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File: 338 KB, 1321x1762, IPA_12_Pack_Lineup_9f6228b7-55c7-4fc3-bd83-4594b542deb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10838888 No.10838888 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/. No memes, no bullshit, just a simple answer to a simple question: Do you like IPAs?

>> No.10838893

No. The majority of the IPAs I've tried have been entirely too bitter. It's always been wasted money too, because I can't tolerate more than a sip or two before I toss the entire bottle. I do enjoy craft beer though.

>> No.10838894

heck yeah

>> No.10838898

Nice quads.
And no, I wish I did though.

>> No.10838899
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>> No.10838908

The trick is to drink them with a good meal. Not by itself like a feckless hick.

>> No.10838914

Not really.

There are some breweries I like, and if they have a new IPA Ill try it, but in general I would rather go for something else.

>> No.10839040

>tfw feckless huk who drinks 1 can ipa a nite b4 dinner

>> No.10839097

what's the relation between boys of soi and IPAs?

>> No.10839103

IPAs are considered "hipster" by the underage boomers from reddit that populate 4chan now.

>> No.10839104

About 1 in 6 maybe usually can't sand them

>> No.10839115
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Because, everything popular is soy, ipas are associated with hipsters and because a lot of IPAs (and just craft beers in general) have colorful cartoony artwork on the labels.

>> No.10839119

I can enjoy most beer

>> No.10839135

Dey aite

>> No.10839187

Some are better than others. Although there are some that that taste like cat puss smells

>> No.10839217
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took awhile, yet I acclimated to em..

>> No.10839221

What even is a double IPA? They all taste same to me.

>> No.10839232

>dude it's beer but get this, the aftertaste is like dumping a spoonful of salt in your mouth

I don't get it

>> No.10839250


>> No.10839764

Depends. Sometimes they are just too bitter but some of them have enough sweetness to balance the bitterness out.

>> No.10839790

this is probably what makes an ipa tolerable to me. most of them just go overboard on hops just to go overboard. i used to drink them a lot more around 2010 (i was in my mid-twenties) and gave them up later on, because they were becoming all too similar. i've recently gotten back into them, mostly due to M-43 (a NEIPA) being a beer that actually lived up to the hype. i'd put them above the "cheap but good to chill with", but not much higher than that.

>> No.10839815


>> No.10839834

They all taste the same.

>> No.10839864

Why is it called "indian"? I hope it's not the poo in it

t european who grew up on lager

>> No.10839903

I like English and Belgian style IPAs as well as NEIPAs. Not a big fan of the more popular American style of IPAs these days. The piney flavour does nothing for me.

The story goes that the style originated from the British shipping to their colonies in India. Beer kept going off due to the long voyage, so they upped the hops which helped preserve it better.

>> No.10839950

so basically it is the poo in it

>> No.10839987

Some of them are decent, most are not.

>> No.10839999

IPAs taste like shit and usually have dumb ridiculous labels with meme names from local craft breweries.

>> No.10840012
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Honestly, why drink that when the best beer in the world exists: Pabst!

>> No.10840021
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People who bash on IPAs are the same people who shit on quality cheese, coffee, mustards, and onions for being too bitter. A lot of shitty places over do it on the hops but there are also quality IPAs that know how to balance flavors. I actually love the Kirkland brand craft beer boxes. They have great IPAs, American ales, and one called session ipa which is my favorite.

Its only $20 for 24 bottles which is great. Usually it's $14 for a 6 pack of meme IPAs

>> No.10840027

>reddit approved labels

>> No.10840029
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>> No.10841027

Is IPA *supposed* to taste like soap water?

>> No.10841195

Barleywines are the ultimate hipster bastion

>> No.10841209

Not really. Too much bitterness for me.

>> No.10841213

they can be good or bad, just like any other beer
used to drink them all the time, but I got bored and now I prefer more malty beers

>> No.10841221

amazing how many people swear by a given macro lager, even though they all taste the same
the magic of marketing I guess

>> No.10841223

I had a couple good ones, but about a dozen bad ones. They can be made well, the problem is that the people who just want them to be as bitter as possible with IBUs as high as possible just end up with shit that tastes bad. Going for flavor instead of MAXIMUM BITTERNESS can make a pretty decent one though.

