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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11076957 No.11076957 [Reply] [Original]

why are carbohydrates considered bad?

>> No.11077679

Because /ck/ is full of metabolets

>> No.11077692

If carbs are bad, protein is bad, and fat is bad, what am I supposed to eat? Soylent?

>> No.11077741

Because of fat fucks and other docile bugmen who need to try a new fad diet every 6 months.

>> No.11077805

because they make you fat and lazy

>> No.11077809

fuel for the body but easy to eat and makes you fat if you don't exercise

>> No.11077821

Because eating carbs is something almost everyone does. So making a post criticizing people who do so makes for easy (you)s.

>> No.11077830

>fuel for the body but easy to eat and makes you fat if you don't exercise
if carbs do this, then what does fat do? since fat has twice the calories, it must be doubly as bad as carbs. So logically, carbs are less bad. Since there are only two options, carbs are, in fact, good.

>> No.11077840

you're right. fat is worse than carbohydrates

>> No.11077859

But protein and fat are good for you, anon.

>> No.11077866 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11077871 [DELETED] 

>doubly as bad
Simple logic for simple minds

>> No.11077946

well, the cool thing about fat is it doesn't break down into glucose so it has no effect on insulin levels.

>> No.11077964

eating carbs has the same effects as breathing in small doses of farmaldahyde

>> No.11077968

Some fanatic said it was bad once. Same thing happened concerning foreskin.

>> No.11077977


>> No.11078066

How do asians eat white rice like crazy yet have such low obesity rates? (Korea/japan)

>> No.11078118
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Its complicated and I get so bored of talking about it every single day on this board.

Carbs are not bad by default, but the way that corporations have pushed them and engineered them and you over the years had made them absolutely devastating All fast food. All frozen food. All commercial meals are carb and sugar heavy. Carbs make you hungry, it ignites your body and makes it want to process more food, that means more sales.

Wake up and eat meat or cheese, see how little hunger you have. Wake up and eat a doughnut. Starving in an hour. Cereals are sweet and carby to make you want more. Breakfast is touted as the most important meal of the day, with orange juice, pancakes, sweet bacon... as the flagships to get you eating more, paying more, getting sick faster from poor diet. Another one has to do with GMO grains being difficult for your body to process. So people with outstanding digestive health issues who go keto, are not healing because of keto, but because of the removal of grains.

Carbs also traditionally provide less nutritional boons. Fats and cholesterol are directly tied to mental degradation over time. High fat, high cholesterol diets protect against dementia and alzheimers.

China has a burgeoning outrageous obesity issue, and Asian cultures have horrible blood pressure issues because of their high carb diets, issues worse than the west last I checked.

>> No.11078149

But if they're all intelligent as fuck (korea/jpn NOT CHINA) and have the longest lifespans I dont see the problem still?

>> No.11078159

>incel logic

>> No.11078176

What you said doesn't mean anything to me

I don't know that much about them, I just said what I knew. I've been more concerned with Western diets because I am not only Western I really hate Asian food. I just pointed out that they do have health issues over there, not as bad as in the West, but they have their own problems.

>> No.11078200

>well, the cool thing about fat is it doesn't break down into glucose so it has no effect on insulin levels.
Fatty meals significantly decrease insulin sensitivity. The pancreas will have to secrete significantly more insulin to absorb whatever glucose is in the blood. This can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

>> No.11078219

In special cases, the point of keto is to reset the pancreas. I say keto because its meming so hard right now. High fat meals should also be low carb, if you're deep frying bread then we have issues but otherwise the whole benefit to more fat based meals means less carbs and sugars, and means less work on the pancreas.

>people who never drink alcohol suffer more than alchoholics
>because the two times a year they do drink, their liver goes into overdrive

>> No.11078365

>Another one has to do with GMO grains being difficult for your body to process.
Got a source for that claim? It's odd that you'd blame GMO grains over the massive amounts of refined carbs that most people are consuming.

