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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11030714 No.11030714 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really think this?

>> No.11030721

God damn how retarded are food stamp niggas
Jesus christ

>> No.11030732

>Do people really think this?
which, that fast food isn't cheaper, and that freash food is very expensive some places or the opposite. what side are you on?

>> No.11030742

A combo meal at McDonalds is $8-$11 dollars. you can buy chicken breasts and sides and cook it yourself for days.

>> No.11030747

>actually getting combo meals
>not exclusively getting mcchickens and mcdoubles

>> No.11030750

What the fuck? I bought a bag of grapes for 3.36 and two bunches of bananas for 2.30 total

>> No.11030754

She bought fruit out of season and not on sale.

ALSO, I feel the need to mention she paid for fucking water.

>> No.11030767


2 lbs grapes: $3.98
Pineapple: $2.00
Raspberries: $1.99
Soft Drink: $14.99? (Only way I can get to $32.00)
Nuts: $2.00

I know my math is off, but OP is full of shit.

>> No.11030778

it depends on where you live, for 11 dollars i could get just about 2.5 lbs of chicken breasts, and that's it. for the same money I could get 10 Cheeseburgers. which has more calories?

>> No.11030791

Bag of rice: $1
Some beans: $1
Some chicken: $4
Some oil: $2
Some spinach: $2
Some seasonings: $3
Some water: $0

Grand total: Not $32

>> No.11030800


2 lbs grapes: $3.98 > $3.00/lb $6
Pineapple: $2.00 > $7
Raspberries: $1.99 >$4.99
Soft Drink: $14.99? (Only way I can get to $32.00) > $2.50
Nuts: $2.00

$20.50 + tax, still less than the $32 by nearly a third, but not absurdly so. depending on taxes and price, $11 is easy to spend

>> No.11030803

Probably took place in California at a store like Whole Foods, Sprouts, or Safeway; which are all notoriously expensive. Especially if the pineapple was off season.

In that; All this person got was fruit. That isn't healthy, it's sugar. If she went and bought lettuce/spinach/kale/collards, chicken, beans, brown rice, peppers, and tea packets, she would have been much better off.

>> No.11030808

Your prices are a bit low for what I can get in my area, a container of raspberries that size might be around $4. But even considering that, everything would have to average out to $6, including the soda and excluding the nuts because she mentioned the price of those, to end up being $32. There's no way, unless she went to the most expensive grocery store and bought the most expensive fruits there. Or she's just lying to get some attention.

Some people do think you have to spend a lot of money to eat healthy food though, maybe so they can just avoid the accusation of being ignorant and not knowing what to eat. Cabbage, lentils, eggs, cheese, and whole wheat flour would probably be under $15 and maybe enough to make enough food for a week. And you'd still have $17 leftover to buy a bit of meat, some stock, seasonings, etc. compared to just buying a bunch of fruit.

>> No.11030814

It's still pretty retarded to buy a bunch of highly perishable food if you're on a budget. There are cheaper fruits anyway that last longer, like apples, but you could also buy frozen fruit that's almost as good from a nutritional standpoint and is cheaper.

>> No.11030841

i mostly agree, but it really depends on what is available

>> No.11030844

SHHHHH. you'll make the author of this OP comment feel stupid.

>> No.11031014

>Some water: $0

>thinking water is free
If you're getting it from a tap, you still have a water bill.

>> No.11031036

>buying fruit out of season
>being such a idiot that you don't know how to buy fruit

Look at this moron. So used to eating processed garbage that is available 24/7 that it doesn't even know that prices for fruit change depending on the season.

>> No.11031047

Yes, the three cups of water required to make dinner is 100% for sure going to break the bank.
I've submitted your recommendation for the Harvard School of Economics, because it is apparent to me that your aptitude for performing cost break-downs is truly prodigious.

>> No.11031117

When people say "healthy", they always mean shit like pre-seasoned pre-fileted meat and veggies, which fucking SUCK if you're destitute and trying to feed yourself
Meat is expensive and green vegetables DONT PROVIDE ANY CALORIES, it's literal bourgeoisie shit when you're poor

99% of the time, when someone wants to "eat healthier", they invariably mean they want to lose weight because they're FAT. You can keep eating your junk food, just eat less of it.
All you have to do is EAT LESS.

>> No.11031640

>Eat less calories, store less as fat
>simplest concept

>yet people still choose to do meme diets or think a 5 min jog will do them right

>> No.11031645

It's sprite.

>> No.11031647


>> No.11031687

I've often found frozen fruit almost the same in price to fresh.

>> No.11031699

If you think calories are all that your body needs you're in for a surprise. Vegetables and fruits should be half of your plate for a reason, and it's not their caloric content. Some, like squash, carrots, celery- or bananas, apples, and oranges tend to be quite affordable.

