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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10833209 No.10833209 [Reply] [Original]

>want to cook more
>Be 21
>Live with parents in a tiny condo
>Mother is bipolar
>Medication almost makes her tame
>I mind my business
>She intentionally fucks with me
>When she isn't doing that she pisses me off the rest of the time, and my response triggers her to agitate me
>Emotionally immature, she'll act out emotions and mood swings minute to minute
>Just want to use the fucking kitchen but she's always around every corner waiting

>Be today
>Getting off a night shift so I'm sleeping from brunch to mid evening
>She keeps entering my room and being noisy, dropping shit on purpose
>Can hear her blasting music in the kitchen and singing
>Decide it's time I wake up anyway and go to make any breakfast
>When I dare to ask her to turn it down so I can make breakfast - HOW DARE I ASK HER TO TURN IT DOWN IN "HER KITCHEN"
>because she needs to act out her fucking emotions like a toddler she needs to slam everything and use unnecessary force, so as she's doing dishes she keeps dropping shit
>I only have the patience to make a small omelette before I leave
>"Kitchen is all yours"
>"It always was"

It's been like this for months, before I was trying hard to deal but now I'm barely eating because she's intentionally trying to get under my skin.

Now I'm underweight and no amount of meal replacers can make up for skipping multiple meals, what's worse is when people comment on me being a skinny use who needs to eat more, piss right the fuck off.

Anyway, this is just tangibly related to cooking, what are some fast meals to make besides eggs and outmeal, I've been living like a tibeten monk for the past 5 months while I save up for my own apartment.

>> No.10833238

Just call the police and say she threatened to kill you she will be arrested

>> No.10833239

>>Be 21
>>Live with parents
I found your problem, you entitled waste of space.
Enjoy the free rent provided by your parents, or get the fuck out and pay for your own kitchen, and cut your whore mom out of your life.
Do one or the other but don't complain that you have to deal with someone you don't like in exchange for free room and board, you colossal insufferable faggot.

>> No.10833301

It is her kitchen you fucking mooch

>> No.10833337

First, I pay rent, don't lump me in with neet sock fuckers
2nd I am leaving.

Im Glad you got to feel a tinge of superiority over my issues. Now fuck off You greasy cunt

>> No.10833351

If you had a kid you would refuse to move so they can learn to cook or even to cook at all?

You would purposely wake them up from a night shift for work and purposely agitate them?

What the fuck kind of bipolar cunt are you like. Don't procreate

>> No.10833364

>If you had a kid you would refuse to move so they can learn to cook or even to cook at all?
stop being such a baby. find your own place.

>> No.10833365

She's a narcissist, you likely are too, and she's tired of your ass just like you are of her's (mumbles something about Freud). Welcome to 70% of parent-child interactions.

>> No.10833371

then go pay rent somewhere else you fucking cuck


>> No.10833373

If it makes you feel better, you're likely a codependent. She won't kick you out, you'll have to escape this personal hell yourself before you get sucked into the vortex of habit.

>> No.10833376

Nice blog, faggot. Doesn't have anything to do with /ck/. Go kill yourself

>> No.10833378

Based anon telling me to do something I've stated I've been doing 3 times. Reading comprehension nigger

>> No.10833379

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10833390

>Green arrows are quotes
I know for a fact I've become limp wristed because if this, having a small diet isn't helping.
I don't question any if what you said except for saying I'm a narcissist, don't even know where to begin, I've long stopped feeling sorry for myself.

>> No.10833397

Well then move out, you double nigger

>> No.10833410

lurk more

>> No.10833424

>I've long stopped feeling sorry for myself
This right here. Narcissistic. Anyone who truly felt that way would be avoiding even the use of first person pronouns. Depersonalization.
Otherwise it's pathetic Munchausen mewling.
Somewhat of a catch 22, but it is what it is, and 4chan at it's best operated on this notion. Contradictorily manifested at worst by
>tfw no gf
which was still a group gestalt that annoyed many more than a personal lamentation.

>> No.10833435

Lmao ok I'm going to stop trying to make this about cooking

So you're saying anyone who uses "I" or "me" and isn't suffering from teenage existentialism is a narcissist. Let me guess, anyone who hasn't taken lsd is a jew right.

