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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11106454 No.11106454 [Reply] [Original]

Keto-friendly dish thread?

>> No.11106458


>> No.11106468



>> No.11106471
File: 49 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop beating around the bush. Ascend back up the food chain to carnivory. Reclaim your status as an apex predator.

>> No.11106477

>carbage addicts
pls continue your horrifyingly slow suicide rituals elsewhere ty

>> No.11106478
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>> No.11106493

I'd prefer my slow suicide rituals compared to rapid faggot rituals.

>> No.11106499
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>> No.11106504

>vegans are faggots
>vegetarians are faggots
>carnivores are ...???
Your sugar addled brain clearly can't into logic

>> No.11106510
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>> No.11106532
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>> No.11106546

Why stop at the top? Eat anyone who disputes your claim, and build your castle from their bones.

>> No.11106551

farmers beat out hunters for a reason, dipshit

>> No.11106553

More like KetNO

>> No.11106554

they bred slower, fatter meat

>> No.11106559
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>> No.11106682


>> No.11106884

Just look up how to get kidney failure. There's cheaper and much more fun ways

>> No.11106891

for me, it's alcohol abuse. the best way to destroy my kidneys and liver

>> No.11106895
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>> No.11106908

Neanderthals were beat due to superior numbers, and hunter gatherers were beat due to superior numbers. The name of the game is Zerging the opposition, which means one day niggers will overrun everything and all will return to dust. All because you wanted macaroni and cheese.

>> No.11106936

why is this so erotic looking

>> No.11106949

Nothing's sexier than measles

>> No.11106976
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Fuck guys, idk about yall but Keto food is nice. What's wrong about wanting to eat cream cheese every day?

>> No.11107801

It wasn't just due to superior numbers. Numbers still matter to a point but developing technology means it's not all that matters.

>> No.11108056

homo sapiens didnt have any significant tech advantage over neanderthals though

>> No.11108136

Lettuce wrapped cheeseburger is prime Keto Cuisine.

>> No.11108279

>amerikansk smak
>american taste

>> No.11108484

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11109393

Not exactly. The technology was the same but Homo sapiens were able to throw spears better than Neanderthals could.

>> No.11109860

its not prime cuisine of any form or fashion, only only the carb-deprived brain of a ketonigger could possibly hallucinate such a thing.

>> No.11109880

that's some greasy-ass soup

>> No.11109893
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>only only

Jesus Christ get your carb-addled brain checked out before it's too late

>> No.11109927


Why don't you just fast like a normal human being and stop shoving fat down your throat you fat fuck.

>> No.11109939

ketofags are too weak willed and womanly to fast like a real man.

>> No.11109962

Also faggots
Humans are omnivores and going to either extreme is retarded.

>> No.11110076
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>he doesn't OMAD keto

>> No.11111117

>> Keto thread
>> pics of food with way too much protein to maintain keto

Just give it up already and admit that you are on a half assed slow carb diet and leave the Keto conversations to the OCD fuckers who actually track their macros and pee on sticks three times a day.

>> No.11111511

cream cheese has carbs, it aint keto

>> No.11111520

>Humans are omnivores
yeah, which means we eat plants and animals
keto (should be) a mostly plant-based diet with animal fats and proteins as secondaries
If you are doing keto and eating mostly animal products you are doing it wrong

>> No.11111534

you know that keto isn't "zero carb" right?

>> No.11111539

I OMAD keto and it's working a charm. Now if only I could curb my vodka consumption it'd work like fucking lightning

>> No.11111878
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>> No.11112269

ok, what is that

>> No.11112429
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Is there any reason why almond flour seems to be the popular replacement for regular flour?
Almond flour was sold out, so I bought coconut flour. I kinda like it, although it's far from actual "flour" of course. Can't use it for roux for example. Can you use almond flour for that? I assume you can't but that would be a good reason to get it.

>> No.11112437

looks like eggplant with a shitload of hardened coconut oil on top.. but that would be fucking gross.

>> No.11112442

It's cheese, retard.

>> No.11112448
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and you believe that yourself?

>> No.11112472

personally i think it's because almond is the most neutral flavour out of the replacement ones. and i think there are way less people that dislike almonds over say, coconut.

>> No.11112521

It's the most flour-like replacement thing there is, and as another mentioned, the taste is rather neutral.

Just because it's powered doesn't make it "flour", and that's the issue with most flour alternatives, just like mixing anything with water doesn't make it "milk".

