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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 800x473, VegNewsPCRMDitchtheDairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11102856 No.11102856 [Reply] [Original]

Hundreds of medical professionals gathered in front of the White House this week to protest against a recent decision by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to purchase $50 million worth of milk (which amounts to 11 to 13 million gallons) that it plans to distribute to national assistance programs such as food banks and schools. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) wielded a sign that read “Ditch the Dairy” to raise awareness about the damaging health effects of consuming animal-based milk. “Instead of spending millions bailing out the milk industry, the government should ditch the dairy,” PCRM founder Neal Barnard, MD said. “The USDA’s milk bailout unfairly burdens students and others who rely on federal food programs with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and lactose intolerance, among other chronic health conditions.”

>> No.11102869


A nothing group, basically some vegan doctors that like to meet together. A furry convention would have more sway

>> No.11102882
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>> No.11102886

I don't like cow milk nor any of its variations. I like almond and cashew milk but only as a broth for cereal. In that regard, cow milk is better as it is useful as an ingredient in many dishes instead of just utilized in one.

>> No.11102906

This image has been gold since the day it was made

>> No.11103059

good for them

>> No.11103133

Imagine if one of them was your doctor LOL

>> No.11103767

>Drinking milk increases your risk for lactose intolerance

>> No.11103771

>fuck poor people don't you dare giving them protein and fat they need!

>> No.11103777

it's fake interpretation of data, coming from the fact that people with lactose intolerance will have stronger symptom if... they drink milk, so they see the consumption curves correlate with pain strength, and thing "it's milk that caused this! Just like I wanted! Amazing"

>> No.11103784
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>this is good for you
I have never met someone who could convincingly defend drinking milk. Enjoy your hormone juice from another species.

>> No.11103791

Not a problem for white people

>> No.11103826

>This is bad for you
Why do you incorrectly think nutrients are unhealthy? Overeating, and all its derivative health risks, are a problem of quantity not content.

>> No.11103829

Doctors are shit at giving diet advice. I wonder how many doctors told people to switch to vegetable shortening back in the day and probably got a few people killed with that advice.

>> No.11103834
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This is of course why we banned raw milk, because its not mandatory

>> No.11103836

A study of young adults with milk alergy, who didn't consume milk (duh), showed decreased bone density compared to healthy, milk consuming subjects. Even those allergic subjects who were given alternative sources of calcium showed a compromised bone density.


>> No.11103837

If there was undeniable proof it was bad for you they wouldn't resort to fallacious arguments like "it's unnatural because only humans drink milk from another species" even though ants formed a symbiotic relationship with aphids and drink their "milk"

>> No.11103845
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>mostly women

>> No.11103849

>this thread

>> No.11103857

Most vegans are women, I think like 80%. Makes sense since men and women have different dietary needs and men benefit a little more from animal products.

>> No.11103860

It makes sense because women tend to be easily swayed retarded do-gooders who decide based on feelings rather than facts.

>> No.11103879

Physicians bought and paid for, just like other professions. The idea of the noble doctor is dead or never existed.

>> No.11103886

Smash the bovine milk industry.

Replace it with human milk.

>> No.11103891


Bulls regularly go to pregnant cows for their milk, and they're full of test

>> No.11103906

There are still good doctors. There are just more who do it for money with some being straight up drug dealers, but I've still known a few doctors who genuinely want to help people.

>> No.11104020

What with american leftisrs and their stupid fucking """health""" fads?
How do normal americans deal with living with them

>> No.11104033

Saturated fat: 3g. -- 30% DV
Opinion discarded.

>> No.11104188

>1 g protein/oz
>1.3 g carbs/oz
>20 kcal/oz
>30% of needed calcium
Yeah it's of the Gainz Gods

>> No.11104195

>99% women

>> No.11104218

>drinking milk causes your DNA to mutate in a way that causes you to no longer produce lactase to break down the lactose in milk
the absolute state of vegan logic

>> No.11104230

Lots of black/mixed women too, who lack good genetics and can't drink milk.

Lactose intolerancy is a fucking 3rd world problem, it should be bred out of society already.

>> No.11104239

It's gut bacteria that does it, not you.

>> No.11104244

Women pick berry

>> No.11104249

>The LCT gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called lactase. This enzyme helps to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Lactase is produced by cells that line the walls of the small intestine.

