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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11092836 No.11092836 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why you fuckers get so excited about a free work lunch. It just means you can't go take your break or leave the building, all so you can do more work, for the company's investment of less than $2 a person.

>> No.11092850

free food is nice, especially if i didnt pack a lunch and was debating between skipping or spending 10-15 dollars. also im okay with spending a lunch here and there with my coworkers since some of them are cool, some are okay, and i am decently well liked

>> No.11092887

But you're still sitting in the office putting in more work. If you don't leave, the walk back to your desk is probably only 2-3 minutes tops. In the winter, you don't see the sun besides your commute and lunch. Most of this is spent discussing business or having a meeting you have to pay attention to. You also have no choice of your food, and the company is literally making money on your dime by preventing you from leaving for your break.

10 employees @ $30 an hour using their lunch break = $300 in labor. The assorted sandwich platter with chips and pickles for 10? $49.99.

>> No.11092894

>being hourly

>> No.11092918

The entire point of that situation is being salaried. If you were hourly, they'd actually need you to clock out for a break, or pay you time and a half for your extra time.

But no, you're blessed by working a flat fee for all of the time in the world they can ask for! 60 hours or 40 hours, you have no control over the situation, or the pay. Make sure to check your emails at 10 PM, and on the weekends. It's indentured servitude.

>> No.11092923

>letting the Big Jew cuck you into working 70+ hour weeks for no extra pay

>> No.11092948

When my job does work lunches they hey local restaurants to cater it and give us free booze.

>> No.11092952

The only thing I can support here is the booze, but I don't really believe it. Lunch meeting at noon with booze?

I'm all about happy hours that are paid for by the company, it's just the stupid "free lunch" shit that makes me wonder what people are thinking.

>> No.11092958

They aren't really meetings, they're just social events they do once a quarter or so.

>> No.11092970

i dont work on my lunch break though if i get a free lunch unless i feel like it. i spend the full hour doing what i want and my boss(es) respect it and dont expect me to be so thankful for the meal that i somehow make it up to them by working extra. as for having no choice, if i dont like it i wont eat it. i see where you are coming from and have seen that kind of shit in other office environments but my current job just is not that rigid

>> No.11093410
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Don't Americans have canteens?

>> No.11093437


As for employer provided meals, they can be pretty good. Free food and if it's a meeting of a committee I'm on it means it's a 'working lunch' and I don't have to clock out for it, giving me a extra 1/2 hour of OT. Twice a year they take us to a fairly high end place where we all get 4 hours of pay while not working and enjoy some good food.

>> No.11093445
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Not usually, why?

>> No.11093580

I work for a small local business where the owners often just go to the shop and buy me a sandwich without asking if I want one, because they haven't seen me eat lunch. It's getting to the point where my waistline has noticeably expanded because I'm eating 4 meals a day.

>> No.11093588

Yea but that never happens. I "work" 4 hours out of an average 7 hour day and it's all from home most days of the week. So suck my dick.

>> No.11093591
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>all these people have real jobs

>> No.11093594

Free lunch is free lunch and ours are often good. That and I would hardly call a lunch meeting work as we are mostly just shooting the shit after a short deck. And I still get a break if I need as I really come and go as I please.

>> No.11093610

You can also have flat hours where you have worst of the both worlds.

Still expected to work for free but given shit for it if caught.

>> No.11093714

Saves me $5 by providing it in bulk; I already don't take a lunch break, quite often I get one of my staff to heat up my food when they're on lunch so I can eat.

>> No.11093812

Magic word

>> No.11095549
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>I already don't take a lunch break
>If someone doesn't microwave my food for me I can't eat

Here's your gold star for being such a good little worker bee. Do you also make sure not to drink any water so you can get more work done instead of leaving the desk to pee?

>> No.11095706

Sorry for not being lazy service industry scum like yourself.

>> No.11095711

I'm not. I work in an office, that's the fucking point. I make sure I leave whenever I can, and don't brag about how much free work I did for people making more money than I am.

>> No.11095717

>he works in an office

>> No.11095785

>the company is literally making money on your dime by preventing you from leaving for your break
How are you being prevented from leaving?

>> No.11096057

Depends on the size of the company but most don't. Bigger companies with +300 employees? Some might, much easier to just lease out a small section of the building to starbucks/subway or whatever. The us is filled with a shit ton of companies with under 50 employees per building, having a cafeteria isn't sustainable

>> No.11096326
File: 30 KB, 1075x175, Screenshot_20180822-063005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try working hard once in your life and maybe you'll actually get some rewards.

>> No.11097103

Because you are in a business meeting, or are making people wonder why you're leaving when lunch is free. Others will look over your shoulder and judge you for taking 30 minutes to eat lunch and then taking a break.

I make more than you, and I'd bet heavily that I live in a place with a lower cost of living than you, like most anons that brag about their income.

>I make $90k a year in San Francisco, but please ignore that I have a two hour commute from my three bedroom apartment that I share with five people that costs me $1,500 a month

>> No.11097111

>San Francisco
Fuck that.

