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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 737 KB, 1240x827, Pierogi-3626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10917006 No.10917006 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, pierogi, goulash and stroganoff are all godly. Pierogi would be perfect for this latest trend of street food from abroad, yet no one I know has ever had Eastern European food.

Is it because it's white people food and therefore not ethnic enough for their liking?

>> No.10917142

Americans probably think there is no food in Eastern Europe, so it's hard to believe that they have developed their own cuisine

>> No.10917151 [DELETED] 

Bigos (hunter's stew) I could see becoming popular, but only the slow cooked varied that has a lot of tender meat in it and isn't sour at all.

>> No.10917161

Bigos (hunter's stew) I could see becoming popular, but only the slow cooked variety that has a lot of tender meat in it and isn't sour at all.

>> No.10917168

>and isn't sour at all

But what is Slav food without pickled something?

It's like Italian food without tomato and basil.

Either way though, good shout on bigos.

>> No.10917169

The sell frozen perogies at Walmart. I eat goulash once a week. It's so cute when second worlders try and talk about the back to back world war champions like we aren't better than you in every way.

>> No.10917170

Nobody you know has ever had stroganoff? The fuck type of people do you know?

>> No.10917172
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>> No.10917182

That's what I thought, bitch.

>> No.10917189
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Wrong pic

>> No.10917203

>you live rent free in my brain 24/7
>i have an entire folder dedicated to venting my jealous rage
Good boy. Keep thinking of me.

>> No.10917216

Yeah that's exactly what happened here, Creatura

>> No.10917244


That's about as eastern as your stolen cars.

>> No.10917276

it's really not that great

>> No.10917340

uk hipsters are all over it. trust fund wankers pretending to be soviet proletariat. tarator is good, so it lukanka, banitsa. in Europe many dishes are the same with local names. food in nice sauce.

>> No.10917589

Shawarma is godly

>> No.10917649

its not exotic enough... i hope it never catches on because eastern european and german food was what I was raised on. Thankfully mexican and asian food are blinding hipsters so its all flying safely under the bullshit radar. Na zdrowie

>> No.10917664

They have not colonised your neighborhoods unlike Hispanics iirc.

>> No.10917686

every British town has polish deli's. they sell cheap super lager under the counter for less than a quid. also wash cars good

>> No.10917709

Too much russophobia. I brought fresh baked rugala and babka to a party and people refused to eat it.

>> No.10917719
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>> No.10917747

>Too much russophobia.
This probably. There's a lot of tasty Russian food but Russia has a stigma. I kind of expect kvass to become the next popular fermented drink though.

>> No.10917796

I made cepavi and it was awful, dry, and boring.
Goulash and Stroganoff in America are disgusting dishes related to their European progenitors in name only. It's hard to overcome over three generations of what those dishes are in American heads.

>> No.10918034


I hope they never do that. No one needs creaturas to latch onto our cultural heritage and run in to the ground to please soya hipsters.

>> No.10918053
File: 2.10 MB, 2592x1944, Salo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pinnacle of eastern european cuisine

>> No.10918065

Depends on where you get it. I've had some fantastic goulash and stroganoff in Chicago.

>> No.10918083

What were you trying to do? HACK their tastebuds?

>> No.10918092

>yuengling is now a boomer drink
you take that back faggot

>> No.10918100

Beef stroganoff is one of the best dishes in possibly the world. A little pickles and mushroom in the sauce. a dollop of sour cream and some shredded cheese on top. Uma delicia

>> No.10918105

I'm kind of a hipster and I made pierogies from scratch a few months ago. Made cabbage and mashed potato varieties. Fairly labor intensive to make from scratch.

>> No.10918146

Agreed my man. I dont add the cheese but god damn if it isn't the best meal ever.

>> No.10918321

Don't you fucking dare get them started. It's hard enough to find farmer's cheese for my great nana's recipe, as it fucking is. Goddamn hipsters already brought the price of good bbq meat through the roof. Now I have to wait 5-10 years until the price goes back down because the idiots that can't cook think it's tough crap again.

>> No.10918619

Missing some rye there, buddy.

>> No.10918944

beef stroganoff is unreal
goulashes are nice too
haven't tried pierogi
but yeah true say about it not being of a trendy ethnic origin and thus not popular

>> No.10919135
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>haven't tried pierogi

>> No.10919141
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No, Easter cuisine is fat, sour and made for working. Hipsters avoid all of those.