How are you referring to yourself, because there is a you, it exists and no "spiritual metaphysics maaaaaan" is going to change how much bumbling hippie you are.

>> No.10833439

>>Green arrows are quotes
I know this is bait but fuck it, fuck you

>> No.10833451

>So you're saying anyone who uses "I" or "me" and isn't suffering from teenage existentialism is a narcissist. Let ME guess...
How lamentably you fall for the same pitfalls again and again.
I should use reconciliatory languange any time I refer to myself, rather than a club to prove my point. As should you.
To do otherwise would be silly, and just plain bad rhetoric.

>> No.10833466


Hippies mostly suck. Hypocrites that hardly recycle. So terribly misaimed ad hominem.

>> No.10833484

I dunno what kind of drugs you're on but whatever they are must be some pretty serious shit.

>> No.10833488

No fuck you fryman

Keep posting, the physical sense of my entity is laughing at YOUR metaphorical sense of superiority.

>> No.10833493

It's pretty good stuff.
How often do you use the word "one" as a pronoun?

>> No.10833517

Honestly bro, it sounds like your mom wants the D

>> No.10833546

I'm not the guy you're aguing with. I can only imagine that he, like I, is utterly mystified at the strange conclusions that you draw.

>>"One" as a pronoun?
Hmm, I can't say never, but rarely for sure.

>> No.10833560

Just narrowing it on to an Americas English speaker.
How many of the complete sentences in the post you made did not involve you as the subject? Zero.

>> No.10833568

And why would that matter at all?
And if it did, how do you know that I'm not baiting for a response?

>> No.10833580

Why wouldn't it matter?
Pattern recognition is an indicator of higher and more cerebral cognisance.

>> No.10833586

Hold on I'm back, I was on a bike trek, what are you referring to with my posts, I'm baited already

>> No.10833589

Post bike.

>> No.10833592

>>why wouldn't it matter
That assumes there is some kind of conclusion to be drawn between a speech pattern and something else. While I agree that can certainly be the case, it isn't necissarily, therefore it seems like such a conclusion has a high degree of uncertainty.

You didn't answer the second question.

>> No.10833601

>even jellyfish could master geometry
Got me there.
But what's the second question?

>> No.10833614

Your first statement makes no sense at all. It sounds like some random pablm quote which has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject matter.

>>what's the second question
>And if it did, how do you know that I'm not baiting for a response?

>> No.10833641

If it's to the point where you're underweight you should spend some more money on eating out, preferably somewhere decent, with vegetables and shit.

>> No.10833683
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Good luck anon. The best thing to do is to put many miles between you and her. I had a mother that was the same. A really crazy bitch. Fucking evil. I have memories of being two or three and she would scream and make a scene in public places. Later in my teens she would talk shit about me on the phone, right in front of me. She would fool most people that she was a nice person, until they got to know her, then she would turn on them. I left at 16. Get out of that environment as quick as you can. Living in a cardboard box on the street would be better.

>> No.10833871

So you're asking me to prove you to be or not to be bait? That's a pretty tall order.

>> No.10834121

>be me
>single mom
>son is a failure, a massive waste of space but I still love him
>let him live with me and provide for him
>he treats me like shit, walks around like he owns the place
>I try my best to hide my frustration and anger but sometimes it manifests itself by occasionally slamming a pot or two
>I live in a shitty tiny apartment, I pay for both me and my son and money's tight
>my life sucks
>sometimes I like to turn on some music and just try and forget about how my life ended up like this
>my son got all snarky and passive aggresive about it today

What do I do?...

>> No.10834124

Lol you lurk more faggot

>> No.10834179

>Mother is bipolar
I thinks that's just called "being a woman". She's going out of her way to sabotage or destroy you any way she can, but she'll deny it. Maybe she isn't actually aware of all of what she's doing. Maybe she's made it a personal hobby to make you as miserable as possible. She clearly wants to ruin your sleep as well as your food intake.

The best thing you can do is move as far away from her as possible, like you're already planning on doing. >>10833337

How's your relationship with your dad? Can you maybe work something out where he can chaperone her and get her out of the house so you can get some shuteye and food in you? She needs to be managed like she's a prepubescent child, so hostility probably won't be your ticket to a meal and a good rest after a night shift.