>> No.11031714

I live in a very very wealthy town and the Publix here is upscale.
If I had to guess
>2 bags of grapes: $4.59 each
>1 pineapple: $3.79
>1 half pint of raspberries: BOGO $4
>1 soda: $1.79
>2/$1 nuts: $1
Grand total:
Unless she lives in Alaska or Detroit in a literal food desert there's no fucking way that costs that much.

>> No.11031717

social media is why people are so dumb, every statement in those paragraphs are 100% false but I bet lots of idiots believed it.

>> No.11031720
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>Look at all these expensive fresh fruits I bought instead of buying staple foods, america is so fucked up
Why would you ever buy a whole fucking pineapple?
Why would you ever buy grapes and raspberries and pineapple INSTEAD of buying staple foods?
Let me go to walmart.com and on a budget of $32 get some food
Assuming that your cupboard is COMPLETELY BARREN this should last you a good while .
>Eat tuna as it is
>Eat tuna with beans + rice
>Make "chicken" soup with the bouillion cubes + tuna
>Chili powder + red pepper flakes so you can mix tastes up

>> No.11031722

>7 limes
>5 mushrooms

>> No.11031756 [DELETED] 

all niggers are fucking retarded

>> No.11031757

>no frozen or canned vegetables
Anon, I'm concerned.

>> No.11031785

That's how my budget works, anon. If I can't afford veggies, I don't get them. I get what I need to survive.
$50 - better versions of the stuff I posted, probably chicken, plus some canned/frozen veggies
$30 - what I posted
$10 - just beans and rice
$0 - steal the food grocery stores throw out or panhandle for dosh near fast food places because people will more than likely give me money for food

>> No.11031796

grapes, pineapple, raspberries all cost more than that lol

>> No.11031801

What a retard.

I should start posting my receipts from Cash Saver.
I eat s shitton of veggies and fruit daily.
For reasonable fucking prices.

Why buy 5 lbs of grapes?

>> No.11031821

>buy all organic food for a mark up
>shop at whole foods
>buy the overpriced impusle buy nuts and soda for way over markup
>wow wtf!

>> No.11031854

>live in central Florida
>drive by miles of orange groves every day
>oranges still expensive
>every grocery store I go to has oranges FROM CALIFORNIA

what the fuck is going on here

>> No.11031946

This. Adds another $6 a month you need to factor in

>> No.11031948

How dare you criticize Welfare-Americans?

>> No.11031969
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pretty sure that post is a joke. there was a trend 6 months ago where people would meme the original >limes.

>> No.11031994

tap water is like 100 gallons a penny

>> No.11032000

Yes. Poor people stay poor because they usually stay uneducated on most subjects in life

>> No.11032086

The nuts are 2/$1. Thats not 1 per nut thats 2 bags for $1.

>> No.11032093

>buying berries and rich man fruits
I wonder how many potatoes that could be bought for those 32 dollarydos

>> No.11032098

I nut for less than a dollar.

>> No.11032200

>chicken breast instead of the cheaper tastier juicier thighs

>> No.11032219

Everyone always says thighs are cheaper but everywhere I go they're like 20% more expensive

>> No.11032391

those are all juice oranges, not eating oranges.

>> No.11032397

No. And I think you know it's not.

People who live in poverty don't eat like this. They eat 20 cent packs of ramen noodles, and use one to feed three people. That's all they get in one day. THAT is poverty.

The poor tend to make worse choices because, typically in America, they're not educated to make smart decisions with their money. But the ones that are get the staples: Rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, apples, and whatever's on sale that's dirt cheap.

SHOULD people be so poor that they can't feed themselves properly? No. Of course not. But in tough times you do what you gotta do. You don't buy pineapples n shit.

>> No.11032444

>grapes, pineapple, bagged nuts, berries, singular bottled waters
holy shit, why?

>> No.11032455

You're pricing the pineapple, raspberries, and nuts way too low. The nigger didn't go to a fucking farmer's market you ding dong.

>> No.11032460

>greens are bourgeoisie shit
Avoiding rickets and scurvy etc is for working class folks, too

Frozen greens are not expensive

>> No.11032464

But that's exactly what she's saying. 20 cent ramen noodles are not healthy, but they're cheap, and they're what people will go for in desperate times.

Her picture is a bad example though, because nobody buys two bags of grapes and a pineapple for dinner.

>> No.11032493

i fucking hate this dumbass argument. So you fuckface dont pay for water in your home? Then how the fuck do you wash yourself?
Fucking brainlets i swear.