>> No.10841238

shut the fuck up samantha bee

>> No.10841243

What kind of IPAs are you drinking?

>> No.10841247

I wouldn't drink beer if it wasn't for the craft stuff, and I like IPAs. They got to be the citrusy type though. Piney IPAs taste like turpentine to me.

>> No.10841253

Yea. But not super high ibu.

>> No.10841257

I've had that pack before. The beer is surprisngly good. I might visit that brewery this week for shits and giggles.

>> No.10841259

I feel the same way

>> No.10841262

Macro lagers vary in taste quite a bit if you sip them instead of chug them

>> No.10841282

Nope I always liked stouts and porters more then lagers if I want something a bit lighter, ales especially pale ales have just never been what I'm about.

>> No.10841288

mmm yes this bud tastes slightly more of corn and slightly less of water than this carlsberg

>> No.10841296

A lot of them taste completely different. You can't tell me that a Sam Adam's tastes more or less the same as a Yuengling.

>> No.10841330

>it tastes different
So you admit it. Thanks.

>> No.10841334

Nope the vast majority are disgusting, hoppy, hipster shit.

>> No.10841337

dogshit and cowshit probably taste slightly different too, doesn't mean it's normal to strongly prefer one over the other

>> No.10841382

That's like asking "do you like books?" or "do you like music?"

IPAs exist on a pretty wide spectrum.

>> No.10841405

IPAs are pretty good. craft beer is just generally a good guy.

>> No.10841410

what do you drink then faggot

>> No.10841474

Bud Lite like a REAL, red-blooded American

>> No.10841485

I'll drink them every once in awhile but it's definitely not my go-to style of beer. Most are far too hoppy for the sake of it. I prefer stouts.

>> No.10841486

> they all taste the same
your taste buds are broken

>> No.10841501

i find this as well, prefer other kinds of ale

>> No.10841691

>IPAs taste like shit
hello shit taste. I bet you unironically drink sugary drinks and think coffee is too bitter

>> No.10841718

Hops is from the cilantro family of spices.

>> No.10841745

1. alcohol is a poison.
2. beer is poisoned hops tea.
3. No, I do not like IPAs

>> No.10841860

Whole argument was "different", not "strongly tasting". Get over it.

>> No.10841959

What a childish view you have of alcohol. One beer is not going to hurt you at all, and can actually be good for you.

>> No.10842012

the argument was "vary in taste quite a bit", not "vary in taste a tiny bit if you concentrate very hard on the flavour (which is shit anyway)"

>> No.10842047

Yes, I like beer.

>> No.10842056

>t. retard and a tastelet

>> No.10842062

Don't bother arguing with the degeneracy police.

>> No.10842092
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>Going for flavor instead of MAXIMUM BITTERNESS can make a pretty decent one though

Why not both?

>> No.10842093

Not sure if this means anything but my rats won't touch a beer with even slightly noticeable hops. but they love the cheap stuff like ice beers and lite lagers. They'll drink water for 5-10 seconds but when they taste Icehouse they'll drink for 30 seconds straight or longer.

>> No.10842104

>IPAs exist on a pretty wide spectrum

So do the people who make these threads.

>> No.10842118

Very rarely, and only ones that aren't hop bombs.

tssss yeah theyre all retarded and shiznit

>> No.10842121


>> No.10842123

Yes but they are one of my least favorite styles of beer

>> No.10842147
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black ipas deserve a mention...

>> No.10842152

from what I've had, I only like Two Hearted Ale.
everything else just tastes like shit to me, except for a couple i can't remember

>> No.10842316

>stouts and porters

You are a child. Beer is not candy and should not be sweet.

>> No.10842334

>Stop liking what I don't like
The only child here is you.

>> No.10842371

basic stouts like Guiness are dry stouts
also all beer is sweet to a degree

>> No.10842390


>> No.10842396

What about sours

>> No.10842704

Delete this.

>> No.10842775

Shits good and gets me drunk twice as fast

>> No.10842840


>> No.10843240

>IPAs with a salty finish
The fuck kind of IPAs are you drinking?

>> No.10843246

Not really. Its just overly hopped beer that was mean to keep on a ship for a couple months.

>> No.10844676


>> No.10844713

>cheese is bitter

>> No.10844806

They bore me, but I don't hate them per se. Almost all the other styles are more interesting tho - yes that includes a decent pilsner.