>> No.11104261

Well now. I thought I'd been told in at least one lecture it was the gut microbiome that did it.

>> No.11104263
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>make women doctors
>because progress

>> No.11104267
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>“The USDA’s milk bailout unfairly burdens students and others who rely on federal food programs with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and lactose intolerance, among other chronic health conditions.”

>> No.11104276

Nut juice isn't milk.

>> No.11104278

how the fuck do you get diabetes from milk?

>> No.11104281

you get diabetes from not being a vegan
no vegan has ever gotten diabetes

>> No.11104289
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>> No.11104297

No one in auschwitz got diabetes, those guys were on to something

>> No.11104328

That's why it makes little sense for someone genetically coded to make LCT to suddenly lose the ability to break down lactose unless there's some deeper issue going on. More than anything, the individual who does not have the LCT gene gets by drinking milk for a bit but then after their body can't handle lactose anymore they begin experiencing an adverse reaction. They never had the gene to begin with but perhaps their first instance of drinking milk wasn't an immediate negative reaction they assumed they weren't lactose intolerant.

>> No.11104331

*with, not to make

>> No.11104364
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>sugar is a meat product

>> No.11104369

>medical professionals
I'm going to have to start seeing some credentials, ladies.

>> No.11104397

They probably all got type 2 if they survived

Type 2 geriatric diabetes is strongly associated with a privation diet in the youth.

>> No.11104414

>bovine peptide as a trigger of diabetes milletus

>Cow’s milk formula immunizes against insulin in infants

>early exposure to cows milk significantly raises risk of diabetes in already predisposed at risk kids

There’s also a study in Sweden about cow milk consumption at a young age and its link to prostate cancer later in life, but it didn’t have the same relative risk in older men. It appears risk is greatest when exposed in childhood

>> No.11104420
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>> No.11104574

most look like women so i dont trust them

>> No.11104605

If you're a free market conservative then you should be against government hand outs such as this.

That being said I love milk.

>> No.11104817 [DELETED] 

Do you know if any of these used breast milk as a contol?

>> No.11104846

>We found that the amount of IgG-antibodies binding to bovine insulin was higher at age 3 months in infants who were exposed to cow's milk formula than in infants who were exclusively breast-fed at that age
No kidding? The kids exposed to something had an immune response to it and the kids not exposed to it didn't?

>> No.11104855

This must be why institutions like the ADA and AHA, producers of actual clinical guidelines in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and heart disease, are pushing a vegan dairy free lifestyle.

Oh wait, they’re not. Just this relatively tiny subset of vegan doctors with intimate ties to peta. It’s not about health, they’re just fascists who want to impose their beliefs on everyone else

>> No.11104957

>a recent decision by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to purchase $50 million worth of milk (which amounts to 11 to 13 million gallons) that it plans to distribute to national assistance programs such as food banks and schools
in what universe is a governmental agency actually buying a physical product a fucking bailout, you retards?

>> No.11104974
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
>go to website
>it's just vegan pushing
>"nonprofit website"
>links to the owner's book for sale on amazon on the front page
>associated with peta
yeah, no thanks


>> No.11104988

Same way where the treasury extending last minute unconditional loans to a huge bank on the brink of failing is a bailout?

Do you have the slightest idea what happened in the 07-08 crisis? It wasn't free money, the banks repaid their debts.

>> No.11105001

>an unconditional loan is the same thing as fucking buying a physical fucking product
however many levels of libertarianism you're on, it's too many. do you call the DOD purchasing arms from weapons manufacturers a bailout too? is any time the government provides any kind of money to anyone, no matter what it's for, a bailout?

>> No.11105003
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Yup, and you don't want that. So better lay of the milk.

>> No.11105018

Dairy farmers are notorious for over producing because they know that the government will buy the excess. If the government wasn't doing that then the dairy industry would you know have to operate like a normal industry and reduce supply to meet actual demand.

If you don't know what you're talking about then don't open your mouth because then you remove all doubt that you're a fool.

