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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10813100 No.10813100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This based tick’s bite causes red meat allergies—and it’s spreading.


Soon nobody will eat meat anymore. Heh.

>> No.10813107

If you don't wear bug spray on your /out/ings, you deserve everything that comes to you.

>> No.10813113

I have complete confidence that the American meat industry will genocide this thing before it comes to that point.

>> No.10813117

I completely welcome the genocide of ticks and mosquitoes.

>> No.10813123

not a chance

>> No.10813126

Based tick

>> No.10813134

Red meat?
You do realize that the less red meat we eat, the more white meat we consume
Cows are huge
1 cow can feed as many people as 10 chickens can, maybe more
So if people eat less cows and more chicken or any other meat, it just means that more animals have to die to catch up with demand

Red meat is not an allergy you want to celebrate the spread of, especially if you're vegan

>> No.10813136

I look forward to DEET being legal to use again, outside of just protective-wear again.

>> No.10813144

Of course they will, it’s the only way to tell if you’re bitten...

>> No.10813151

Mosquitoes are based. Nothing has killed more retarded third worlders on this forsaken planet than mosquitoes.

>> No.10813161

I by no means condone the killing of mosquitoes in the third world. I just meant that a regional cleansing in the civilized world is more than overdue.

>> No.10813170
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And if you were killed by a mosquito, what does that say about you, anon?

>> No.10813175

that you're a man of good taste :^)

>> No.10813179

Okay, I was way off
So the average chicken can feed up to 8 people

The average cow can feed up to 1,400

>> No.10813184

Happened to my mom, and it's permanent on her.

>> No.10813185
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Good. Fuck bloodmouths and their disgusting lack of ethical consistency.

>> No.10813187

That has absolutely nothing to with the question. I would compare you to a well done steak, but even that has more value than your statement

>> No.10813192

>So the average chicken can feed up to 8 people

>> No.10813196
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And the food they feed to the cows per industry trophic levels could feed 20 times more people while using less land, water and producing less pollution. There's no environmental or nutritional argument in favor of eating meat.

>> No.10813198
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>> No.10813200

A reminder that vegan products are among the least natural in the world. Aside from vegetables and fruit, everything is processed to fucking shit.

>> No.10813204

8 normal people, .5 Amerilards

>> No.10813210
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>He thinks feed for cows is edible for humans

>> No.10813213

If ifs and buts were candies and nuts then everyday would be Unta Dankfest

>> No.10813214

Considering a single drumstick has around 200 calories, you must be a very malnourished people.

>> No.10813217
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Every company, even KFC, is now offering vegan alternatives. Even fucking McDonalds. The vegan boom is coming and the boomers will lose their subsidized cancer quickly. They will be outraged, but it will happen. The newer generations are being taught the knowledge behind factory farms and animal cruelty. You'll be used as an example of the previous atrocities. You'll be mocked and laughed at.

>> No.10813221

>implying veganfags would support McDs or KFC

>> No.10813222

au contraire you died because you tasted good, or were a man of good taste ;p

>> No.10813223

Ah lovely. The "ticks cause red meat allergy" story.
Same as every Summer. Comfy to see the same news over and over, sort of.

>> No.10813224
File: 37 KB, 378x349, 5D234D22-1D44-47DF-A316-EA8AF62EC809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corn isn’t edible

>> No.10813226

>trading in animal cruelty and factory farms for factory cruelty and worker farms

>> No.10813227

could this bug crawl into my basement that i never leave? or am I safe?

>> No.10813228
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I plan to buy 50 mcvegans every day and throw most of them to the birds. Higher demand means higher marketing push which in turn will decrease cruelty.

>> No.10813230

Yay fads backed by feel good assholes who don't make an actual difference in the world, bad science, and what are sure to be terrible advocados.

Thank god it will all end when the mollycoddled generations crash.

