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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11060613 No.11060613 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11060617

clairecucks btfo
good fucking riddance

>> No.11060619

What? Where's she going? Did we scare her away?

>> No.11060621

Imagine the smell.

>> No.11060632
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I was wondering if all the talk about her brapper made her leave

>> No.11060640
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Clairfags on suicide watch

>> No.11060673

I feel vicariously sad for Brad. Where will he park his giant hog at night? With Claire gone, no one will be able to help him with his pastries OR his boners.

>> No.11060677

She's quitting to live with me and have babies with me. We're going to make sweet love every night and morning, and also in the daytime on some weekends.

>> No.11060695
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>> No.11060697

Is it time to go gay for brad bros?
what else can we possibly do

>> No.11061264
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Maybe claire got a better deal at another channel? who could she go to? some buzzfeed shit?

>> No.11061272

I'm unsubbing from bon appetit's youtube if she's not going to be on it anymore.

>> No.11061297

That purée makes my dick hard.

>> No.11061300
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Clair is shit tho...

>> No.11061301

Go gay for Adam

>> No.11061463
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Come to the Emmy side.

>> No.11061495

Somebody post the crossover fapfic

>> No.11061773
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She can never replace Claire

>> No.11061912


>> No.11061921

>confusing parsley with cilantro

Appropriate for claire’s ineptitude

>> No.11061927
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But she already has.

>> No.11061928

I hope she stays away from youtube and other media, then maybe these waifu shill faggots will stop.

>> No.11061929

Ugh, /lit might be the worst board on this shithole of a website and that's saying something when /pol exists.

>> No.11061961

you haven't been on 4chan long

Thats okay
but shut up

>> No.11061994
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>> No.11062006

/ck/ has quickly become one of the worst boards in the past year months.

>> No.11062026

For me, it’s the McChicken. The Best Fastfood Chicken Sandwich.

>> No.11062188

She's been called back to Israel. She will acquire a cooking channel soon.

>> No.11062197

Conscription? I hope a muzzie is accurate with that rock.

>> No.11062209

>/ck/ has quickly become one of the worst boards in the past year months.

We need to put all the fucking evangelical vegans in their own containment board, like /pol/. Then /ck/ will be 100% better.

>> No.11062210

Then who's going to be /our slampig/?

>> No.11062218


>> No.11062227

Nothing wrong with chasing roasties off the internet.

>> No.11063401

Yeah, I love a good sausage fest.

>> No.11063439
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>all the fucking evangelical vegans in their own containment board
1. Containment boards don't work.
2. Those "evangelical vegans" are just shitposters baiting retarded fucks into arguing about their diets because, news flash, there's not a single board on 4chan that is capable of self moderating. It's fucking baffling how anons on /ck/ can't identify the most blatant of baitposts as bait.

>> No.11063461

first of all, you don't talk to girls, you only masturbate to them. their pictures were still all over the internet before they started posting on it

>> No.11063781

an anon on this board told me molly was a lesbian. But I always liked her more than Claire.

>> No.11064248

>tfw just recently started watching Emmy's videos after severely disparaging her for years
holy shit i was so, so wrong
emmy is love
emmy is life
feels good to be on the right side of history now

>> No.11064440

It's going to be okay. We've still got Brad.

>> No.11064835

A chubby jewish woman with grey hair?
Who cooks stupid shit?
I don't get the appeal.

>> No.11064886

Good man.

>> No.11064894

>Who cooks stupid shit
>I don't get the appeal
>He typed this on /ck/
Really N***a?

>> No.11064897

what is this retard trying to say?

>> No.11064971

That you're a moron.

>> No.11065042

Sometimes I reply to bait because getting a (You) will make the bait poster happy. It's good to do nice things.

>> No.11065050

Thank you for your service.

>> No.11065055

You cant fucking substitute parsley for cilantro
Especially not in an avocado based dish
It sounds like they made a mistake. How in fucks cunt could they not tell the difference? They look different, they smell different!

>> No.11065081

You're part of the problem. Everyone who responds to those fucking threads, myself included, should be banned.

