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File: 146 KB, 1500x1500, 812C08QcO7L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11073185 No.11073185 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best soft drink in existence, hands down. There's literally nothing that you can say or do to make me change my mind. I've already made it perfectly clear at this point.

>> No.11073258

It gives you cancer anon

>> No.11073273

>zero sugar
>zero calorie
You BTFO your own argument right there in the picture.

>> No.11073318 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 630x420, Back2School.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there's nothing we can say or do than what's the point of this thread you fucking moron?

>> No.11073344
File: 49 KB, 700x700, 00012000809965_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11073513
File: 44 KB, 336x706, 1471296774350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you literally drink it every fucking day for the rest of your life, then yes it will. Moderation is key, you fat fucking slob.

According to you, maybe.

To prove a point, dumbass.

>drinking literal brake fluid
Wow okay, you sure showed me, pal. I'll probably never recover after this tragedy...oh woe is me.

>> No.11073532

>If you literally drink it every fucking day for the rest of your life, then yes it will. Moderation is key, you fat fucking slob.

How can you prove this? What if just by drinking it every day for 5 years ensures cancer? Do you really KNOW otherwise? I can guarantee that you DO NOT know that because it hasn't been around for more than a few decades, if even that, at most. Why are you pretending to know something to be fact when you actually don't know it to be true at all? Did the "news" tell you that "fact"? I would guess so. Wake the fuck up, dude.

>> No.11073611

I'm well aware that I'm over-exaggerating a bit, but seriously, chill the fuck out dude. If you're drinking it every day for 5 years, then of-fucking-course it's more than likely you'd get cancer. Hell, even less than that maybe.

>> No.11073641
File: 376 KB, 473x480, 19893_usa-ginger-beer-wrap-side-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hops into ur path*

>> No.11073772


tamrindo,sangria limonda, narajada are all better.

>> No.11073842

Tt fucks your gut biome and makes you absorb more sugar fatty. I have never seen a thin person drinking coke zero.

>> No.11073863

Shuddup retarded head

>> No.11073904

There are, but you're just not looking hard enough. Spending too much time in those tunnelvision goggles can fuck your mind up pretty good.

>> No.11073997

There is no point to drinking fake soda. Maybe try eating a reasonable amount each day and then you can drink regular soda like a normal person.

>> No.11074037

Some people don't drink water and only drink soda. All day long.

>> No.11074054
File: 19 KB, 450x450, aa243084-7d5e-42c4-93c6-31f2d6dd9dbe_1.82de4641e04e070a0d2ef8e9200ca371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped being a coke customer when they changed it, I gave it an honest try but it's not good
regular coke zero was underperforming in europe so they reformulated it for european tastes an not american ones. That's why it's less sweet and wearing a hijab

>> No.11074061

Just had some earlier today, my favorite along with dr pepper

>> No.11074095
File: 36 KB, 360x240, bunt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Water boy here, just checking to make sure you guys are drinking your soft drinks in moderation and have water in you most of the time.

>> No.11074130

now that's high quality h2o

>> No.11075080
File: 282 KB, 1500x1500, DF63DB6C-4279-4515-B2FA-AEDD380CDA53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to catch fire here or anything, but I sorta prefer Zero Sugar to old Zero. While old Zero definitely had more of a “bite” to it, Zero Sugar does have more of a close “Coke taste” to it, and way less of that “diet soda” aftertaste.

If you’re looking for something that’s closest to old Coke Zero, I’d recommend the Caffeine-Free version. Still uses the old formula and can design, and doesn’t really taste too far off from the original. Even tho you really don’t get that “buzz”, it’s still better than nothing. Cherry and Vanilla haven’t changed yet either (or at least not yet here in the ‘states)

>> No.11075121

Tell that to Donald Trump bitch

>> No.11075130

Based and redpilled

>> No.11075824

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11076626

The original version of Coke Zero was objectively superior to Coke Zero Sugar