>> No.10844875

Tbh all the people I know who love Ipa and always drink it define pretty much the soiboi stereotype perfectly.

>> No.10844882

Nice quads. Reminds me of a nice quadruple IPA I had once.

The only acceptable house brew at my local brewpub is an IPA. Everything else is basically flat for some reason, but the IPA is just a damn fine beer. I don't care what you call it, good beer is good beer, and I'll drink to that.

>> No.10844884


>> No.10844927
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>> No.10845236

Based pabstposter

>> No.10845427

based and redpilled soylad

>> No.10845443

massive amount of American hoppes leads to a lot more androestrogens compared to other types of beer

>> No.10847089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10847159

I hate them. I don’t drink a lot of craft beer, but when I do I usually prefer darker brews that are less hoppy. I usually drink liquor or wine with meals. If I am drinking beer, 95% of the time I am just trying to get drunk so whatever I can easily drink a shitload of will do.

>> No.10847163

>30 year old boomers who think beer should be bitter

>> No.10847169

no. too much hop taste. gnarly bitter.

>> No.10847200

I prefer the taste of an 8% ipa over a 8% beer

>> No.10847215

IPAs are retardedly expensive for a drink that is not refreshing. They have gimmicky flavours and gimmicky labels. I'll take a beer for what it is, a beer. Not a fucking jam donut infused drink.

>> No.10847219

No. And I don't like being ripped off by some creeps that have to justify their crappy marketing degrees.

>> No.10847269

>that 26 yo boomer who thinks he doesn't fall head over heals for marketing
Oh you sweet, sweet summer child!

>> No.10847271

yes, but only the good ones

>> No.10847273

tastes like rotting corn mash fermented in sewage run off

>> No.10847292

based and redpilled soylad

>> No.10847299

>thinks he can get a decent ipa

>> No.10847464
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yes i do, one of my favorite beers is pic related. plenty of shit IPAs out there though.

>> No.10847568

>Go to a larger beer bar 3-4 years ago

20-25 beers, decent variety from lagers to doppelbocks, porters, belgians, etc

>Go to a bar these days

30 beers, literally 22 of them are either IPA/APAs

>> No.10847661

I hate this. Every brewer has a selection of 20 different ipas available year round and then have 5 other beers that are limited as fuck.

>> No.10847676

I didn't even say I liked them.

>> No.10847741

it's just some redditor /pol/tard thinking he's funny by quoting everyone in the thread

>> No.10847749

>Oh what do y’all have on tap?
>Well we’ve got these thirteen different IPAs, a cotton candy marzipan sour porter, and the summer edition strawberry lager with ancient grains
>bourbon with a splash of soda please

>> No.10848104

strawberry lager sounds good though

>> No.10848122

They're okay on occasion if you get a good one. Never ever as a go to.

>> No.10848124

If you’ve never had it

>> No.10848175
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In India is an IPA just a PA?

>> No.10848358

an APA isn't just a PA in america so no

>> No.10848376
File: 182 KB, 230x449, Hell-or-High-Watermelon-3d-can-copy1-230x449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys this shit is great

>> No.10848379

a bit pricey though

>> No.10848386

21st Amendment is pretty solid from what I've tried, but I've never had a good watermelon beer before.

>> No.10848435

what's a good go to?

>> No.10848452

meant for >>10848122

>> No.10848458

yeah, of course, most of the modern ones are at least pretty good, especially if you stray from California

>> No.10848466

>Doesn't acknowledge different forms of English.
>Completely misinterprets a comment.

Your additional chromosome is showing.

>> No.10848479

No need to be so butthurt just because you fell for a meme and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10848489

God this shit is ubiquitous now
One of the largest "beer bars" in my area has 40 taps, the last time I was there I counted and 31 of them were some type of IPA. Two years ago I went in and tried like 10 beers because the variety was insane. Now i just have like two of the same random Belgian beer on tap and go somewhere with more choices.

>> No.10848496

the fuck craft beer bar has over 50% of any one style?

>> No.10848522

Go to your typical local restaurant/brewery, summer beer event and you'll see a lot of guys who fit soyboy, bugmen stereotpypical look, I don't know what it is but it does tend to attract those types of people.