>> No.11032509

>lying for attention
On Tumblr? About fat shaming? Nooooooo

>> No.11032531


>not having your own well

the absolute state of you

>> No.11032561


i chuckled, this caught me off guard

fuck you anon

>> No.11032567

This. I can get a whole chicken for less than US$6, vegs $5 worth and rice for $1 per kilo and eat them for a week. That's equivalent to the price of 4 of McDonalds cheapest hamburger.

Guess it depends on where you live.

>> No.11032572

people that do this are poor because they are completely stupid. just be happy they are feeding themselves anything.

>> No.11032587

ah yes an entire pineapple, bag of grapes and nuts, now that's a real meal

>> No.11032588

Nigga to lose weight you've got to eat less, not more, that's the whole point

>> No.11032592

is that even legal? collecting rainwater isn't

>> No.11032595

Buy ramen and add some greens to each serving like broc, spinach, cabbage etc whatever is cheapest and it's probably healthier than what 70% of the rest of the population eats on any given day

>> No.11032596

Fucking hell what dystopian liberal shitscape do you hail from that having a well is questionably legal?

>> No.11032598

just asking

>> No.11032602

Where I live: (prices in USD)

1 pineapple $3.3
2 bags of white grapes $7
1 pk raspberries $4.4
2 packet of nuts $2
1 bottle of softdrink $2.15


>> No.11032604

i honestly need to know the answer to this.

>> No.11032605

In Colorado you can't collect rainwater, it's like the FO3 of real life

>> No.11032610

yeah this sounds a lot more reasonable and closer to what it is in my city. $16.20

>> No.11032616

>collecting rainwater isn't legal
where the fuck do you live

>> No.11032619

The land of the free of course

>> No.11032620

My condolences

>> No.11032629

It's literally putting a big bucket in your backyard, is there any historical reason why it's not allowed?

>> No.11032637

>All you have to do is EAT LESS.
Technically true, yet statistically retarded. The way you eat less is by eating in a way that makes you feel full with fewer calories, which means padding your meals out with vegetables and fibre, eliminating sugary drinks and things that don't fill you up, eating to a proper schedule so you don't binge or snack. and above all, starting to do so when you're overweight and not when you're an obese hamplanet.

Calories in calories out implies that it's a good idea to lose weight by eating nothing but carefully-weighed portions of fried chicken, which is blatantly wrong and goes against all common sense and good advice.

>> No.11032638

Because that water flows somewhere it's needed, but when it becomes a legal issue we're talking about some real fucking big buckets

>> No.11032640

>see the clouds starting to form
>crack of thunder initiates rainstorm
>quickly rush home to activate the house umbrella
>upturn birdbath
>shatters and the remains are strewn across the garden
good afternoon anon, care to explain this?
>its officer agua
>he's holding my dog's water bowl
>a thin layer of rainwater just about covers the base of it
>spill spaghetti and stutter as heavy drops splash around me
tut tut anon, i thought you knew better than this
>prisons are overflowing with filthy H2O collectors, so now on the spot execution is the punishment
>never thought id be one of them
>agua pulls out his gun
>raise my hands to surrender
>get shot
>pool of water forms on my back
>agua shoot again

>> No.11032642

>no execution by super soaker
you had one job

>> No.11032651

whats the reason behind this?

>> No.11032656

colorado is insane.

>> No.11032685

i googled it and apparently some people build huge reservoirs, thus keeping all those water for their private gain rather than letting them go into the water cycle.

>> No.11032692

$32 (if I have change for tax) is 32 mcchickens. That's mcchickens a day for 5 days. I can't eat 6 in a day, so 5 a day would last 6.5 days. On the last day I can go hungry. Or if I eat 4 a day, I can have 4 a day for a week with 1 leftover. That one leftover, each week, for an entire year, would let me save $32 one week by eating 7 each day for a week.

>> No.11032694
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>> No.11032698

Electric cost money usually.

>> No.11032704

take your meds. or take more.

>> No.11032727
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>> No.11032766

Enjoy your mercury poisoning

>> No.11033390

>not hand pumping your water
Queen of England over here

>> No.11033455

Grapes are like ten bucks a bag. That's where 70% of her cost is.

>> No.11033616

That’s why you go the library or whatever and fill up bottles instead.

>> No.11033700

mcd's cheapest burger is only $1

>> No.11033710

>Pinto beans
MUH NIGGA. Beans should be the top of the food pyramid. They hold so much flavor. This weekend I'm making some Northern Bean soup.

>> No.11033716

In my state we have a rain tax.

>> No.11033830

>Beans should be the top of the food pyramid
The top is what you eat least though

>> No.11033837
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>> No.11033904
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>>Beans should be the top of the food pyramid
>The top is what you eat least though

>> No.11033921

>american geometry

>> No.11033922

Every single food here is bordering on luxury food. Go eat some apples or pears instead of getting bags of overpriced grapes.

