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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 1069x802, pristine-sunny-side-up-eggs.jpg?itok=4GSTJDNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10829561 No.10829561 [Reply] [Original]

are eggs good for you?

>> No.10829579


>> No.10829588

Yes but only vegan eggs

>> No.10829609
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>> No.10829675

yes, but as with every other thing in existence only in moderation

>> No.10829679
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>> No.10829681

Define moderation.

>> No.10829686
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No more than 50 per day

>> No.10829689

not reading that, what happened?

>> No.10829697

Not spoonfeeding you, read it or fuck off

>> No.10829755

>what happened?
if only there was some way you could find out

>> No.10829758

no, they're an indulgence

>> No.10829763


>> No.10829775

In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, an indulgence (Latin: indulgentia, from *dulgeō, "persist") is "a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins."

The recipient of an indulgence must perform an action to receive it. This is most often the saying (once, or many times) of a specified prayer, but may also include the visiting of a particular place, or the performance of specific good works, such as eating an egg.

>> No.10829783


healthiest when cooked over lower heat with runny yolks. (and procured from a local farm with bug-eating free range birds)

>> No.10829784
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>> No.10829797

they're not "healthy", they're something you eat because you like it, it's a reward for yourself
i'm not >>10829775

>> No.10829816

Eggs aren't junk food dipshit

>> No.10829830

>not healthy
literally the single most healthy food

>> No.10829839

>weight watchers considers this 0 points now

what did they mean by that?

>> No.10829847

and why exactly should I or anyone give a single fuck about weight watchers point system?

Could not care less about their opinion on anything

>> No.10829852

>I don't care therefore I will reply

you sure care fatty

>> No.10829854
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Yes if they’re non GMO

>> No.10829859

the one on the right just looks severely overcooked

>> No.10829862

Think you will find that's semen.

>> No.10829866

Depending on your size, you'll get your daily dose of cholesterol in 1-2 eggs per day according to FDA ADI values.

>> No.10829870

The GMO procedure fucks up the proteins so they always look overcooked.

>> No.10829881

>The GMO procedure fucks up the proteins
sorry bud, you're gonna have to try harder than that

>> No.10829891
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>eating literal chicken shit
i’ll never understand why this is acceptable

>> No.10829907

You literally don't understand the world literal or the word shit for that matter

>> No.10829910

No the green is the pesticides they spray the eggs with seeping into the yolk.

>> No.10829922

It's called guano you fucking retard

>> No.10829939

OH reaaaaly, cause it sure looks like sulfide formation from when you over cook eggs

>> No.10830467

dude made mustard gas and killed his mom

>> No.10830483
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/fit/fag eats pic related, says his heart hurts and he doesn't feel good

>> No.10830489

It's a troll image. But people believed it. "Big Organic" should be kind of a giveaway that it's fake though, because "Big X" is usually used when someone is against something.

>> No.10830492

I eat 1 egg and 1 toast every single weekday
i also buy brown eggs just in case

>> No.10830495

>i also buy brown eggs just in case
Wot, brownpill me on brown eggs pls

>> No.10830499
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idk, i just figure if im gonna eat 5-10 eggs a week might as well get the good stuff.
that aside. i find brown eggs have darker yolks, and harder shells. i usually go for the land o lakes cage free because its what they sell at my local grocer

>> No.10830500

brown eggs are literally a marketing gimmick. What the chickens are eating is 10000x more important than the color of the shell.

>> No.10830511

You are a sucker and would be better off buying the cheap ass eggs. LoL is literally the monsanto of egg production.

Don't believe me? Ask them to define "cage-free".

>> No.10830522

fair enough, do you suggest anything else or should i just go back to the $1.50 aldi eggs?

>> No.10830525

I carved holes under the nests in my hen house. I like to wake up really early and lay under one after the other hoping a nice warm egg will plop directly into my mouth from their beautiful cloaca. Nothing beats sucking and swallowing a fresh egg whole directly from the tap.

