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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11021246 No.11021246 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Found out I was allergic to peanuts when I was a little kid
>Was always told that some people out-grow food allergies
>Still me
>25 years old
>Still allergic to peanuts
Should I just an hero?

>> No.11021266

>Should I just an hero?

>> No.11021279

You should go before it's too late.

>> No.11021286

what kind of fucking idiot just outs themself as a newfag?

>> No.11021287
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>> No.11021294

Ignore the trolls. Personally I just listen to my ipod when they're getting me down

>> No.11021758

You can outgrow food allergies as a CHILD through exposure therapy or building up a tolerance it until your body doesn't try to go into shock anymore because a peanut molecule entered your body.

If you're an adult, it's too late.
It's like trying to learn a new language.
You're past the age where your body can overcome stuff like this.

>> No.11021846
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Lurk moar

>> No.11021857

Jesus anon, you're literally a fetus.

>> No.11021871

>know your meme filename

>> No.11021875

You can take medication that costs like $20,000 a year called Xolair to suppress your peanut allergy.

>> No.11021881

>knowing the know your meme filename

>> No.11022050

it's a meme, it's swedish for regards

>> No.11023591

Phone the feds nigga, I had to Google this zoomer image. And one of the many websites you can reach from Google is knowurmaymay

>> No.11023602
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>> No.11023612

>not being able to enjoy peanut butter

peanut butter is literally the only condiment/spread that is so good you will want to regularly just eat a spoonful of it. peanut butter is literally just as delicious as your favorite kind of cheese. peanut butter is on most people's lists of top 5 favorite flavors. it's up there with pizza, cheesecake, cheeseburgers, chocolate, and bacon.

>> No.11023651

>The absolute state of 4chan

I wanna be a normie too. FUCK OFF NEWFAG

>> No.11023661

>Be me
>Eat fruit as a kid with no issues
>Still me
>25 years old
>Eating fruit gives me itchy painful rashes now

>> No.11023717

>have an excuse to seek out the vastly superior peanut butter alternative sunflower seed butter
What the fuck are you complaining about?

>> No.11024529

I'm allergic to Brazil nuts, tried eating a small piece to see if I still was and I was leaning over a garage bag for 5 hours dripping out of my.mouth and nose with itchy red blotches all over my body. This was on Thanksgiving tears ago

>> No.11024602

>Being allergic to something

Shouldn't your genes be extinct by now?

>> No.11024606

for peanuts?
jesus, I can't imagine what will be when you get out of your mom's basement.

>> No.11024702
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Welcome to 4chan, now get the fuck out.

>> No.11024713

No one is actually allergic to peanuts that's just some bullshit your mom made up because she didn't like peanuts.

>> No.11024848
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>allergic to peanuts
>Develop allergy to tree nuts a year after
>then shellfish
>then dairy
Anon. shut the fuck up about "an hero" bullshit. it's just food.

>> No.11024852

>it's just food.
Well, to most people it is.

To you it is lethal poison.

>> No.11024876

yeah which is why I don't eat it. It's like caring about any disability you're born with: useless.

>> No.11025018

Fucking this. Frequently my dessert is a spoonfull of peanut butter. I put it on toast all the time. OP whatever you're doing isnt even close to living.

>> No.11025164

I wish someone could explain why when I was growing up no one had peanut allergies. That's really the important issue, but nowadays we just say, hmm, most people are allergic to peanuts and it probably has always been this way.

>> No.11025190

You just never met anybody with peanut allergies. It's not a new phenomenon.

>> No.11025199

It's pretty simple, really.
Many years ago people with allergies like that died young and nobody knew why.
After a while people like that were saved with modern medicine but the average joe never heard about it.
Now with the internet and social media everyone hears about it.

>>nowadays we say most people are allergic to peanuts
that's just nonsense

>> No.11025248

Sure. I'll eat some delicious Chik Fil A™ over your grave since you'll never know the earthly pleasure that is premium fast food

>> No.11025266

>using google

>> No.11025628

Listen anon, i know you may not know but ill just tell you regardless, reddit stole sheev posting ,twisted and snapped its neck left to right 1000 times and took a nice fresh warm sluggish wet sloppy shit on its mouth. Its truly a tragedy

>> No.11025821
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>> No.11027605

It means to kill ones self.