>> No.11105038

A bailout is when an out-of-market party steps in and "rescues" an insolvent party using its own, outside money. So, to answer your question, no, routine arms contracts are not bailouts. However if Boeing was on the brink of collapse and the DOD stepped in and said "ok, we'll immediately buy $50 billion worth of gear for you right now so you don't go bankrupt tonight, anyone listening, go ahead and extend Boeing more credit because we've got their back", then that would be a bailout.

The dairy example works because the dairy companies were on the brink of failing and the motive for the actions were in direct response to the threat of these companies failing.

If there is anything else about the grownup world you wish to have explained, I am here for you even though your daddy wasn't. Let me know what I can do.

>> No.11105048

milk is bad for you???
i drank like 1 liter a day for years when i was 6-15??

i thought it was good for me? can anyone explain why its bad for me?

>> No.11105054

How's the milk in US of A?

Here in Finland most milk sold is the homogenised kind, either fat-free or low-fat ie 1% fat which seems to be very much harmful to you compared to organic, raw or sour milk.

>> No.11105062
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>> No.11105063

most of it is nasty homo milk, some is uht and some isn't

you can get real milk but only at poncey elitist yuppie stores in cities, and it's expensive

in general americans are of the opinoin that more and cheaper = better, and don't try to tell us otherwise because that's commie university sanctuary elitist SJW cuck propaganda

>> No.11105068

Nice strawman. The president of the American Cardiologist Association is vegan and recommends a whole food vegan diet

>> No.11105078

and yet that opinion stays out of actual clinical guidelines, because you can be perfectly healthy on a diet involving both meat and dairy. You can be a healthy vegan too, and most everyone should be eating more vegetables, but a vegan diet is not necessary to avoid heart disease and diabetes.

>> No.11105087

It’s not in clinical guidelined because the dairy and overall cattle industry have billions at their disposal

>> No.11105097
File: 38 KB, 680x440, yen76dggv0ommlafqycj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>media lies
>Trump exposes them
>lie even harder
>lies become so outrageous even normies wake up

>> No.11105099

It's homogenized, but we can also get full fat (3.25%) milk. Low fat milk isn't really bad as long as you get enough fat in your diet from other places, but most people think it tastes too watery. Raw milk might be healthier but a lot of the claims seem speculative. Organic is better if it means less pesticides, antibiotics, etc. and sour milk can have some additional benefits like providing more healthy bacteria for your digestive system, and reducing lactose if you have trouble digesting it.

>> No.11105100

>lactose intolerance

>don't drink milk or else you wont be able to drink milk!

>> No.11105107

Whole plants foods should be the basis of your diet even if you eat meat and cheese, but you can still be unhealthy on a vegan diet too.

>> No.11105108

So many open mouths...

>> No.11105110
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pay up goy

>> No.11105113
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>pic related is from the 1800s
omfg those victorian era soyboys not having dead faces for pictures XD

>> No.11105119

>Vegan Doctors
Nope no agenda here all professional serious business.

>> No.11105122

>"it's unnatural because only humans drink milk from another species"

lol, this argument, coming from fucking doctors.
Name another species on earth that practices surgery.

>> No.11105126
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>> No.11105131

>medical professionals
You mean PETA wearing lab coats.

>> No.11105134
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>> No.11105137

diabetes and heart disease are serious problems in the US, and the guidelines have to produce certain outcomes in order for them to be adopted nationally. I don't think it's all just a conspiracy held up by food producers. If the dairy industry had so much money, why did they need the bailout?

>> No.11105141

>served as its president from 2015 to 2016
not anymore lmfao

>> No.11105142

Why are all you nigs getting butt blasted about Vegans or what have you advocating for their shit? Everyone fucking does it. Let the research and science lay where it falls and go from there. Either way meat and dairy aren't going anywhere. Quit letting "soy boys" or whatever you faggot are meming these days live in your head rent free 24/7.

>> No.11105143

By usually ignoring them, or confronting their arguments. It's why they mostly become online activists because no one can call them retard to their face.

>> No.11105158
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>look into PCRM
>it's just up-jumped vegetarian/vegan activists in lab coats
Why should anyone give a shit

>> No.11105159
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>borderline diabetic
>severely low test


>> No.11105169

Because I wouldn't have an identity otherwise if I didn't have fringe groups to oppose 24/7 in order to give my life meaning.