>> No.10813232
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>Okay, I was way off
>So the average chicken can feed up to 8 people
>The average cow can feed up to 1,400

>> No.10813235
File: 68 KB, 372x348, C98A4902-4468-4E60-A0C3-E977D919B357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh naturalism
>muh brocessed shit
>muh brocessed shit that makes up a fraction of the diet

>> No.10813239

More power to you as long as you don't give them to homeless people. They've suffered enough.

>> No.10813242
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Bill Gates is a slimey businessman who gutted the economy for his own selfish gain causing the recession (new anti trust laws had to be created to stop Microsoft from being able to further fuck the country further) if he supports veganism that should tell you everything you need to know about the kind of person who adopts that lifestyle

>> No.10813243

Considering I've never encountered a tick bite despite being an avid hiker, you're probably set for life.
Name one vegan dish that does not contain something processed.

>> No.10813245

That doesn't mean everybody gets a full belly from chicken
It means everyone gets a serving of chicken
So thighs, legs, breasts, wings+back meat x 2

>> No.10813253
File: 29 KB, 250x228, 259F5BB9-495D-40FB-98B5-4025D93ED255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you literally never eaten a fucking salad? Don’t even answer that

All food is processed you so soccer mom boomer retard

>> No.10813255
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>Thinks all species and varitials of corn are the same
Are you that retarded?

>> No.10813263

Alright bud. Enjoy your three salads a day, seven days a week.

>> No.10813264

Not a vegan but beans and rice bro. Do you consider tofu or tempah 'processed' as well?

>> No.10813266

Define processed
processed could mean broken down by a chef/butcher or blended with preservatives into a meal gel and baked into patties

If you want something that can be made with as little processing as possible, soup is a big one. Ratatouille, Salad (naturally), and Cauliflower crust pizza are some others.

>> No.10813269
File: 103 KB, 380x349, 242A51EC-1B36-45ED-8EBB-833274210266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks field corn is even inedible

>he thinks land and soil usage is exclusive to cow feed

>> No.10813273

Around here the autists will claim that picking an apple off a tree and washing it off constitutes "processed food".

>> No.10813277
File: 40 KB, 485x443, CA8906F7-047A-4D8E-B9ED-850F398992FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name a single one!!

>w-well you c-cant just eat salad

I can tell you eat no other fruits or vegetables either, fatso

>> No.10813278

I'll make sure to eat some vegans out of spite, anyway.

>> No.10813279

Maybe he's talking about resources rather than money
For instance, livestock need a lot of water to survive, more than what may be easily available at time

>> No.10813290
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>That doesn't mean everybody gets a full belly from chicken
>It means everyone gets a serving of chicken
>So thighs, legs, breasts, wings+back meat x 2



>> No.10813293

Well if you aren't the one picking the apples, in a way, yeah.
A lot of produce is blasted with preservative waxes to help keep the apples shiny and appetizing, so technically processed.
If you buy pre-cut apples, then definitely yeah
If you buy applesauce, obviously
Apple juice, Apple cider, Apple pie, Apple anything.

Just an apple is processed as little as possible, or not at all, it just depends on your definition
If it's "sent through a factory and prepared for to be eaten by you" then yeah
If it's "changed in some large way to look different from the first ingredient" then not really.

>> No.10813295
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The land specifically used for cattle feed that we are talking about is
>Doesn't know cows don't eat field corn they eat feed corn
>Doesn't know cows mostly graze and eat hay in the winter
>Probably believes you can live off hay if you are liberal enough

>> No.10813299

I don't get it

>> No.10813300

I eat zucchini and cucumber after jamming them up your mother you absolute fuck.

>> No.10813301

Its from Fortnite

>> No.10813302

Specifically why I asked about tofu most people don't realize it gets that way by soaking the soibeans in a chemical bath and pressing them

>> No.10813303

I'll thank them, I'm good with the idea of not having to pick a bunch of the fuckers off my dog this summer. I'll be sure to feed him some red meat to celebrate the idea.