>> No.10830526


>> No.10830529

aBSolutely Based

>> No.10830535

is that the cloaca guy

>> No.10830587

>19g of sugar
That can't be good for you.

>> No.10830589

You better be using those fucking Boxtops.

>> No.10830609
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>19g sugar
>5g sodium
>9g cholesterol
>222% iron
>301g fat
I hope he did puke for his own sake, jesus.

>> No.10830649

What in the everloving christ?

>> No.10830682

Don't ever eat them or you'll surely die a premature death, OP

>> No.10830689

In all fairness, organic or not, fresher eggs will look obviously different to not so fresh cheap eggs. Typically, the organics have faster turnarounds due to lower production (so most get bought up/shipped out quickly). You can really tell the difference between a fresh and less fresh egg.

Eggs laid the day of from hand raised hens in your yard>organic>factory farmed eggs

Also, brown eggs aren't always better. That's just the genetics of the chickens. The chickens that are real heavy layers (3+ eggs a day) just happen to produce white eggs.

>> No.10830695


>> No.10830709

>as he desperately tries to cut the cake while covered in egg
>then they grab the cake
>he hangs is head low
The horror...the horror...

>> No.10830715
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>> No.10830731

/fit/ would never admit to dietary cholesterol having an impact on serum cholesterol, they're at peak delusion

>> No.10830738

>brown is a healthier color than white
You're thinking of rice and bread you faggots

>> No.10830758

That's what my wife Sarah calls me.

>> No.10830903

Just don't cook the yolk.
If you cook the yolk, throw it out.

>rabbit hole: lysozymes in egg whites tear tiny holes in our gut lining and cause autoimmune disease

>> No.10830923

Rabbit hole aside, what happens in cooked yolks

>> No.10830936

But why.

>> No.10831202


>> No.10831228

It's some kind of spic thing.

>> No.10831317

there's nothing wrong with eating any of those things

>> No.10831341
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Color of the shell is basically determined by the color of the hen/hen’s ear lobe.
And yes, white shells are usually little bit more fragile

>> No.10831348

One slice of white breaf can have more than 10g of sugar you dumbass

>> No.10831361

"In Indonesian culture, birthdays are traditionally celebrated by playing humiliating pranks on the birthday boy or girl.
This custom can involve smearing cake on their face, pushing them into dirty water as well as pouring eggs, flour and rotten food over them – sometimes to the point until they cry."
Poor kid.

>> No.10831362

jesus what a clusterfuck of a link

mobile devil devices were a mistake

>> No.10831366

My roommate once had an autistic fit because I bought brown eggs instead of white ones because they were too hard too crack. I saw no significant difference.

>> No.10831380
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>Serving Size: 50 Large Eggs

yeah that might be the problem

>> No.10831429
File: 137 KB, 1056x1392, D98C8AA9-4A04-41A7-8277-DC225BE0564B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can somebody spot a real difference? It’s just an egg...

>> No.10831439

I don't eat them and I feel just fine, so no they are not, the only way eggs are eatable is if you make an omelette out of them, which isn't that bad.

>> No.10831471

It's best you don't click on the image, you'll download 50 viruses including AIDS and your mum will die

>> No.10831482

>I don't eat them and I feel just fine, so no they are not
That's not how it works. Eggs are a good source of protein and fat, so as long as you take that into consideration and balance the rest of your meal around it by adding fruits/veg/whole grains and not just piling more protein and fat on top of it and nothing else, it'll be good for you.

>> No.10831487

There is in those amounts. Although the sugar is under the daily limit for most people.

>> No.10831753

Absolutely BTFO

>> No.10831756
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Who gives a shit what the truth about nutrition is. People will tear each others' faces off trying to prove each other wrong about it anyway. The truth might as well be immaterial.

Look at any /ck/ thread if you don't understand what I'm talking about.

>> No.10831769

>child abusers
Why haven't these people been gassed en masse yet?

>> No.10831779
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>> No.10831833


>> No.10831888

He's kinda cute.

>> No.10831939
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>> No.10831946

not reading that. what did he say?

>> No.10831951

not reading this. what'd he say?