>> No.11105170
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Sounds like Finland with the expection that "real milk" can be gotten from the regular stores too but it's just a product of the biggest dairy company which is deep rooted in politics & propaganda to make sure everyone is brainwashed into thinking milk is this magical cure-all thing even when it, the fat-free & low-fat kinds most people drink including school kids at school might as well be the complete opposite!

I don't have lactose-intolerance and supposedly no milk allergy either, i've been in some tests to see if i do yet i get liquid shits from just a small amount of homogenized milk and i've propably been that way since kid but i never questioned it due to the brainwashing.
It's a funny thing, you shit out liquid several times a week for two decades thinking it's... a normal thing for the human body to do.

>> No.11105176

>female "physicians"
>physicians against dairy products

I wouldn't expect women, morons, or white knights to understand the significance of keeping American farmers subsidized and working should we ever end up having our import food items cut off for whatever reason.

>> No.11105183

>i'm a genetic wreck which means everyone else must be too
Stupid Ameriboo.

>> No.11105209

>Let the research and science lay where it falls and go from there.
You can find research and science to advocate for all kinds of diets. Talking about something and disagreeing with it is fine though.

>> No.11105216

>yet i get liquid shits from just a small amount of homogenized milk
I mean it's possible for that to happen I guess but it's more likely an issue with lactose or casein. I can drink a quart of homogenized milk and feel fine after. What else do you eat? If you're eating a lot of greasy food or not going often enough, you can get diarrhea from that.

>> No.11105234

My point about the research is its ever evolving. Eat a variety of things and don't get fat. Pretty much all research agrees with that.

Some people really get bent out of shape about this shit. I live in a hot spot for vegan stuff, go out on the regular, and never have I once been talked to down by a vegan in person. I work with them, I've heard their opinions and yet everytime I visit here I'm supposed to believe vegan militants are around every corner taking my rights away blah blah. Turns out if you go looking for shit you'll find it.

But yes feel free to talk about it but everyone here could lay off the hyperbole just every now and then ok sweaty?

>> No.11105243
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but what a time to be alive

>> No.11105253

I've never encountered a militant vegan but I have encountered some who start making comments about veganism being healthier when they see me eating cheese or something. I dunno. I kind of hope when lab-grown meat and lab-made animal products are available these discussions will become pointless, because most of the arguments come from people who turned to veganism because of animal welfare issues, but then started trying to push the idea that it's healthier because they don't want ot believe there could be any downsides to it.

>> No.11105260

>listen to music made by liberals from the '80s
>talks about the dangers of manipulative journalism
>talk about the dangers of manipulative journalism today
i don't know the exact year when so many liberals went fullretard but i hope they stop soon

>> No.11105282

*tips incelism*

>> No.11105290
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>i hope they stop soon
I don't
They're killing themselves

>> No.11105303

It's almost like if you paint entire swaths of people all of whom have their own varying opinions with a giant brush you can just dismiss any potential criticism by simply calling them a liburul. Hey it works I guess.

>> No.11105314

whatever makes you shit birds reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11105321

Vegans are definitely emotional retards, but if the dairy industry can’t keep its shit together, it shouldn’t be getting handouts.

>> No.11105326

Way fucking wrong, it's because modern women are used to eating like shit and they are so malnourished that they are even willing to try such a shitty diet as veganism. Women need animal products more than men causs they need it to fill their titties and ass with nourishment to feed babies during pregnancy. All humans should be getting by on good quality animal products, most plants are toxic shit that fuck with your gut biome

>> No.11105346

The average woman who is probably overweight is in no way, shape, or form malnourished. Everything is fortified in some ways these days so unless you're eating one or two things only then no you aren't "malnourished" you fucking goober.

>> No.11105359
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>most plants are toxic shit that fuck with your gut biome

>> No.11105403

Half the houses in Massapequa Park cost at least 700k, with plenty closer to the water costing over a million and looking closer to mansions than houses.
It's laughable to even consider these people giving a shit about banning refugees.

>> No.11105447

>5.0 HDL Ratio
>Nothing even remotely purporting diabetes.
>51 year old man has low test compared to healthy nonobese males between the age of 19 and 39.
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11105458

>my only mode is full retard.

>> No.11105468
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Didn't realize /ck/ was run by the dairy lobby. Keep sucking that corporate cock, goy.