>> No.11078399


>> No.11078471

They raise glucose levels and contribute to insulin resistance

>> No.11078480

Oh yeah those darn blueberries fucking giving me another touch of the beetus

>> No.11078486

>the sugar in fruit is A-OK

>> No.11080033

Only answer is 100% alcohol diet

>> No.11080037

dietitians decided that carbs are bad again. It's like with climate change, we don't know shit so scientists in that always swing their opinions

>> No.11080051

They are processed by the body by being turned into sugar, which causes a spike in insulin and is then converted into fat. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity. Eating carbs is worse than eating raw fat in terms of actually making you obese. Humans didn't evolve to consume refined grains and only had a very limited access to starchy root vegetables. There is a reason our establishment push carbs on us to eat, it will give you brain fog and makes us lethargic and docile and its a cheap way to keep cattle alive. We're basically cattle nowadays.

>> No.11080059

Look at those vegan fail vids on youtube to see the disastrous effect relying on carbs and veg will do a person. Premature ageing (brittle greying hair, sunken eyes, sagging skin) - your body literally doesn't have enough vitamins to regenerate itself. Mental illness - your brain is extremely fatty organ, it needs fat to build its grey matter, vegans have shrunken brains.

The human body can't digest raw grains, or vegetable matter very well either. Compare a Vegan or carb heavy eater to someone who has a paleo diet or even eats primarily meat.


>> No.11080072

This documentary called 'Fat Head'

Shows how you can actually LOSE weight on the McDonalds only diet if you don't eat the carbs.

>> No.11081186

China and japan are getting worse not because theyre moving away from their traditional diets and towards more meat and fat from western diets.

They never used to have cholesterol or obesity issues, now they do.

>> No.11081198

Swear to god this guy only gets posted as a troll

>> No.11081225

But if carbs get turned into fat, aren't they just the same as fat? Therefor equally good or bad as fat?

>> No.11081246

They're not.

>> No.11081251

Yes. You’d have to be morbidly obese/retarded to think otherwise

Fiber, polyphenols, and vitamins are a thing

>> No.11081263
File: 60 KB, 1019x426, A15FD8CD-6A41-4281-9D2B-3FB899F927B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that low carbers are soyboys

>> No.11081311

Y'all need to read Dr. Fung and stop being retarded. Obesity is a hormonal problem first, and a calorie problem second. A CICO diet gives diminishing returns due to metabolic downregulation. Ketosis/fasting allows the body, hormonally, to rely on fat stores in the body without complications. Carbs make you hungry. Fat makes you full. We're in the middle of an obesity crisis, and people are actually shilling for the very thing causing it. Stop.

>> No.11081322

Everything in moderation and matched to your realistic daily exertion.

>> No.11081370

American bread is 50% sugar

>> No.11081386

They offer a moderate amount of calories with little nutrition. They’re not bad if you’re active or counting calories. They’re just not really that good for you.

>> No.11081593

Carbs are only bad at certain quantities and there are many kinds of carbs.

White bread and sugar are in the same league, gram for gram, but because you tend to eat more bread the glycemic load (tl;dr blood sugar) skyrockets. 6 slices of white bread is like 8 spoons of sugar. Almost the same with pasta, other refined staple foods like rice and corn and naturally starchy foods like potatoes (by dry weight).

Wholegrains have about 66% the glycemic load, but most brown bread is "wholewheat", not wholegrain. Unrefined grains are about the same.

Carrots and other notleaf vegetables 50%

Beans and chickpeas 33%. Leafy vegetables have virtually no effect.

Generally don't eat more than 100g of candy, 2 bowls of rice/pasta, 6 slices of bread, 9 slices of wholegrain bread, 3 bowls of couscous, 4 carrots or 4 bowls of beans in one sitting.

>> No.11082602

because white people will take literally any diet advice other than "everything in moderation and think about what you're eating". Carbs are a tool for getting energy or getting mouth pleasure. That's all.

t. T1D with an a1c of 5.5% on a high carb diet.

>> No.11082635

They're high energy. Not the best idea if you're trying to lose weight.

The uneducated demonizing is complete bullshit. I've had to put little info-bits on the fridge (with sources) for my roomie's girlfriend, so she stops going on about the evils of gluten, complex carbohydrates, cholesterol, etc. when I'm trying to cook.

>> No.11082651
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Because they don't enhance your braps.

>> No.11082742

>people who never drink alcohol suffer more than alchoholics
>because the two times a year they do drink, their liver goes into overdrive
Please can this not be true

>> No.11082769


>> No.11082788


I've got something to give you mouth pleasure, boy.

