

>> No.11128192

Lmao this has been bitched about for years, it will never happen nor should it

>> No.11128336


>> No.11128338

rice, beans, tortillas, ground beef.
cheap af

>> No.11128346

Just live on pasta/rice, cheap tomato sauce and cheap mince lol.

>> No.11128348

Chicken, rice, beans, frozen veggies, oatmeal, eggs, tortillas, hot suace

Pretty much lived off if this for 2 years in college. Less than $50 a week

>> No.11128362
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Similar to OP, but I'm moving out on 95k.
What should I get to spruce up my soon to be kitchen?

>> No.11128395

maybe at whole foods

>> No.11128420

>€60 a month
Depends on country but that's pretty tight. If you're fine with rice and bean, chapati and beans, and bean soup taking up a significant portion of your diet it's doable. I'd suggest taking like 40 euro from your booze budget and shifting it to food though, for 100 euro a month you can get minced meat, stew meat and some cheaper cheeses in your diet.

>> No.11128480
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>join as MANY CLUBS as you can!
>Jap Culture club, comp sci club,ROTC anything! Because every few weeks they are bound to have free food for some kinda of event\party\soc thing, etc.

>Sec learn to grill out, chicken bbq, burger anything, you just need a grill. Go to the local park if you have to if someone complains.

>Lastly potatoes, there cheap healthy and you can't really mess them up

>Avoid candy, soda, mcD's etc,

Best Wishes

>> No.11128524

Prowl the coupons, I don't know if they do this in Europe but a lot of US grocery stores have cards you can load coupons on online and you can get some pretty good deals. I have been making some good bread for 80 cents a loaf because of these.
Black beans and rice cooked in bullion stock is pretty cheap and tasty. In the US at least, Chinese groceries are really cheap and they sell scratch and dent produce for next to nothing.

>> No.11128574

get the mcdonalds app, fry and a burg for $1

>> No.11128578

How do people have no money in college?

>> No.11128620

College is expensive and you're not working full time if you're working at all.

>> No.11128630

Why not just live at home?

>> No.11128690

Not everybody has a decent college nearby. I stayed home for my first two years for an associate's but had to move for the bachelor's and money is tight now. It's rice and bean time now, the days of mom and pop's fridge are over.

>> No.11128713

It's a hard time now, average food prices are certainly more expensive than when I went to college only 8 years ago and that was at the height of all that recession shit.

>> No.11128770

>College is expensive
but college students can afford $1,000 phones, $3000 laptops, going out every weekend, new clothes, eating out every other day...etc

the poor college student is a trope and everyone posts here to feel included. literally no one follows the beans and rice meme advice after their first week of college.

>> No.11128786

t. broke ass blue collar brute who thinks you don't need a computer in college

I spent $1200 on a laptop my last month in the workforce before going to school, and it was money well spent

>> No.11128800

Those kids are either living off daddy's money or paying for that shit with loans and credit cards. There are many students I have met that are borrowing money for the most retarded shit and it will bite them in the ass six months after they get out. The beans and rice meme is for people who didn't start wealthy and aren't retarded enough to borrow fun and luxury. We are doing without now to avoid loans.

>> No.11128808

>t. broke ass blue collar brute who thinks you don't need a computer in college
a laptop costs less than $300 and I graduated years ago

>> No.11128819

For the love of fucking GOD can we please get a fucking sticky for this shit!!!! every fucking day like 4 threads about the same shit

>> No.11128836

$300? What the fuck does that even get you, some Amazon special loaded up with spyware that can barely connect to the internet without forcing you to watch 10 minutes of ads?

Imagine being jealous over a $1000 laptop.

>> No.11128840

a thinkpad
hi teenager

>> No.11128862

Ok, I just looked. A celeron with barely enough RAM to boot into Windows is now $300. When I was in school Thinkpads were high end machines, and in any case I wouldn't send any child into school in this day and age without a decent computer that could last the next 4 years. Stay broke, poor brute.

