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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11110973 No.11110973 [Reply] [Original]

OP just got off work, I hope you're hungry anons because we're cooking

>> No.11110978

The menu for tonight: Salmon baked in lemon juice with a side of Velveeta shells and cheese.

>> No.11110988
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Butter is in, didn't bother measuring it, we'll say 2 tablespoons

>> No.11110996


>> No.11111010
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Lemon juice is in, I went ahead and put the fish in the oven but forgot to take a picture of the seasoning I added, it's tiger seasoning, off white powder that I add to nearly every meat I cook

>> No.11111014

Why not canned ravioli? That salmon is looking mal, man.

>> No.11111022
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And now the side dish

>> No.11111031

I'll be cooking up something more interesting in about 20 hours

>> No.11111037

Jesus fucking christ OP KYS you have nice salmon way to ruin it with this garbage side dish

>> No.11111038

You're gonna crucify me when you see what I do with the leftover juices anon

>> No.11111044
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Gonna add some salt and bring it to a boil, there will be some down time while we wait for that

>> No.11111093
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Now to cook the noodles

>> No.11111099
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>with a side of Velveeta shells and cheese

>> No.11111108

Well anon since you did get dubs should I make a baked potato too?

>> No.11111115

nah, just stick with the shells, you fucking faggot

>> No.11111130 [DELETED] 

OP post feminine penis pls.

>> No.11111131

I'm sorry I can't be as good a cook as dinotendies

>> No.11111140

Are feet good enough?

>> No.11111154
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Doing this makes the cheese softer and easier to adhere to the pasta when stirring

>> No.11111166

>nice salmon
nice oxymoron

>> No.11111177

Are you going to mix it with milk to make a nice drink

>> No.11111221
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Shells done!

>> No.11111227

I like the way you think anon but not quite

>> No.11111245
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Fish done!

>> No.11111255


>> No.11111260

Dude, eat all that Mac n cheese in one sitting. It's never good after that first time.

>> No.11111262
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Bomb Atlanta tease!

>> No.11111268

Disgusting. I've been here with you since the beginning, but I hate salmon. Please do Norwegian fish cakes next time... They are crispy

>> No.11111273

Not pictured: I poured the juices onto the plate to add flavor

>> No.11111279

Next time I'm making a chicken pot pie anon

>> No.11111460

shells and cheese is a good side dish for anything

>> No.11111502

I'm not even joking when I say that this looks good. I have done very similar things in the kitchen and they always turn out to be kinda trashy but really tasty.

>> No.11111514


>> No.11111607

So close to

>> No.11111611

would have been a better get, 2bh

>> No.11111648
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I just got home from my bartending shift. I ran to 7 Eleven and stocked up on Monterey jack toquitos and pierrier sparkling orange water I'm mixing with a nice polish vodka. I usually get blacked out within the hour. I should really stop doing this.

>> No.11111817

I know it's trash but I go by the guy fieri doctorine of slapping a bunch of tasty food together until it tastes even better than when it's separate

>> No.11111976
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Hello anons! Tonight i will be making angry potatoes. First, cook an onion real slow in a stick of butter. Yes a stick. I am adapting this from marcella hazan's renown sauce recipe.

>> No.11111982

Its early morning here, i will be drinking pbr 40's untill i black out and magically awake in bed covered in cats and sauce, with a wrecked kitchen.

>> No.11111997

I have ghee as well but for something cooked so slowly the butter solids add something to be desired. I wanted tikka masala tonight but burned through some of my spices and have been too drunk to drive to the market. i wish you all good food and good kitters until my return when the onions are prime, doing it right takes hours.

>> No.11112263

post update

>> No.11112273

next time use a bechamel instead of instant mac and cheese, throw some peas and shit in, gratinee it and you'd have a bomb-ass fish pie

>> No.11113089
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bón apeoh god i'm so alone