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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 800x511, Brussels-Sprouts-and-Manganese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11080987 No.11080987 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make this shit taste good?

>> No.11080994

nice and hot
sprouts go in
give it a stir
more oil
let them sizzle
off heat

>> No.11080996

cut in half, coat lightly with olive oil, salt and pepper, parmesan cheese optional. baked for 30 minutes

>> No.11081002

>what is a cookbook

>> No.11081039

Excellent Post. Valuable & Not cunty at all.

>> No.11081054

Once I was served godly Brussels sprouts at a restaurant. I realized then that every time I had some before these were cooked wrong. When I try to cook them it ends up either not cooked enough or too biter.

>> No.11081055

I cook them up and pour a little vinegar over them, it really dilutes it's fart-like taste and makes them workable

>> No.11081145
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Grow up and evolve.
>brussels spouts are the shit.
>You're a tastelet.

>> No.11081152

Apple cider vinegar and bacon

>> No.11081157

>soy sauce
>bean sprouts
>pepper and salt to taste
>you can add toasted pork skin

>> No.11081256

Steam them. That's it. Well, for me it is. They'll taste like little green candies. It blew my mind how good they got after steaming.
If that's not enough just make a sauce to drown them in. A bechamel with chicken stock and some gruyere should do the trick.

>> No.11081380

Ask stupid questions get stupid answers.

>> No.11081387

>cuntiness amplified

>> No.11081406

>steam them
>they'll taste like little green shit sacks

>> No.11081428

cut in half, pan fry in butter
salt pepper and a hint of maple syrup

>> No.11081700

a fuck ton of salt

>> No.11081708

pinch your nose as you eat them

>> No.11081728

Man, you truly are a fucking retard. Brussel sprouts are legitimately one of the hardest vegetables to make genuinely appetizing, and I've seen some pretty crazy approaches to getting different flavors out of em.
>Cut in half
>Toss in oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, gochugaru/some kind of chili flakes
>Bake at 400 until dark and roasty
>Reduce bottle of fish sauce (has to be good fish sauce or this will taste like shit) to a thick syrup over medium heat
>Toss cooked brussel sprouts in fish sauce reduction, season with salt/sugar/citric to taste
Shit is the bomb

>> No.11081731

You don't they will always taste like shit no matter what

>> No.11081749

Your american is showing

>> No.11081758

cut them in half and and salt, pepper, and olive oil then roast them

>> No.11081773

i cut them in half, boil them until they are almost done (about 4 to 5 minutes), get a hot pan with some diced bacon/pancetta + olive oil, throw the sprouts in when the bacon is almost done, then season with pepper and garlic. very good with parmesan cheese too

>> No.11081807

Mint sauce.

>> No.11081820

Don't listen to this crazy person. He doesn't want you to experience happiness.

>> No.11081827
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Warm Brussels Sprouts Slaw with Asian Citrus Dressing

>> No.11083299

Boil them.

>> No.11083324

Okay, Ramsay

Make Bigos. Basically clean out any meat you have in the freezer, add some cabbage, sauerkraut, and some tomato paste and simmer. Shit's good

>> No.11083335

They taste good pickled

>> No.11083337

Fuck I'm retarded. Thought pic in OP was cabbages.

>> No.11083341

parboil halved sprouts, saute bacon and garlic, add parboiled sprouts, when brown edges occur deglaze with lemon juice or white wine

>> No.11083356

>hardest to make appetizing
No they arent literally bake them with salt an dworchester sauce and they’re done or pan fry and they’re done

You have to be a fucking idiot to think they’re hard to cook

>> No.11083359

Of all the methods, this is my favorite. Experiment to get the right amount of cooking time and salt.

>> No.11083373
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>> No.11083459


Vinegar Slaw
>toss with shredded carrots, sliced onions and minced garlic
>Heat together apple cider vinegar, honey, stoneground mustard, celery seed, salt and pepper JUST until honey is incorporated.
>toss slaw with dressing, refrigerate

County Fair Sausages
>Select two beers (one CANNOT be a BMC beer) and empty one of them (BMC if using) into a bowl, drink the other one while you cook
>Grill sausage (BAR-S Hotlink by preference, but any non-italian sausage will work) in oil over medium-high heat, in a large frying pan.
>Core and slice cabbage to 1/4 inch thick
>slice onions
>remove sausages when they begin to blacken on both sides
>add cabbage and onion to pan, sautee until they begin to blacken.
>return sausages to pan, pour in bowl of beer
>bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until beer is reduced by 2/3, stirring frequently.
>apply mustard to hoagie or other long roll and place open faced on plate
>top with sausage and veg mixture, drizzling with pan juices as a a sauce. Salt and pepper to taste