>> No.10848528


>> No.10848530

eh, not really though

>> No.10848550

Yes, some are overdone, but I enjoy most of them

>> No.10848555

Hell or High Watermelon tastes like a sweet and sour candy. Their Blood Orange IPA is a lot closer to what I want in a fruit flavored beer - though it's rare that I want one at all

>> No.10848574

The last watermelon beer I tried was from Ballast Point and it tasted like Jolly Ranchers. I rarely order a fruit flavored beer these days after predominately similar experiences. Citrus flavors tend to be better because they don't fight against the hops as much.

>> No.10848608

Honestly I don't really care for them.

>> No.10848613

Why do coastie boomers dislike IPA?

>> No.10848631

Most of them are overhopped but other than that a lot of breweries do some interesting stuff with them. If you've been drinking coffee for more than a month most IPAs shouldn't be a problem to down, though whether you like the taste of hops is up to you. Personally I like wheat beers the best but I'll take an IPA over a regular lager or something any day.

>> No.10848932

how is this one? i've been seeing it pop up everywhere recently.

>> No.10849181

>Citrus flavors tend to be better because they don't fight against the hops as much.

It's true. Ballast Point makes a grapefruit flavored one that's overrated but still pretty good

>> No.10849198

Yeah, Sculpin is pretty good, but Ballast Point is easily the most overrated West Coast brewery right now. No clue how they get away with charging more than Bear Republic or Green Flash.

>> No.10849266

Sculpin is oddly expensive

Also strange that they seem to have become less present since their buyout. There was some hype involved when they first started selling here in the upper midwest, but Constellation seems to have done a really bad job building on that (and those $14 six packs of base tier IPA surely didn't help)

>> No.10849279


>> No.10849294

>underage boomers

>> No.10849304

They were pushing hard in NorCal after the buyout. It seemed like every place around me had BP beer pairing dinners and BP tap takeovers for awhile. I feel like they just flooded the market, and had so many sub-par experimental/flavored beers that people kind of got sick of it (at least I did).

>> No.10849363
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Sculpin and Space Dust are two of my favorite IPAs, and for some reason you have to pay far out the ass to get them. If I can get them on tap at a bar I always prefer that, since most places here charge the same for all their draft beers

>> No.10849904

the 'not liking IPAs because it's a meme' meme is so much more cringe than actually liking IPAs

if you don't like IPAs you don't like beer and you probably drink vodka and coke or something equally gay

>> No.10849916

Yes but some are memes from the start

>> No.10850532

The bitterness is what I like, though. What is it with this idea that bitter is bad? Is it because the current generation is raised on sugary sweetness? I don't get it.

Anyone who isn't accustomed to something growing in popularity will dissociate with the thing entirely and make of it because they don't understand it. That isn't exclusive to beer, of course. Some people are so contrarian they can't even watch a video with more than a few thousand hits on YouTube; which kind of puts a weird spin on what you'd consider a hipster, and so the contrarian who calls those who like trendy things hipsters becomes a hipster himself. I don't get it.

>> No.10850543

>if you don't like IPAS you don't like beer
This is just as retarded as calling someone a hipster for liking IPAS.
I don't get it either. Contrarians are good at mental gymnastics.

>> No.10850546

>What is it with this idea that bitter is bad? Is it because the current generation is raised on sugary sweetness?
Not necessarily. I personally prefer mire toasty, malty beers like dark ales and stouts. Most IPAs are just altogether too bitter, like drinking grapefruit peel.

>> No.10850550

But are you shitting on people for liking IPA? If not, good on you. I love both stouts and IPA, and all the nuance in between.

>> No.10850554

Bitter isn't bad. But when bitter is the only note I get there's a problem. Kind of like when someone makes a hot sauce and they focus on making the spiciest sauce possible rather than making a good sauce.

>> No.10850555

Of course not, people should be free to drink what they enjoy. It's just to me IPA is generally far too hoppy and tastes like grapefruit peel and pine resin. Bitterness can be good sometimes but it's just far too intense in most IPAs I've tried. I hugely prefer regular pale ales, which have that bitter hoppy edge without completely dominating the flavor.

>> No.10850566


It's an acquired taste imo. Also you probably need to try more balanced ipas, i.e. english ipas which balance the malt and hops a little more than the american ipas.

