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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 315 KB, 960x1280, Humanitarian_Daily_Ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785996 No.10785996 [Reply] [Original]

lets talk about african cuisine... tonight i am making a chicken and peanut stew... any other suggestions?

>> No.10786004

But they have no tray to put it on :(

>> No.10786051

>of people who don't have kitchens

>> No.10786078


africa doesn't have cuisine dumbass.

>> No.10786090

The salmon ones aren't as aesthetic as the yellow one were.

>> No.10786107
File: 165 KB, 404x402, corn greed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish they'd include a few plant seeds and a sheet with basic instructions on how to grow them with packs like this.
Sending them food rations is not a solution. Either teach them to take care of themselves or let them die.

>> No.10786123

Why would you want to teach niggers how to sustain themselves, Anon? With the current strategy we create a massive population of dependent useless-eaters, and in due time when the tap inevitably gets turned off they'll all die :^)

>> No.10786124
File: 345 KB, 744x420, africancuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is good

>> No.10786126

I don't want to pay for neither food rations nor bombs for those people. As long as they stay in Africa and leave me alone I don't mind them, but I do mind taxes.

>> No.10786134
File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. NEET who has never paid a cent of tax in his life

>> No.10786141

>As long as they stay in Africa and leave me alone I don't mind them
In light of what's been going on recently with millions of migrants crossing from Africa to Europe, your premise lives only in the realm of fantasy. They wish not to and will not stay in Africa, and they will not leave you alone. Our civilization is at war and it's time you woke up

>> No.10786152

I'd try one.
They're midges, by the way.

>> No.10786156

I work a fulltime job in fucking Denmark. I assure you I pay taxes.

>> No.10786193

What do Africans really eat their midgets? Jesus H Christ

>> No.10786197

I know that all too well.
I'm just saying I would prefer it that way. I know it won't play out like that. Not at all.

>> No.10786200

post your W2

>> No.10786849

sweet samefagging.

>> No.10786877

Most of the African continent is desert wasteland or unarable lands from hundreds of years of exploitative farming practices that left the soil unable to grow anything ever again.
Plus, the average age is extremely low because nobody lives very long, and that makes it impossible to pass down agricultural techniques, and so Africans would literally eat the seeds rather than plant them.

>> No.10786878

Don't forget to drain a tranformer's coolant to use as cooking oil.

>> No.10787125

Anchotte is pretty good and so are spicy Wats. Bobotie & bunny chow from the South or Couscous & Pastillas from N. Africa.

>> No.10787141

Let them die it is then.

>> No.10787175

Bush meat. I recommend any kind of monkey, the bigger the better.

>> No.10787185

>teach them to take care of themselves or let them die.

The only approach we've tried in ernest is the first part....and it never works.

I propose we adopt the second part, solely, and let nature run its course with those niggers.

>> No.10787191
File: 42 KB, 500x500, Mechagodzilla-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechagodzilla's oils work that way too.

>> No.10787208

>the average age is extremely low because nobody lives very long

if you're referring to life expectancy, thats not how that works

>> No.10787321
File: 224 KB, 1484x835, GAZC23UQM424FMISJZDPMOK7TE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethiopian food can be pretty good
They use flatbread to pick up and eat food
This is especially good with beans, really.

>> No.10787383

Red red is a bean stew from Ghana made with lots of palm oil is delicious. Also spicy goat stews

>> No.10787460

>give seeds
>they get eaten
>dig wells
>get filled with carcasses, garbage, and shit within days

>> No.10787484

>be some dumb fucker poor fag in a 3rd world shithole
>can't afford meds or food to feed a family of 4
>fuck it, have 10 kids
>8 die before they're 20 due to being malnourishmed, neglect, disease, all because they never should have been brought into the world in the first fucking place
>whiteknighting western snowflakes cry about the low life expectancy in 3rd world shitholes while accusing everyone of being "racist" for pointing out the reality of the situation

Every time.

>> No.10787523

Very few people live in the fucking desert dumbass and there's still a huge amount of arable fucking land all over the continent. Blacks just do not know how to farm enough to feed themselves. They never had a reason to learn. A huge majority of them are way too retarded to be taught to take care of themselves. Which is why no one should care about them. Almost all of the rest of the world learned to feed themselves thousands of years ago. These animals can't even do what whites and Asians were doing before writing was even invented.

>> No.10787855

>Plants start to grow
>Town warlord seizes the farm and burns everything to prevent others from becoming nourished enough to overthrow him

>> No.10787874


that creates a minor power imbalance and people get their arms chopped off.

Also much of the charity crap is a scam (not all) but the more accessible people don't really need help

The ones that need help are in areas too dangerous for people to help them.


>> No.10788025

Congrats! That barely one step up from than shit indian poo in the loo food.

>> No.10788037

had a surprisingly nice burger in a kenyan brothel

>> No.10788041

Yeah but then it's politics. The more niggers they have on their side the more votes that they get. Just look at pelosi from california and chucky schumcky schumer from new york. They're both pathetic.

>> No.10788043

Throw them free shit and pelosi and schumer get votes, they can't pay for it but that never stopped democrats before.

>> No.10788049

Have we tried feeding the Africans politicians and leftists yet?

>> No.10788052

Yeah, it's a lost cause.