Irish Colcanon
>Core and slice cabbage to 3/8 inch thick; place in stock pot
>Peel and dice potatoes to 3/4 inch thick; place in stock pot
>pour beer over potatoes
>fill with water to 1" over potatoes, add salt and bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat, cover and simmer until potatoes hall apart when forked
>Cube cooked ham
When potatoes are finished, drain, return to stock pot, add butter, sour cream, and cubed ham
>Stir vigorously with large wooden spoon until semi-mashed
>Serve with salt and pepper to taste

>> No.11083529
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>cook 5 strips of bacon halfway in pan
>once half way done put them aside and dice into small pieces
>cook half a chopped onion and a chopped garlic clove in the bacon fat leftover in the pan for 5 min or until onions are clearish brown
>cut sprouts in half
>toss with olive oil
>mix oil coated sprouts with bacon cuts, onions, and garlic in pyrex tray
>bake in oven at 350 for 20 min

AWESOME brussel and bacon side dish

>> No.11083775

This. Sauteed brussels sprouts with bacon are genuinely good.

>> No.11083803

dijone mustard

>> No.11083808

Fry with bacon and a little garlic

>> No.11083815

Maple syrup

>> No.11083819

Cook them THE SAME DAY you buy them. Never let them get warm until you're prepping them.
Brussel Sprouts do well with assertive, savory flavors. There's a reason a lot of recipes involve cooking them with bacon or in bacon fat.
Overcooking them is a fatal mistake, they're probably the most delicate of the cabbage family of vegetables, but they are generally cooked in ways that are fast and have a lot of heat (steaming, broiling, frying).

>> No.11083832

what is wrong with parboiling?

>> No.11083834

You don't necessarily have to cook it though. Because it is a cabbage relative, you can use it as a substitute in Kimchi and Sauerkraut recipes.

>> No.11083836

I honestly just cut them in half, steam them and dip in mayonnaise. But I come from a kinda white trashy family.

>> No.11083968

bacon and pan seer

>> No.11083973

Nigga fuck you. Pan seared that shit with bacon

>> No.11083982
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>needing to eat pork fat to enjoy a vegetable
absolute retardation

>> No.11084185

i dont NEED it i just enjoy it that way

>> No.11084196

Ignore him; he doesn't know what parboiling is so he's just upset

>> No.11084266

>knowing some crappy way to cook them is the same as making them appetizing
You can't make up this stupidity.

>> No.11084269

Nothing.. /pol/ gets triggered by all kinds of words without even knowing what they mean.

>> No.11084298

By being an adult.

>> No.11084301

If you can't enjoy roasted brussels without adding a fucking high-priced fish sauce reduction and shit to it, the problem is you and not the veg.

>> No.11084319

I've always enjoyed this version. inb4 people hating on Alton Brown


>> No.11084320

I think OP made that clear by posting this. Doesn't mean we can't ease him into liking it by adding some shit. That's how you teach kids too.

>> No.11084328


Other than boiling or roasting in the oven, put them on a frying pan with some olive oil and your favourite assortment of spices and put a lid over them so the heat and steam gets trapped and the inside cooks as well jnstead of staying raw

>> No.11084339

If you're gonna cover the flavor for someone who can't down a veggie then a fish sauce reduction would probably be more offensive. Cover it in butter, oil, and salt if you're going to cover it. Ease back the amount as time goes on and they develop a taste for it.

>> No.11084342

I think they taste good boiled or steamed with just salt. I don't get why people think they're disgusting.

>> No.11085379

dubs; based and redpilled

>> No.11085408

>Make them earlier in the day with cheese on them
>Forget about them for about 4-5 hours
>Drink 12 beers
>Drunkenly search for anything in your house readily available to eat.
>Find these
>Settle for them

>> No.11085452

you're a dumbass with an unsophisticated sense of taste
brussel sprouts are quite good as they are
i'm so tired of the autistic manchildren on /ck/ who think everything in the world has to taste like fucking gummi worms to be good
>can't get into bitter notes

>> No.11085473
File: 5 KB, 234x250, ri1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding fish sauce