>> No.10832801

That much cholesterol, sugar and fat will completely fuck up your cardiac system and ingesting that much iron at the same time can be lethal you brainlet.

>> No.10833034

>Adding cholesterol to a cholesterol-free diet raises the blood level in humans, but when added to an unrestricted diet it has a minimal effect.
>Ancel Keys, Ph.D.
>University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

>> No.10833065

nope https://youtu.be/8ls9HWRxvMo

>> No.10833109
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>unironically quoting Ancel Keys

>> No.10833122

Haha got'im. Now post your study to show him who's boss.

>> No.10833136

You're retarded. Take a physiology class.

>> No.10833137

I don't think the quote is wrong.
But quoting Ancel Keys is pretty fucking funny in 2018.

>> No.10833139
File: 89 KB, 768x1024, A04B8577-9FB7-492E-9538-8692BD462495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically quoting Time Magazine
>unironically not even reading the article and not realizing it supports muh eggs

>unironically using an unsubstantiated case of a man with Alzheimers claiming he ate 20 eggs a day despite friends at the retirement home saying he clearly didn’t

>> No.10833146

watch the actual video.
watch this one too https://youtu.be/0LuKwsz9Woc
be careful, you might learn something.

>> No.10833151

>watch this 28 minute video of some soccer momscientist spew utter shit from a channel called Low Carb Under

>> No.10833156

No, chicken embryos being healthy is a myth. Same with all dairy products.

>> No.10833158

Not watching any of your deluded idol's meme science. You can't deny basic medical fact. If you can refute it yourself do so, otherwise keep your 30 minute+ long delusional rambling to yourself.

>> No.10833180

>retard detected
>quoted Ancel Keys saying eating cholesterol has no effect on someone eating a normal diet
when even Mr "I faked multiple major studies to gen up the whole cholesterol scare" Ancel Keys says eating eggs doesn't raise cholesterol, then the jig is up and there's simply no valid argument left against eggs.

>> No.10833183

you can do all the research yourself.
there are plenty of studies to look through.
it's just way faster to watch people that have actually done that talk about it than doing it yourself.
fact is that many big industries don't help people get healthy, but help get their stakeholders rich.
that's a big reason so many working class people have shit lives. they're too dumb, worn-down, and busy working 2 jobs to notice though.

>> No.10833190

eh, I take it more like anything he said shouldn't be trusted.

>> No.10833197

>you can all the do research yourself
I did. It found flat earther retards like you don’t have any worthwhile data or research to support your conclusions and listen to snake oil salesmen/cult leaders as a confirmation bias form of meditation

>many big industries dont help people get healthy
Like the beef, egg, and dairy industries? Exactly!

>> No.10833203

>zero evidence
>"j-just look it up yourself, its true i swaer"
Kek go delude yourself into thinking you can eat whatever you want without consequences somewhere else you roastie whale.

>> No.10833216

there's so much fucking evidence it's surprising you believe the shit mainstream has been feeding you.

nice strawman.
also my BMI is 22.

>> No.10833219

He didn’t fake any studies. You just read falsely contextualized shit from Mercola that lead you to deduce without reading the article that one man with Alzheimers claims 15 years ago he ate 20 eggs a day despite no one around him supporting these claims. As well as being too dumb to realize Keys means adding cholesterol to an already high cholesterol level, hence “limited”

>> No.10833222

>theres so much fucking evidence
None of which you can condense from a cult leaders ramblings however. Or even a single controlled, randomized, dietary intervention study with pre-measured consumption and cholesterol rates

>> No.10833227

Yeah yeah, I'm sure the big dumb bully meathead is either dead or dying of arteriosclerosis and the anon who, statistically speaking, took 0.0 hours of exercise this week is going to live until into his 90's.

>> No.10833245

why are you even still talking to me?
you won't even watch the video(s) I linked.
you're clearly not interested in learning anything new.