>> No.11084120

Because most people in todays time eat way too much of it. Carbs are for quick energy, when you dont use it directly your body stores it as fat. People who work hard have no problem with eating carbs. Carbs are also a great way to Feed many People for low costs.

>> No.11084481

I hate carbs because I never really feel satiated afterwards. Ffs I just had a Clif Bar five minutes ago and my stomach doesn't even feel full. Only problem is I'm a poorfag wageslave and can't afford keto.

>> No.11084563

People with little self control like to blame food for their problems

>> No.11084619

I already sucked ur dad's dick why would I want the junior version too? BTW I thought we agreed you would call me "uncle" from now on?

>> No.11084679

Carbs aren't bad for you. Excessive, simple carbs are terrible for you because they are broken down into glucose the fastest and glucose in the bloodstream causes a harsh insulin response. Insulin forces the glucose out of the blood into 3 places depending on your activity level. If you have no glycogen stores in your liver (emergency reserves in case you have to fight-or-flight but you haven't eaten in a long time), glucose goes to the liver. If you are moving around, glucose goes into your muscles. Finally, if you're not exerting yourself and haven't done so in a while, glucose goes to the fat cells for long-term storage. The large spike in insulin causes your blood glucose levels to fall quickly, resulting in less fuel for your muscles, and boom you're hungry again and you're looking for a pick-me-up snack. This is a relative effect that your body adapts to. If your blood sugar is constantly elevated because you're snaking on simple carbs 24/7, then when you cut back you'll feel drained, even though you've still got more than enough energy available for your muscles to use. The less you spike your insulin levels when you eat, the better.

So either take a walk after you eat large amounts of simple carbohydrate (so the glucose goes to your muscles instead of your fat cells), eat carbohydrates that take longer to digest (so that your insulin levels don't spike as harshly) , or get fat.

gorging on simple carbs + inactivity = massive fat production and massive hunger for more simple carbs.

>> No.11084687


>> No.11084712

>Find some kind of healthy bar
>Check content
>No sugar added
>Contains xx grams of polyols

The fuck is this new meme? Another name for sweetening like aspartam?

>> No.11084761

>Excessive, simple carbs are terrible for you because they are broken down into glucose the fastest and glucose in the bloodstream causes a harsh insulin response.
starch is best, glucose is ok, and fructose is not so great.
>The large spike in insulin causes your blood glucose levels to fall quickly, resulting in less fuel for your muscles, and boom you're hungry again and you're looking for a pick-me-up snack.
This is not true.
1. the body will produce as much insulin as it needs to metabolize the glucose. A healthy body is not suffering if insulin spikes after a meal. That is perfectly normal and it's spiking because of all the glucose being added to the blood.
2. The body is very good at dealing with glucose. It loves glucose. Every cell needs some.
3. It takes many hours to digest food. A meal rich in starch will release glucose into the blood for hours and keep blood sugar stable and keep hunger at bay.
4. Meals high in carbs and high in fat can lead to insulin resistance, because fat significantly decreases insulin sensitivity, forcing the pancreas to produce much more insulin to deal with the glucose in the blood. Triglycerides 'gum up' the metabolic processes.
5. fat also is less satiating so the body gets hungrier faster, since most fat is added to body fat for long term storage immediately after being digested. So what happens is after a meal of 50/50 carb/fat, you gain body fat, have reduced insulin sensitivity, and then will get hungrier because only 50% of the meal was carbs and so blood sugar will decrease sooner.
6. a 90/10 starch/ fat meal will make you not gain fat, and you will stay satiated for longer because of all that starch digesting slowly and keeping blood sugar stable, and triglycerides won't be gumming up the absorption of glucose, so the pancreas will need to release much less insulin. Add in a bit of physical activity, like a walk, will get the blood flowing into the muscles and glucose will travel there.

>> No.11084783
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Anything over 150 carbs, unless you're some kind of Olympian, is bad for you. A moderate carb diet has been proven to be far healthier than a high carb or low carb diet. Low carb diets are popular because of the satiety they offer as well as the potential for greater weight loss, and rumors about the unhealthiness of carbs has stemmed from that. However, the effects on cholesterol and the crippling of your insulin response far outweigh any benefit from a low carb diet.

>> No.11084801

>Anything over 150 carbs, unless you're some kind of Olympian, is bad for you.
The body can store around 2000 calories worth of glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscles and other places.

>> No.11084831

That explains why vegans are so violent.