>> No.11128881

>Stay broke, poor brute.
this entire thread is about surviving college while broke

>> No.11128885

Not the same guy, but Newegg has refurbished for 200 to 1,500 stop being retarded you don't need a gaming system for college unless you are doing some shit like graphic design. Shit I just paid 250 for a i7 with 8g ram for my solidworks program

>> No.11128887

>but college students can afford $1,000 phones, $3000 laptops, going out every weekend, new clothes, eating out every other day...etc

That's a very weak generalisation. I've had the same phone for two years and it cost me $150. My laptop is secondhand and 5 years old which cost $300. I can only drink 3-4 beers when I go out (and I rarely do) and all my clothes are non brand stuff I buy once a year maybe.

There are some of us truly struggling.

>> No.11128900

so if you're used to poverty why do you need to be told how to survive all over again?

>> No.11128909

And a good way to not survive college when broke is to spend your money in stupid ways, like a bottom of the barrel laptop that will need replacement or upgrade well before graduating. It's called the "poor people tax", buying cheap shit that breaks, or paying fines over and over, or paying more for worse shit. To an extent that's unavoidable, but if you have the money for a decent laptop it's a much smarter choice than buying a $300 POS

>> No.11128916

So in other words, more than I recommended spending
>gaming system
Having a monitor large enough to see what you're typing is not a "gaming system", now you're just projecting. Maybe go shoot up a video game tournament, everything revolves around muh games

>> No.11128919

I built my desktop for 350$ and it will run circles around your laptop piece of shit

>> No.11128921

keep telling yourself that buying a $1200 social media machine is better than knowing basic skills to replace parts in a $300 Thinkpad
have fun the deluded monkey tax when your MacBook breaks and you can't afford to get it repaired

>> No.11128924

>muh rig
>muh blue LEDs
>muh heatsinks
Good luck with that when your roommate is making an unholy racket and you need to find a quiet place to write your paper

>> No.11128925

I'm not used to poverty. I have two spoiled shithead brothers in college as well and my parents are too nice.

>> No.11128927

This guy gets it

>> No.11128931

>he lives with a roommate
what happened big spender?

>> No.11128937

Facebook didn't even exist until my 3rd year in school, brainlet

And actually my iBook still runs fine, I open it every year and plan to back all that shit up, but then I get sucked into a pit of looking through all my old papers, and then have to go do something else

>> No.11128940

You could tell him to be quiet like a civilized person

>> No.11128942

oh cool your parents have sent two other children to college and even you acknowledge them as spoiled
thanks for confirming you're just another dumb fuck Redditor larping as someone who plans on cooking and living frugally in college
enjoy eating out every night

>> No.11128944

Who said anything about "big spender"? You're the one insinuating that paying for a normal priced computer is some kind of exclusive luxury for billionaires. As a former normal broke student, I'm explaining to you how reality is.

>> No.11128951

the iBook wasn't even close to $1200, wasn't close to one of the best laptops on the market at the time, and didn't come with apple support

you just confirmed you bought it because it was shiny and expensive

>> No.11128953

My roommate at the time didn't understand quiet, he thought he was being quiet when he was making weird autistic squealing noises surfing the internet. It was easier just to leave and go to the library, which I could do because I had a working laptop that I could depend on, and not a ridiculous water cooled "gaming rig"

>> No.11128959

>Dude lmao this guys a fucking loser because he prefers to work in the dorm that he pays for instead of sitting in a library

>> No.11128960

Alright that's good shitposting. Good job Anon.

>> No.11128965

You are a idiot. Read my post. Before you get all butt hurt. I have three kids work 50 he's a week and I am in college. Like I just said I spent 250$ on a laptop to run solidworks you don't need to spend more. Yes it is used but who gives a fuck. I'm doing this so I can afford nice shit in the future. I get up at 4 in the morning to work. don't get out of class until 8:45pm three days a week.