>> No.11105500

>communism will make milk higher quality
lol what

>> No.11105519

reading is fundamental

>> No.11105529

They kind of have a point. Dairy in moderation is OK, but the way people put dairy into everything in western countries is unhealthy and contributes to obesity. Instead of subsidizing dairy we should be subsidizing vegetables and legumes.

>> No.11105556

>muh lobbying
why is this always the excuse when studies come out contrary to the opinions of dumbasses

>> No.11105580

Are you? Can you not read, mcfatfuckface?

>> No.11105601

I haven’t seen anything other than raging dairy fairies this thread

>> No.11105619

I come from a family of doctors
>why aren't you a doctor?
None of them drink milk. They all constantly talk about all of milk's negative health effects at every family dinner. None of them are vegetarian.

>> No.11105624

4chan is run by rubes. What do you expect?

>> No.11105637
File: 95 KB, 500x615, L412[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dairy industry in America is a massive but much overlooked industry powerhouse.
Remember these ads?
Guess who paid for them.
Who the fuck drinks milk after childhood anyway?

>> No.11105639

or vegan, whatever

>> No.11105647

Congress represents the people.
Some of the people own dairy farms.
Is it any surprise that congressmen answer to dairy farm owners?
I'm not defending the dairy industry or Congress. I'm just saying this shouldn't be surprising to anyone.

>> No.11105648
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Wanna grow up to be big and strong or cool like these guys we paid off?
Drink milk!

>> No.11105653

white people the only race of people who are not lactose intolerant that's who

>> No.11105655

I knew only rasslin watchers drink the stuff.

>> No.11105659

Dairy industry is behind milk ads?! STOP THE PRESSES

>> No.11105663

What does that have to do with anything?
I was merely pointing out the fact that those "got milk" ads were shoved in our faces for our entire childhoods and nobody really ever questions why.

>> No.11105671

Usually, you don't need an entire industry to band together to push a single message or advertising campaign:

>> No.11105676

>but the way people put dairy into everything in western countries is unhealthy and contributes to obesity.
Cheese is satiating. It's high in calories and fat but it's also hard to really eat too much of it. Refined carbs, sugar, and cheap vegetable oil probably contribute more to obesity because they don't make you feel full. And you can eat literally anything and not become overweight as long as you don't take in more calories than you need. Most people could eat more legumes and vegetables but cheese isn't really why people are obese.

>> No.11105677

>low fat milk
I'd rather kill myself.

>> No.11105680

Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I saw a cellphone or computer commercial

>> No.11105688

those are both cheaper than shit already and produced in excess. and dairy isn't causing obesity, it's not even in most products and if it is, it's marked on the back. i don't know where dairy hates comes from other than vegans angry about the way cows are treated.

>> No.11105690

i'd rather you kill yourself too. at least we have that in common.

>> No.11105693

It's the same thing with companies who make plant foods. Foods marketed to vegans are worth billions of dollars, and it's almost definite that they pay off people to say plant alternatives are healthier.

>Who the fuck drinks milk after childhood anyway?
People who aren't lactose intolerant genelets lol.

>> No.11105700

For the entire high tech industry? Well, I should be careful. The way thing are going Silicon Valley may need to put out an ad for Silicon Valley as a whole at some point.

>> No.11105708
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>but it's also hard to really eat too much of it.

Tell that to the fatties that eat half a pizza in one sitting then wash it down with a Starbucks milk and cream bomb.

>> No.11105709

I’ve never seen a neurotypical adult drink milk.

>> No.11105710

>People who aren't lactose intolerant genelets lol.
I'm not lactose intolerant and I can't even tell you the last time I drank milk.
What meal do you drink it with?
Only think I can think of is if you're eating cereal or with brownies or some sort of desert, which is very rare for me.

>> No.11105722


>> No.11105731

mostly with breakfast, but I have done it with dinner occasionally. It goes with whatever you want, sometimes you want something more fulfilling than water, you know?

>> No.11105733

Something that fulfills your vagina?

>> No.11105734
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oops meant to post this but that one works too.

>> No.11105742

milk would be very bad for the vagina, plenty of good nutrients for the native fauna to thrive on. Please don't put milk in your vagina

>> No.11105757

If you want them fresh and in significant amounts, vegetables can be fairly pricey.