>> No.11084835

But if it never gets used, it turns into fat.

>> No.11084840

Is there also one about high fat?

>> No.11084853

why are diet fags all clinically retarded?

>> No.11084859

Stopped reading there.

>> No.11084861

>new study suggests a moderate-carb diet could be the key to longevity

>> No.11084866 [DELETED] 

>But if it never gets used, it turns into fat.
Possibly, however "The conversion of carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less efficient than simply storing fat in a fat cell, but the body can do it."
Glucose is really useful, so the body prefers burn it rather than turn it into fat. The muscles need it, the brain burns a lot of it, virtually ever cell in the body feasts on glucose.

>> No.11084877

>But if it never gets used, it turns into fat.
Possibly, however "The conversion of carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less efficient than simply storing fat in a fat cell, but the body can do it."
Glucose is really useful, so the body prefers to burn it rather than turn it into fat. The muscles need it, the brain burns a lot of it, virtually every cell in the body feasts on glucose.

>> No.11084904

Carbs aren't bad, but they're primarily responsible for weight gain in the typical american diet. Losing weight is much easier by reducing carb intake because it breaks the cycle of fat storage and overeating since you aren't eliciting a major insulin response every time you eat.

>> No.11084912

>However, the effects on cholesterol and the crippling of your insulin response far outweigh any benefit from a low carb diet.

Bullshit. Insulin response is not crippled, good cholesterol goes up and bad cholesterol goes down on a low carb diet.

>> No.11084920

>but they're primarily responsible for weight gain in the typical american diet
Dietary fat is responsible for weight gain. Only in modern times have humans been able to buy refined fats, like vegetable oil, for little money whenever they want, and humans are eating deep fried food almost every day...

>> No.11084925

Eat a loaf of bread then and see what happens.
>50's meme science

>> No.11084934

Carbs are bad when combined with fat. If you have carbs and protein, you'll have a healthy meal, if you have protein and fat without carbs, you'll also have a healthy meal, but if you have a lot of carbs and fat with little protein then it's very unhealthy.

>> No.11084937


>starch is best
I don't need to read further to know you've read exactly 1 book and turned off your brain for the entire time you were skimming it.

>fat decreases insulin sensitivity
just wrong. A recent multicenter study (KANWU) has shown that shifting from a diet rich in carbohydrate to one rich in monounsaturated fat improves insulin sensitivity in healthy people. The study has been cited at least 600 times.

>fat is less satiating
fat is MORE satiating. Bacon and eggs in the morning won't have you running back for more food like a pop tart or a bowl of cereal will. Have you eaten food before? Are all the bulletproof coffeefags complaining they're hungry after they drink their coffee/oil/butter combo in the morning?

>> No.11084943

Complete and utter bullshit.

>> No.11085004

>just wrong. A recent multicenter study (KANWU) has shown that shifting from a diet rich in carbohydrate to one rich in monounsaturated fat improves insulin sensitivity in healthy people. The study has been cited at least 600 times.
Fat does reduce insulin sensitivity. I'm unsure why you are disputing this scientific fact.
>fat is MORE satiating. Bacon and eggs in the morning won't have you running back for more food like a pop tart or a bowl of cereal will. Have you eaten food before? Are all the bulletproof coffeefags complaining they're hungry after they drink their coffee/oil/butter combo in the morning?
Why do morbidly obese people get hungry? They are encased in hundreds of pounds of pure fat, the yellow stuff, ready for the body to burn, and yet they're hungry? How could this be? It's because their blood sugar is low. Their body needs glucose. Carbs provide the glucose, the fat gets turned into he yellow stuff. And the cycle repeats. Fat is not satiating because it is not very useful, it's dumped into storage. The body wants glucose, so give it glucose, and you will feel fuller longer.
A large, low fat, high starch breakfast will keep a person feeling full for a long time.

>> No.11085007

>everything I dislike is antiquated
religion spotted

>> No.11085011

t. fatty

>> No.11085029


lmao the keto tears flow like melted butter
enjoy the CVD

>> No.11085030

>Eat a loaf of bread then and see what happens.
What are you implying?

>> No.11085040

>enjoy the CVD
That's rich. It's kind of like when uneducated muh fats fags tried convincing everyone that Atkins died of a heart attack lmao

>> No.11085044

They aren't bad, simple carbohydrates are a problem in processed food and thus why our health is decaying. Doesn't help that even natural foods (like fruits) are man made to be sweeter.