Pretty meh. Try slicing each slice in olive oil, add some mozzarella in-between slices, dip in tomato sauce with fresh oregano and basil, and cover with parmigiano.

>> No.11112559

Deep fried zucchini? Might work

>> No.11112620

I've done fried zucchini for keto and it's really good. Just make sure you get small ones.

>> No.11112684

>Just because it's powered doesn't make it "flour"
In this case it actually does. The definition of flour isn't restricted to powdered grains. It's just the most common use.

>> No.11112704

What a retarded thing to take such staunch sides on. Why does the majority of 4chan have a mental illness?

>> No.11112707

>cocoa flour
>sugar flour
>paprika flour
>milk flour

Wait a minute, this isn't working as intended. Flour is generally used to describe shit that easily lumps together. A lot of flours don't provide this property at all, and that makes them shit flours.

Because that's what you use flour for.

>> No.11112718

Hey, I didn't make up the rules. I'm just stating them as they are.

>> No.11112720

why are ketofags so desperate to pretend to eat carbs? I thought they were so proud to be so ethical and virtuous? are they really like the baptists who only drink vodka because they think other people can't smell it on their breath?

>> No.11112723

That's precisely not what the rules are, that's how some people bend them to have you buy shit thinking it's something when it's something else.

Have you ever seen an almond with tits?

>> No.11112728

>so desperate to pretend to eat carbs
the point of keto is to eat mostly veggies and supplement with mostly fat and some protein
the fact that certain veggies do a pretty decent jof mimicking carb-laden foods is just a bonus

>> No.11112744

You can't eat zero carbs, even meat and cheese contain traces carbs. The objective of keto isn't to eat zero carb, that's near impossible and dangerous, it is to eat very little carbs, moderate amounts of protein, and tons of fat.

You just don't know what keto is.

>> No.11112779

This is a Zuchini gratin, sorry bout that guys. I went to sleep for the night. So Zuchini with onion between the slices, covered in cheese and cream and baked off.

>> No.11112790
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Jesus Christ, you dip, the definition of flour is literally a refined finely powder of the food. It's meaning comes down to "the best of the product". Look it up. Even the dictionary says it can be anything. It's also on the wikipedia page too, coconut and almond is listed as gluten free flour, not as "flour alternative".

What is it with you dimwits that you'll rather just lie (to yourself probably too) about knowing things and hang on to thise false beliefs than simply look it up and learn something. Fucking egotrippers in this place.

And what the fuck does the definition of flour have shit to do with defending keto you triggered imbecile. This place is just getting dumber with the day..

>> No.11112810

>Jesus Christ, you dip, the definition of flour is literally a refined finely powder of the food. It's meaning comes down to "the best of the product". Look it up. Even the dictionary says it can be anything. It's also on the wikipedia page too, coconut and almond is listed as gluten free flour, not as "flour alternative".
>the American language


You don't know shit about cooking, sorry I don't trust your very definition of "flour".

>> No.11112819

>>he thinks the term flour is unique to cooking

No son, it's common in industry too. Flour is nothing more than a product which has been ground into a fine powder. Whether or not it contains gluten or has thickening properties is entirely up to its chemical makeup not what particle size it has been processed into.

>> No.11112855


>> No.11113017

No it isnt

>> No.11113039

>try keto diet for one day
>having the worst intestinal pain of my life on the bus
>every moment this nigger slowly drives is absolute agony on my bowels
>finally get to the bus stop
>alternate between jogging and walking because it feels like i'm about to explode
>finally make it to the bathroom
>have the worst shit of my life
>toilet looks like an oil spill
never will i underestimate the importance of fiber

>> No.11113061

you can pepper to taste or just eat 'em dudes plain

>> No.11113083

My dude a very significant part of keto is that you're meant to eat a fuckton of fibrous vegetables

>> No.11113145

>Flour is by definition wheat flour. There is no other.
There's no hope for you. None.

>> No.11113192

I love 'm, but they leave me feeling as if I ate nothing. I get more satisfaction from a salad. It's weird.
Hmm.. never tried incorporating them into a salad. That could work.

>> No.11113286

They're great in salad, friend. Add some olives too and have a fuckin party.

>> No.11114038

keto simply means sufficiently low carb to get into ketosis. there's no requirement for vegetables of any kind. since it is easier to go into ketosis without vegetables you could make a better argument that vegetables are *not* keto.