>> No.11097115

I get free food at work but I don't eat it. It's pretty good food so I'm guessing it costs about $30 per person per day. I make around $350k a year and work about 35 hours per week. The food is not there to keep you at work for long hours, but jealous people like to believe it is.

>> No.11097137

i go to the bar for lunch

>> No.11097150

Take it or leave it food I have no problem with. Work meetings with cheap sandwich platters or pressuring people to shuffle in for a "free meal" and go back to their desks are just companies being greedy while providing perks. Eating at your desk every day is fucking depressing.

In just weeks, most office workers will be up and awake when it's dark out, to only enjoy the sun on their commute in to the office. By the time they leave, it will be dark. People should at least get outside for lunch and value that.

>> No.11097196

In principle, eating at your desk is more efficient, unless you really like your coworkers. You get your work done quicker and can leave earlier. I eat lunch at my desk but work out for 90 minutes during the workday.

I get that in practice it doesn't always work like this. Some industries just have very long hours but that's not something I'm familiar with.

>> No.11097208

Gotta feed the goyim, OP. Even cattle need to eat.

>> No.11097216

This is a blackpill if I ever saw one

>> No.11097237

This might appeal to people who consider themselves free-thinkers, but it's not true. Being a professional is a complex game but it's not "indentured servitude". There is a constant tension between you and your manager/the company, but the overall deal is often very good, better than if you worked as a contractor. You have to be able to handle the political and interpersonal tensions that arise and push back against your manager. There is no perfect economic system, that is a myth of the alt-right and the alt-left.

>> No.11097249

Tell me again, why are you making the choice between leaving your desk or sitting in a cafeteria with coworkers? Leave the building and do your own goddamned thing. See the sun. Don't be locked inside. If you can leave early, it's a different thing entirely, but most worker bees are in the office before 8, don't dare to leave until 6, and praise their bosses for the "free lunch." 10 hours in an office.

Working out on your work hour if you can reasonably make it in for a good workout and save that time after/before work is totally fine with me. It's just the bland people who get stoked about stale sandwiches or the monthly potluck that depress the shit out of me.

>> No.11097257

There is literally nothing stopping you from grabbing some food and eating it elsewhere. I did this all the time. Nobody looks at you weird unless you act like a weirdo about it.

>> No.11097258

Indeed. I'd take salary over hourly any day. I overwhelmingly come ahead. I work far less than I'm paid for. But that wasn't always the case. I had to hop companies a couple of times to find one that respected boundaries I set for myself, and that doesn't overload me with work. It's a rare find these days, but any company worth working for will respect that they pay you for 40, so you'll put in 40. anything extra is from the good of your heart, or the good of the company in a rare or emergency case.

>> No.11097269

When we do work lunches we don't have to go back to our desk. Normally we're given an extra 30 minutes, and people tend to come and go as they please. Or the company will pay for a box at an afternoon baseball game and give us the afternoon off, or something fun like that.

>> No.11097292
File: 24 KB, 200x202, thumb_did-somebody-say-free-food-memesocom-14292689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a lunch meeting? Yes there is. You're in a meeting. You have to stay. "Lunch will be provided" kind of shit.
In other cases, eating it elsewhere is essentially your desk, the break room, or the parking lot.

My thread's not about having to suck it up and do this sometimes, but getting EXCITED for it. To save five bucks. For bad, generic food. To walk in, get all amped, and send this meme on the work email chain.

Or am I just nuts and there's just an obsession with food because everyone's fat, no one cares about the quality, and it's like a low scale addiction to crack?

>> No.11097297

>If you can leave early, it's a different thing entirely
Yeah this is my situation, except that I don't leave early, I work 9-5 with a 90 minute workout in the middle.

In my experience it's mostly about setting your own priorities. Yes you have to find the right company, but at the end of the day you need to figure out how much your willing to work and accept the consequences for your career. Usually the rational tradeoff is less hours than you initially thought. In my case, I found myself overworked and so I started making the case that I need more people working for me. My manager agreed and now I'm in the hiring process.

>> No.11097316

I work in a company that offers me a bunch of cool shit like this. But why not take your legally mandated hour away from the office AND go to the baseball game? Also where do you "come and go" from, besides sitting back at your desk?

I'm personally in a good situation, I just don't get the rest of most people. It seems horribly depressing, and they seem to revel in the excitement.

I'm jealous of you. No one I know anymore is benefiting from salary - just putting in millions of extra hours with judgment that they're not doing enough. Vacations with pals include stops for emails and work. Everyone I know has a corporate culture of "there's always more work to do." We all dream and live for work, and get judged for not doing it enough.