>> No.11085051

5 cents has been deposited to your Mondelez International account. Thank you for patronage! :)

>> No.11085062

>fat also is less satiating so the body gets hungrier faster
>Why do morbidly obese people get hungry? They are encased in hundreds of pounds of pure fat, the yellow stuff, ready for the body to burn, and yet they're hungry?

So are you pretending to be retarded or do you really not realize that in common parlance "fat is less satiating" is presumed to be a statement about dietary fat, not body fat?

>A large, low fat, high starch breakfast will keep a person feeling full for a long time.

again, anyone who grew up with skim milk in their cereal can easily call you out on this quackery. starches do not keep you satiated, and repeating this lie is only making you look less credible.

>> No.11085079

>The body wants glucose, so give it glucose, and you will feel fuller longer.

how many lies do you have to tell before you get to clock out for the day? If "lol just have some glucose" were the answer then eating candy all day would be no problem (D-glucose AKA dextrose AKA the main ingredient in "pure sugar" type candy like skittles and smarties) is just corn-derived glucose, and should keep you full as long as you slowly eat it throughout the day, huh? Go right ahead, do a 3 day candy diet and make a youtube series about your energy levels. Get a glucometer and test your own parroted bullshit.

>> No.11085083

Who knew big sugar would advertise on my very own anime board. Or maybe it's just the easily-manipulated alt-right incels at it again lmao

>> No.11085084
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>dietary fat gets stored as adipose tissue

Lipids get broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. The glycerol gets converted to Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, turned into Pyruvate through glycolysis, and burned in the citric acid cycle. Fatty acids are converted to Acyl-CoA, which undergoes beta-oxidation to Acetyl-CoA, which is burned in the citric acid cycle.

>your body needs dietary glucose

Your body needs Pyruvate and Acetyl-CoA. It can break down sugars, lipids, or proteins to get these. The few tissues that do need strictly glucose can be supplied through gluconeogenesis.

>A large, low fat, high starch breakfast will keep a person feeling full for a long time.

This will cause a spike in blood sugar. The insulin that is subsequently released will make the body store excess glucose as glycogen, decrease lypolysis in adipose tissue, stimulates fatty acid production, and increases the uptake of fatty acids from the blood into adipose tissue.

>> No.11085097
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Keto is fun because you end up cooking stuff you usually don't.

>lefties projecting again

>> No.11085109
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Mother, may I please have some extra sugar and ketchup with my cake? Thankies!

>> No.11085117

wow no rebuttles. you are a joke.

please I want to know why, if fat is so satiating, morbidly obese people are so morbidly obese? They're getting plenty of fat, obviously. And they're covered in fat.

If fat is so great, why doesn't the body fucking use it, genius? Get it? We don't need to eat a 'balanced diet' with lots of fat and carbs. Fat is mostly useless. It's glucose the body wants. so give it glucose.

>> No.11085123

>why do lardasses who constantly eat sugar not burn body fat?
Gee, I wonder

>> No.11085131 [DELETED] 

>This will cause a spike in blood sugar.
and there is nothing wrong with that.

The insulin that is subsequently released will make the body store excess glucose as glycogen, decrease lypolysis in adipose tissue, stimulates fatty acid production, and increases the uptake of fatty acids from the blood into adipose tissue.
so what? If one is eating a diet low in fat, there isn't going to be much fat to store, genius.

>> No.11085143

>This will cause a spike in blood sugar.
nothing wrong with that.
>The insulin that is subsequently released will make the body store excess glucose as glycogen, decrease lypolysis in adipose tissue, stimulates fatty acid production, and increases the uptake of fatty acids from the blood into adipose tissue.

and if the meal is low in fat, that doesn't matter because there won't be any fat to store, genius.

>> No.11085146

How did this happen? Must be the lack of energy and concentration from eating nothing but candy.

>> No.11085166

Fruits are perfectly fine. Stop being a fearmongering idiot. There’s no reason to stick your nose at fruit but then eat anything else produced from agriculture

>> No.11085172

>stimulates fatty acid production

Your body starts producing fatty acids and transporting it into adipose tissue, while slowing down the normal rate of lypolisis in said adipose tissue. If you can't understand how this makes you fat I can't help you.