>> No.11114224

With some stank ass cheese, sparing use of red onion, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, nigger toes or hazelnuts for a crunch. I'm hard.

>> No.11114354

But to be healthy you need veggies. And they won't take you out of ketosis so long as your overall carb intake is low enough. You'll feel like shit if all you eat is meat and cheese.

>> No.11114381

>But to be healthy you need veggies.
True, but irrelevant to the definition of ketosis.

>>And they won't take you out of ketosis so long as your overall carb intake is low enough.
Also correct. I think anon's point was that because many veggies do contain appreciable amounts of carbs it is easier to avoid them than not.

>> You'll feel like shit if all you eat is meat and cheese.
It is possible, though admittedly not all that easy, to get all your micros from a plant-free diet. Whether you feel shitty or not depends entirely on how well you track your micros. (No different from a Vegan diet, really). Any diet that restricts what types of foods you can consume has the potential to fuck over your micros, but can be overcome by careful choice of foods.

>> No.11114391


>> No.11114958

it's literally a thinkgeek april fools' item, it doesn't exist
there's no reason why it couldn't though, it'd basically be like anchovy paste but with bacon

>> No.11114963

eat more vegetables then you dipshit

>> No.11115152
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For me it's the keto McChicken

>> No.11115166

you can actually eat carbs and still be in ketosis
plenty of vegetables are still technically low in carbs despite being mostly carbs
you can eat like 5 servings of spinach and still be ketosis
ketosis is more about eating oils and proteins, not just avoiding carbs

>> No.11115173

>5 servings of spinach
enjoy your oxylate stones ketard

>> No.11115177

>not just avoiding carbs
no, keto is all about avoiding carbs. oil and protein are simply a hack to ingest calories without carbs.

>> No.11116118

>That one retard on a holy crusade against CICO shitting up all diet threads, despite it being proven to lose weight safely and quickly

>> No.11116780

>Neanderthals were beat due to superior numbers
No. Neanderthals were beaten because their lifestyle was much more individualistic and balanced to their ecosystem in comparison to later hominids. Homo Sapiens worked together to take what the wanted in every respect, mammoth hunts show this.

>> No.11116794

>that one simpleminded CICOfaggot who failed science in kindergarten

>> No.11116798

>keto is all about avoiding carbs
Incorrect.If you're going to spout off about your fad diet at least research it first.

>> No.11116824

how do you do keto while drinking? dumb fuck

>> No.11116833

>people still spamming that the point of keto is to eat tons of fat
>eat tons of fat instead of little to no carbs, moderate protein, moderate fat
>don't lose any weight because you're trading one glutton for another
the point of keto is to increase internal fat burning while using fat consumption to remain satiated
if you can already fast or do OMAD, you're better off just consuming your protein for the day and moving on

>> No.11116861

lol @ retarded vegan that thinks you can get into ketosis without avoiding carbs. your vitamin b deficiency is showing again.

>> No.11116890

>That one CICO mongoloid that just won't learn and keeps shitting up diet threads with his wild claims, while ignoring all counter evidence

>> No.11116892

vodka has no carbs. dumb fuck

>> No.11116902

as the other anon said, vodka is free of carbs

>> No.11116908
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Vegetables are carbohydrates.
You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.11116939

it's a diet which is food, you fucking imbecile

>> No.11116943
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Eating carb free/low is not a retarded crusade like veganism and its pretend-steaks.

>> No.11116952

fml but you ketards are unironically stupid, you prattle on about muh biochemistry and muh hormones without understanding a goddamned word of it. vodka has alcohol, and alcohol will knock out out of ketosis even faster and harder than your villified carbs will.
the reason keto diets restrict carbs is because the liver will burn carbs instead of fat if at all possible, so you won't go into your prized ketosis.
But your liver prioritizes alcohol even higher than carbohydrates, if there is alcohol in your bloodstream then your liver won't turn fat into ketones (ergo you won't be in ketosis any more). In fact, it won't even burn carbs while there is alcohol around.

>> No.11117103

Your body runs best on carbs.
Your body wants to run on carbs. It will burn carbs for energy and store fat for emergencies as it's a sub-optimal energy source. Only by artificially depriving it of its preferred fuel you can make it run on fat.
Keto only works because it cuts you off from from calorie dense packaged shit at the cost of barring you from all the good nutrient rich foods like fruit and vegetables.