Literally not joking. Everyone's new once, it's not like ck is some super secret club that everyone tries to make it so they can feel special that they are "a part of something" which makes them feel less lonely.
Anyone new on the site shows them that this place is not special which threatens their ego.

>> No.11027618
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>> No.11027627

You could go out eating peanuts. Your tombstone would say something humorous about peanuts

>> No.11027629

Hyper-Advanced Bait

>> No.11027630

drink whole milk everyday
>have a fear I will become lactose intolerant from consumption
> also have a high risk for pancreatic cancer which means i can never eat milk again also

i feel like the odds are against me and god wants me to be a lactose intolerant shitskin.

>> No.11027632
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>> No.11027660

Probiotics cure peanut allergies.

>> No.11027668

>now allergic to bacon

>> No.11027816

>penny arcade
jesus christ

>> No.11027820
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Yes. Not even meming, peanuts are my absolute favorite food. I would rather die than not be able to eat them.

>> No.11027826

Peanuts are pretty good but almonds are better. The best thing about peanuts is how cheap they are.

>> No.11027833
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>> No.11027847

This actually doesn't apply to peanut allergies. They are a bit more complicated than normal allergies and aren't possible to outgrow. In fact, repeated exposure only makes it worse.

>> No.11028006
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Get out of my secret club reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11028135

>>Still allergic to peanuts
Did you ever try anything to help you get un-allergic to peanuts? It rarely happens by itself.
For instance my boyfriend is allergic to cats but we live with cats for several years. At first he was really sniffly and now seems to have no symptoms.

Basically I'm saying you need to start nibbling tiny munches of peanuts to train your body to stop being allergic. Or talk to a doctor first. They make shots you can use to "lose" an allergy.

>> No.11028183

Read >>11027847
You're a retard. Not all allergies are the exact same. The advice you gave could kill someone with peanut allergies and will not help them at all.

>> No.11028196

I agree with this guy, you should start holding peanuts in your mouth at all times, even when sleeping, this will let your body build up an immunity to peanuts.

>> No.11028208

If he has severe peanut allergies he will have an epipen on his person, no real risk here.

>> No.11028247

I say you recreate scat porn scenes but using peanut butter instead of shit
You might not die but at least the paramedics will get a kick out of it

>> No.11028258

I didn't know it was even possible to be this new

>> No.11028262

>be me
stopped reading there

>> No.11028274
File: 492 KB, 3700x3700, 👌DYINGLAUGHING👌DEADASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 3yo me
>Toxic levels of orange allergy
>Be my grandma
>"Stfu faggot, eat more orange"
>Be me crying, choking, sweating and suffering
>Be me eating more oranges
>Be me at 26
>Drink orange juice at least once a week
>Eat oranges with the fucking rind
>Allergy free Chad
>Be you
>"P....pl...please n..no nuts in my salad sir"


>> No.11028276

he can hold DEEZ NUTS in his mouth
got eem ;^)

>> No.11028322


>> No.11028353
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I was allergic to every fucking thing on Earth as a kid, but outgrew all of them. Feels good to be a boomer.

>> No.11029736

But someone told me peanuts are legimmune to the rules

>> No.11029823
File: 58 KB, 396x462, 1499871738338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not at least googling before making yourself look fucking retarded

>> No.11031354

People are having children later in life. No children with allergies were conceived in a woman's 20s, usually late thirties and forties. Thats why

>> No.11031364

Anytime I tried to eat peanuts when I was younger I almost died. If someone had done that to me I would be dead and my genetic weakness would have been removed from the gene pool

>> No.11031524

>crying, choking, sweating and suffering
That's cute
I had one peanut, then vomited for 2 hours straight and then broke out in hives on my face because I touched my face after holding the peanuts