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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10847423 No.10847423 [Reply] [Original]

>that guy who uses a meat thermometer when cooking a steak

>> No.10847466
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thats me, works quite well

>> No.10847468

I roast a couple full tenderloins every night and can tell by feel pretty much spot on where it is, but I always temp it with a thermometer. It's still more consistent and takes an extra 30 seconds.

>> No.10847504

at least you didn’t mention boomers like some faggot

>> No.10847520
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>that boomer who gets made at being called out for being a boomer

it's not so bad, just accept what you are.

>> No.10847527

I don't make steaks often enough to know when it's done perfectly, especially when other's want their's done differently. I have chicken, pork, and fish down, though

>> No.10847531
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>I don't make steaks often enough

>> No.10847534

based and redpilled boomerlad

>> No.10847571

Sounds like a keeper.

>> No.10847626

boomers don't use thermometers retard, they just stand there and move the meat around every 10 seconds, while also burning it, then continuously squish all of the juices out with a spatula, while muttering "mmm doesn't that look good".

*serves burnt hockey puck*

>> No.10847636

I like the stabby electric ones that can tell how well done your steak is by it's electrical conductivity.

>> No.10847639


>> No.10847645

>That millenial that judges doneness of a steak by the "pinch your hand" method a meme video on the jewtube taught him

>> No.10847651

What's with the Boomer meme anyway? What is the required age of Boomers?

>> No.10847671

I do love cooking fish, because when it's done, it's pretty much obvious by appearance and touch. If it was previously frozen, you can get away with pretty low finished temps, which is great for searing tuna, shark, or marlin steaks.

Pork and chicken are fine if you're braising or doing it in some other slow cooker method, or grilling thin strips or chops. But don't fuck around with whole baked chickens without a thermo.

>> No.10847683

boomer meme faggots don't even know the rules. they just post a picture then put a caption that any normal person might do and its supposed to be amusing. if you criticize them they usually reply with a green text t. boomer, cringe redpilled, or shrek picture.

its summerfagging at its hardest.

>> No.10847702

Boomers probably don't use this site though.

>> No.10847703
File: 182 KB, 226x224, 1527615558823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of frying pan do I use while makingh a medium rare steak?
Teflon?Stainless?Cast Iron?

>> No.10847713


>> No.10848164

perfect description of my dad at the grill

>> No.10848188

>Not using an infrared thermometer

>> No.10848199
File: 276 KB, 1500x761, based boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions boomers

>> No.10848229

Anything other than nonstick. Cast iron is preferable but stainless works well too.

>> No.10848242

Let me guess... without clicking it's that stupid ass video with the boomer mowing the lawn and a bunch of Saturday/suburban soundscape noises overlapped? The only people who find that funny are retarded early/mid-twenty suburban spoiled shitheads who have no responsibility in life. Lelelel kek redpilled cringe Shrek snap cuck t. Boomer monster zero

>> No.10848369

t. 23 year old boomer

>> No.10848504

t. 30 yo boomer who salivates at the idea of a postage stamp yard saturated with petroleum toxic chemicals to mow which will always be out of his reach

>> No.10848525

okay, this is epic

>> No.10849029

Cast iron skillets are preferable. They are thick enough that slapping down a steak usually won't make the pan cold, so you don't have to wait for it to reheat and fuck up your steak in the meantime

>> No.10849083

>that cast iron skillet passed down from boomer to boomer remaining in the family for boomers to come

>> No.10849236
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>that boomer who fell for the touching the meat while cooking it will ruin it meme

>> No.10849267

Fuck you man, I make amazing steaks and that is precisely my routine. Though I wait 4 minutes between pokes, and only squish down when I flip the thing.

>> No.10849322
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i did a1 1/2" rib eye today

take meat off after basting with garlic butter
temp test myself for shits and giggles
135ish with a gorgeous cast iron crust

what a joke, I don't remember the last time i ordered a steak in a restaurant