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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10942702 No.10942702 [Reply] [Original]

I throw away the bread end

>> No.10942710

The broccoli stalk even though chinks say you can eat it

>> No.10942717

A lot of the stuff I make for my channel ends up getting tossed.

>> No.10942718

naw man. i even eat the apple core.

sometimes the best nutrition is in the parts we tend to dispose of

>> No.10942721

no I eat the egg shells

>> No.10942726

try a peach pit then

>> No.10942728

pro tip: crush those up and sprinkle them in your garden. Great for tomato plants.

>> No.10942737

I cracked one open once and it looked like an almond. I wanted to try it but idk if they are poisonous or not.

So i guess i do throw SOME things out


>> No.10942877
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i eat a lot of things that are typically discarded.

the leafty tops of of strawberries, radishes, and celery. the tough hearts of cabbage, broccoli stalks, etc.

that's where the vitamins and minerals are!

i really like the white part of watermelon.

>> No.10942915

nope ill even eat pretty moldy bread desu a little mold hurt no body and anything I dont eat gets thrown to my chickens

>> No.10942926
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I usually buy the whole loaf then just toss it in the trash when I get home, is basically what you are saying to me when you speak of throwing away the ends of bread because I believe in scale of morality, so for example, a man taking orders at a coffee shop is no different than a man taking orders from Hitler so when they say dumb things to me like "they have to call it a steeped tea even though all tea is steeped" I see right through their weak willed justifications.

>> No.10942958
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>> No.10942968

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.10942981

but the end pieces make the best toast

>> No.10942985

say you have 1/3 a loaf of several day old bread when it is time to shop and you buy a new loaf of bread. When you go to make a sandwich, which loaf do you get bread from?

If you say the old loaf, you are a fool. You are not only having an inferior sandwich, you are also setting yourself up for future less than could be sandwiches down the line and into the future. You throw away the old and consume the best possible. Any other answer is wrong in 4 dimensions.

>> No.10942989

I dry them and make my own bread crumbs.

>> No.10942992
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They are the best pieces for French toast. I freeze the ends until I have enough for lots of overnight soaked French toast and then eat nothing for breakfast/dinner and have a massive lunch of nothing but French toast with various toppings. I think my favorite is the simplest, just some butter and a sprinkling of table sugar. The softness of the bread, the smoothness of the butter, and the crunch of the sugar is sublime.

>> No.10942994

I get all my bread for free out of dumpsters.

>> No.10942997

>You throw away the old
Why would I do that? I can use the old for bread pudding, breadcrumbs for deep frying, croutons, toast, pangratatto, stuffing, and all sorts of other things.

>> No.10943003

you are correct... i should have said discard for sandwiches

>> No.10943024

just admit you're a dipshit who wastes food

>> No.10943027

admit you think little of yourself and eat waste.

>> No.10943032

op is right though. if you use the old bread you get a shitty sandwich now and are aging your new loaf s you will have more shit sandwiches later. fuck your mouth and ass.

>> No.10943036

Put a peach pit in some liquor for a few months.

>> No.10943038

Do you actually have a channel? Link? I always like seeing what co/ck/s are cooking.

>> No.10943048

I think highly of myself, which is why I don't waste money on food I'm not going to eat.

>> No.10943058

poor people are the only people who care about throwing away food
normal people who aren't poor realize that it's an inconsequential amount of resources and money to throw away questionable food, while poor people view it as throwing away valuable money. The scale that grocers and restaurants throw away food is in the millions of tons and you get hung up about throwing away some near rotten food must be stressful counting all those pennies

>> No.10943059
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Sometimes if my meal presentation isn't exactly how I intend for it to be I'll toss the entire meal (which is maybe a couple times a week). My wife and son get super assblasted about it but if they cannot wait on perfection then they can find for themselves.
Say what you want but it's a dignity this g for me. I grew up eating professionally cooked meals and I intend to keep doing so. If my wife and our kid don't have standards then be that as it may.

>> No.10943065

Fend for themselves* sorry I'm mobile atm.

>> No.10943073

you think too highly of yourself and come off as a cunt to other humans. just saying. go eat a stale sandwich and grow more bitter.

>> No.10943078

Idiots who waste food for no reason come off as cunts to most people.

>> No.10943080

put it to a vote.

>> No.10943084

You'll get the calcium that way, just a warning.

>> No.10943090

But a thick slab of butter on it and use it to baste your corn on the cob
Slice them paper thin and sautee it like other vegetables
Those are good for pickling too

>> No.10943126

>wasting food
Kill you're self

>> No.10943137

>eating inferior shit to save pennies.
you gonna die less happy and faster

>> No.10943151

>wasting the best part of bread pudding

>> No.10943167

if I make bread pudding, which I do like but is rare, I am buying bread specifically for it.

>> No.10943173

Unfortunately, yes. Cooking for one is tough

>> No.10943723
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>> No.10943748

It's Jacques Pepin's favorite part of the vegetable. You think you have better taste than he does?

All you need to do is peel it.


>> No.10943756
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>try hard chad wannabe

>> No.10943783

It's pretty big and I don't want it known that I post on 4chan.

>> No.10943806

But when i toast the bread end it gets burnd and ruin breakfast

>> No.10943824

feed it to the birds at least

>> No.10943840

I have pigs so the only food I can waste is pork.

>> No.10943847

The other guys are right. If you chop down the stem into small pieces, the tops should cook in the same time. It just add them later. I like the little bit of crunch you get though, so do it however you like

>> No.10943869

Yes, and I absolutly hate it.
But it's that or eating everything in one go or limiting my diet, which I also hate to do.
That being said I also sometimes eat food that isn't that good anymore, like moldy bread and fermenting fruit.

>> No.10944087

Chef John, my nigra.

>> No.10944162
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>> No.10944174


>> No.10944184

No way... are you really some ugly fat fuck?

You are not important. Punch your dick.

>> No.10944205

How many subscribers do you have?

>> No.10944300
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I completely understand this logic. Agreed friend, Asuka is shit taste though.

>> No.10944332

You're a pretty lady

>> No.10944342

awful. the ends make the best toast because the crust is extra crispy

>> No.10945053

you can eat it...

me too :)

that's the point

>> No.10945061

This kind of bread is good for homemade hot dogs.

>> No.10945295

Nyeh, I dry the bread and and grind them for homemade panko. I also keep veggie scraps in the freezer and if I have a chicken carcass left from cooking, I add both for a chicken soup. When they're done, I use them as fertilizer in the garden.

>> No.10945305

panko is made by running electric current through a screen. You are just making bread crumbs numbnuts.

>> No.10946759

But that's the best part of the loaf.

>> No.10946781

>pro tip: crush those up and sprinkle them in your garden
/your compost pile. I've heard that eggshells also ward off deer because they stink?