>> No.11117114

alcohol has to be processed before anything else can be used for fuel you fucking dumbasses. knocking yourself out of ketosis either way whether it's donut binging or alcohol binging

>> No.11117164

>Your body wants to run on carbs.
Your body will run on alcohol over carbs, face it your body's preferred fuel source is alcohol
>inb4 alcohols are toxins your body is just trying to get rid of them
carbs are toxic too, ask any diabetic

>> No.11117178

>this is your brain on fat

>> No.11117185

Pretty sassy comeback, you don't usually see that high level of reasoning and discourse from a redditor.

>> No.11117203

>from a redditor.
keto originated on reddit when /ck/ and /fit/ went to fasting

>> No.11117217

Fat is the number one thing that kills my appetite. If I have a pot of mac and cheese, I can and will destroy the whole thing. But if I take 1 tbsp of peanut butter, I'm good. It's crazy.

>> No.11117224

That doesn't make sense. There is more fat in the mac and cheese than in the PB.

>> No.11117229

no there isn't

>> No.11117231

Keto was invented in the 1800's, which is at least several years before reddit was discovered. Get out more, millenial.

>> No.11117234

can you tell us what keto is shorthand for and what the definition of the full term is?

>> No.11117240

Simple carbs stimulate appetite. Fat suppresses it.

>> No.11117252

1 tablespoon of PB contains 7.5 grams of fat.
1 cup (nowhere close to a "whole bowl") of mac and cheese is 24g fat.


>> No.11117260

>what is Kraft cheese powder which every american uses

>> No.11117272

>Your body will run on alcohol over carbs, face it your body's preferred fuel source is alcohol
That's probably more about your body focusing on dealing with the alcohol before anything else so you don't stay intoxicated for too long, you can't really compare it to carbs

>> No.11117284

>body runs on carbs over fat
>haha carbs are your bodys preferred fuel ketofags btfo
>body runs on alcohol over carbs
>reeee this doesnt count alcohol is poison guise
every time. get your story straight.

>> No.11117296

I didn't say alcohol is poison. I didn't even make the claim about our bodies running on carbs over fat. Just wanted to point out that comparing food to a drug has other variables that make that comparison iffy.

>> No.11117304

>body runs on it
>not food
>body runs on it
Get your story straight.

>> No.11117305

The brand cited is kraft you fucking idiot. You can look up various brands by SKU on that site I linked.

The powder contains fat, and it also gets more fat added when you use milk. Though why you'd use that shit is beyond me, it tastes awful. Get some real cheese in there.

>> No.11117310

>Just wanted to point out that comparing food to a drug has other variables that make that comparison iffy.
None of that matters in the context of this discussion though. The only detail relevant here is what order the liver processes things in.

>> No.11117313

Then why are vegans skinny and meat and gravy eaters fat?

>> No.11117324

>The only detail relevant here is what order the liver processes things in.
That's fine if you're only actually talking about food. But there are other reasons for the liver to be processing alcohol first other than it being the body's preferred energy source. You're comparing food to a drug in response to someone comparing two types of food. It's just a bad argument.

>> No.11117327

Hey, don't compare all ketofags to these two morons. They're obviously alcoholics who'd tell themselves anything to have an excuse to drink.

>> No.11117330

>Your body runs best on carbs.
[citation needed]

>> No.11117331

Being vegan or following any other diet means you're more likely to pay attention to what you eat. There are people who eat meat and gravy and are not fat. There are overweight vegans because cookies and soda can be vegan, and there are vegan sources of fat too like vegetable oils.

>> No.11117335

>causes fatty liver disease
>causes fatty liver disease
You're gonna have to come up with a better explanation than just vigorous handwaving and reeeing "carbs are good but alcohol is a drug".

>> No.11117340

1 study. Quote 1 study.

>> No.11117341

The food pyramid has carnivores as the eaters of herbivores. If carnivores ate their own kind, they would break the balance.

>> No.11117342

>he doesn't know your brain is the fattest organ in the body, being 60% fat.

>> No.11117343

>That's fine if you're only actually talking about food
Which is what we are doing. It's the food board.

>> No.11117347

>>causes fatty liver disease
>>causes fatty liver disease
What does that have to do with anything?

>"carbs are good but alcohol is a drug".
I didn't even say either one is good or bad.

>> No.11117349

You do not underestand gluconeogenesis

>> No.11117361

>[citation needed]
hi redit

>> No.11117369
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>> No.11117371

why would you have this image saved or get offended by being called a Redditor if you aren't one?