>> No.10833293

>i like eggs so any evidence linking it to elevated cholesterol is fake mainstream news eventhough the consensus among medical professionals is that it does, but they're just paid shills for the "anti-egg" lobbies, so I'll believe a snake oil salesman instead, *smirk*.

>> No.10833298

>s-s-stop humiliating me!!!

You said there’s an abundance of evidence out there. Find ANY. No one is going to watch an hour of your cult leader rambling. Find any dietary intervention, randomized, controlled, baseline measured study that asserts your claims and then maybe you wont get treated like a retard

Even just pinpointing a relevant study at any point in your mantra videos is better than “jus watch duh vidyos!!!” Fucking idiot

>> No.10833304

fuck, you're strawmanning hard.
I never said any of those things.
again, why are you even still talking to me if you don't want to have an honest discussion?

>> No.10833315

it's a simple indicator though.
if you're not willing to watch a video which actually spoonfeeds you all of the information, you're just not interested in considering any new information.
so it's pointless to link you anything.

>> No.10833323

> 7 nations study
> studied 25 nations
> cherry picked results
>not faked
sure buddy. I always heard vegan diets made you dumb, but I didn't realize how big the effect was.
>claims 15 years ago he ate 20 eggs a day
nice straw man. I made no mention of the 20-egg guy because it isn't material; I linked to that page because it contains a letter to the editor of Ancel key's admission that eating cholesterol doesn't raise cholesterol unless you're coming off a cholesterol-free diet. you should learn to read, he specifically says it only raises cholesterol for people on a zero cholesterol diet, and has minimal effect otherwise. at no point does he mention dietary cholesterol on a high-cholesterol diet. In fact his comment "when added to an unrestricted diet it has a minimal effect" indicates that even the old fraud himself admits that eating cholesterol just doesnt budge your serum cholesterol levels above some metabolic baseline.

>> No.10833339
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>doesn’t give any evidence
>cant even pinpoint a single moment in any of his twenty hour brainwashing vids where anything substantial is said


>> No.10833361

maybe you'll learn one day that adjusting the way you handle things based on how you think someone will respond, is far more important than finding the one (TM) proper way to respond to everyone.
being able to figure out who's not worth spending time on is a huge one.

>> No.10833380

>ingesting that much iron at the same time can be lethal you brainlet.
>40mg of dietary iron
I don't know if this is worse, or thinking that dietary cholesterol is assimilated into excess cholesterol, or thinking that "cholesterol" is bad for you in the first place.

>> No.10833391

So you don’t even know what the word “faked” means? Okay. The nations he picked were the ones that had any modicum of reliable health statistics. The 22 countries refers to other countries from a separate but related study. Not the 7 Countries Study. You don’t even know what the word faked means but then you call vegans dumb lol

>nice strawman
That’s literally what it says in your article. Did you even read it? Or did you do the Mercola method of reading headlines

>because it isn’t material
It is considering that’s the study being referenced, retard

>that eating cholesterol doesn’t raise cholesterol
Yes retard. I know how to read unlike you. Now do you know what “unlimited” refers to or did you even read what I said about it? Of course not. You have as much autism as you do fat clogging your fuckface

>you should learn to read
You sure have a Norm esque dry wit

Unless of course you actually think you, and only you, have caught a Freudian slip from Keys in which he denies the lipid hypothesis he never actually ever denied in his entire life

God you are fucking stupid

>> No.10833401

>pg 91
>Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 mg/day. The 2015 DGAC will not bring forward this recommendation because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum (blood) cholesterol, consistent with the AHA/ACC (American Heart Association / American College of Cardiology) report. Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.
>Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.

cholesterolfags btfo by science

>> No.10833409

Maybe you’ll be able to not be such a worthless retard and support your claims. Probably not though since you’re so fucking stupid and can’t find a single link from all the evidence you claim is out there or one tidbit from the hour long auditory and ocular cancer videos you linked

>adjusting the way you think
Like apparently denying people your groundbreaking vast knowledge because they said mean words? You’re right! I should totally be more like you! An obtuse shithead with literally no ability to communicate a single intelligible point.