>> No.11065181

/ck/ pretty much turned into /v/.
no actual food discussion. tons of shitposting and terrible memes.

>> No.11065558

I can't stop keking. It's so beautiful.

>> No.11065562

Press F to pay respects


>> No.11066116

>avocado hummus
so, a more homosexual guacamole?

>> No.11066127

Thank fucking God that stupid 4th grade art teacher is gone. You limp wristed semen sippers will have to find some other frumpy plumpy to hump your anime pillows to.

>> No.11066207

/v/ is a thousand times better than /ck/ lately. People there have actually been playing video games.

>> No.11066260

Fuck off smashfag stop flooding the board with your inane garbage.

>> No.11066270
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I don't play smash. Though castlevania is my favorite game so I was very happy about the recent announcement. I stick the /v/kend threads for the most part. Though lately there's a couple other good threads up at any given time.

>> No.11066525


>> No.11066978

I bet you never even beat Castlevania. All those bottomless pits were probably too much for your delicate sensibilities.


>> No.11066981

Bait is simply an integral part of 4chan. The weak should fear the strong. Only good posts will survive the onslaught of bait. If you want socialism tier moderation go to reddit.

>> No.11066992

It took years but yes I've beaten it.

>> No.11067746

She probably went back to college to learn about melting chocolate.

>> No.11067778

I honestly can't understand anything on Twitter. Half of it isn't even words.

>> No.11067845
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no thanks

>> No.11067875

Will the gourmet junkfood series continue? Who would host it? The only acceptable answer is Brad.

>> No.11067935

>trick apron making fake curves

She's a fridge.

>> No.11068121
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Emmy a shit, this is a /troomtroom/ board

>> No.11068126

Well.. Nobody wants your creepy advances. I didn't pay much attention to the channel but you made this worse. I have someone in mind but she doesn't need this kind of publicity. You should be ashamed. It's literally all your fault.

>> No.11069196

>Betraying your race with that dog turd

>> No.11069670

Pshh, I'm not asian

>> No.11069871

But you're a weeb.

>> No.11069896

she legit looks like Jimmy Kimmel

>> No.11070153

emmy is kind of gross even though she's nice

>> No.11070406
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You post this in almost every thread and no one cares.

>> No.11070409

You think Claire goes on 4chan?

>> No.11070422

Imagine if she had ever read a single word I have written in her deserved adulation. I would die happy.

>> No.11070453

>implying Molly "I don't like chocolate, but I like white chocolate" Baz isn't worst girl
And Carla's around, so I'm not being lenient in using that term

>> No.11070565

Emmy does.

>> No.11070591

Vice offered her like 2x what BA was paying for a solo web series.

>> No.11070610

Good for you, Claire! I'll miss you but good luck on your next adventure!

>> No.11070779

You are all like a bunch of old ladies watching a soap opera and wondering if hunky Ben got the fan mail they sent him. Pathetic.

>> No.11070803

More like soup opera lmao. Bless your heart.

>> No.11070953

>well ol' vinn looks like ya gotta put yerr money where yerr moufth is

>> No.11070983

Brad has a wife and kids, he doesn't need some fat graying jew

>> No.11070997

well they read books what did you expect

>> No.11071529

and that's not even twitter
it's something else that looks like twitter
but it's not

>> No.11071697

its instagram you fucking neanderthal get with the times

>> No.11071929

>instagram, twitter,
It's all cancer.

All that "social media" trash is nothing more than a modern version of a bathroom stall wall in any given truck stop along any given highway.

>> No.11071939
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Guys look at Claire shes got it all

>> No.11071963

>All that "social media" trash is nothing more than a modern version of a bathroom stall wall
He posted proudly on a social media site.

>> No.11072009


She looks worse now

>> No.11072069

sorry sweetie this is an imageboard not a social media site

>> No.11072127

She looks like a racist caricature.

>> No.11072132

Relax you spazzoids, vice is giving her her own web series for 2X the pay.

>> No.11072155

So I can't watch it then. nice.

>> No.11072335

That's what makes her cute.

>> No.11072343

i love jokes

>> No.11072396
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>year months