>> No.11117375
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>redditors get offended by being called redditor

>> No.11117407

1 study about what? alcoholic fatty liver, or nonalcoholic fatty liver? neither are remotely new or controversial, you may as well demand a study proving gravity. knowledge that carbs cause fatty liver disease has been known for literally millenia - google "gavage", it's how fois gras has been made for at least 2500 years. geese are fed carbohydrates (grain) until their liver becomes extremely fatty and turn into fois gras. It's also a likely cause of type 2 diabetes, their liver turns into human fois gras, and for the same reason.

>> No.11117418

I'm just going to post this here:


>> No.11117426

where restricting carbohydrates to roughly 80 gms/day reversed the patients fatty liver and fatty pancreas disease (verified using NMRI) and restored insulin sensitivity within a week and beta cell function (verified using euglycemic clamp), reversing their type 2 diabetes within 8 weeks.

>> No.11117435


What do migratory birds have to do with humans? We don't need to store fat to fly thousands of miles south for the winter and thus we lack that evoloutionary adaptation.

>> No.11117437


>> No.11117445


>> No.11117456

don't be gratuitously stupid anon.

>> No.11117900


>> No.11118022

How many calories to you do for your meal? Outside of OMAD, you sound like me. Do love my vodka and sparkling blood orange dasani.

>> No.11118197

Yeah, but the carbs cancel out the feeling of fullness that fat provides.

>> No.11118267
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>> No.11118318

>ketofags buy ketone measuring sticks
>sorry, you're not in ketosis
>wow, keto is hard
>stops doing keto
>stops buying ketone measuring sticks
>ketone measuring stick company goes out of business

>> No.11118333

ketone blood test is much better and more reliable. Just more of a pain in the ass to do unless you like doing the finger pricking shit.

>> No.11118397

>people still doing keto
>company still exists doing great
>guess they work
I got to say, when I started they were near pitch black, now they're on "faible", which is annoying. But considering what I eat, it's my fault. I'm mostly just doing mostly low calorie, I doubt I'm even close to the required amount of fat. I find it hard to add more fat than required to my food, so I'm just eating green vegetables, yoghurt and meat/fish.

>> No.11118432

>missing the point of the post
If the company did not rig the tests, that post is what would happen, because it is very difficult to force an adult body into a state of ketosis. So,
>company rigs tests
>congrats you're in ketosis
>yay keto is fun
>keeps doing keto
>keeps buying keto sticks

>> No.11118464
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>unironically reacting to a satirical post
Then based on what did the results change? Is it just random?
These sticks are technically meant for diabetics. I'm sure a company would choose milking a few lousy bucks from ketofags instead of preventing killing diabetics and getting massive lawsuits and world wide defamation.

>> No.11118473

If you were in ketosis why would you keep buying keto sticks?

>> No.11118479

The point of buying the sticks is to make sure you are constantly in ketosis. You check frequently, just like how diabetics measure their blood sugar.

>> No.11119829

What is this?

>> No.11119853

Food pyramid is outdated, it's now the food web. Now we consider ourselves tertiary consumers. Either way, typical apex predators in the pyramid would eat other carnivores as well as herbivores.

Think better. Do better. Eat people.

>> No.11119907

Pure homo sapiens are literally niggers though

>> No.11119993
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Green coconut curry soup simmered with tofu that eas frozen, thawed, pressed, baked, fried in virgin coconut oil with aromatics (garlic, onion, gringer, star anise, clove), spinach, and onion greens.

>> No.11120000


I use these and also a breath acetone meter (the cheap alcohol breathalyzer type). I figure I'm in ketosis once it tells me I'm too drunk to drive.

>> No.11120072

did keto for a year and dropped 20 pounds in the first 2 or 3 months, and then 10 more a bit later
stalled out maybe because I was drinking a lot of diet soda but overall it's very effective at losing weight quickly
I decided recently to drop the diet only because I can't stomach bacon and meats and fats all the time and really want something neutral like whole grains to eat
it works, but I couldn't imagine doing it forever

>> No.11120699

what was your weight when you stopped? I started attempting it last month and I'm down to 180 from 216. I don't know If I should keep going or not. I'm also eating only 500 cal a day and intermittent fasting.