I dont want no fucking gluten free pierogis, and a vegan bigos... and keep that fucking tofu out of my goddamn pyzy.

>> No.10919147


>> No.10919148

true, what's funny is I'm not knocking EEU food, sometimes fatback+onion and bread (and vodka) is all you need

>> No.10919155

Because E. Europeans are not brown enough

>> No.10919174

where the fuck do you live? Chicopee, MA?

>> No.10919178

It has

there is a 'perogie and pinball' bar in my city

but they only sell the ultra low tier perogies while drastically overcharging for them

hipsters fucking love it

>> No.10919203

Because white people make it and that's racist

>> No.10919232
File: 156 KB, 928x622, Placki-Ziemniaczane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom made the best potato pancakes, which included shredded/pureed onions in the mix.

>> No.10919246

Dude in the pic looks like a Spanish gyppo, not a Polack

>> No.10919247

God damnit I hope this isn't real. What city?

>> No.10919259

Yes comrade, please to trying great food from motherland to spread glorious food culture to capitalist swine!

>> No.10919260
File: 80 KB, 933x700, Gołąbki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She also made great gołąbki.

>> No.10919276


>> No.10919370
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, Golabki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, her name was Stanislawa and she was born in 1922 in the suburbs of Kielce and she’d used ground sirloin and ground veal and sometimes used savoy cabbage (thought I didn’t care for that).

She’d also change up the sauces (though they were never thick, always soupy) and sometimes bake golabki in with the sauce and sometimes make the sauce separate on the stove top (some I liked and some I didn’t) but my favorite was was her quick-and-easy-because-I-worked-all-day sauce, that was just Campbell’s tomato soup, mushroom soup and half-and-half.

>> No.10919432
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Strangely, my mom never made city chicken (Polish-American, not actually Polish) but my godmother, who was also a Polish immigrant made it a lot and it was great.

>> No.10919446
File: 26 KB, 600x450, chicken paprikash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite hands down

>> No.10919454
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Also, she never made pancakes for breakfast but instead, made naleśniki (crepes) but I’d still put maple syrup on them.

>> No.10919473


>Placki z cukrem

I love those but people tend to think i'm a freak.

Stanisława was old school (in a very good way) She had the recipes from the pre-war days. Later on it became more of a "what do we have and what can we make of it"

Stanislawa was using cheap ingredients, but was able to recreate the dish, while we didn't had the ingredients (nazis, war, commies) and struggled with making as much from as little we have

Godspeed for Stanisława.

>> No.10919477

Perogis are pretty gross dude.. prove me wrong by listing different types of them that I would like.

>> No.10919501

My cock in a pierogi, you swine

>> No.10919516

I'll make you a special one with rat poison in it. I would love that.

>> No.10919523

I was thinking earlier, why the fuck is there no quick restaurant with pyrogies, stew, or hearty rice or bean dish? I'm so sick of sandwiches when I'm in crunch time at work and too exhausted to make a decent meal.

>> No.10919526

there's a pierogi, stuffed cabbage and hunter's stew food truck in my city but i think it's run but real slav boomers

>> No.10919598
File: 254 KB, 1732x1076, Flaki_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> She had the recipes from the pre-war days.

And they were all in head, she never owned any cookbooks, having learned to cook in a girls boarding school where she lived until she was 18, after my grandparents both died within a year of each other.

She used to regularly make a huge witch kettle of flaki soup (tripe soup) for my dad and freeze it in Tupperware containers for him to heat up in the microwave (he worked nights) and when she was making it, I’d come home from school and the entire house reeked of “cow’s stomach soup” and my dad would always tease me and try to get me to eat some every time.

“Mmmm, cow stomach soup is good! You eat, sonofabitch! Ha ha ha!”

>> No.10919609
File: 312 KB, 1175x783, Pierogi-bluberies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blueberry pirogi.

>> No.10919630

Pierogies are hipster enough in my area that there are a few food trucks for them.

Also my mom regularly made paprikash, stroganoff, and goulash and we aren’t anywhere near east European. Her family is all southern white trash who like to pretend they’re still Scots-Irish.

>> No.10919652

90% of Americans think Eastern Europe is some bleak, cultureless, slavic hellhole with no cuisine and a post commie thirdworld hellscape environment full of alcoholic rapists.