>> No.11034057

Every time that kind of thread/picture shows up, I'm always baffled at the lack of pasta. Do americans simply not sell them?
In France the "poor student" food isn't ramen or mac and cheese, it's the dried pack of 500 grams of pasta, in boiling water, with a bit of butter.
it's cheap and caloric, while not necessarily healthy, but still healthier than junk food

>> No.11034086


butter sketti and the big jug of meaty prego is a humble staple too

but the student ramen thing is them owning nothing to cook with but the microwavable plastic tub

>> No.11034089

There is plenty of pasta in the U.S.
Dorm life problems. Glad I never had to do that.

>> No.11034092
File: 39 KB, 389x528, cd9fafdc-42cd-476f-8fb1-9efaaff6ba39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I live in a third world country and I can buy over 90 pounds of fresh produce with 25 dollars

>> No.11034099

buttered noodles with bread crumbs and a little garlic powder is a poor people staple. even better if you can afford a bit of cheese and nutmeg.

>> No.11034104

You know how many onions you could get for 32 dollars? Eating a raw onion rn. I'm dying oh my goodness.
I hate vegans but i think I'm gonna start doing the vegan thing. Just raw vegetables every day. It burns man.

>> No.11034105

Grapes can last a fair while, a few days if everyone is eating them

>> No.11034109

Except you don't have to be full all the time, you pussy.

>> No.11034122

you people dont understand poor people work 16 hour days and come home to a house with no electricity or running water they are forced to eat fastfood all the time.

>> No.11034131
File: 20 KB, 500x313, comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga shopping at the wrong damn store. that whole shit would be $5 at Aldi and $10 at wegmans if you wanna be a high roller

>> No.11034139

Also, the willingness to cook is an issue as well. Most poor people are working poor. So, you come home from working 1-2 jobs and then have to cook. Most will opt for the easy food.

>> No.11034148

How can you have so many jobs and be so poor

>> No.11034152

The american dream.

>> No.11034220
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I lived off Ramen Noodle Omelettes with cheese and mushrooms in Uni. I'd make a jumbo one with two packets of noodles, 6 eggs, 200g of cheese and 200g pack of mushrooms, fried in 100g of butter (it absorbed all of it). I was a vegetarian at the time and totally craving animal broteins and fats.

>> No.11034459

>leak in your roof
>water dripping from ceiling
>put a bowl underneath the dripping area
>door slams open
what a hellish world

>> No.11034648

I live in Florida so pineapple's always cheap. Grapes are about $5 a bag. I was at the store today at raspberries were 2/$5 for 11oz cartons today.

>> No.11034889

I gave OP a break and don't use discounted prices. If I wait for supermarket discounts (they roll what products are on sale every couple of weeks) or go to the fresh market after 3pm, I could slash around $4 from that.

>> No.11035318

calories are literally a meme
the human body is a massively complicated mess of many systems, each of which work differently and respond differently to every type of substance
and every human body reacts slightly differently to every single one of those factors
and you can SOMEHOW come up with a magic number that abstracts "how fat this will make you" no matter what the food item is made of?
just think about it for half a minute, that's fucking stupid.

>> No.11035342

yeah but for 8-11$ you could also get 8-11 sausage biscuits and live for like a week.

>> No.11035358

Florida probably

>> No.11035428

>2 lbs grapes: $3.98
There's at least or more than 2 lb in each bag. I buy grapes every week: one of the fuller standard grapes bags. Grapes were $1.99/lb this week so the single bag of grapes cost me $5.75ish. Nearly 3lb of grapes fits in a grapes bag while the zip will still close. The real question is why this bitch needs 5-6 lbs of grapes.

>> No.11035441

yes but in the 1st world we do not need to work a month to earn that $25.

>> No.11035459

Why do you copypasta this?

>> No.11035479

...priced the nuts, that are 2/$1, at $1 each, and he priced it too low?

I mean, he did a shit job of pricing, but I think you just matched him.

>> No.11035583


Jewish water rights
They don't want you to be independent from their system
That's why homesteading is ridiculed in the media

>> No.11035665

Um... neither do we? Mexico's minimum wage is like... 70% the US'?

>Why so many want to leave?

They're stupid.

>> No.11035694

They raised the price of the McDouble to almost $2 when they added that shitty $1-3 "value" menu. It used to be my go-to sandwich and I'd get 2 of them for like $2.50 with tax. There's no way in hell they're worth $2 each though

>> No.11035788

dis nigga never heard about pellagra, goitre, scurvy, and beri beri

>> No.11035804


>> No.11035841

right to work laws and shitty minimum wages that fail to account for cost of living.