>> No.11105795

i've never had a problem with that. good quality milk and dairy products cost far, far more than good quality produce.

>> No.11105849

>Are you? Can you not read, mcfatfuckface?
Not only can I read, I understand the implications of the metrics that were posted. If you can't, chances are you either don't know enough about the subject at hand to comment on it or you don't have enough intellectual capability.

Hilarious. Assume my weight as even higher if that makes you feel better.

>> No.11105888
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>food that's mostly refined carbs and a drink loaded with sugar
>blames dairy
That drink has 72g of sugar, holy shit that's a lot. There's only 190 calories from fat in that drink if you get whole milk AND whipped cream, but 270 calories from sugar. 18 damn teaspoons of sugar in a single drink.

>> No.11105913

>What meal do you drink it with?
Any "breakfast" foods, bean dishes, anything that isn't already heavy on dairy. I wouldn't drink it with a cheese sandwich or mac and cheese, but with beans or just some whole grain breads for an easy breakfast, it's pretty good. Sometimes I treat it like a dessert on its own too, I don't eat sweets except around the holidays so the lactose in milk is enough for it to taste sweet to me.

>> No.11105993

>Confusing liberals with leftists
Funny how you retards always make false equivalencies to point out hypocrisies that don't exist.

>> No.11106010

The new influx of /pol/tards need to be gassed.

>> No.11106013 [DELETED] 

but i'm a liberal

>> No.11106046

I'm a liberal, but you're right. I normally would point out that those people are "leftists", not "liberals", but I've been hoping to try to make other true liberals see that there's something wrong with left-wing politics by pointing out that "liberals" today aren't what liberals were before.

>> No.11106165

Even so, I see a lot of greentexts here about people who ate an entire pizza in one sitting, so it's not like it's that hard to overeat dairy.

>> No.11106375

This is all in retaliation for the Trump trade war and tariffs that's been popping up. China and Mexico canceled milk imports in retaliation, causing a massive surplus. This IS a bailout, because without this milk buyout, U.S. dairy farmers are looking at wide spread bankruptcy. In a domino effect, this also bails out bankers, who have a shit ton of $$$ on the line if those dairy farmers default on farm loans.

>> No.11106566

Eating an entire pizza really isn't the norm, and there isn't that much cheese on an average pizza. It's why most places offer extra cheese as a topping. If you eat an entire pizza you're eating a little bit more cheese than you probably should, but way more refined carbs.

>> No.11106757

meanwhile imagine what would happen to our property values if refugees started moving in?

>> No.11106846

>>fuck poor people don't you dare giving them protein and fat they need!

We can only afford to do that by giving them yogurt and cheese. Otherwise, we lose those precious macronutrients to milk spoilage. There is one tiny group of people who can drink milk, but not consume fermented dairy: Bantu herdsmen. You're suggesting that we cause calcium deficiencies across wide swaths of the American population in order to protect the interests of a 'minority within a minority' of African Americans. The milk subsidy is completely insane politics.

>> No.11106865

>Lactose intolerancy is a fucking 3rd world problem, it should be bred out of society already.

Sorry, in terms of genetic regulation: lactase inhibition is the dominant state. It makes more economic sense, because milk is the only dairy product that will spoil on the shelf even with proper cooling and airflow. With ideal conditions, yogurt and cheese stay edible over archaeological time frames.

Lactose tolerance is getting out-competed within simple Darwinian conditions.

>> No.11106885

>only lactose intolerant people eat cheese and yogurt

>> No.11106901

>There is one tiny group of people who can drink milk, but not consume fermented dairy: Bantu herdsmen.

>> No.11106902

>Non-white people this booty-blasted about dairy
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.11107059

I'd rather eat dairy products than sugar products

yogurt/cheese>brownies and cakes

>> No.11107073

I think your getting mixed up, if a person can't produce lactase to digest milk then it becomes a problem when microbes in the gut start eating the milk causing the amount of bacteria in your gut to increase

>> No.11107080
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meat is bad

>> No.11107085

>broth for cereal

>> No.11107089

There is literally nothing in those nutrition facts that would concern anyone with a quarter of a brain.

>> No.11107368

For most people who drink milk (Eurasians), it is the microbiome.