>> No.10833434

>if you're not willing to watch a video which actually spoonfeeds you all of the information, you're just not interested in considering any new information.
No, fuck you. Informational videos for things that don't hugely benefit from visual aid are fucking useless. If it's spoonfeeding then it's like having to watch someone pretend a spoon is an airplane, spending a stupid amount of time making airplane sounds in the way that they think an airplane should sound like as they drop the spoon a dozen times before managing to remember the goal is your mouth.
When it comes to health science in particular, the only information worth linking is the actual scientific study so that people like me can scroll down and verify whether the study size is shit, if the "control group" is even worth entertaining as a control group, if the data even gave consistent results, and if the conclusions actually have anything at all to do with what the linker thinks it does. The amount of people who don't even understand the difference between correlation and causation, let alone what constitutes a conclusion that can't be applied beyond the study's sample, is fucking astounding.
If I had to sit through a 20m video every time I wanted to see if someone linked something to support their argument, I'd be a brainwashed dumbass because I wouldn't have any time to actually learn anything.

>> No.10833438

I did't link to an article faggot, I linked to the letters to the editor about an article. or are you the sort of retard that thinks everybody that replies to a post is also OP?

Keys wrote:
>"many controlled experiments have shown that dietary cholesterol has a limited effect in humans"
>Keys means adding cholesterol to an already high cholesterol level
I'm genuinely curious where you get "already high cholesterol level" from this comment. because the only source appears to be your ass.

>> No.10833447


>> No.10833458

cry some more

it's just not worth anyone's time to try and convince others of something when they don't want to learn. it's futile.
so figuring out if someone actually wants to learn then becomes crucial.

i could cite a study involving 100 000 people showing everyone who smoked died of lung cancer 20 years earlier than the others, and someone who doesn't wanna learn would still find shit to nitpick about it.
just not worth it.

>> No.10833501

>i didnt link to an article

I just think you’re every sperging retard that links to an article then mentions the quote from what he linked, dumbass.

>im genuinely curious
“Unlimited” and the fact he literally ha held up the lipid hypothesis to the end of his life

Im genuinely curious if you’re actually retarded? Can you actually not read the past two posts where I explained this exact thing alongside the idiotic idea you think you just got some sort of “gotcha!” Freudian slip from a guy who has otherwise never denied the links about dietary cholesterol increasing blood cholesterol

I know why! You’re an autistic shithead that can’t fucking read and is desperate enough to extrapolate “cholesterol has little effect on an unlimited diet” to “Keys admits he’s wrong!!!” When even the most jewish of snake oil retards aren’t dumb enough to think that

I will. Im so darn sad some faggot with a gene pool as shallow as a wad of the drool dripping from his mouth will nevef share his trade secrets :(

You’re just admitting you’re too retarded to find any study and/or have none.

>> No.10833510

Turtle eggs are the best.

>> No.10833672

>and someone who doesn't wanna learn would still find shit to nitpick about it.
>who doesn't wanna learn
Besides those who don't want to learn, there are also those who understand what the process of science actually is.
Scientific studies for health science are inherently flawed because there is literally no way to make a proper control group AND have a simple size that's not laughable.
Until you, in concert, cite a study showing how the genetics of those 100,000 people and the lifestyle those 100,000 people lived that could have impacted their likelihood of dying to lung cancer, your study is not conclusive, merely probable. And that's with me giving you courtesy and assuming you meant people who smoked died of lung cancer 20 years earlier than people who didn't smoke who died of lung cancer. Actually, that statistic is misleading as well. If you're only considering deaths by cancer but not factoring in deaths of people with cancer not caused by cancer, then the test is shit. Let alone the study having nothing to do with potentially showing if/how smoking causes cancer.

>> No.10833764

Where are those smug faggots now?

>> No.10833775

>Freudian slip
he says it twice in one paragraph. thats a long fucking way from a slip
>aren’t dumb enough to think that
literally everyone knows that. its been accepted scientific knowledge for years
>quotes 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines
>available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum (blood) cholesterol
>Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.