>> No.11097318

Where the fuck do you work that people are in before 8 and don't leave until 6? At my office it's more like in at 8:15 and out at 4:45 for most people

>> No.11097346

My business says
>we don't agree that you're overworked, we need you to work more hours
>we're not hiring anyone until 2019, but here's 11 million dollars in more business to manage
>everyone here should be proud they have a job
>we're not hiring a replacement for that job so this is a job you are going to learn, and just need to work more to do it
>but hey we got you some sandwiches

Maybe it's my city. I don't know. But I've been in multiple jobs, and everyone is willing to spread wide for a free five dollar lunch while their kids get stuck in twelve hours of daycare only to have mom and dad send them to bed and work more.

>> No.11097359

are you OP? Honestly it sounds like the problem is not a general problem of free meals or long working hours, but rather a specific problem with you and your company.

Find a different job or do what you need to do to get a situation you are happy with.

>> No.11097380

Get in at 8 and leave at 6 is the bare minimum for most I know. I work in marketing for a Fortune 500. A lot of my close friends that I grew up with are in finance or other leadership positions across industries and spend many nights sleeping in their office for 2-3 hours before getting back at it.

I have a friend in Chicago right now who is on 48 hours of work that claims he is working straight through the night with a couple of 20 minute naps until tomorrow around 6.

My personal opinion is that long hours are a really fucking stupid badge of honor, which is kinda the point of this thread.

>> No.11097381

>. It just means you can't go take your break or leave the building
Why would I want to leave? Only reason to leave is to go somewhere to get food. Also not sure about your work but I have never known a place where them buying food means you have to work more and don't get as much time as you otherwise would

>> No.11097384

I'm OP, but most everyone I know has these problems, and I don't see why a couple bucks worth of free food is worth sneezing at. See above, I guess.

>> No.11097395

>having a meeting you have to pay attention to
like 90% of all meetings in any line of work require little attention and will be solidly summed up in a short e-mail

>> No.11097400

I'd rather get free food if it is good and get stuff done, than pay for food and get nothing done

>> No.11097419

I work in an office building downtown in one of the larger cities in the US, so some people pop out and go to a park down the street or grab beers.
The game isn't mandated, but it's a free game with provided food and drinks. Some people took the afternoon off instead, and others just came for the first few innings and went on their way.

>> No.11097429

Been there man. Go to a temp service. It's not that hard to find a real job.

>> No.11097459

I don't care if you have to pay attention to the meeting or not, you're still in a meeting room instead of doing something. Maybe "be present for" is a better phrase.

>> No.11097687

If I eat lunch on my own I can take up to an hour.

If I eat lunch with my managers they always want to play a board game and my lunch can last nearly 2 hours if they get into the game.

>> No.11097973

Because if I can't eat the food I can take lunch after, usually it's good food, usually lasts longer than lunch, and usually leave right after

>> No.11098027
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This is very simple.
If your employer is directing you to be at a certain place, for a certain period of time, you are working, and they have to pay you for it.
If your employer is kind enough to direct you to a room with food in it for a period of 30 minutes, that's up to your employer, it does not affect your entitlement to a break, nor are you compelled to take any action but to sit in that room for half an hour, then go take lunch.

>> No.11098040

I'm not the most social person but why the fuck would I mind us all taking a lunch at the same time?

Conversation builds working relationships you fucking goblin.

>> No.11098043

Well obviously he isn't talking about once a quarter you idiot.

>> No.11098047

Someone in a suit on a cafeteria line.

Your country is pathetic.

>> No.11098051

You work that hard and that's all you make?

I get an actual salary and work a lot harder than you.

>> No.11098054

What the fuck kind of apartment with only three bedrooms costs 1500 a month in san francisco?

You're a goddamn retard.

>> No.11098057

>Eating at your desk every day is fucking depressing.

So kill yourself. There are plenty of more depressing activities.

>> No.11098061


Your'e a fucking weirdo.

>> No.11098066

>In a lunch meeting? Yes there is. You're in a meeting.

Are you a child? I've left work meetings before. All I have to do is walk out. No questions asked. Once someone was asked and she just said she had to use the restroom and never came back.

What kind of dumbass company are you working for? It's not as serious as all that.

>> No.11098071

>my entire existence is bitching even though I'm paid decently

>> No.11098073




>> No.11098075

This. Also you can fuck off to the bathroom for 10 minutes and stare at your phone. Multiple times a day.

Are you so overworked you need anymore time anyway?

>> No.11098089

$90k before a second of overtime isn't a bad wicket.
Add in about 6 hours of extra pay a day, plus weekend double bubble.

You fucking bet I'm eating at my desk.

>> No.11098092

I never said it was a bad "wicket" you absolute fruit.

>> No.11098104

>You work that hard and that's all you make?
>I never said it was a bad "wicket" you absolute fruit.
Pick one.

>> No.11098182

I’m salaried, 37 hours a week including lunch which is 30 minutes per day.
Anything over 37 gets compensated 1:1 or 1:1.5 depending on when it happens.
I do have to pay for lunch in the canteen, but it’s from my salary before taxes and not a lot. Don’t mind paying for the food when I get paid on my break. Of course it requires me to be present and available during lunch, but I’ve been interrupted once in about 18 months.