>> No.11128975

>the iBook wasn't even close to $1200
Why are you pretending to know what stuff cost when you obviously don't. Same goes for "didn't come with support", I have no idea what that means in your head, but it's not true.

And I bought it because it was one of the more affordable decent laptops at the time.

>> No.11128976

calling something a shitpost is a poor attempt to disengage from a conversation because you realize what I said was true. you aren't poor or close to it. your parents have sent two other children to college and you think they're spoiled. you get plenty of support and you just want to, for whatever reason, play the part of the frugal college student trying to make ends meet because adulting is so hard

fuck you

>> No.11128982

>writes like a coal mining brute
>somehow got into college
This kind of nonsense is why college is getting a bad name

>> No.11128984

the iBook was $1800

>> No.11128989

You're getting multiple posters confused at this point, anon-kun. Take a break from the internet, you're going to have a heart attack at this rate.

>> No.11128990

You are dumb as shit. When I started school 3 years ago I bought a refurbished Thinkpad T440 on ebay for ~$300. I installed linux the day it arrived and have had literally 0 problems with the hardware since. It's still the only computer that I own and use. Take your misinformed ass somewhere else.

>> No.11129001

this board is infested with toddlers and women there's no use explaining opportunity cost

>> No.11129021

Idiot. There were multiple generations of iBook each of which came in different sizes, and in different specs. You can easily google the old prices. The pathetic thing is you probably think of yourself as "tech savvy" because muh brands, muh brands, muh thinkpad, muh greasy cum-stained thinkpad, and you're so smug in your sense of superiority that you "know what an iBook cost".

This isn't even a fun thing to argue about because you're objectively, provably wrong, about something that isn't even worth pretending otherwise. I'm leaving you now to your shitposting because you're clearly more interested in just filling out captchas than even having a fun argument about stuff that's actually debatable, like "what should a computer cost" or something like that. Moron.

>> No.11129029


>> No.11129099

Nah gb is 3-4 dollars per pound everywhere asshole

>> No.11129109


>> No.11129256

>15 * 3 is 90
Thanks for your insight ameritard

>> No.11129263

>college is unfair I left with $80k of loans

You do know people can take out loans and borrow money right?

>> No.11129268

I spent $200 for 8gb ram, 4th Gen i5, 128gb ssf, and HD screen thinkpad t440 you retarded brain dead consumerist who thinks you need a $1200 computer to go on Facebook and maybe write your "hello world" tier programs

>> No.11129270

none of your posts has any relation to the fact that college students pretend to be fiscally responsible but aren't actually. OP is the only one that said college was expensive and later revealed, as I said, that he spends all his money on electronics, clothes, and that his family was wealthy anyway

your post reads like a schizo

>> No.11129276
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>I can't wear rubber
>has 3 kids before getting a bachelor's and getting his life together
>thinks he's in the postion to be a life coach

>> No.11129286

I was pointing out that you don't need to work or have rich parents to waste money. I also called to attention leaving school in debt since people like to take out loans, waste money on frivolous things, and then bitch later in life its not fair being in so much debt. I'm sorry you lack reading comprehension.

>> No.11129330

Just plan out what you're going to eat. Prices where you are might vary but if I had about that much in dollars (~$12) and absolutely no food in the house I'd buy a box of cheapass cereal (~$2), a loaf of bread (~$1), a small block of cheese ($3), a pack of rice ($2), and either a pack of hot dogs or a tin of SPAM ($2), and some kind of fruit ($2). Get coupons if you can.

You wouldn't want to live on this forever, and you'll be wanting to watch for organizations offering free food at their intro meetings, but if you only have €10 for this week it'll get you through.

>> No.11129347

Alternate take is to drop the block of cheese, and replace it with sliced or shredded cheese (probably a bit cheaper but you get less) and use the savings on some frozen vegetables. Peas or broccoli are good choices. You can also substitute the rice for potatoes, but that might cost you more money rather than less.