There's a lot of meat on a cow, but I'm not sure there's that much.
I'm assuming the numbers you're citing includes dairy production by the cow, and egg production by the chicken, but then, 8 seems pretty low, seems like you should be able to get a lot more servings of eggs out of a chicken, and then later you can eat it too.

Where are you getting these numbers?

>> No.10813307
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Mission: The destruction of any and all Chinese Newfag Communists

>> No.10813316

Might mean sustain rather than feed like for a month maybe? Not that anon I have no idea where the numbers came from

>> No.10813315

Don't think I won't turn to cannibalism when the time comes, anon.
You're probably very lean, so I'll slow cook you.

>> No.10813317
File: 34 KB, 817x443, DF09F97D-9A0B-4406-9950-17F715376A10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he takes the statement literally and doesn’t realize the land can’t be reappropiated because he doesn’t have an argument
>doesn’t know field corn is feed corn
>doesn’t know cows are fed whatever the fuck they’re given
>doesn’t know 50% of the grain we grow is for cattle
>probably unironically references Mercola

>> No.10813320

You can make tofu with 3 ingredients. Mass made tofu is made with "chemicals" because they are cheaper and easier to produce. But Tofu shouldn't count as processed anymore than a steak should. Meaning that it is processed, but it's not in a harmful way that completely changes the product into something completely different.
Like a chicken into a chicken nugget. Turning soy into tofu is like turning apples into applejack

>> No.10813323

You don’t even know where your dick is fatboy

>> No.10813327

i will keep eating red meat even if it makes me shit my anus

>> No.10813330

>Vegan can't reply without resorting to insecure insults about obesity
I get that it is harder for you to gain weight when you're stuffing your face with vegetables instead of candy, but you realize you're still a glutton regardless right?

>> No.10813340
File: 103 KB, 700x734, D91AF9D1-2CE6-4777-A3BD-EEA3623FA993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatboy sausage slurper gets mad when he gets called a portly hot dog dick diver

>y-youre fat!!!

Shut it, chubs

>> No.10813349

You know it's still animal cruelty when it's illegal immigrants working in your tofu factory and farms, right retard?

>> No.10813354

oh okay thanks

I've looked up sources that did the math for me, but it was mostly yahoo stuff
Here's a slightly more legit thing
Let's say a cow has about 500 pounds of usable meat
If there are 16 ounces in a pound, and a serving size is 4 ounces, we just multiply/divide that all together and get 2000 servings
But obviously that's not super realistic because maybe people will eat more, so in between 1000 and 2000 servings depending on if people want seconds.
But that's just an assumption. It all depends on what people do. You can technically use even more of the cow (the fat and bones) to make different ingredients like tallow or stock and use that to further feed people.

But 1 cow will definitely feed 1000 people, easily with half a pound per person

>> No.10813361
File: 18 KB, 345x229, zucchini_rice3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just not think that glib through, or do you live in some sort of famined poverty hole? Or have you never seen a chicken?

Like assume you also add like, rice or potatoes, then vegetables, one full grown chicken may be like a full meal for like two or three adults.

>> No.10813364

Extinction of cows ahead, heh

>> No.10813367

We'll still keep cows for milk

>> No.10813371

Not with the rising rate of lactose intolerance and veganism we won't.

>> No.10813376

Is the rate of lactose intolerance actually rising faster than the rate of population?
If so, it kinda doesn't matter because we can make milk not have lactose
If not, it's not a problem

>> No.10813377

>Every company, even KFC, is now offering vegan alternatives. Even fucking McDonalds.
Yeah, and nobody fucking buys that shit, they're token offers to shut people up.

>The vegan boom is coming
No it isn't, fag.

>> No.10813380

Actually, thinking about it, it'd probably be four in total with added stuff like rice and vegetables.