>> No.11035847

Maybe cus of the gangs, the raping, killing, having to share a country with sub-humans.

>> No.11035930

Either way, I don't understand why would they leave for a country where all of that is way worse.

>> No.11035950

Yeah and I can subsist off of grass. Doesnt mean I want to. People buy fast food because it tastes good for the price. Nobody wants to survive off of beans and rice.

>> No.11036018

Do they collect it during drought years?

>> No.11036039

That would be $8.50 at Sprouts.

>> No.11036046

poor impulse control and spending habits mostly
people like buying stupid shit they can't afford

>> No.11036048

i get it.. anon's only pretending guys. mexico definitely isn't a shithole.

>> No.11036052

My local rate for water is $.34 for 100 gallons. A pint would be somewhere in the hundredths of a penny.

>> No.11036087

>chicken soup
>tuna and bullion

You will literally die if you try to eat that as a meal.

Might as well tell people to eat a glass of water and a slice of bread.

>> No.11036091

Oh, it is, it definitely is. But the US is no better. Maybe New England+Jew York, but not the rest.

>> No.11036359
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Since you're all a bunch of babies, here's grocery list 2 electric boogaloo.

>> No.11036401
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That is called the tax of stupidity: Being poor, fat and entitled.

Really a bad way of going through life

>> No.11036440

I buy fast food occasionally too, but if that's your main diet and your reason is because they're cheap, but then you get fat, sick, miserable and then complain about that, then you need to reflect on your life choices. Either make that choice and be happy with it, or change your life.

>> No.11036459

Those are correct prices around here

>> No.11036464

>green beans when you're poor
why the fuck bother

>> No.11036477

>tfw when pretty much rich and for 40 dollars a week I get 3 dozen eggs, 20 apples, 2 whole french bread loaves, a pound of rice, a fuckhuge bag of pasta, some pasta sauce, a pound of cheese, a pound of ground beef, 2 pounds of chicken breast, a couple tomatoes, onions, celery, and lettuce each, and a few soda pops and junk food snacks to boot

What the fuck are these retards doing?

Oh wait, prepackaged everything in small quantities. If they shopped by weight instead of units then they wouldn't be fucking unable to buy decent food. They do this to themselves. They are poor for a fucking reason.

>> No.11036524
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How is this "healthy" eating? It's all sugar and then some peanuts
What the actual fuck

>> No.11036529

nuts can be expensive depending on what kind and how many you get, hard to know really without more information

>> No.11036646

Where I live, that would cost:

3 dozen eggs $6.7
20 apples $9
2 whole french bread loaves $2.2
1 pound rice $1
fuckhuge (1kg?) bag of pasta $1.3
1 jar pasta sauce $1.4
1 pound cheese $9
1 pound ground beef $3
2 pound chicken breast $6.7
tomatoes $3.6
onion $1.1
celery $2
lettuce $1.5
soft drink $2.2
junk food snacks $3

total = $50.5 but can go less with the amount of veggies and snacks.

>> No.11036651

No, not really. You just got trolled by a nigger. A hot female nigger trolled you. Rethink your life.

>> No.11036666

>gets a bunch of fruit which has sugar
>acts like that was the healthy option
I can't believe how stupid so many of these fat people are.

>> No.11036685

How is a bunch of fruit healthy eating?

Also why the soft drink.

It's cheaper to buy bulk/dried types than it is almost any other food type, such as beans and rice. For fat some type of oil can be added, for (complete) protein an egg, for vitamins some sort of cheap veggie. I lived off of food combinations like this for years when I was poor. It sucks to eat day in and day out, but is far better for you than fast food.

>That picture
As I've gotten older and less idealistic, I've started to accept that some people are just plain inferior (i.e stupid) to others. People like in pic related just aren't even worth talking to about basic nutriton.

>> No.11036729

Those aren't relatively canned veggies. Kroger store brand is cheaper. Better yet just get cheap frozen veggies. Unless you're too poor for freezer energy.

>> No.11036748

>hot female

>> No.11036854

Who /always buy low-shelf/ here?

>> No.11036976
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The metro Detroit area has access to plenty of affordable fruits and vegetables.

>> No.11036982

>do you know how much can you buy with 32$ on mc donalds?

like two burgers with fries and soda, not that much unless mc donalds is cheaper in the united states

>> No.11037010

Buy the dollar menu shit, you can get like 16 burgs for that

>> No.11037022

'Straya here
>2 bags of grapes: $9/kilo
>Pineapple: 60c
>Raspberries: $55/kilo
>Bottle of softdrink: $1
>Nuts: $3.80 for a bag
Realistically, the shit's blown out of proportion by the raspberries and grapes. Shit's fucking expensive.