Then there is the fact that anything Russian is extremely looked down upon becuase the media has made these same 90% of Americans afraid of Russia and all things Russian because MUH ELECTION MEDDLING!!!!!!!!!!

Basically, it wont become popular.
I like it though. There is a good Hungarian place near me run by an old Hungarian couple and leftist hipsters dont go there because they are "racist" and "problematic"

>> No.10919655
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The pierogi hipster movement came and passed a long time ago kiddo, maybe you were still an embryo when it happened though.

>> No.10919670
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There was a great little hole-in-the-wall Polish restaurant on Van Dyke north of 11 Mile Rd in Warren MI run by two recent Polish immigrant chicks and I’d always try out my half-assed Polish language skills on them but one day I drove up, and there was a hand written note taped to the door simply saying “out of business”, even though they’d always been busy.

Shame, because they had a tasty Polski platter I regularly got, that come with some pirogi, city chicken, golabki and mashed potatoes and I’d also a pint of zurek (sour rye) soup.

>> No.10919737
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True that, i hated flaki because i knew that the whole area will be smelling of that shit for hours, you could always tell what people were making for dinner on a sunny sunday on different floors of the staircase.

Another one is cauliflower soup - that shit was awful.

I have that vibe that we could have a beer and have a fair debate about the love&hate relationship status on polish food.

I like you, anon.

>> No.10919786

Trash people, trash food.
The blueberry one's sound maybe ok.

>> No.10919794

tfw pierogi
tfw pickled stuff
tfw fish soup
tfw herring
tfw beetroot soup
cozy af

>> No.10919801

I think you are making some broad generalizations in your post coincided with some of your political beliefs.

>> No.10919820

My mom had a friend from a literal who Eastern Euro country that made "meat pies" that were basically just onion and various ground meats fried up with vegeta and rolled in phyllo. she did some with cheese too. wish I paid attention

>> No.10919835

Make this shit more readily available, and maybe it'll happen. I don't exactly live in flyover land, and finding these foods is pretty impossible.

I fucking LOVE stroganoff, and unless I make it myself (or make the Hamburger Helper version), I can't find it.

>> No.10919838

You say you don't have nasty ass backwater food, but how do you explain kimchi tea? Checkmate ruski.

>> No.10919859

pierogi is just ravioli brah now fuck off.

>> No.10919905
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For a Polack, I’m not a big fan of kapusta (though kapusta and mushroom pirogi are good) and I don’t like borsch, even though mom made it every week (at least).

>> No.10919919

ive seen a few pelmeni joints in washington, but that's about it. killer drunk food

>> No.10919924

In the same sense that chinese dumplings are, sure.

>> No.10919955

They were into it before your time and before they were called hipsters:
We all ate ate he Kiev back in the day. Same goes for Veselka:

>> No.10919962

those foods are great but I think they're much more similar to "classic" American food than Indian/Asian dishes

>> No.10919996

are you stupid, anon?
or is it because pierogis havent been stuffed down your throat by american trendsetters?

>> No.10920016
File: 1.18 MB, 1359x1080, Polonia_Hamtramck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NYC restaurant
> non-Slavic owner
> gonna tell me about pirogi?!

>> No.10920030

cause they dont care about europe since european cultures arent exotic to americans vs asian or indian cultures.
also cause theyre white males

>> No.10920038

Try telling me about the Polish and Ukrainian experience here. Go ahead.

>> No.10920047


They have, there are many, many pirogi food trucks

>> No.10920080
File: 87 KB, 1094x1200, Hamtramck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Son, both my parents were post-WWII Polish immigrants straight off the boat.

>> No.10920086


>> No.10920117

It's the food their Grandmothers make and their Mothers fail at recreating. Nobody wants in on that.

>> No.10920124

What are you on about anon, there are a lot of boutique hipster pierogi shops around with hipster fillings

>> No.10920207

>Local generic diner called 'Goodies' used to have stroganoff front and center on their menu
>10 years ago or so they took it off the menu completely
>You can still order it, it's exactly the same (still great), and it costs the same
>It's just not on the menu

But the actual answer is "because it isn't cool".
It isn't cool so foodies don't care, because foodie-ism has fuck-all to do with food.

>> No.10920712

Fuck sake, I'm starving now.

>> No.10921074
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>tfw daytrip to Poland to eat Pierogi
Feels good being a german chad

>> No.10921078

I don't know about goulash and stroganoff, but my snobby hipster liberal arts college had pierogi days at one of the campus cafeterias and it always sold out.