>> No.10850568

And there are good IPAs out there that focus less on the bitterness of hops and more on the flavor. You get a wide range of flavors out the varieties of hops as well (pic related). Thing is, if that isn't your thing, there's no need to hate on anyone who loves the style. Unless you're just taking the piss; a friend of mine likes to call IPA the pumpkin spice latte for white men.

>> No.10850574

Nice quads. Most IPAs are different. Give me examples of five standard IPAs from different breweries and I'll tell you which I like or not and why.

>> No.10850582

Double IPA is brewed with more hops, therefore more malt to balance it out. That's why double IPAs usually are sweeter and more alcoholic and eventually bleed more into the style of barleywine.

>> No.10850583

Beer is already an acquired taste in general. If I encounter a variety of beer that I find almost universally unpleasant to drink, I'm really not inclined to put the time into acclimatizing myself to it.
I've tried some English pale ales, which I was referring to in >>10850555, and I enjoy them a lot more because of how balanced they are by comparison.

>> No.10850585

t. Dennis Hopper

>> No.10850593


Have you tried NEIPAs? They are similar or less bitter than english pale ales, but triple the hops of an IPA. But they are added late in the boil or in the whirlpool stage of brewing hence bring a lot of fruity flavours, etc.

>> No.10850600

>Have you tried NEIPAs?
I haven't, but
>triple the hops of an IPA
really doesn't sound encouraging. What are some noteworthy NEIPAs? I'll see if I can find any locally and give them a fair shake.

>> No.10850618


Hops can be used in a variety of ways that give different flavours. I'm not too sure on American NEIPAs.

If you're in Australia: bubble and squeak, and jedi juice are good neipas to start with.

>> No.10850622

Sorry m8, I'm a pom cunt. I don't even think we have a single Australian beer over here.

>> No.10850633


fuck off Lipton

>> No.10850635


>> No.10850678

I don't hate anyone for drinking them, that would be stupid. But I do hate brewer's massive focus on IPAs. I'd like to see breweries make a wide variety of beers rather than have 10 different IPAs and 2 or 3 other beers.

>> No.10850733

>green bottle

>> No.10850851

This is part of it. Alcohol does no favors for your testosterone to begin with but the huge amount of hops does help that. Brewer's droop etc.

That's part of how I justify drinking malty stuff all the time, although part of it is sweet tooth desu.

>> No.10850871

Nice quads. If the IPA has some other flavor to balance out the abrasive monotony of the hops then I can get behind that. That's part of why I'd love to get ahold of a Treehouse Julius or something.

Also this (https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/35258/124602/)) is pretty decent, it's an IPA but also a Rauchbier and the smokiness works surprisingly well with the hops.

>> No.10850879

This tastes like watered down Budweiser with onions. It's not terrible so much as there are other cheap ass beers that are more drinkable (Dos Equis Ambar, Negro Modelo, fuck even Budweiser...)

>> No.10850888

Usually sours incorporate fruit flavors and are sweet. The flavors aren't mutually exlusive.

>> No.10850902


>> No.10850924

I was surprised when I tried modelo and Negra Modelo. They're pretty good.

>> No.10850989

Same, I didn't have them until I went to the local Mexican place and that was most of what they had.

Say what you want about Mexicans but they make a good cheap bear.

>> No.10851930

You should unironically kys

>> No.10851941

Dont even reply to this cancer, its lazy retarded bait made by neckbeard redditiors

>> No.10851943

>intelligent corvid Chad loudly calling chubby, whiny never-touched-a-titmouse virgin a soyboy and he just takes it like a little bitch
Sounds about right.

>> No.10851966
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Did anyone try the glenfiddich expirimental ipa?

>> No.10851969

Too fucking real. Fucking goddamn hipster soylords.

>> No.10851997


>> No.10852025

Damn near all of them as of lately.

>> No.10852031


90% of them,where I live.

Do you have any bocks?




>Imperial/strong stouts?

>Nope but we have this cocoa flavored 4% milk stout if you're looking for dark beers


Guess I'll take a Paulaner, thanks

>> No.10852044

>Nope but we have this cocoa flavored 4% milk stout if you're looking for dark beers
Better than here. The only stout we get is fucking Guinness in every bard except 4 one. There's a more upscale bar a little ways from my house that has some good selections. But even there the draft list is 15 beers and 10 of them are ipas.