>> No.11120916

I started at almost 188 and ended up at about 156, which was my goal weight so I stopped trying as hard and ended up cheating more often, also started drinking diet soda which may or may not have slowed it all down and I also never counted calories
with only 500 cal a day and fasting you should continue to lose a lot more. you could just go for whatever weight or bmi you're looking for and then transition off of it if you want to a healthy diet that includes complex carbs. that's what I'm doing at least

>> No.11121170

Stalling after 20 pounds is pretty common in most diets. It can be very demotivating.
Apparently this happens even more so if you try too hard. The body is weird sometimes.

>> No.11121171
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>> No.11121269

Eh, I mix it up and I don't really count calories. I typically eat when I get home from work (I work nights). I'll often steam some veggies like broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash, or greens (usually spinach) and then add some bacon to it and put some cheese on it to top it off. And lots of hot sauce.

>> No.11121337

Started in March, I'm down 70 lbs. Mixed in some fasting here and there to reverse my T2 diabetes.
Every month or so I blow off keto for the weekend to see how the insulin response is going, this weekend I had a whataburger monterrey melt with fries and a slice of carrot cake; blood sugar next morning was 82. been off my metformin and statins since april. feels good, bruhs. I use a keto mojo meter to check my ketone levels, which normally run around 2.0-2.5, though during a fast it gets up to 4.5-5.5.
>can't stomach bacon and meats and fats all the time
sounds like you were doing atkins? most published keto-specific diets don't actually involve very much meat, max usually works out to 6-9oz per day. rest of your intake should be fatty fruits like olives and avocados, nuts, and lots of cruciferous vegetables for the vitamins. I don't like meat very much either, and I had your reaction to adkins, fun for a week then I got thoroughly sick of it.
also, keto works great as a segue into IF, which both speeds up the weight loss and cuts down on the amount of meat you need since your body goes into protein-sparing mode during fasting.

>> No.11121352

Good job, man. Glad to hear your beetus is receding.

>> No.11121411

At this point its long gone. My HOMA-IR from my latest bloodwork is 1.01. 1.0 is completely, perfectly insulin-sensitive; even most non-diabetics have some insulin resistance with HOMA-IR around 1.2-1.5. The paper I mentioned showed similar results in their tests, which used the gold-standard (but multi-hour-long) euglycemic clamp procedure to measure insulin resistance. After reversal the former diabetics had lower insulin resistance than the non-diabetic control group. My wife has never been diabetic and no family history of it, but after seeing my results and reading that paper she started doing occasional fasts to improve her insulin response.
actually, here's another presentation by the lead researcher that is quite a bit more accessible (more results and less procedures and methodologies). He was awarded the Banting Prize by the UK diabetes association a few years after the previous study was published and this was his lecture at the award ceremony

>> No.11121424

Stalling shouldn't happen with keto unless you are eating either too many calories or too many carbohydrates or proteins, or eating small amounts of carbs but eating them too often. Also most sugar alcohols count as carbs, so if you were snacking on adkins snacks or other sugar-free sweets you can easily blow yourself out of ketosis. there's one brand of sugar-free candy that has 28g of sugar alchohol per piece, I dropped out of ketosis for a week before I figured out the culprit.

>> No.11121441
File: 89 KB, 640x480, ketofag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look more keto fatasses bragging about how fat they are. you fucktards should all be gassed for the good of the planet.

>> No.11121457

post discarded

>> No.11121602
File: 56 KB, 500x333, 1514441295507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello from planet earth.
Enjoying your own little world?

>> No.11121712

>Stalling shouldn't happen with keto
want to explain the logic there, brainlet?

>> No.11121778

>Stalling shouldn't happen with keto
I've heard that plateaus are really common on keto, even on a properly executed diet.

>> No.11121782

based digits, btw

>> No.11121790

Stalls are caused by CI>=CO. on most diets this happens because of cheating due to hunger so CI rises or because your metabolism slows to compensate for the energy deficit, so CO falls. When you are in ketosis you shouldn't be hungry so youre accidentally getting too many fat calories (nuts and olives and avocados are a prime suspect) or you've slipped out of ketosis due to hidden carbs. A drop in CO due to metabolic adaptation should not happen because in ketosis your organs do not have an energy deficit, the ketones more than make up for the lack of ingested fat calories. If this is not happening and CO is falling then you are not in ketosis, or your fat reserves are too low, which isnt the case of you're remotely overweight. One thing that some people do that disguises their ketosis problems is consume things like MCT oil that convert quickly to ketones, and artificially raise your ketone levels. The point of ketosis isnt to have high ketone levels, it's to burn the fucking things for energy so you dont fuck up your metabolism while losing weight, but a lot of ketards completely miss this point.