>> No.10813384
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>> No.10813385

>No it isn't, fag.
When vegan options become cost effective compared to non, people will obviously follow the money
or rather, lower cost to them

>> No.10813391
File: 14 KB, 226x250, F932358E-00DD-4DED-92CF-9DB14F669ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companies lessen profit margins for the sake of a non-existent market

>> No.10813398

>used fallacies this entire time
>tries to point them out as an argument

>> No.10813400

welcome to the world of the vegan/liberal/hypocrite cuntbag.

>> No.10813405
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>no you!!!

>> No.10813411

>cost effective
They always seem to charge a big premium for vegan stuff whenever I see it, so I'm doubting that.

>> No.10813413
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>> No.10813416

OP is probably a socialist as well.

>> No.10813417

Oooooh yeah big premium for that white rice!!!!

>> No.10813421

I mean all that fake meat stuff vegans always go gaga for.

>> No.10813422

To be fair, it's only the products which try to emulate meat that's expensive.

It doesn't get much cheaper than beans, rice, and produce.

>> No.10813423

I live on a farm in the south and the ticks are extra bad this year. I cant walk outside without having at least 4 by the time I come back, and some days I dont even go outside and still get one. I actually know someone who got this disease from a tick years ago and she cant have any animal product, not just meat, and carries an Epipen every day. Sometimes the intolerance of meat is temporary and other times people are screwed for the rest of their lives.

>> No.10813424

Because there are more people who don't eat vegan food than people who do eat vegan food
It's basic supply and demand
Basically, if everybody was eating vegan, it'd be cheaper than meat is now

>> No.10813426

Beans and rice is cheap, yeah, but how many people want to just live on that shit? It sounds like misery.

>> No.10813431

how can you be allergic to meat if you are meat...?

>> No.10813433

Prepare for the common "Eating is such a chore" quip a lot of vegans hilariously make.

>> No.10813434

>if everybody was eating vegan
Right, but vegan food sucks, so people don't want to eat that.

I've no shit seen starving dogs sorrowfully turn down vegan food.

>> No.10813436

1. Everything that isn't meat is vegetarian. Everything that isn't from an animal is vegan. It's not just beans and rice

2. Beans and rice are super versatile, even just by themselves

3. Plenty of people live on just beans and rice willingly. Plenty of people live on just beans and rice because they have to. If the problem is resolving hunger problems, people would rather eat cheaply than not at all

>> No.10813455

I see the goalposts are now moving from "it's expensive" to "well, it's not but it's monotanous". Nice.

There are dozens of different varieties of both beans and rice, not to mention hundreds of different ways of preparing them. Factor in countless varieties of fruits, vegetables, etc, and you have a ton of variety.

BTW, I'm not advocating veganism, but the "lol veganism is expensive" argument is utterly false.

>> No.10813457

>Right, but vegan food sucks, so people don't want to eat that.
But that's just your opinion
Plenty of people already eat vegetarian/vegan.
And I've seen starving dogs and well fed dogs eat vegetables.

>> No.10813458

>Everything that isn't meat is vegetarian.
Right, but people want meat, and meat substitutes largely suck.

>Everything that isn't from an animal is vegan
I don't think anyone but vegans care about vegan, people will still want their milk, butter and eggs.

>Beans and rice are super versatile, even just by themselves
Not versatile enough.

>Plenty of people live on just beans and rice willingly.
People with extremely dull palates.

>Plenty of people live on just beans and rice because they have to.
Impoverished people in the third world.

>> No.10813465

>But that's just your opinion
Not really. The majority of the western world is not vegan or vegetarian, you are the minority.

>Plenty of people already eat vegetarian/vegan.
A minority.

>> No.10813472

>just use a different rice
>just use a different bean
>just use a different vegetable

>> No.10813473

>Not versatile enough.
Shit cook detected

>People with extremely dull palates.
1) learn to cook
2) stop buying flavorless factory farmed beans and rice

>> No.10813478

Share some recipes then, fuckwad.

>> No.10813481

>Right, but people want meat, and meat substitutes largely suck.
People want cheap food more than they want tasty food when they don't have money to spend on tasty food.