>> No.10852061

Where do you people even live? I'm in IPA central (California) and maybe a third of most tap lists are IPA's, at most. Stouts are fucking huge, and sure as fuck aren't 4%.

You're obviously from the Shitcago area. Flyovers have no clue what they're doing.

>> No.10852123

I'm from Maryland. There's lots of good beer getting made but the brewers are only making the fucking IPAs widely available. The other stuff is way harder too find.

>> No.10852157

Amerifriends, why is IPA so prolific over there now? What is it about obnoxiously powerfully flavoured hop brew that made it so damn popular over darker ales, stouts and porters?

>> No.10852172

Is the IPA craze not a thing in Europe?

>> No.10852181

Not really. There's one or two companies who made IPA production their mainstay but you're more likely to find at least one of a few varieties of beer on tap with no particular lean towards IPA.

>> No.10852182

IPA is the purest expression of what you can do with hops, malted barley, yeast, and water. It's like poetry, using the Reinheitsgebot as a meter and seeing how high you can take the basic form. If you don't like IPA you probably don't really like beer.

>> No.10852195

>if you don't like X then you don't really like Y
That's such a retarded outlook.

>> No.10852205

The retarded outlook is, "I don't like an entire subsection of food and think that it's all the same".

>> No.10852206


Hungary here.

I was exaggerating with the 4%, but you get my point.

The irony here is that we have lot of great local breweries with a vast array of beers but the craft beer bars only sell their IPA/APA on tap.

>> No.10852213

I never said or implied that in my post. I like beer and there are very few IPAs I can say I enjoy. I don't think they all taste the same, I just don't like them.

>> No.10852221

That's the premise of these fucking threads, and saying you don't like IPA's is like saying you don't like seafood; there's such a wide variety that you just come off as a picky eater.

>> No.10852228

That's a shit comparison.
Would you say a person who eats seafood but doesn't like shrimp doesn't really like seafood?
Also I don't care about the premise of the thread I'm talking about my own opinions about different styles of beer.

>> No.10852233

All IPAs have the same basic flavor profile. If you don't like the bitter grapefruit taste, you're pretty much shit out of luck.

>> No.10852248

>would you say a person who eats seafood but doesn't like shrimp doesn't really like seafood

No, but if they said they don't like any shellfish and then complained that there weren't more salmon, tilapia, and canned tuna options on restaurant menus I would.

Only certain hops have a grapefruit flavor, and single hop IPAs are pretty big right now. All beer has hops anyway, so your argument is retarded.

>> No.10852254

I think if a person went to a seafood restaurant and they had 20 shellfish dishes and 4 fish dishes that would be a valid complaint. Excuse me for liking variety in a menu.

>> No.10852272

I love IPAs, but most bars/breweries are just too saturated with them these past few years. I get so fucking hyped when a place actually has a sour or gose on tap.

>> No.10852294

I had a lemon lime gose for the first time the other day. It tasted nothing like any beer I've ever had but in a really good way. I liked it a lot. That bar is the only bar I've ever seen one at.

>> No.10852490

>All beer has hops anyway, so your argument is retarded
The entire fucking point of IPA is that the hops are the dominant flavor. That's what IPA is all about.

>> No.10852506

carlsberg tastes like nothing

>> No.10852509

you're retarded there are hundreds of species of hops AND when you add them to the fermenter changes their impact entirely

you're fucking stupid, and massively ignorant about how beer is made.

>> No.10852515

Yup. When I get burnt out on sours/saisons/goses and crave a solid, strong beer I'll grab an IPA. I like the Stone Delicious a lot for when I don't feel like gambling on something new.

>> No.10852518

I'm not talking about the brewing process you retard, I'm talking about IPA being samey bullshit, which it fucking is.

>> No.10852544

How many IPA's have you had?

That would be the only excuse for that conclusion other than you're really dumb

They taste drastically different from each other. Different varies of hops taste different and they all have a different level of bitterness to them depending on what kind and how much was added at the start of the boil.

Maybe you are just unaware that if you start with the highest IBU (ie. the most bitter) beer you won't be able to taste the differences in the less bitter beers if you have them shortly after. Always try things from low to high IBU if you're sampling.

There is also a hipster push to have a higher and higher IBU, but at some point around 80 most humans can't tell that it has even increased anymore.

