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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10893587 No.10893587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the most fedora Reddit foods out there?

>> No.10893593

everything fusion and food truck

>> No.10893596

chicken and rice

>> No.10893601

Kim chi
pita chips

>> No.10893603

t. has never been to a good fusion restaurant
dont act like its a fedora thing, too. fusion is everywhere, wether you like it or not.

>> No.10893605
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>> No.10893609


>> No.10893617

This literally sums up their whole diet.

>> No.10893623

reddit, pls

>> No.10893624

>Any answer but soy
People ITT trying to be too smart for their own good.

>> No.10893631
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"Yeah, I love spicy food." *sips milk*

>> No.10893633

Apparently people were buying salami, bread, olives, etc. and arranging them nicely on a table then posting pics for upvotes. So I guess anything you didn't make yourself that you use to get a bit of attention for yourself?

Honestly though, I come here because I don't like Reddit and the only time I think about it is when someone else is posting about it.

>> No.10893636

Idk, look in your cabinets and refrigerator so we can see a list of the anti-redditt foodstuffs for a start, ok, believe me that would be epic, just epic, ok?

>> No.10893647


>> No.10893648
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>> No.10893653
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>> No.10893663

I'd attend this party

>> No.10893666

God for 10-20 people, bad for any amount over or under

>> No.10893669

a big tough guy burger. yeah i might be a manchild whose main interests are still video games and david fincher movies, but my beard and imposing gut make me a strong masculine man. angus beef, nice and rare for me!

>> No.10893674

Post to rebbit for sweet karma

>> No.10893678

Why do people still think fedoras are okay to wear? Surely by now they know...

>> No.10893771

what's in those glasses in the back?

>> No.10893774
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Ask him, but he does bite if he thinks you don't like fedoras.

>> No.10893889

veggie burger
soy bacon
especially when they pretend it's better than the real thing

>> No.10893896


>> No.10893920

Dunno what it is, but after I post a boomer meme, I love reaching for a bottle of that sweet.....sweet vark. If I'm not satisfied I might post a cringe Shrek image.

>> No.10893938

Vark sauce. Pure reddit junk.

>> No.10893940

using a wok to make stir fry and buying a knife over 50 bucks

>> No.10894006

well idk what food reddit prefers
but mideuropean fusion is some good shit, anon.

>> No.10894017

absolutely based
i mean, just look at that knife. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy just by looking at it. ould use some more blue cheese though.

looks like grissinis

>> No.10894057

korean bbq
that deep ass pizza

>> No.10894100

>when you could prepare actual food for your party but decide to just throw a bunch of ingredients on a table instead

>> No.10894121

I feel like people caring about what is "reddit" is the most reddit thing there is. The fact that so many of you faggots are actually up on the latest trends from there makes me think most of you should go back there.

>> No.10894143

its a thing on both sides, really. reddit has a board called r/4chan and its full of people larping as polfags and edgebois. they also have been stealing memes since forever. (although reddit caught up in that department)

>> No.10894215
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Le bacon XDDDDDDDD the best meat evar
Such taste much flavor

>> No.10895474

uses same grapes 3x, nuts are hard to scoop up (people wont use their hands out of manners), pickles are not in brine so they will soon dry.

all in all, no, just no. 3 out of 10, a fucking mess with no organisation. and imagine how it will look after 10 people have been on it, it will just be even messier and look like a junkyard of a buffet. Whoever made this had no fucking clue what they were doing

>> No.10895479

McChicken, unironically.

>> No.10895717
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Essential Reddit foods/drinks.

>Pork bacon
>Sriracha sauce

>> No.10895723
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>pick up this gem from the supermarket

>> No.10895747

But... I grew up in thailand and I actually LIKE sriracha sauce. My mother used to make her own.

>> No.10895753

is this what americans call cheese? kek

>> No.10895756

Were you born a faggot, or is it a choice?

>> No.10895767

Can I get a quick rundown on IPA? I see it on 4chan called as a reddit/söyböy drink. IRL I see IPA ads everywhere and see normalfags I know drinking it.

>> No.10895771

Don't hate it's actually pretty good >>10895747

>> No.10895794

This is ultra-reddit

>> No.10895801

even pubs that give free food have better quality stuff

>> No.10895814

Sure. It's a style of beer that was originally made by the Brits for export to their colonies in India. It contained a lot of extra hops to help the beer survive the long trip by boat. Just like hot sauces, the modern scene contains a lot of product that's meant to be as strong as possible. I.e. muh IPA has more hops than your IPA. These taste like chewing on pine needles and for some reason seem to attract hipsters. It can be a legit style of beer, you just have to watch out for the massive number of shitty "my IPA is hoppier than your IPA" products on the market.

>> No.10895852

The soy thing is kind of a forced meme, just because "soyboy" rhymes and more readily conveys its meaning than "nu-male"

>> No.10895860

And so are hipsters

>> No.10895874
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>> No.10895889

I enjoyed Fight Club
Go back

>> No.10895963

Do non-americans not slice their cheese when serving it like this ????

>> No.10896044

Daily reminder guy in OP's picture died alone and sad

>> No.10896114

>he thinks the slicing is what’s wrong with the cheeses
Oh honey

>> No.10896145

as 4chans userbase increases the community becomes less diverse and it’s reaching nearly reddit levels of hivemind. the people who comment on r/4chan are the same people posting on /b/ or /pol/. that’s why i like ck because you guys are cute and not afraid to be unique :)

>> No.10896153


>> No.10896200

Too spread out. Try to fit it in a smaller space next time.

>> No.10896223
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My dad has a banner of this hanging in his reloading room and he drinks IPA.