>> No.10788056

Look into Equitorial Guinea with that dictator that eats peoples dicks for power and other freak jobs down there such as those that think that raping virgins will cure them of AIDS.

We tried, that's that.

>> No.10788067

Look into Rhodesia. White people made a beautiful place of it, but the government changed and the niggers raped and pillaged but then couldn't run the farms there. They were that stupid so wanted white people to come back?

Yeah right. Go to fucking hell you fucking niggers.

>> No.10788069

>Look into Equitorial Guinea with that dictator that eats peoples dicks for power
Hell, all you need to do to find that shit is attend any given democratic fund raising event, or enter L.A. or San Francisco.

>> No.10788072


>> No.10788080

>White people made a beautiful place of it,
...and South Africa, AND Kenya, and every other piece of shit nigger infested sub-Saharan African shithole they colonized and made respectable.

>> No.10788171

I've eaten a bug burger in Haiti and it's pretty good. Tastes like chicken

>> No.10788206


Racist much? Their dirt soufflé is world renown, even as far as Haiti.

>> No.10788209

Just look at the difference between on the island of Hispanolia, The Dominican Republic and Haiti. That was another clinton thing for Haiti, a money laundering scheme so that clintons would look good when really in the end it just a money laundering scheme.

>> No.10788213


Preach my brother preach

>> No.10788230
File: 105 KB, 323x158, Dominican_Republic-Haiti-difference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10788252

They've done that already.

The dipshits eat the seeds.

>> No.10788270

that doesn't surprise me. i feel like if i were a cook in a kenyan brothel, i'd try to take pride in my burger.

>> No.10788571

was it made of mosquitos

>> No.10788624

Ha, that got a laugh out of me.
Too sad, too true

>> No.10788674

Moors & Christians is a traditional Ethiopian dish made by placing a pile of heavily spiced black beans on a plate of white rice. It's traditional to include whole boiled eggs in the beans.

>> No.10788817

enough said. thread closed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJz2Tgt3jvs

>> No.10788925

Did you think this post was funny, original, or witty?

>> No.10788969

Why did they change them again?

>> No.10789008
File: 43 KB, 1200x784, 1491227993367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean black african? because they are arabs and with you know?

>> No.10789153

How about some aids that comes free with some mosquito burger

>> No.10789161

When did /ck/ become an alt-right board?

>> No.10789174

I like Ethiopian food a lot but the bread is a bit odd. I bet it would be great using naan to eat it instead

>> No.10789281

>Hits dirt with shovel
>Shovel breaks

>> No.10789295

There's certain countries in Africa that are Bros like Uganda, but when you send support to "Africa" you end up feeding a Liberian warlord and end up killing 250 people.

>> No.10789370

/pol/ is a cancer that's slowly but surely metastasizing, and mods don't really do anything to contain it.

>> No.10789399

>/pol/ is a "containment board" but mods have no means of containing posters to any board
>mods make no attempt to prevent literal stormfront nazis from recruiting weak-minded virgins on /pol/
>mods let dumb shit like this thread exist for over 12 hours

the state of this board is the actual reason I let my 4chan pass lapse and refuse to renew unless literally anything is done to try and stem the tide. the site hasn't been worse in the >10 years I've been here

>> No.10789474



Just a bunch of contrarian edgelords who congregate in their safe echo chamber to reaffirm their biases and then go spread their shit to other boards like some kinda fucked-up evangelicals

>> No.10789664

the green revolution didn't have much success in Africa

>> No.10790104

Oh sorry I didn't know facts are racist now.
Africa is incredibly abundant in natural resources and yet they're the only civilization on Earth that never had a bronze age or even basic agriculture until they were dragged kicking and screaming into the 18th century.

>> No.10790159


>> No.10790265
File: 79 KB, 728x693, 09om27v3uvn01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>african cuisine
Bat shit on a leaf

>> No.10790302

thats only becuase european border control is too fucking soft
start shooting a few boats and and they will stop coming pretty easy

>> No.10790305

you dont even need to shoot many if your all squemish, just enough to get the idea through

>> No.10790319

And guess what, that's exactly why they never felt the need to farm. Food is everywhere in Africa if you can find it; necessity is the mother of invention.

>> No.10790323

Ignore political posts from all sides

>> No.10790368

For those interested in west-african cooking,
try Yassa Chicken, it's super good.

Otherwise, try replacing bread/rice in dishes with lots of sauce with fufu. It's manioc flour to which you add water and make a polenta-like thing. You can usually find it in some specialized grocery store. It's alright, has a very distinct taste which I quite like.

>> No.10790371

(of course real fufu is pounded manioc, but like, nobody in their right mind would go through the trouble of that)

>> No.10790393

Pretty much any native African food is good camping food. Fufu and typical American barbeque are like paradise under the summer sky.

>> No.10790411


Taking India as a whole and all of the cuisines included, they probably have the best food in the world.

>> No.10790423

>be a poorfag in 3rd world shithole
>have no social security
>know that I need kids to take care of me when I get too old to work
>know that most of my kids will die before growing up
>mfw dumb first worlders call my stupid for not voluntarily starving to death

>> No.10790426

Meanwhile in the civilised West people are outraged at the mere notion of giving birth to a non-viable child to use its organs.
I guess the Africans just don't have the luxury of ethics.

>> No.10790524