>> No.10921209

>God damnit I hope this isn't real. What city?
Lets face it, the only reason why you dislike it is not the concept but because anon said the execution was poor.

>> No.10921254

hipster only want nonwhite people food

>> No.10921262

Eastern Europe is borats village

>> No.10921265

There's food in Eastern Europe? I thought everyone ate banana magazines for sustenance.

>> No.10921286

>shredded cheese
You just ruined it.

>> No.10921287
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>> No.10921386
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Don't lie, there's no Pole who doesn't eat borsch for christmass. But yeah, pickled borsh is superior to ukrainian.

>> No.10921387

I've been. The food was good there like two decades ago. All accounts I've heard recently tell of a steep decline. Meanwhile in the East Village the last hold outs are still turning out top flight stuff, to say nothing of the last few in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I live in South Brooklyn and I hear Polish spoken daily, because about a quarter of my neighbors were born there. Two Easters ago a neighbor gave me some sausage he'd smoked himself. We have a sour cherry tree and a blackcurrant bush on our property, both grown from seeds smuggled from Poland. My backyard garden is full of Polish heirloom tomatoes from seedlings a neighbor gave me. Detroit isn't the only place in America where the Polish-American thing is strong.

>> No.10921396

That looks like something from Balkans or Greece, definitely not Polish.

>> No.10921505

Yiros is the best of the wraps.

>> No.10921510

Is this the same guy who said he was unsure about starting an Eastern European restaurant, but was unsure because he was part Lithuanian?

>> No.10921517

SA best m8

>> No.10921524

>It's like Italian food without tomato and basil.
historically accurate because tomato is a new world crop?

>> No.10921555

Tomato has been popular in Europe for nearly a century and a half. I think that counts as historical.

>> No.10921687

pierogi is nothing special. overhyped. asians have way better dumplings

>> No.10921739

pickles are a popular garnish and sour cream is literally an ingredient in any sauce worth a damn. I can understand not wanting to put cheese on but it's hardly ruined. if you put just a little when it's hot it melts right in

>> No.10922800
File: 67 KB, 540x720, Spirytus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I've been. The food was good there like two decades ago. All accounts I've heard recently tell of a steep decline.

Yeah, nowadays Hamtramck is mostly South Asian but back in my parent’s day (1950s-70s) it was completely Polish but my gripe was some hipster non-Slav with a “trendy” restaurant in NYC expounding on pirogi.

> We have a sour cherry tree and a blackcurrant bush on our property

Growing up, my parents had two black cherry trees, a Gold Delicious apple tree, a plum tree and a sour cherry tree as well as currant bushes and a huge garden that took up half the backyard. In the late summer/early fall, mom and dad would pick and pit the sour cherries and fill up two 5 gallon glass jugs, then add a bunch of sugar and fill them up with Spirytus (every year someone would drive out to Chicago and pick up a case, as it wasn’t sold in Detroit back then).

These jugs of cherry liquor would then get stashed under the bar in the basement for the Christmas / New Years holiday and within that week or so, would get polished off by various Polacks at our Christmas or New Years party (my parents switch off with my godparents).

>> No.10922814
File: 121 KB, 1024x488, City-Chicken-1024x488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That looks like something from Balkans or Greece, definitely not Polish.

It’s a MidWest American dish but is so common among Polish-Americans that it’s essentially become an ethnic food.

>> No.10924074

Yep, wypipo.
Liking anything white = holocaust supporter.

>> No.10924222

I buy big bags of frozen perogi's at the store. They're seriously the best bang for the buck for a hardy food you'll ever find. Great with a dopple of sour cream. How hard is it to make at home? I imagine not worth the effort. I can get a 4lbs bag of it for like $2.50, I just cant see the better taste of home made can make up for the cost/effort difference. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10924253

Is this the same as a cabbage roll? (ground beef, rice, tomato sauce and whatever else you wanna throw in it?)

>> No.10924341


>> No.10925294

Some regions of Poland polacy eat barszcz biały during wigilia.
Flaki are delicious who cares if they smell they taste delicious

If you guys want tasty stuff, find polish mead. Miód pitny as its known in Poland and not many polacy know about it. Shit is fucking delicious, so smooth and no burn or hint of the alcohol at all.

