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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11047180 No.11047180 [Reply] [Original]

Post good hangover foods and drinks that help recover from a night of who knows how many shots

Thank the Lord I didn't piss myself this time

>> No.11047202

Beer, just not too much.

>> No.11047213
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i pee myself every time, literally considering giving it up..

>> No.11047242

sleep in the tub

>> No.11047916

The best cure for hangovers i had is to keep It simple, make a good plate of spaghetti, drop a can of tuna on it, cover it tomato/marinara sauce, also drink a lot of water

>> No.11048615

micky d's will fix you right up my man! get a mcdouble, some fries, and a large coke and then you'll be ready to party the night away again!

im lovin' it!

>> No.11048669

Op, don’t losten to these faggots. The only cure for a hangover is coconut water. It taste disgusting but it will work. The better choice is to drink lots of water when drinking so you can avoid ever getting the hangover.

>> No.11048677

Greasy breakfast platter+weed

>> No.11048687
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What do you eat or drink when you can't even keep down water or ibuprofen the next day

>> No.11048714

Pedialyte enema

>> No.11048729

Toast; you need something simple to absorb your stomach acid first

>> No.11048766


>> No.11048788

Time is the only cure for a hangover anon

>> No.11048808
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This and really really spicy food

>> No.11048819
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dubs of truth

>> No.11048859

>Hungover food
Mollettas; Frijoles de olla, salsa, cheese, egg over easy, hot breakfast sausage, served on a dry toasted hoagie roll (day old preferably). I usually add some bacon and hot sauce as well, YMMV Serve with a metric fuckload of napkins.

>Hungover drinks
Screaming fuzzy navel; 4 parts OJ (with pulp you faggots), 2 part peach schnapps, 1 part vodka, shake with ice, serve in a frosty pint glass

Second Week of Fish Camp: 6 parts V8, 2 parts Smoked Salmon Vodka, 2 parts lime juice, 1/4 tsp fresh ground ginger, Worcestershire & garlic Cholula to taste, garnish with celery, pickled reindeer sausage, another Fishcamp and a Molletta. Shake well, serve with ice in a hurricane glass

>> No.11048917

Prairie oyster without egg white, followed by a slice or two of toast.
If you're not lactose intolerant a big fuckoff glass of fatty milk always works for me.

>> No.11048925

Croquetas and coffee, that shit helped out a lot during my last hangover in Barcelona

>> No.11048926

A Brazilian I used to work with said that coconut water is best for hangovers.

>> No.11048927

what the fuck is that filename

>> No.11048929

This post makes me want to shoot myself

>> No.11048949

4 bong rips, one percocet, and 2 cups of coffee

>> No.11049106

>all these people suggesting greasy food
It does make you feel better, but it's not the best

Hangovers are caused by dehydration and depleted nutrients. Take in something healthy like a gay ass smoothie or something and drink a lot of water

>> No.11049112

honestly this isn't a bad idea, Pedialyte is basically specially made for dehydrated/de-nutrinated people. This is basically what it exists for, though pedialyte was made for people with the shits

>> No.11049647

1 vitamin B pill.
Ezpz thank me later

>> No.11049664


>> No.11049723

2 sausage mcmuffins and as much ice water as you can keep down

>> No.11050030


If you don't have nausea, skull stew (or junkie stew):

>Fry the ceapest beef mince you can find
>Add chopped onions/spring onions, let them sweat
>Add beef broth, scrape all the tasty bits off the bottom of the pan
>Add pasta
>Let simmer for 20 min
>Eat with cheese and ketchup

If nauseous:

>Water and toast/any other simple white bread to soak up stomach contents
>Keep at this until you are not feeling sick anymore, then go for above


>Glass of orange juice
>Bacon on toast

>> No.11050040

I drink 1 liter of gatorade with my bottle of vodka. Take a shot and wash the taste away with the gatorade, repeat until the bottle is empty. Keeps you hydrated and mineralated, it really does make the hangover a lot less harsh. I did this yesterday and today I'm feeling almost normal

>> No.11050168

what happened to the eternal al/ck/aholic thread

>> No.11050177

>he doesn't always want to shoot himself

>> No.11050182


>> No.11051253

>tuna and marinara

i couldn't think of something that would make me puke faster

>> No.11051262

We got a winner

>> No.11051272

I hate how often this needs to be posted.
Shitty instant ramen. Drink the soup. Eat the noodles if you can tolerate it. Pedialyte or a Gatorade mixed half with water. You now have enough salt and electrolytes to make it to the store and keep drinking.

>> No.11051313

Coconut water before bed, and in the morning after. Works like a charm and your hangover'll be barely a fifth of what it could've been.

>> No.11051398
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Accept no substitutes

>> No.11051489

I always try to drink a fuckton of water before i hit the bed it usually helps in the next day, the worst part for me is waking up, that fucking massive headache.

As for the day after, lots of water again, cigarettes if you smoke and large doses of carbonara

>> No.11051505
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Prairie Oyster

>> No.11051558

night before is a good idea, my dumb ass will drink all night, pass out and wake up at 4 am with the thirst of a man stranded in the desert

>> No.11051569

>dehydrated people
Nig what do you think alcohol does to your body

>> No.11051631

Depends on hangover

-If it's very bad, white as fuck roll with 0.1 mm thick layer of butter and bit of salf.
-If it's just bad, same as above + 1 or 2 softboiled egg. Or thin "rosół" (basically broth with overcooked macaroni in it). Also "thin" means just that it has most of fat removed, not that it's watered down or something.
-If it's bit worse than ususal: żur (rye soup - sour soup, very good thing).
-If it's just regular one, everything what person likes, except things packed with pure fat and protein (like baked pig's front leg, fried pig's neck etc.). Hangover food needs some carbs.

Drinks are another thing, some guys can cure themselfs with 1 beer, other just would start to drink again after 1 beer.

It's pretty complex topic. And simple af at thesame time :^)

>> No.11051665

What is this insane babushka advice

>> No.11051673

>everything what person likes, except things packed with pure fat and protein (like baked pig's front leg, fried pig's neck

>> No.11051676

Drink a spicy V8 with 2 eggs and some hashbrowns.
Then take a runny dump and wa-la.

>> No.11051691

oh my
you're so cute and pure sometimes westernbros

You shouldn't eat things like ribs, neck cut from pig (cow most likely too), deep fried pizza etc when your'e having hangover (at least when you have some serious one). Your swollen liver might not stand that shit plus it needs some easy fuel (by "easy" I mean rich in kcal yet piss easy to disges, so simple carbs, glucose, fructose, shit like that).

I live in vodka littered land, so I know. Don't be afraid, ask me anything :^)

>> No.11051702

Dehydrates you, which is why he recommended pedialyte you moron

>> No.11051790

Eat your index finger next to a toilet bowl for about 5 minutes until you're chucking up fresh air.
You'll be able to drink water (or sports drinks) after that.

>> No.11052012

I don't ever get drunk but a friend of mine takes these tumeric pills before going to bed and apparently it works really well

>> No.11052664

Marijuana is the cure. I usually like a redbull just for smells and taste, but pot is what will stop the suffering. Just don't show up to work stoned, still drunk from the night before.

>> No.11052673

Plalee oisderu

>> No.11053627

Last time I got called into work at 4am after drinking til 2 I just chugged water til I felt like I was gonna explode then went in. Headache was gone after an hour and stomach had settled shortly after.

>> No.11053743

i make myself a salty fatty hunk of meat
today it was a duck's leg

>> No.11053774
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I need a smoke bros

The summer afternoon doldrums are fucking hell on my mind.

>> No.11053849
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Drink this