>> No.10834248

How does someone get this fucked in the head about people, let alone mother's.

>> No.10835743
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Is it really that hard for you to believe that women can be just as bad as those terrible men you've always heard about throughout history and have seen on the news your entire life? JUST as bad. And when the echoes of time cease to ring true in the ears of all men and women, those unaffected will blame others, but firstly, men.
Almost the same. I can put up with pretending to be nice to her thanks to some of the decent memories we've shared in the past, until she started dating the worst men imaginable as she was clinging onto 40 as her hair started falling out, debt piled up, I turned 18 and dad didn't have to pay child support anymore, she got fatter and fatter, and her skin started getting worse and worse.
She's now an alcoholic and drug abuser who thinks being Catholic and moving into a camper will land her a rich husband who will pay off her past debts and satisfy her. She has no capacity for self reflection anymore. Someone broke her, and she insists on accusing me of this.

She piles dishes up every night in a drunken stupor, leaves food packaged poorly in the fridge, pans and the stove top equally as dirty, and throws her trash wherever. She then has the gall to ask me to do the dishes as she makes up for it by mowing the equally as messy yard that for the longest time I couldn't even do because apparently she has a hard time holding onto the numerous spares of house and garage keys. She's a fucking idiot. I should probably just bite the bullet and move out while in college, but I get more financial assistance living with her, and she actually cares about me going to college, because she thinks I'll help her pay off her debts someday with a 4-year degree paying job).

>> No.10835985

You sound incredibly jealous.

>> No.10835992

I think you're being a bit paranoid.

>> No.10838174


>> No.10838362

I see many pretentious people use "one" instead of "I" and it grates on me. It's as if they're too cowardly to stand behind their own opinion so they instead choose to refer to an invisible party to make a point. It's obnoxious imo.

>> No.10838377

Oh and OP, I moved out when I was 19 because of shit like this. If it's a feasible option for you, jump at the opportunity. I loathe the idea of living with my parents and it sounds like you do too.

>> No.10838384

How do you afford it?

>> No.10838399

I got a job and then despite my parents refusing to co-sign for an apartment, was able to negotiate with the landlord and found a small place to rent. You could also do the roommate thing as well although that's iffy because you're rolling the dice. I don't know how much you make though, so I have no idea if it's a feasible option for you. I was adamant on moving out and I dumped 1/3 of my monthly earnings into rent.

>> No.10838431

Thread went to shit so I didn’t read the whole thing.
You’ll want cheap stuff you can microwave and get the fuck out of the way. Forget about real cooking. Oatmeal, ramen, etc. they’re also decently high in calories. This is so you can get back some weight while saving money to move out.
Other options:
Live like a college kid in your room. This will slow down your saving a little. Get your own rice/slow cooker, toaster oven, perhaps even a microwave and griddle. You can now cook decent food in your own room. It helps if you keep your own food in your room too, like your rice and other things that don’t require refrigeration.

>> No.10838466

I don't think I can do roommates. I'm depressed, drink too much, and have someone anti social, autistic tendencies. I hang out here ffs. I could probably do around 700 a month for rent if I'm doing around a third of my pay.

>> No.10838496

Do you have your own vehicle? And how's your credit? How much is the average studio apartment in your area?

>> No.10838511

Yeah I have a car. Credit probably isn't great, but I try and pay back all my old stuff. Median price around here is $1250 I guess. I pay $500 a month right now with my parents but I'm worried about what it will be like on my own again. They probably know something is off. Dark rooms and killing myself slowly. I haven't dated anyone in probably 6 years. I don't do what other people my age do it seems.

>> No.10838525

>I'm worried about what it will be like on my own again
What happened? And it sounds like a roommate is your best option unless you don't mind sinking half or more of your money each month into rent.

>> No.10838644
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Everyone in this thread is fucked in the head save for a couple posters, holy shit.

OP you need to get out of there ASAP. Nothing in the world is worth living with somebody like that. A horrible mother is worse than having no mother at all. My mom and my sisters are almost singlehandedly responsible for my fucked up development which caused my to have crazy self image and socialization problems. Moving out was the best decision of my life. I wish you all the best, good luck.