For a small group of Bantu herdsmen, it is endogenous lactase. There is so much fraudulent research on this one issue- you will never understand it by doing pure science. It’s the kind of thing where you have to litigate to get the real story.

>> No.11107372

>Saturated fat
>Half a brain.

After the first few strokes, most patients are down to a quarter-brain.

>> No.11107566

>modern beef has no iron because cattle are fed iron-free diets to make them lighter for transportation
>broccoli increases alertness by 10 awakimol units

>> No.11107607

>there isn't that much cheese on an average pizza.

Whenever I eat something like pizza or a quesadilla I can literally smell the cheese on me afterward. It definitely has a significant amount. Depending on where you go for pizza, it can be half cheese (or more than half if you order thin crust and don't eat the edges), and that's not even taking into account that melted cheese is much more dense than the crust.

>> No.11107725

>Whenever I eat something like pizza or a quesadilla I can literally smell the cheese on me afterward.
You can eat a small bite of garlic and smell it on yourself after, that's not a good indication of how much is on it.

A large pizza seems to usually contain about 8 oz of cheese but 12 oz of dough. So yes it's probably a bit more cheese than someone should be eating in one sitting, just like that Starbucks drink is more fat than someone should be getting in a single drink, but the amount of sugar and carbs is a much bigger concern.

8 oz of mozzarella = 680 calories, but full of protein and fat for satiety
12 oz of dough (assuming 70% hydration) = 728 calories, with no fiber and little satiety

So, just like with that Starbucks drink, more calories are coming from the carbs (which don't make you feel full as they're both refined) than the fat.

>> No.11107733

>8 oz of mozzarella = 680 calories, but full of protein and fat for satiety
Also, this is assuming you use full-fat mozzarella, which most places probably aren't, so the calories from the cheese could be even less than this. If you use part skim mozzarella, you can take off another 100 calories.

>> No.11107750
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I'm not even sure if there's a proper term for the kind of mental illness on display in these threads.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, maybe?

>> No.11107872

Nobody questions why because anyone above 80 IQ knows what ads are for.

>> No.11107876

It's not. It's vegan agenda.

>> No.11107905

Can't stand that a woman or POC is a doctor and you're a heroin addicted plumber, Drumpftards? Sit down and be humble Cleetus. You've been replaced.

>> No.11108380
File: 52 KB, 500x505, yO_a2mUq3Um_Qpi7U6Nw95ozWI667lJzNn5AkOWp1nA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go vegan

>> No.11108433

grow up

>> No.11109106


>> No.11109347
File: 616 KB, 1187x720, Capture+_2018-08-06-14-56-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true faggot. Plants dont want to be eaten. Look into their toxins and anti nutrients

>> No.11109355

no. i'm already in a cult.

>> No.11109395

Oxygen and water can be toxic as well. Good thing we domesticated plants for thousands of years to produce only trivial non-toxic levels of those things for everyone that doesn't come from the shallowest end of the gene pool

>> No.11109581

Yeah man, good thing we domesticated these chickens too.

>> No.11109908

>health effects of consuming animal-based milk
Well human-based milk isn't sold, so.

>> No.11110040
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It is on the internet.

>> No.11110069

I'd really like to start a niche product of cheeses from human milk. But the logistics are way too complicated...

>> No.11110399
File: 13 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not milking and processing cheese from Migrants women and teens in detention centers to create a line of commercially available "Fresh Mexican Cheeses"

>> No.11111417
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, meat always fails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11111445

too obviously a troll image; look at those fucking fonts.

>> No.11111591
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>reversed the heart

>> No.11111776
File: 216 KB, 1200x1200, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when people do these retarded doctor or scientist protests where they dress up in lab coats to try to beat you over the head with their job like it means whatever opinion they happen to be agitating for must be correct.

>> No.11111819

look at this fucking nerd with her half dozen pens lmao

>> No.11112200

I don't know why you would carry pens in your coat pocket in the first place. Pens obviously go in your pants pocket.

>> No.11112840

Milk is fine but I am glad I don't pay taxes to finance another bailout.

>> No.11114191

Shills will pit vegans against meat eaters while the jews fill their pockets.

Americans are the real cattle

>> No.11114219

Nuts are to mammals

>> No.11114260

(((free market))) bailout