>> No.11085192

Excess fructose causes nonalcoholoc fatty liver disease. Fruit that has been selectively bred for consumption is candy, not a health food.


>> No.11085194

>Your body starts producing fatty acids and transporting it into adipose tissue, while slowing down the normal rate of lypolisis in said adipose tissue. If you can't understand how this makes you fat I can't help you.
The body doesn't usually convert much glucose into fat.

>> No.11085195

How is it that people still fail to realize the difference of saturated fats from mono and poly unsaturated fats as well as refined carbohydrates from simple and complex carbohydrates?

>> No.11085199
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That's cake for the lefties, who started eating cake as anti Trump protest

>> No.11085207

Fruit is not pure fructose. Fiber, polyphenols, and other micro and phytonutrients balance the absorption of fructose and add immense benefits of their own. You will never see a reputable doctor in the world limit whole fruit consumption for a non T1D human. You will not find a single scholastic source in the universe that says anything negative about whole fruit consumption other than the underconsumption of

All food that is produced for human consumption is bred for consumption.

It’s amazing how paleotards have utterly destroyed scientific discourse

>> No.11085213

Shhhh, novo do lipogenesis is a fun little secret we like to keep from ketofags

>> No.11085239
File: 129 KB, 1125x426, 275B98F3-66A5-46F4-82C1-4400E8BA4BFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am stupid and retarded like you, sorry. I didn’t mention this little nugget from your own article that you posted

>> No.11085244

not the guy you're debating with, but I just want to chime in that fruit is actually pretty terrible for you. It's the soda of the natural world.

There are plenty of great alternatives to fruit that have all the nutrients without the sugar.
Green beans and cabbage are two examples.

>> No.11085246

>novo do lipogenesis

De novo lipogenesis is stimulated by insulin and downregulated by leptin.

>> No.11085248

>im a fat retard
Nice to know

>> No.11085254

>opinion, not data
Stop taking the conclusions of articles as gospel and look at the content. You could easily replace any health benefits gained from eating sugary fruits like oranges, grapes, or bananas by eating more vegetables or wild fruits. Stop calling candy healthy.

>> No.11085257
File: 29 KB, 604x453, 1445644635878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these carbfags in denial ITT


>> No.11085258

The calorie count to "fullness" (how full you feel after eating it) ratio is much higher than other foods.

>> No.11085273

>The calorie count to "fullness" (how full you feel after eating it) ratio is much higher than other foods.
That is plain wrong, man. Fat has 9 cal per gram, carbs are 4 calories per gram. Fat is the calorie bomb that sabotages diets, not starch.

>> No.11085276

>wow no rebuttles
counter-examples are a type of rebuttal, brainlet.

>if fat is so great, why doesn't the body use it
if you consume carbohydrate, the body has no reason to tap into long-term storage for energy, brainlet. oddly enough, once you stop consuming massive amounts of carbohydrate, you start burning more fat.

>> No.11085277

>opionion, not data
Lol, I didn’t even post that article you retard. Someone posted that attempting to bash fruit like you, retard.

>opinion not data
So find ANY DATA from ANY scholastic source that points to the negative effects of whole fruit consumption.

Stop being a fat retard that gets triggered by an apple

>> No.11085282

good thing you're supposed to consume the entire fruit and not just extract the fructose from it like a coastie would.

>> No.11085299

I have a novel idea for everyone ITT: get some fucking exercise and suddenly you don't have to care about any of this bullshit.

>> No.11085302

Because carbs break down into sugar and it fucks up your metabolism.

>> No.11085305
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>Ctrl + F
>0 results for "glycemic index"

Processed carbs are the biggest problem, complex grains and high fiber fruits are OK provided you still get most of your calories from fat and get adequate protein.

>> No.11085309

I want you to read some information about a hormone called insuling before you embarrass yourself further.