Your statement that they all taste the same is as logical as saying coke, pepsi, rc cola, and dr pepper all taste identical.

>> No.10853029

maybe its just because I am in the upper midwest but its super rare for a place with a large tap list to consistently approach 50% DIPA/IPA/APA.

>> No.10853032

>You're obviously from the Shitcago area. Flyovers have no clue what they're doing.
haha what?

>> No.10853047

Reluctantly yes I do.

>> No.10853066

>hey guys i got a proposal
>what if we made beer
>but get this
>we made it taste really fucking bad
Hipsters drink IPAs because they know it tastes bad and want people to think they're cultured for liking something that tastes bad.

>> No.10853089

>hey guys i got a proposal
>what if we made beer
>but get this
>we made it really cheap by taking out all the parts that have flavor and replacing them with water and empty sugar
Rednecks drink lightly flavored lagers because they saw it on TV during the NASCAR race, and don't want people to think they are pretentious by buying something good yet marginally expensive

Women drink light lagers because of muh calories

>> No.10853090

I'm certain its popularity is only because macro piss was so widespread that when someone discovered IPA they told everyone they knew about how "holy shit guys this beer actually tastes like something"

>> No.10853097

IPA levels of hops would be the standard if:

1. Large quantities of hops were not prohibitively expensive historically
2. Europeans had access to modern American hop varietals
3. We knew modern hopping techniques

>> No.10853108

>It's an acquired taste imo

Meaning it's a bad taste and you have to trick yourself into thinking otherwise.

IPA is for jaded hipsters who have tired of good tasting beer and seek nothing but the thrill of repulsive novelty, like how /mu/ will sit there and listen to four hours of artfully arranged static.

>> No.10853113

No it wouldn't, because the average person doesn't like drinking things that taste like vinegar. If you want complex flavor you drink spirits.

>> No.10853118

>IPA levels of hops would be the standard
thank christ they're not

>> No.10853126

Extra dawn in the pisswater.

>> No.10853175

Um, what? Hops do not taste like vinegar

> If you want complex flavor you drink spirits.
lol what? More like if you want to get drunk as fast as possible on as few as possible calories. Don't get me wrong there are some excellent and complex spirits, but they are a tiny minority of the market

>> No.10853180

Do you live in California 2006?

>> No.10853183

>t. nontaster

>> No.10853194

I am genuinely confused by the "vinegar" comment, we are talking IPA, not lambic

>> No.10853201

Hoppy beers have a notable vinegary taste to people with more than 7 tastebuds.

>> No.10853208

no, no they do not

>> No.10853213

whatever helps you sleep at night, tastelet

>> No.10853285

Jai Alai is GOAT.

>> No.10853390

Fuck all that IPA bullshit, belgian beers are where it's at. Sours too.

>> No.10853406

Wouldn't that just be a pale ale, then?

>> No.10853434

>english ipas which balance the malt and hops a little more than the american ipas.
Or just go with Midwestern IPAs which are more balanced and tastier

>> No.10853513

If it's not got that characteristic intense hoppy taste as its dominant flavor, yes.

>> No.10853543

If you still fall for the IPAs are bitter meme then you need to try a good New England IPA for the first time in your life. They taste like drinking straight orange juice or pineapple juice a lot of the time.

>> No.10853553

I have no problem with IPAs. At least they aren't light beers or hard lemonades

>> No.10853570

these are all bad measures for making personal choices.

i drink beers that taste good, some of them are IPA's some of them are not.

This thread is shit

>> No.10853580

I drink many good beers, significantly less than half of them are IPA, but IPAs are great none the less and anyone mad at them is being silly

>> No.10853586


>> No.10854087

thanks from posting the actual answer. tho its all hopps

>> No.10854110

>Oh no it contributes .0000000000001% instead of .00000000000005%

>> No.10854149

strange that an inbev subsidiary would charge more than smaller craft brewers...

>> No.10854208


>> No.10854630

I love IPAs, I'm getting real tired of this contrarian "all IPAs are shit" meme.

>> No.10854634

And golden monkey is a great up a, I enjoy the bitter taste desu

>> No.10855125

>Do you like IPAs?
Yes. But I refuse to drink them because they're high in calories and estrogen. they're worse than soy

>> No.10855269

I really doubt you're much of a stud anyway