>I don't think anyone but vegans care about vegan, people will still want their milk, butter and eggs.
That's the biggest wall of worldwide veganism. But if we're talking about how viable it is to feed a population, it's more cost effective than what we're doing now

>Not versatile enough.
Then you must not enjoy rice and beans

>People with extremely dull palates.
Wouldn't the people with dull palates be the ones who can't find versatility in beans and rice?

>Impoverished people in the third world.
The arguments in this thread are about how viable it is to feed people with. It's cheaper, it's better for the environment, and as you just admitted, even the poorest countries can subsist on it.
It's fine if you want to eat meat, but don't defend against vegan diets with anything other than "I like meat (animal products) more than anything else"

>> No.10813482

Lol rice and beans are individually some of the most versatile foods on the planet.

>> No.10813490

>That's the biggest wall of worldwide veganism
Aside from humans being omnivores, and specialization being stupid.

>> No.10813494

>A minority
But that's not what I'm arguing.
Also, a million people is a minority when compared to a billion. But that doesn't mean a million people isn't a lot of people.
If you had a million dollars, that's a lot of money. Just because more money exists out there, doesn't mean 1 million isn't a lot of money.

I'd just like to point out that not adopting a vegan diet doesn't mean you dislike vegan food. Eating meat doesn't mean you hate vegan food.

>> No.10813496

>even the poorest countries can subsist on it.
They can't though, the poorest countries don't even have beans and rice to go around.

>> No.10813501

>People need meat from these 3 animals to have a varied diet
>No, don't tell me to eat the thousands of different grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes to get variety

>> No.10813510

Being an omnivore doesn't mean you have to eat a little bit of everything
Being an omnivore means that you can eat a little bit of everything

And I don't think you could qualify this as specialization if we take animals as a source of protein and fat out of the equation.

>> No.10813516

>the poorest countries don't even have beans and rice to go around
But if they did, they would be able to
Like, not having food isn't the same as not having a healthy diet because the food you eat isn't nutritious enough

>> No.10813541

Animal proteins are really good though.

>> No.10813553


Good luck, even mosquitoes couldn't spread their flu into every human to kill off the population.

>> No.10813559

They taste good, but they aren't necessarily any better than non-animal proteins
A big argument for animal protein is that vegetable proteins aren't as easily absorbed, or rather the amino acids aren't as easily absorbed, but things like tofu, nuts, and beans are a great substitute

>> No.10813584

Isn't there also this thing about eating meat together with other people releasing certain hormones in your body?

>> No.10813589

You know eating meat is not a choice right? It was breeding over 10,000's of years.
War fighting required portable food over long distances, fruits and veg were not as practical to transport as meat and livestock.
Rome and some others tried cheese but it just wasn't enough they needed meat for the military.
Slaves, women and livestock got to eat plants.
Not everything is about what you feel evolution doesn't care about you one bit. It simply adapts to conditions.

>> No.10813592

I have no clue about that, but I feel like that's from the presence of other people, not the meat
You might be able to replicate the same thing with practically anything

>> No.10813596

Humans haven't really evolved in the past 40,000 years
We've got taller, and slightly more resistant to certain diseases, but the average human back then isn't technically any less adapted to any diet than we are

>> No.10813610

We've gotten healthier because we can eat much better, there's way more meat, vegetables, grain and dairy to go around.
More calories, more nutrients, and not to talk about way less fighting over them.

Starving makes for shorter and weaker people over the generations.

>> No.10813622

I'm talking about genetic resistance to disease. Like, certain African people are slightly more resistant to Malaria because of specific antigens in their blood.
And yeah, it is easier to be taller with proper nutrition, but I'm pretty sure the increase in height doesn't have anything to do with that.

>> No.10813633

I don't know, have you seen North Koreans? They're short even by Asian standards, and those guys don't get to eat a whole lot.

>> No.10813651

That's a good point
But the malaria thing is definitely true

>> No.10813706
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>Vegans still trying to make an ethical argument
>not eating lab grown meat
It's 2048, people.