>> No.11085312

>if you consume carbohydrate, the body has no reason to tap into long-term storage for energy, brainlet.
The body does use fat. The heart runs on fat, for example. I eat my dinner early, so by the time I go to sleep, I'm a little hungry. the body will spend the night burning fat.
Fat is like a candle, glucose is like gasoline.
>oddly enough, once you stop consuming massive amounts of carbohydrate, you start burning more fat.
but if you stop eating carbs, then you're replacing all that burned body fat with more fat. And if you are a member of the keto cult, you're putting yourself in an unhealthy body state to do it.
The body craves glucose, and is really good at burning it. Glucose determines hunger level. So glucose is what people should be eating. Once you've got enough glucose, the body says, stop eating. With fat, it's different. Fat is easy to store, and the body is really good at storing fat. The body will take as much fat as you can stuff in yourself because all it has to do is send it over to adipose tissue for long term storage.

>> No.11085322

>guzzle down gallons of corn syrup
>get beetus
>"clearly carbs are bad"

>> No.11085324

>if fat is so satiating, morbidly obese people are so morbidly obese? They're getting plenty of fat, obviously.

>dietary fat makes you fat

aaaaaand there we have it folks. the root of your bullshit is revealed. Insulin causes weight gain, it's the literal "fat storage" hormone, and GLUCOSE is what causes your beta cells to secrete insulin. You don't even have a 101 level understanding of the metabolic pathways involved, so I suggest you kindly fuck off and stop recommending rice with lard as a health food.

>> No.11085329

Why are paleotards so scared of fruit? Did you and your buddies go a little too far with them one time?

>> No.11085332

>the body does not use fat
>the heart runs on fat

can you even put together a coherent thought without directly contradicting yourself? fuck out of here. your brain runs on fat too dumbass, is that not part of the body either?

>> No.11085344

>Insulin causes weight gain

>> No.11085352

wypipo love shoving carrots up eachothers asses while they're asleep as a "epic prank bro", so I can understand if there's some fear involved.

>> No.11085361

Obviously, the body needs fat. but it doesn't need much. and it can turn carbs into fat if it needs to. just because the heart runs on fat doesn't mean someone needs to stuff themselves with fat at every meal.

>> No.11085366


people who have to inject insulin to survive have to deal with this in real life. they eventually develop localized fatty deposits where they inject because INSULIN IS THE FAT STORAGE HORMONE.

>> No.11085369

Once that zucchini broke off in my asshole it was never the same

Memes aside I like fruit, it's good. But that doesn't change the fact that your Macro breakdown shouldn't be majority carbs

>> No.11085374
File: 33 KB, 641x729, carb boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that not part of the body either?

Apparently not.

>> No.11085405

That has nothing to do with what you said about insulin. Insulin levels can be low and fat can still increase. Protein spikes insulin yet does not increase fat and even increases satiety

You’re ignoring an important concept of subsequent drops in insulin and blood sugar levels which play just as much of a role in lipid genesis and storage

>> No.11085411

God forbid you eat more fruits and vegetables right

>> No.11085521

>all fruits and vegetables must be high carb
>it is impossible to eat vegetables like spinach and cucumbers to meet my dietary fiber and vitamin requirements and nuts, meat and dairy to meet my caloric and protein needs

>> No.11085590

Fruits and vegetables are almost all high carb density wise.

>implying high carb is intrinsically unhealthy

>> No.11085599

b-but religions are all about antiquated shit.

>> No.11085606

fruits have a lot of fructose, which is not very good for you. Fructose doesn't make insulin rise, which means fruit is less satiating, and can lead to over-eating and beetus. Fruit is also bad for the teeth.

>> No.11085612

Literally one of the first points I made
was that insulin spikes cause blood glucose levels to quickly drop by forcing the glucose into either liver, muscle, or fat cells. Try harder kiddo.

>> No.11085614

They don't eat that much more carbs than the west.

sub-saharan Africans is the area of the world with the highest carb intake.

>> No.11085626

>Fruits and vegetables are almost all high carb

corn, soybean, peas, and root veggies like carrot and potato. Pick nearly any other vegetable and you'll be hard-pressed to see anything above 6g of net carbs per half-cup serving.

>> No.11085631

Fruits and vegetables are actually bad for you

>> No.11085639

Fruits, tubers, and grains are. Most green vegetables aren't

>> No.11085653
File: 146 KB, 1200x1200, 1519771921774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub sahara has highest carb intake
Of course, they's just got ancient shit there. The modern world all drive injection engines, or even electrical.