>> No.10925364
File: 721 KB, 446x251, 8F0C43B5-4AD1-44D5-82BE-5308E613C391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversity is our strength. I mean look at all of these trendy restaurants Anon. Juan’s Taco Truck, Abdul’s Falafel Hookah Bar and Shiva’s Shitting Street Stand. White people have no culture. This wouldn’t be possible if we had just stuck with our original immigration plan of mostly European stock.
> why should we care what hipsters want?

>> No.10925394

Don't forget the honey vodka!

>> No.10925766

This but unironically

>> No.10925821

Sounds like a personal problem, anon

>> No.10925856

Cold War-era biases are still hardwired into American culture.

>> No.10925868

It would never catch on because hipsters are health-conscious, and most of this food is heavy, salty, fatty and starchy.

>> No.10925922
File: 67 KB, 700x525, UZ3Q6gmCBqDPjBT_x5WW1-fQUL-SCDFlg3QB4I-LTjI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally not a single eastern european restaurant in you're entire state
hold me

>> No.10926011


>quick foray into Poland from Germany


>> No.10926316

My grandmother inherited some Hungarian recipes and my father himself had a penchant for Polish food since apparently while he was growing up, the local Catholics would cook and sell shittons of Polish food for dirt cheap. I'm unsure of the actual names, but I've eaten a shitton of cabbage rolls and paprika chicken in my life, and I think it is palatable for the average American.
I think part of hipster food fetishism, beyond just being "ethnic", is having unusual/"obscure" ingredients, and this is probably where Eastern Euro food falls short.

>> No.10926330

is that Szalonna? I can't find a Hungarian deli anywhere near me.

>> No.10926345

I could literally eat pierogis cooked with bacon and sweet onions fried everyday till I die

>> No.10926351

was it anything like kijafa?

>> No.10926360
File: 208 KB, 600x392, 5339B1DC-4E49-40E0-A5B6-BF65A7E290CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about some nice dršťková polévka

>> No.10926363

i fucking love menudo

>> No.10926389

You probably make it completely different since I saw pictures with cilantro, raw onion and lime in it...

>> No.10926610
File: 47 KB, 500x417, 61e0b7eb455cc5fe1a4ad5deeb370a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the mexican shitty version, the real spanish menudo is really similar to that pic btw.

>> No.10926904

That looks good man. You add chickpeas in it?
We use only onion, garlic, marjoram, paprika, bit of flour and tripe.Very easy but nice and cures hangover.

>> No.10927179

It's because it got old in the 90s.

>> No.10927892

>grew up in an austrian/russian-american family
>grew up eating all of these meals
>didn't realize they weren't normal foods

>> No.10928919

150 Days of Sodom

>> No.10929049

New Britain CT

>> No.10929224

i'd love to try it, but I live in a major city and there isn't any eastern euro food places around here, so I get the feeling they are kind of hard to find.

>> No.10929249

You got a problem with Bernats?

>> No.10929719


ah, you know?! I go there from time to time.

>> No.10929746

I can see that you’re a mutt

>> No.10929764

Borat is a Turkic person

>> No.10929770

Because it's made with non-healthy ingredients. Lots of potatoes and fatty meats. I've had a lot of Serbian food, though. It's pretty tasty.

>> No.10929801

>most of what we know of modern cuisine isn't 50-200 years old, at most
Haha good one. Most italians probably ate gruel, bread, and vegetables. And the "high cuisine" was basically just having the luxury of being able to afford roasted or cured meat.

Chili peppers are a new world crop, but image Szechuan cuisine without them. It's not like using a newer ingredient violates some ancient tradition that existed before and said "thou shalt not cook with non-continental ingredients!"

>> No.10929807
File: 39 KB, 500x383, 3110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veselka was cool before you were born, you dumb flyover

>> No.10930635

Whats the difference pelmeni and pierogi???

>> No.10931016

I made some with dried prunes and it wasn't sour at all. But being argentinian I made it with top noch beef cuts, not real Bigos I guess.

>> No.10931197

>nearly a century and a half. I think that counts as historical
Do americans really believe this?

>> No.10931390

Man, there is one hipster restaurant serving pierogi in my city and it always has lines of people waiting for a table.
I live in Poland though

>> No.10931400

no one was talking about Russia though

>> No.10931404

Well, they're not that wrong. Eastern Europe is some bleak, slavic hellhole and a post commie thirdworld hellscape environment full of alcoholic rapists, but has great cuisine