>> No.10813725

I'd be willing to try out lab grown meat.

>> No.10813730

Oh yeah, there's literally no reason to remain a vegan if we can produce animal products that are cost effective, cruelty free, and decent ish for the environment

And I'm one of the dudes that set this entire thread into arguing

>> No.10813749

i saw that episode of the office yesterday as well anon!

>> No.10813923
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>> No.10813954

>shopping at 99 ranch (chinese grocery)
>filled with hundreds of chinese people
>random gwei lo is browsing fish sauce with me
>i look like I speak english
>"ayo where da vegan fish sauce at"
>I tell her that i ain't never heard of no vegan fish sauce beforw
>i also add in the fact that i've never met a chinese vegan before and throw in a quick chuckle to her bemusement
>she gives me a dirty look

fucking vegans lmao!

>> No.10813986

she got blown the fuck out >:)

>> No.10814061

>t. pro-choicer

>> No.10814143

>i've never met a chinese vegan
veganism actually has larger support in China/Asia than most of the world.
Buddhist monks were technically vegan because they really didn't use any animal products and they didn't eat meat

Though vegan fish sauce isn't something you'd buy at an asian grocery

>> No.10814149

grass fed cows are the most humane form of meat to eat

>> No.10814228

>Though vegan fish sauce isn't something you'd buy

>> No.10814275

We use to carpet bomb everything in DDT.

Only in the 1950s, you could probably run around in a forest naked without getting bit by mosquitoes or ticks.

>> No.10814315

>Only in the 1950s, you could probably run around in a forest naked without getting bit by mosquitoes or ticks.
That shit is worth a couple of dead birds to me.
I've always wanted to fuck in a forest without pests intefering.

>> No.10814329

>Buddhist monks were technically vegan because they really didn't use any animal products and they didn't eat meat

Utter nonsense. For starters, Buddhists can and do eat fish and other sea life. They are not considered "animals" under Buddhist doctrine. Second, the prohibition against eating meat for Buddhists states that a Buddhist cannot kill an animal himself, nor can he eat meat that was specifically slaughtered for his sake. However, if there is meat present, and the animal was killed for some other purpose than feeding said monk, then it is permissible for the monk to eat that meat. Visit Thailand sometime, you'll often see Buddhist monks eating meat. It's entirely permissible according to the rules I mentioned above.

>> No.10814342
File: 59 KB, 940x471, passportless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit Thailand
Why, so I can fuck kids? Fuck off pedophile. I can see anything I want without ever leaving the U.S.A.

>> No.10814345

It's one of my favorites:)

>> No.10814352

So you can fix your broken headcanon about buddhist monks being vegans.

>> No.10814373

>Having the evolucionary capability of eating meat makes you a boomer
the Shill is strong within you

>> No.10814379

They're going to hell either way so why should I care what devil ideas they subscribe to

>> No.10814391

The thing that really excites me about it is that with the advent of ai we can probably create consumer food growing systems for the home. Like a kurig for steak and an automated hydroponics system that self regulates. With constant monitoring that shit could be super efficient to offset the scale.

>> No.10814409


>> No.10814419

What makes you think that the products are any good though? Ask any coffee officianado and they'll tell you that keurig is awful. not to metion it generates tons of waste/pollution. why would we want to keep going down that same path for other things?

Any time we apply modern tech to food we COULD make things better, but we never do. We always trade flavor and quality for convenience. CAFE meat, monocrop agriculture...gmos....emprically it's always been a worse product for a lower price. You don't need AI to make a damn steak. you need a cow.

>> No.10814485

GMOs are great though, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10814511

>I have no idea how these businesses operate.
Nice selfie. Their vegan shit comes from goods they already have and costs them nothing extra in the long wrong. This is beside the point because dipshit vegans are hypocrites who will suddenly support the businesses they call mass murderers because they used their existing ingredients to make an awful vegan option.