You keep saying that as if it's a magic spell. That word appears nowhere in Keys' letter. And it appears nowhere in his admission that "dietary cholesterol has a limited effect in humans" that you seem to desperate to handwave away. So I'll ask again, slowly, so you can understand it:

>> No.10833777

still shitting in their diapers and claiming its candy

>> No.10833787

no, it's like eating a donut out of a sugar coated unicorn asshole. I'd completely stay away from eggs if I were you

>> No.10833795

>he says it twice
What twice? Oh right NOTHING about cholesterol being meaningless. Just more of your retarded extrapolations that you apparently think you’re some sort of savant who has deduced this means “Keys concedes!!!” Youre a clueless fucking retard. If youve ever read Keys he consistently states the more cholesterol you consume the less relevant it becomes because you’re cholesterol consumption is already so high. In no way does that or your utterly pathetic straw grasping imply he in this one paper THAT ONLY YOU have noticed he concedes dietary cholesterol is irrelevant

>literally everyone knows
Every illiterate retard shithead like you yes

>you keep saying that as if its a magical spell
And you keep extrapolating a statement that in no way says dietary cholesterol is irrelevant as “Keys has reversed his position” when he has literally never done that and even the most Joe Rogan of bro science retards would interpret that statement as such

You are desperately straw grasping for some pathetic gotcha based purely from your kindergarten level reading comprehension

Where does Keys imply cholesterol is irrelevant to individuals who consume cholesterol?

Again youre a fat fuck retard who guzzles Mercola cum and has never read a paper in his life let alone can spell the word paper so you use this absolutely pathetic strawmans as substitute for any actual research

>> No.10833808

Its almost like you do absolutely no research and just search for convenient buzzwords and headlines. The Dietary Guidelines as horribly inconsistent and useless as they are although don’t have a QUANTITATIVE limit on cholesterol still recommend eating as little cholesterol as possible

Of course you wouldn’t know this since you don’t actually read anything because of a severely retarded intellect and inability to read

>> No.10833822
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>you will never eat a donut out of a sugar coated unicorn asshole

>> No.10833823

do you even realize you're confirming exactly why I said you wouldn't be open to learning?

>> No.10833826
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> reeeeee he didnt mean what he said twice
> reeeeee stop being all sciency
> reeeeee my hero is never wrong
> reeeeee i cant hear you
> reeeeee you're a poopy head
kids, don't do veganism

>> No.10833845

And what exactly did he twice? That there were limitations to the effect of cholesterol on an “unlimited diet”. It must something from your crippling Asperger’s to interpret this as “Keys reverses his position” when no one else has done so. You must be really special ;)

>> No.10833847

Notice how youve yet to produce a single shred of evidence that apparently everyone knows and is so widely available

Youve also been samefagging which is pretty pathetic

>> No.10833938

Cholestorol is vital actually, where do you come up with this shit?

>> No.10833947

She pulls it out of her dumb fat ass to pretend like eating only shitty foods is actually totally healthy.

>> No.10833973

>Cholesterol is vital
Id love for you to point out where I said it wasn’t.

Or are you just retarded enough to think dietary cholesterol is necessary for cholesterol genesis?

ANOTHER retard that can’t read. Truly astounding how selective the literacy of you momscience autists are

>> No.10833982


Thanks for posting, this is glorious.

>> No.10833990
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>> No.10834027

Not an argument

>> No.10834040

I know retard, it's an accurate insult.

>> No.10834041

Bitch please, I'm more learned than you could hope to be, and learning more than you every day. Don't confuse your ignorance of the scientific method and actual logic as a bunch of meanies not putting in the effort to understand why you're "right". You don't get to hand wave pointing out your logical inconsistencies away as nitpicking beneath your effort to address.
You probably don't even realize I'm not arguing for a "side" here, I'm just pointing out where you're wrong or being potentially illogical so you can become more learned.

>> No.10834049
File: 25 KB, 217x232, CFFEE097-9ED2-4C6C-A913-F63A055835E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u proov me ron butt u fat wuhmin

Literally a fat triggered dyke