>> No.11129358

...Is that a real accent?

>> No.11129404

We had a $10 for a week thread recently, it's got some good lists from all over

>> No.11129460

Your trust fund is showing, fag

>> No.11130250

Pasta dishes are great bechoice
use they can be healthy, cheap, easy to make a filling.

I'd recommend checking out authentic italian recipes as a lot are cheap to make as they tend to stick to fewer ingredients

>> No.11130905

So you aren't poor, like we know. Just like we know you won't be eating beans and rice for 10 months, or being poor at all really.

>> No.11130951

Apples, rice, carrots, pork shoulder, onions, garlic, beans, eggs, flour.

>> No.11131021

I was going to post this vid to. It's actually a solid budget meal plan.

Yes you can also get the cheapest meats off the rack and live exclusively on that, or eat a ton of processed low income fill. But this is actually a reasonably balanced, mostly natural, diet that wouldn't leave you feeling like shit all month.

>> No.11131114

That's a great budget selection. Pork shoulder is the best low income cute of meat. Skip chicken, too much antibiotics

>> No.11131131

I am an expert at saving money. But specific tips take time. Just don't spend money if you do not NEED something.

Oven mitts? Unnecessary
Toilet paper alternatives exist or just steal it from public places, and the same goes for lightbulbs and anything else people leave lying around. Toilet paper is like 10 bucks a bag, same for bulb packs. Big savings there.

>> No.11131144

I like your style

>> No.11131176
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Garbage bags are also easily pilfered. Do not get a girlfriend or a car, they cost too much. I use empty food containers to store all my stuff rather than buying jars and such. I save money on milk by not buying it. You can buy milk tea instead it is cheaper. All non milk I consume, the remnant of tea at the bottom when it is cold gets poured in a jug and with this I make my own iced tea by adding lemon juice and sugar. I own very few utensil and tableware. Bread is easily obtained out by bakery dumpsters.

I will keep pondering the things I do. I do not keep a list.

>> No.11131183

It's like you don't understand that money is finite. People typically allocate resources to different priorities.
Just because someone can afford a $1000 comp doesn't mean they also have tons of money for food. A lot of programs at uni need kickass computers. I literally failed assignments over a subpar second hand laptop that couldn't run necissary programs. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet, not leaving you flush with cash for food.

Also, sometimes people can afford to eat better or buy better things but they just want to save money. I have plenty in the bank but I am still living that budget life while I am in school. Some day I would like to own a house. And honestly it's kinda fun trying to figure out how to pinch pennies

>> No.11131194
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oh yes and cancel your netflix subscription and any other subscription to stupid stuff you have, everything you need is free on the internet.

>> No.11131207


>> No.11131269

>Do not get a girlfriend or a car, they cost too much

Unironically good advice.

>> No.11131282

Literally saved me enough to buy a car, which I didn't buy, and instead spent the money on nothing.

Also medical insurance is a jewish trick, just never get sick, that's way cheaper.

>> No.11132198
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Well it's not just the financial cost of females you have to worry about, they are devastating emotionally as well. It's best to remain a hermit and eschew humanity.

>> No.11132958

In my uni halls I didn't have to clean shit. Cleaners cleaned the kitchen. They emptied my bin I didn't even have to take that trash out. My hall has some robot vacuum that cleaned the rooms for everyone. Shit was so goddamn great. It costs thousands to replicate that service.

Living out sucks ass get back in the halls as soon as you can.

>> No.11133071

>ground beef
ground pork is a lot cheaper and full of flavor. Much more fat though, more calories for your money as a result. Go beef if you can afford it though

>> No.11134787

black beans have the best flavor.
lentils are probably more of an acquired taste for people but are very nutritious.
kidney beans are good in soup/chili.

overall i find black beans to be the best and most versatile. you can buy them dry in bulk for super cheap. canned is more convenient and also still pretty cheap.

>> No.11136307

20 pound bags of both where I live. Ridiculously cheap.