>> No.11121896

>if you’re on keto you never overeat and your metabolism never changes
This diet becomes more magical by the day

>> No.11121953


VLCK = Very Low Calorie Ketogenic diet / VLCD = Very Low Carbohydrate Diet

Resting metabolic rate of obese patients under very low calorie ketogenic diet.
> Conclusion: The rapid and sustained weight and FM loss induced by VLCK-diet in obese subjects did not induce the expected reduction in RMR, probably due to the preservation of lean mass.

Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women.
>CONCLUSION: This study shows a clear benefit of a VLCK over LF diet for short-term body weight and fat loss, especially in men. A preferential loss of fat in the trunk region with a VLCK diet is novel and potentially clinically significant but requires further validation. These data provide additional support for the concept of metabolic advantage with diets representing extremes in macronutrient distribution.

Body Composition Changes After Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet in Obesity Evaluated by 3 Standardized Methods.
> Conclusion: The VLCK diet-induced weight loss was mainly at the expense of FM and visceral mass; muscle mass and strength were preserved

Short-term safety, tolerability and efficacy of a very low-calorie-ketogenic diet interventional weight loss program versus hypocaloric diet in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
> CONCLUSIONS: The interventional weight loss program based on a VLCK diet is most effective in reducing body weight and improvement of glycemic control than a standard hypocaloric diet with safety and good tolerance for T2DM patients.

>> No.11121957

>>if you’re on keto you never overeat
That's pretty much right, though. If you are only eating protein and fat you get full pretty fucking fast. It's honestly hard to over-eat on that kind of diet. It's not impossible, but even if you don't believe a word about "ketosis" it does a great job of forcing you to restrict your calories.

>> No.11121960


Middle and Long-Term Impact of a Very Low-Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet on Cardiometabolic Factors: A Multi-Center, Cross-Sectional, Clinical Study.
> CONCLUSION: the tested VLCD diet suggested by trained general physicians in the setting of clinical practice seems to be able to significantly improve on the middle-term a number of anthropometric, haemodynamic and laboratory with an overall good tolerability.

Comparison of a very low-calorie-ketogenic diet with a standard low-calorie diet in the treatment of obesity.
> The VLCK diet was well tolerated and the side effects were moderate and transitory. In a group of obese patients, the VLCK diet was significantly more effective than a standard LC diet. At one year follow-up in the group with VLCK diet, most of the patients loss more than 10 % of their initial weight and lean mass was well preserved.

>> No.11121967

Nuts are easy to overeat because they're so convenient, as is guac because it's so damned tasty. these are the two things I have to keep an eye on.

>> No.11121987

No, I said you dont get very hungry compared to e.g. a low fat high activity diet, and the whole fucking point of a keto diet is to induce a series of metabolic changes that protect your body from the sort of long term metabolic damage done by a conventional calorie restricted diet.
Work on your reading comprehension. Or don't, I dont really care.

>> No.11121998

Are you a vegan, naturally stupid or do just larp as a retard for the lulz?

>> No.11122053

Not a true stall, where you aren't losing body fat. What happens is people think because they havent lost much weight this week that they've stalled esp since you tend to lose a shitton of water weight the first few weeks of keto from burning all your glycogen stores, so you go from losing 10 lbs per week to losing 1 lb per week once your glycogen is gone. You really can't say you've stalled or plateaued unless your weight has held constant for several weeks. Your total weight is only an approximation of your fat; muscle can go up and down since keto raises the levels of growth hormones, water weight can go up and down by 10 lbs or so easily, even waste matter in the intestines weighs a lot more than people think. Variations in these over time can easily dwarf the pound or so that you expected to lose this week. Hell I once "stalled" for a week while on a water fast. Finally needed to take a shit and instantly lost 3 lbs.
There's a paper out there on this Scottish guy that water fasted for 382 days under medical supervision. The paper has a graph of his weight, it has a few places where it actually goes up a bit despite him burning an average of 2700 cals/day of body fat. He never stalled, but water retention etc can make your weight change a surprising amount.

>> No.11122573

Huge dicked, based, and red-pilled

>> No.11123013

redpill me about bread /ck/. Which is better, pan cubano or brioche?

>> No.11123033

Neither can hold a candle to sourdough.

>> No.11124130

pan fried liver, with cauliflower florets baked in olive oil, then drizzled with aioli.