>> No.10814594

GMOs are great for some things: less pesticide, higher crop yeilds, lower prices, and picture-perfect round tomatoes that can withstand the abuse of shipping. those are nice I suppose.

But we've completely fucked the flavor of said ingredients in the process. Those picture perfect tomatoes are flavorless balls of water. Try some old-school heritage breed meat, heirloom or homegrown crops, or hunted wild game. The flavor blows away anything produced by industrialized agriculture.

>> No.10814606

Great for whom? Not me, as a consumer.

>> No.10814939

>And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genisis 1-26

>> No.10815116

>Vegans using body shaming to try to make people feel bad.
>Not realizing that everyone is beautiful in their own body.
How fucking dare you people fat shame and body shame.

>> No.10815258 [DELETED] 

>But we've completely fucked the flavor of said ingredients in the process
Literally proven true by blind tests.

>> No.10815270

>But we've completely fucked the flavor of said ingredients in the process
Literally proven untrue by blind tests.

>> No.10815298
File: 67 KB, 500x500, artworks-000180805767-psoyor-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destruction of communists
Okay I'm in.

>> No.10815310

Too bad god doesn't exist and christcucks are just sociopaths doing mental gymnastics to justify torturing sentient creatures.

>> No.10815484


What kind of stupid asshole believes there are Chinese communists left? You idiots not lived through the last 20 years?

>> No.10815499

Good thing I never leave the house, more meat for me.

>> No.10815572

Pasture raised grass fed cows are not sustainable for the entire population.

>> No.10815641

i wws in Yosemite last week and the shit i had didn't doshit i ended up drivng to Merced to get neem oil to purge my campground and get them to fuck off it also didn't help that fucking deers kept coming to our tent at night where the fuck are the opossums when you need them

>> No.10815646

still the most humane :^)

>> No.10815659


>> No.10815665

Are you on meth or are your fingers retarded?

>> No.10815676

This is probably why you hear about kids in the 50s building forts, playing down by the river, running through fields etc because they didn't have to play blood buffet to a host of insects.

>> No.10815808
File: 34 KB, 590x550, 1529034806267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW blood sucking insects would be extinct had it not been for the ban of certain pesticides by the Democratic party

>> No.10815811

They didn't want a mass extinction of their own kind.

>> No.10815818

We could have made mosquitoes in India extinct too.

When we introduced DDT to India, mosquito cases dropped so dramatically that like only 30 Indians got malaria that year.

However, once we stopped our global DDT campaign, malaria cases went back up in India so yeah.

There was a time when we could have made mosquitoes, ticks extinct were it not for bird hippies.

>> No.10815871


>> No.10815881

>TFW we could have had many serious medical issues like infertility cancer if it weren't for those meddling Democrats
you realize it's been banned for a reason

>> No.10815884

Now say that again but this time in English.

>> No.10815896

>you realize it's been banned for a reason
yeah, liberals get all up in their feelings when it comes to shitskins

>> No.10815905

I get that you're kidding and everything, but seriously
don't fuck it up for others

>> No.10815916


The malaria resistance is mainly around the Mediterranean and in India

It's due to having a percentage of your blood cells being misshapen, thalassemia

>> No.10815921

my whole point is to increase DDT treatments in majority shitskin areas and reap the benefits

>> No.10815922


Different environments select for different genes

>> No.10815951


>> No.10815954

>It's due to having a percentage of your blood cells being misshapen, thalassemia
Things like sickle cell are often higher in african descendants
Sure I'm off about the range, but I wasn't incorrect

>> No.10815957

>thinks any land on any lattitude with any type of soil, solar intensity and climate can be reappropriated to suit his childlike ideology fairytale.
>doesn't realize cattle requires vastly less surface area and can be kept without taking into account the conditions stated earlier.

I bet you haven't set foot on a farm or talked to a farmer in your life.

>> No.10815984

You realize even bedbugs would be extinct too had it not been for pesticide bans.

>> No.10815988