>> No.11085718

Fruits have fructose, but they also have fiber, polyphenols, phytonutrients, and other vitamins to counteract these negative effects. Stop being a broscientist

People who are giving 20 servings of fruit a day show no adverse effects, and additionally had a 38 point drop in LDL cholesterol

Fruit restriction offered no benefits in type 2 diabetics whereas ample fruit consumption did as it improved glycemic control

Industrial/pure fructose NOT whole fruit is unhealthy

Blueberries’ polyphenols decreases oxidation postpandrially in a high carb meal

Polyphenols in strawberries and apples decreasw glucose uptake

Black currant and lingoberries significantly slow glycemic response wheh consumed with pure sucrose, as well as optimizing overall metabolic responses to sucrose consumption

Ample doses of fruit lower glycemic response in high GI meals

Blueberries blunt insulin response even when consumed with white bread

Moderate fruit diet far superior to low fruit diet especially in weight management

17 servings of fruit a day offered no adverse effects and even improved weight management, blood pressure, insulin, and lipid levels
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/5573330/ (paywall, use sci-hub)

>> No.11085723

>was that insulin spikes cause blood glucose levels to quickly drop by forcing the glucose into either liver, muscle, or fat cells
And that’s completely incorrect, so...

>> No.11085729


>> No.11085738

Are you telling me this guy is not based?


>> No.11085742

Because Americans.

>> No.11085744

most of these studies are paid for by the fruit industry to promote their fruit. I'd take them with a grain of salt.
It's all a bunch of gibberish, really.
There are far better ways to get fiber and nutrients than eating fruit. All fruit offers is added fructose and acids.
cabbage and green beans have the same nutrition without the sugar and acids.

I want to preserve my teeth, and I don't need extra sugar in my diet, so I'm not going to be eating fruit. simple as that.

>> No.11085747

I don't think many people are saying carbs are inherently bad but people are questioning our modern 60-70% carb diet which is linked to mood disorders and in a way obesity

>> No.11085749

THey aren't you're just an idiot.

>> No.11085779

>i want to my preserve my teeth but become an obese retard
Think you already accomplished that, guy. Go shill your momdiet somewhere else

>> No.11085784

The videos cherry picking emaciated vegans are funny, but I'm too old for this edgy shit.

>> No.11085794

People are very stupid, like this guy >>11085744 even though he’s half shill half delusional retard

Refined carbs aren’t good, not too many people dispute that but for whatever reason paleotards just branch all carbs as the same, it’s as absurd as saying all fats are bad because of hydrogenated vegetable oils

>> No.11085809

I eat fruit but not too much of it. Would you say a 60-70% fruit diet is healthy or unhealthy?

>> No.11085841

Depends on what the other 30-40% is. Personally I wouldn’t make fruit the single biggest component of my diet, doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy necessarily just better if it plays second to say green leafy vegetables

>> No.11085863

>Why are paleotards so scared of fruit?
I eat lots of fruit. Tomato, jalapeno, cucumber, avocado...

>> No.11086403
File: 382 KB, 1500x1068, fatty-liver-and-non-alcoholic-fatty-liver-disease[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your nonalcoholic fatty liver.

>> No.11086494

No they get stored as white body fat
Dietary fat and cholesterol is immediately available for other uses like hormone production and energy

>> No.11086523

You get that from refined sugars, not whole fruit, retard

>> No.11086539

>Refined carbs aren’t good
What would you call glucose, sucrose, and fructose?

>> No.11086568

Something that is a part of but not ultimately the only component of complex carbs and fruits?

>> No.11086641

And you think this changes anything besides the speed at which these sugars enter the bloodstream?

>> No.11086660

>you think this changes anything other than one of the most crucial components to why refined carbs are considered unhealthy
Yes? Are you unaware of fiber, polyphenols, phytonutrients, and vitamins? Of course you are, you lack depth. Allow me to give you a quick rundown >>11085718

Care to explain why whole fruit or whole grain consumption is unhealthy through scholastic sources?

>> No.11086668


>> No.11086841

Why would you eat sugary fruits when you can eat vegetables with a much lower glycemic load and all of the same nutritional benefits?

>> No.11086874

I'm not that guy but:
Glycemic load isn't relevant to me. I don't have a problem with getting hungry and overeating so it's a totally moot concern.

Fruits taste better, and I value variety: both nutritionally and subjectively. I get plenty of veggies in other parts of my diet so it's not like I need to address a deficiency.

>> No.11088421

Keto is about 60 years older than Atkins. It's been around for a century.