>> No.11037045

It's probably like $3 for the soft drink and $4 for the pineapple because she'll but buying the most expensive shit

>> No.11037062

Where in Straya can you buy a whole pineapple for 60c?

I'm >>11032602 btw and based that on Colesworth

>> No.11037084

Or like at least 20 mcdoubles.

Still, OP's fat cunt bought sugary fruit probably out of season. Yes people like this exist. A lot of people are dummies. If i really had to, I can probably survive on that much money for at least a couple of weeks no problem. Rice, beans, lentils, eggs, etc.

>> No.11037243

chicken is expensive in most places
say pork or ground beef and we would be close, despite those food items being of much higher quality and simply being more healthy than a mcdicks burger
even so, almost fucking nobody, especially fatties, only eat one or two cheeseburgers as a meal; so that argument is pretty retarded

>> No.11037264
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You want to eat cheap and not die? Rice, beans, veggies (grow some of your own too), potatoes, maybe even some dairy
Bam, you get hearthy meals with very little waste and you can buy on bulk for extreme cheapness. Buy some weekend meat for variety and you're set. With spices, jams and honey you can add all the variety you need for extremely cheap. If you want to lose weight, eat less. If you want to gain, eat more and buy cheap protein (powder, egg, meats, more beans).
Also if you have a want for something other than this, buy in bulk or on season.

>> No.11037267

You can literally live off fast food and be fine if you count calories.

>> No.11037272

Eating nothing is a great way to lose weight, check out the /fast/ing threads on fit

>> No.11037276

>nutrition is just calories
No, sweet summer child. You also need a balance of actually nutritious foods to stay healthy.

>> No.11037291

I wish I had the mental illness to find this tolerable

>> No.11037311

>eat cheap and not die
Those aren't the only things they want. They also want it not to taste like vomit.

>> No.11037332

QLD, local fruit shop in season.
neighbours and family grow a lot of their own fruit and vege too, so I usually get free pumpkins, watermelons and pineapple every now and then.

>> No.11037338


i want to fuck your mother without getting warts. you dont always get what you want

>> No.11037399

If you dont have money you have to make due. And this is the complaint presented, that you cannot eat and live relatively healthy on a low budget. Also, i don't see how you need to be mentally ill to eat plainly, you can still enjoy the taste of a simple meal.
Nothing I've stated tastes like vomit, all can be prepared tasty and healthy on a low budget

>> No.11037402

>berries, nuts and a pinneaple
What will she even do with this? A victorian orgy?

>> No.11037415

>Do people really think this?
Apparently low IQ niggers do.

>> No.11037418

How about ingest them for sustenance? The answer is, "of course".

>> No.11037422

Exclude the animal products and I agree. A healthy plant-based diet is the most affordable.

>> No.11037434

>ingest them for sustenance
Pinneaple, grapes and berries are just heavy fructose and water, nuts are just fat. Nothing of these are things you can eat and feel satisfied

>> No.11037447

The girl messed up. She should've purchased sweet taters, legumes, nuts, etc. Bodybuilder here. Pump it up!

>> No.11037478

>not tapering off a water pipe to fill your well

>> No.11037723

You can't buy 32 mcchickens with $32, guy.

>> No.11038665

Where the fuck do you live? I've never paid more than like $3-4 for a pineapple or a pint of raspberries, and they're even cheaper when in season (read: right now).

>> No.11038867

Grapes here are 8.99 a pound. So 2 pounds is 18 right there. Pineapple is 4 here, so 22, rasp are 4 out of season, 26, plus soft drink, 28, plus nuts, 30, plus tax 32.

>> No.11038916

>grapes are 8.99 a pound
Fuck off you Alaskan retarded grizzly fucking nigger.

>> No.11038980

So basically, she spent half her money on fucking grapes. She could have bought a shitload of much more filling and nutritious food for that much.

>> No.11039042

As soon as I opened the picture, those were my exact thoughts. Grapes are shit expensive here. Also it looks like those are about 4 pounds of grapes. Each bag is about 2-3 pounds.

>> No.11039062


>> No.11039128
File: 226 KB, 500x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a joke. They have responded multiple times to it.

>it’s absolutely insane, the reaction to that post. First of all, it was one of those completely unplanned posts. I went shopping because i wanted some damn fruit… on a whim. Never have i ever said that i had trouble paying for the food. Never have i ever said the fruit was intended to be a balanced meal. Like… i wanted some fruit so i went and got some damn fruit! and it was really late at night, i remember that. anyway… i took a picture, added a line about people being judged for what they eat and “eating healthy” being framed as something simple and cheap that people are just actively working against.

a lot of people agreed… and that triggered all the fatphobes.

like… some people on this site really, really, really hate fat people.

i’ve gotten several messages of support, too. i don’t want to ignore those. people are actually in my inbox saying they don’t understand why some people are so mad about the post. I appreciate those people. i do.

but the fatphobia bruh. holy shit…

and this idea that if a person is fat, they must also be uneducated?


