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10864797 No.10864797 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on golden corral

>> No.10864806
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It's the Walmart of "restaurants".

>> No.10864817

BTW, while it's really disgusting they let it get like that, it would only take a couple hours max to knock it out. I've had to do a lot worse in my day. Just keep in mind, you can only do things one at a time. Grab a plate, clean it, rinse and repeat (literally). Before you know it, it's all done.

>> No.10864820

It's worse. The K Mart of restaurants more like it.

>> No.10864824
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>trash bin not on a rolling base

>> No.10864857

it's a people watching mecca if you're into the whole freak show vibe, I go every now and then on weird holidays like fathers day really high and just embrace the dysfunction

>> No.10864909

>plastic plates
yeah nah fuck that

>> No.10865460

If they didn't there would be glass and shut everywhere because Jamal and Tanqueray let their litter absolutely destroy the place

>> No.10865522

Your detailed explanation doesn't change the fact that plastic plates are a sign the place is to be avoided.

>> No.10865658

Their bread pudding and fried chicken are good. They have takeout by the pound iirc

>> No.10866226

I used to work in one, washed dishes there for three years all through high school. They had good roast beef and mashed potatoes. You can count on everyone who works there either being a dumb kid or a middle/late-age adult on welfare. Don't go on Sunday morning right before lunch because that's when all the damn church people show up. Mother's Day? Fuggetaboutit.

>> No.10866383

been maybe a dozen times in my life. Quality really seems to vary, probably based on time. Being a buffet, you'd probably want to go during a busier time, but if it's too busy, than you have hamplanets hovering around anything good that comes out and filling their plate with it to "muh monies worth". Some of the items are pretty decent, like salad bar, soups, and random main items. You can get to order shitty steaks and other grill items. Desert area isn't all that great, and I wouldn't touch that chocolate fountain with a rented dick.

>> No.10866485

I actually like the place for breakfast because it's cheap and they can't fuck up eggs. Avoid at all other times tho

>> No.10866516

I go for for the show. Some of the food is ok.

>> No.10866538

I think anyone who answers should post their height and weight. If you're obese I don't trust your critique of food.
I've never been there so I can't comment. I installed the signs at one and they gave me a voucher but I never went because I'm not a fat fuck who eats at filthy buffets.

>> No.10866654

K... It's utter trash

Eat food that wasn't meant to kill your pancreas.

>> No.10866668

If you want a whole shitload of mashed potatoes and fried chicken and cake then it's the place to go

>> No.10866897
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It offers the best value. It's just hard to consider nonbuffet restaurants when buffets out class them so heavily in terms of how much food you get. When I pay to eat out, I want to leave full

>> No.10866966

>eating till you're full
>in a post-hunger society

Man, imagine being like this. I'm an Amerifat and even I don't think like this.

>> No.10867005

I'm an American, and I like to eat until I'm full. But I only eat once or twice a day and stay at a healthy weight because I don't eat a lot of junk food. I like buffets because they let me get full but I'm pretty tall and the portion sizes at most restaurants aren't enough for me since I only eat once or twice a day.

>> No.10867033

There it is. Thank you, anon.

Everybody read this, it's worth it.

>> No.10867086

I grew up poor, then did the college thing and was poor during that. I got a good job out of school, but it probably took me at least 3 years to start to get out of that "poor" mindset. I'm a big boy too, 6ft, 245lb and lift. There is rarely, if ever a meal I get at a restaurant, that doesn't leave me "full". It's just when you are poor, you need to feel "stuffed", or over full. Maybe fat non poor people have the same mentality too. At least for me, I realized that I don't need to feel gross after every meal. I stopped having the mindset of I need to eat every last thing on the plate (which I got from my mom, because "muh starving African kids"), and then having to feel like I couldn't waste a dime of the food I bought. I eat to the point of satiety and then stop. If I have a decent portion left, I'll take it home, if not, fuck it. I don't need to feel gross and bloated just to make sure I finish those last few ounces of french fries.

>> No.10867417

I only use it as a fried chicken buffet.

>> No.10867421

You pay to participate in school lunch tier buffet. Absolutely garbage.

>> No.10867491
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Good God.

>> No.10867571

If you are poor then you go and eat a crap ton so you don’t have to be hungry later. Hence, getting your money’s worth.

If you are wealthy enough, you eat your food until your done - full, satisfied, players empty, whatever. If the plate is empty but you aren’t full, you stop. If you are full but the plate isn’t empty, you stop. Because maybe you will just eat again later.

>> No.10867592
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I used to eat there when I was young (back in the ‘80s). No buffet, it was a steak place with a small salad bar. The steaks were okay, about what you would expect from a chain restaurant. The salad bar gave you the option to have some fresh vegetables in addition to your baked potato. Price was about $5.99 a person for a normal meal.

I went into one about four years ago.., it was...
Somewhat horrifying.
The meat counter seemed okay except that people would hover with empty plates and take almost all of any fresh meat put out
The hot food bars were a mess. I saw a woman drop a serving spoon on the floor , pick it up and slap it back into the mashed potatoes.
Salad bar seemed okay. Pretty fresh. Potato salad and crab salad were all gone and not restocked.
I did not go to the dessert bar; I observed from a safe distance.
Most of the people I saw made me kind of sad.

I won’t go back.

>> No.10867593

You're doing God's work posting that link

>> No.10867701


>> No.10867731

Rednecks think it's fine dining.