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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 487 KB, 800x518, coffee_vs_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11109100 No.11109100 [Reply] [Original]

Tea or coffee?

>> No.11109130

Tea in the morning. Coffee at night.

>> No.11109150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11109151

What the fuck

>> No.11109229
File: 2.37 MB, 4608x2592, DSC01933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still on the fence as to which I should drink. I think it's an either or question. One should not drink both tea and coffee.

Tea is the more refined drink with greater variety. From vegetal senchas to feremented pu'er, infused tea's like earl gray. There's something for everyone.

It can be prepared with a traditional gaiwan or kyusu, it can be drunk with milk like the English do with afternoon tea and served with light pastries and sandwiches. You can have mint tea, or cadamom tea like middle easterners make. It's all very good in it's own way.

Green tea/oolong is also quite good for getting tea drunk. You get a pleasant sense of calm and alertness, which makes it conducive for meditating or thinking.

Coffee on the other hand really gives you an energy boost. Many famous composers and thinkers of old europe would drink as many as 10-20 cups of coffee a day. My favorite is pour over, but equally good for breakfast with some steamed milk, like a cappucino or wiener melange.

I just find my caffeine level tolerance rising if I drink a lot of coffee. Also it has a negative impact on body odor, making it a bit sour. It is the more "western" drink by far so I like the idea of drinking it for that reason. It also pairs much better than tea does with pastries/sweets. But nonetheless both are good.

>> No.11109344

two scoops of cheapo instant coffee with unsweetened almond juice

>> No.11109354
File: 125 KB, 1876x1784, 1531335478866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate is alright, it's just messy and very niche.

>> No.11109364 [DELETED] 

Anybody else bothered by the fact that you can see the person taking the pictures reflection in the tea? This looks like it's supposed to be a professional photo.

>> No.11109399

Tea first to bring you gently out of the post sleep fuzz, then coffee an hour or so later.

>> No.11109481


>> No.11109487

Caffeine fucks up my system, I start everyday with a glass of cold or warm soy milk. I suggest other people try the same!

>> No.11109504
File: 427 KB, 989x989, rooibos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11109622

>tfw Argentina
mate is overrated but pretty damn good nonetheless.

>> No.11109714

>Black Tea: Broke
>Green Tea: Joke
>White Tea: Woke

>> No.11110097

Brewed hibiscus is got-tier in summer.

>> No.11110159

>Many famous composers and thinkers of old europe would drink as many as 10-20 cups of coffee a day.
How big were the cups and how strong was the coffee though?

>> No.11110162

I'm all about tea
Roobios chai
Whatever the hell kombucha is
It's all good man

>> No.11110173

coffee, but I want to give tea a try since I gave coffee a try and liked it.

Never liked green tea

>> No.11110202

Coffee ruins your gut bacteria

>> No.11110215

that thing in your image isn't coffee.

>> No.11110242

Coffee in the morning so I can guarantee a solid shit before I bike off to work. Tea when I have an upset tummy or already drank coffee for that day

>> No.11110247

usually coffee in the morning and then tea in the after noon

>> No.11110296

Sweetened coffee: decent
Unsweetened coffee: perfection

Sweetened tea: digusting
Unsweetened tea: slightly less disgusting but still bad

>> No.11110321

tea doesnt help me shit

>> No.11110500

What are you drinking?

>> No.11110594

Gween tea

>> No.11110610


>> No.11110764

Doctors suggested me rooibos because I found out I'm intollerant to caffeine, tried one cup and switched back to green tea, like, diarrhea is better than this shit

>> No.11111102

Why do we have e-rp retards trying to act cute?

>> No.11111103


>> No.11111122


>> No.11111168


>> No.11112014

complaining on an imageboard for discussing manga and anime...

>> No.11112083

coffee and mate both have caffeine but coffe is more stronger while mate have also the relaxing effect of tea

>> No.11112136
File: 32 KB, 700x700, imgrc0066810662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both. Sometimes together. Lately I've been leaning towards coffee.

>> No.11112163

Thought it was for discussing food and cooking?

>> No.11112173

I need coffee in the morning to poop, but I like green tea with orange and spice

>> No.11112221

I'm about 80% sure you oversteeped every green tea you ever drank.

>> No.11112224


>> No.11112230


>> No.11112320

I put coffee in mate

>> No.11112340


>> No.11112514

Tea belongs in the sea
The Boston harbor to be exact

>> No.11112753

Drink a cup of coffee in the morning to wake up

Drink tea throughout the day to stay awake without getting jitters or having to take a shit every five seconds

>> No.11112757

Both at the same time.
I like variety.

>> No.11112782

I love plain rooibos and I love every stupid crazy flavour rooibos. Apple pie? cake? caramel bits? gimme dat shit

>> No.11112804

Porque no los dos?

>> No.11113310

there are three things which people drink that I am 100000% certain are a larp just used for social brownie points:

tea, coffee, beer. they all taste like shit no matter how they're brewed or where the leaves/beans are sourced from. literally just hot bitter water that makes your face scrunch up after each sip but you gotta convince yourself you like it cause you bought that $600 tea kit on amazon to show your buds on discord and 4chin

>> No.11113330

this is a 18+ website

>> No.11113334

I drink both. If you're in need of caffeine coffee's the goto. If you just want something to sip on other than water, I go for black tea sans sugar.

>> No.11113401

>waaah, this tastes like shit
>waaah where are my artificially tasting sweetened as fuck drinks?

>> No.11113524

Either underaged or sugar addicted fatty, which one is it, bud?

>> No.11113554

I'm not even reading this clusterfuck of a thread, I just wanted to point out what a desperate stab in the dark this post is. Look at your own words and cringe. This is a bad post and you should feel bad.

>> No.11113598
File: 63 KB, 309x333, 1533411589920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically saying cringe
>white knighting soda addicts

>> No.11113619
File: 353 KB, 444x354, 1531706279932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, are you actually getting mad at people on a Korean tea website? You should probably take some time to rethink your life

>> No.11113633

korean tea is objectively amazing
drink it to get juiced
a cold pbr is awesome when i'm thirsty

>> No.11113736

mate is garbage. At its best, its like a shitty, oversteeped green tea.

>> No.11113892
File: 41 KB, 1000x867, coffee-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer coffee.