>> No.11039142

Denial by another name.

>> No.11039147

>fresh food is very expensive some places
Frozen or canned veggies and fruits nibba.

>> No.11039164

But what if welfare-americans cain't read shieeet?

>> No.11039165

>retard spacing
fuck off nigger. fat people are gross and should have their heart disease kill them as quickly as possible.

>> No.11039168

>blocked notifications for the fruit post because i really didn’t post it with intentions to make a huge deal out of it… i was just shocked by the price of the fruit. i’m actually trying to watch what i put in my body a little more and it blows my mind how much more you can end up paying for simple things.

but i’m having my intelligence questioned by morons who think they’re better than someone because they’re thinner? and then having the audacity to say “no excuses” in regards to what people eat or their body size? really?

you want to talk about what you call mere “excuses”?

show me how much you make a year, your job, all that you own that YOU payed for (not your parents, other family, or significant other) including but not limited to: house, furniture, car….

display your library, your degree, your savings/investments/retirement funds. If you have kids, let me know how much you have in their college funds and what private K-12 schools you already have them placed in or have them on track to enter. What prestigious preschool are they in? how much debt do you have? When’s the last time you traveled out of the country? When’s the last time you got a promotion? when’s the last time you were the best at something… or at least better than ‘adequate’? How is that dream of yours coming along? You written a novel yet? a movie? did you ever get a role anyone cared to watch? did your dance video get more than 10,000 views that you didn’t pay for? 1,000? 100? How’s your family doing? are they all well taken care of? everybody straight on their homes/cars/jobs? you got a degree in something in demand? you made any progress on being a winner at anything in your life other than the gym?

Let’s see how much you’re really about that “no excuses” life.

or is that just something you say to shame people who aren’t as (insert some superficial shit here) as you because that’s really all you have going for yourself?

>> No.11039178


If you just search for "fruit post" in the blog you'll find like 25 more responses.

>> No.11039179

Cam I haz moar pssta

>> No.11039197

search for it.

>> No.11039214

>stop fat shaming people
>buys grapes, pineapple, and raspberries
>all high in sugar

>> No.11039255

>Raspberries $3.99
>Pineapple $5.99
>2 bags grapes $17.96
>nuts $2
>soft drink $2.29

$32.23, even before taxes
Importing fruit out of season is the killer

>> No.11039265


The receipt.


>> No.11039285

>this idea that’s most fat people are uneducated
If you don’t understand calories in calories out then yes you are a retard

>> No.11040504

>Buying raspberries out of season on a budget
Never do this

>> No.11040677

Harvard here, that school doesn't exist, brainlet

>> No.11040875

More in likes of they want everyone to have water not just one guy

>> No.11040964

Glad I don't live in your shithole.

>> No.11040999

Because if we save some water for ourselves, Nestle might not make enough money next year.

>> No.11041056

that's a 20oz soda, that's not going to cost more than $1.50-$2 anywhere in the continental United States

>> No.11041059

>$21 for grapes
What the christ

>> No.11041063

What she didnt mention is that she lives in minesota and bought this in the middle of january.

>> No.11041121

So they're fat wholly by choice and deserve to be looked down upon for it. Glad we're all clear here.

>> No.11041177

Where the fuck do you live? I can get a lb of grapes for around 4-5 dollars.

>> No.11041196
File: 179 KB, 1056x661, 1510604438025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for this anon, i needed it.

>> No.11041202

>sugary fruit

>> No.11041217

where the fuck do you go to spend 7 dollars on a pineapple?

>> No.11041227

I have a well. Thanks to the drought over here the groundwater has dropped below the bottom of my well.

>> No.11041231

To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day.

>> No.11041249

Gonna respond to this bait. Have a study of 1000 subjects. Measure biometrics. Prescribe fixed calorie diets. Monitor weight. Extrapolate caloric needs based on height, lean body mass, and level of activity.

>> No.11041260

Was there ever any actual alternative?

>> No.11042509

>Some seasonings
>Only $3
Nah senpai, oregano is like $7 alone where you finding these seasonings for $3?

>> No.11042517

>and you can SOMEHOW come up with

It's pretty simple, really. A scientist by the name of Dr. Atwater did an empirical study with a bunch of people and measured how much energy they got from food. It's based on a real-world measurement of real people. That's where those numbers you see for food calories come from--4 cals/gram for protein and carbs, 7 for alcohol, and 9 for fat come from. They already take into account the inefficiencies of human digestion.

>> No.11042524

I'm not that anon, but you can easily find inexpensive seasoning blends at any supermarket.

>> No.11043229

huh? even like a knorr soup mix is like $1
why would a premade seasoning kit be much more than that

>> No.11043327

Anon here, that was the estimated cost for one meal. Are you really going through entire bottles of seasonings to make one serving of something?

>> No.11043360

If that's what they're eating they won't be fat. Problem solved.

>> No.11043458

I buy spices in the bulk section. I rarely pay more than $0.50 per seasoning for any one meal.

>> No.11043580

But our body is more complex than boiling a cup of water. The experiment is nice but it's not practical to use that as the main metric to judge what makes people fat

>> No.11043626

Could she not just have some bananas

>> No.11043632

>>But our body is more complex than boiling a cup of water
Of course. That's the whole point of my post: the measurement isn't made with a calorimeter, it is made by observing how human digestion actually works.

>> No.11044052

Except the calorie is measured on its ability to boil water

>> No.11044117
File: 1.88 MB, 480x264, 1509418434109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked out one of the grocery stores online out of curiosity:

2lbs Grapes: $1.98 ($0.99/lb on sale)
Pineapple: $2.99
Raspberries: $2.50
20oz Soda: $1.99
Nuts: $1 for 2

Total: $10.46

>> No.11044254

My grocery bill last week was around $45. I got

>18 eggs
>loaf of bread
>16 pack of yogurt
>peanut butter
>3 big chicken breasts
>lb of ground turkey
>lb of ground beef
>big bag of broccoli
>bunch of red potatoes
>lb of jasmine rice

What is this moron doing?

>> No.11044815
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 1533724591046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Eating healthy is expensive"
>Buys raspberries
>Buys a unnecessary ammount of grapes
>Buys pineapple
>Buys two fucking small bags of nuts instead of a larger one
>And a fucking soft drink

How retarded can one be?
Do they really expect to live off just fruit an nuts?
Meat is cheaper than raspberries
A whole chicken could be bought for the price of the 2 bags of grapes
>Chicken meat
>Chicken bones
>2 dollar bunch of celery
>3 dollars yield about 5-6 carrots
>1 onion cost < 2 dollars

You got:
-Half an onion
-2 Carrots
-At least a gallon of chicken stock

>> No.11044908

$7 for a pineapple lmao. I've seen them on sale for 99 cents each and they're usually like $2-3 and I live in the bay area where everything's expensive as fuck.

>> No.11044923

Went to get groceries today
Bill was $200+

>> No.11044939

stop buying 20 pizzas for your groceries

>> No.11044945

>niggers not knowing how to shop wisely or look for things in sale

What else is new?

>> No.11044947

I don't usually buy anything frozen except veggies

>> No.11044996

You mean $14.58 for 5.74 lbs of grapes, which is a pretty normal price.
The receipt is also $8.40 less than the claimed total price.

Not like it matters that it's cheaper to eat fast food. You can eat fast food three meals a day for a month and still lose weight. You don't have to eat more just because you can get more food with the same amount of money; just eat less fucking food.

>> No.11045174

>The receipt is also $8.40 less than the claimed total price.
They got a discount from "Vic savings" and google told me it's the loyalty program of a relatively expensive grocery store chain

>> No.11045190

>7 fucking dollars for a pineapple.
>5 bucks for what seems to be LESS than 500 grams of raspberries.
What the FUCK man?

>> No.11046323

frozen pizzas are like 2 for $5 in most places
stop shopping at whole foods, boomer

>> No.11046397

I eat like a king for $30 a week. Fresh fruit and veg, fresh meat (whatever's on manager special). Fresh eggs. If I ate like a poorfag (stooping to eat peasant food like bread, rice, beanz, potatoes, etc) I could feed a family of 4 on 30/week.
And where I live is more expensive than average for america. It's a city where all our shit has to be imported. (not hawaii.)
>Why would you ever buy a whole fucking pineapple?
When they're on sale for 1-2 dollars nigger. Fresh /pina/ is god tier.
I can get a flat of blueberries for $2 on sale in summer. I don't eat that shit unless it's on sale, but when it is I eat berries like a damned blackbear.

>> No.11046578

>I eat like a king
>for $30 a week.
>I eat like a king
No you don't.

>> No.11046718

Maybe he meant like a king of some african tribe or something.

>> No.11046824


>> No.11046843

>he doesn't have scurvy
Fucking bourgie filth. The orange revolution can't come soon enough.

>> No.11046861
