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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10771692 No.10771692 [Reply] [Original]

What's everyone cooking for father's day?

>> No.10771708


>> No.10771712


>> No.10771717

I will abstain from slitting that worthless drunk's throat. I hope he appreciates it.

>> No.10771725

I might put a chicken in the smoker. But I dont like gift giving holidays so I told my wife that we are skipping it.

>> No.10771819

>doing something for your father

>> No.10771825

Found the niggers.

>> No.10771838

Going out for Jap food. Should be good

>> No.10771842

>I'm poor and don't enjoy watching others pleasure in a well picked out gift

>> No.10771843

Probably going to grill some burgers later.

>> No.10771855

dads dead so nothing, might make tacos later today

>> No.10771877
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Well breakfast for starters.

>> No.10771888

The problem is that most gifts are not "well picked out". They're usually sub-optimal and chosen by idiots. But of course it would be rude to point out the errors made by the gift-giver so everyone has to pretend that the gift is perfect and everyone is happy with it. It's all a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.10771889

Going to fry up some steak for dinner.

>> No.10772011


>> No.10772035

Baked salmon covered in pesto, parsley potatoes and a kale salad with cranberries, pumpkin seeds and poppyseed dressing.

>> No.10772100

>father's day
Anon, that was three months ago. We had donuts.

>> No.10772172

Eggplant parmesan for my vegetarian father. He's not a soyboy I promise, he just doesn't like the way meat tastes.

>> No.10772189

that 30 year old millennial boomer...

>> No.10772319
File: 134 KB, 500x520, 1522439243973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a test tube baby born to lesbians.
Yes, I'm as fucked up as you're imagining.

>> No.10772363


I too, gave my father six months to a year.

>> No.10772379

my dick of a father has alzheimers lol

>> No.10772381

Nothing. He is dead. He was a great father and he died from a freak illness and I miss him so much and I never got to cook for h because I was a uni student with my head up my arse. Sorry Dad.

>> No.10772401

My dad is black (I'm a mutt) so... you know, nothing. Not even shitposting with this either.

>mfw people trying to tell me that stereotypes don't have something to them

>> No.10772452

Based mullato.
My father is a Kike and a kiddy fiddler. Not spoken to him in a decade.
Hope you don't feel down about today Anon

>> No.10772477

We really should just kill ourselves, my man. And nah, I don't feel bad about today since I can't say I cared about him (why should I?) If anything I just feel disgust at my fatfuck mother more than usual.

>> No.10772481

i "cooked" the records he gave me years ago, bunch of dumb punk shit like circle jerks

>> No.10772482

Wife got me one of them nostalgia hot dog toasters for my man cave gonna take that puppy for a test drive and also grill some steaks. My son is 5 months old today and I don't plan on putting him down all day

>> No.10772488

Y'all got issues. My dad's up in Halifax so I'll be eating some poutine, drinking Molson, and watching Letterkenny in spirit.

>> No.10772489

dumb cunt. I bet you listen to wigger music too.

>> No.10772499

No we shouldn't. Don't let them win Anon. We will make great fathers and we will raise children who will crush Jewry

>> No.10772513

I dont enjoy receiving gifts someone felt obligated to give me. Thats just pointless. And why would I give someone something on fathers day?

>> No.10772520

My parents divorced when I was in middle school and I haven't talked to my father since.

>> No.10772642

Being /ck/, more likely roasties. They always have daddy issues.

>> No.10772669
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Jesus christ, do none of you have a good relationship with your father?
This thread is fucking depressing.

>> No.10772692

Braised chicken, homemade tortillas, homemade salsa and black bean stew

>> No.10772802

Nope. Pretty sure that my "dad" only helped make me to get a green card, honestly.

>> No.10772829
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I imagine you crew up in a home with lots of love.

>> No.10772854

Made some Italian sausage + lentil stew, cole slaw, and spiced baked sweet potatoes last night. Today, I might go with Beef+cabbage stir fry or Hoisin chicken thighs.

>> No.10772856


Never met my dad. That said I'll be making a bacon cheeseburger for myself later.

>> No.10772860

I dont

>> No.10772866

>cole slaw
Is that the same as coleslaw?

>> No.10772870

Haven't seen my father for over 10 years. Worthless cunt.

>> No.10772889
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the bitches at my work site tried telling me to grill burgers for everyone and I told them theyre more than welcome to grill themselves. ill start the fire for them but fuck this sexist shit I'm always the one that grills food for these unhelpful shits

>> No.10772900
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Leave please?

>> No.10772912

>needing some corporate day to celebrate your father

No, the real nigger here is you.

>> No.10772945

My father's in another state, but I'm going to give grilling chicken wings and ribs a shot.

>> No.10772973

Pretty sure it's a dude posting. Why would they complain about sexism for being expected to grill by OTHER girls?

>> No.10772975

what? I have a dick you twat which is why they assume I'm going to grill for them cus they want a burger

>> No.10772994
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Sorry I read that wrong.

>> No.10773019

I'm only being a dick cus your posting animu faces

>> No.10773020

I know a test tube babby from the same circumstances as you IRL. Very jewish, studied music as a grad student. His party trick was singing End of the World by R.E.M.

My condolences.

>> No.10773027

Cabbage+Carrots w/ Sugar+Vinegar+Mayonnaise

>> No.10773041
File: 88 KB, 604x516, 20C93BCF-9A17-4A2E-A7DE-991D5F9734CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out to Subway with my whole family for lunch. It’s one of my dad’s favorite places to eat. It was nice

>> No.10773048
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>tfw bought prime rib eye steaks and buffalo ground meat from costco and my dad made the steaks well done

at least the burgers were pretty good

>> No.10773166

Same. That shitfuck doesn't even recognize me now and has no idea he's even eating let alone cares about it, lol. He blew my inheritance on private nursing homes which milked him for his life savings then booted him to a medicaid facility. Fuck him.

>> No.10773239
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>ask dad what he wants to eat yesterday
>beef short ribs
>cool how do you want me to make it, you like X or Y right?
>yes do X
>mom asks if we're doing it Y style
>dad says you're making it Y way right
>it's too late to marinade it like Y

kill me my dudes

>> No.10773256

We went to a cheap local casino for "breakfast" for my grandfather. I'm making steaks for my dad tonight. I'd have loved to make ribs, but that's not what my dad wanted.

>> No.10773268

I'm sorry you are suffering. God loves you regardless of whatever has happened in your life.

>> No.10773272

the only thing my dad consumes is alcohol and he can do it alone somewhere i dont have to listen to him yelling

>> No.10773301

I live 1200 miles away from my parents, I miss them during the holidays cause we actually have a good relationship. When I see them next I was thinking of making them some smoked shoulder clod and some random fancy dessert that they dont make for themselves.

>> No.10773344

Isn't it great when parents don't listen or care when you offer to do shit for them?

>> No.10773374

Ribs as well plus sausages. I have a question though, what would be the best type of sausage to BBQ and put BBQ sauce on? Italian?

>> No.10773384

I live in a different state as my dad so not cooking anything special. Did give him a call this morning though.

>> No.10773419

>only black people have shitty dads

>> No.10773482

Wouldn't the ribs fall once the meat is tender enough. Seems like a bad idea.

I cooked Pork roast with crackling, potatoes and veges. classic

>> No.10773491
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My father is out of town importing his 10th bride. I'm making myself some pizza.

>> No.10773499

If the ribs literally fall out then you've fucked up and overcooked it.

>> No.10773691
File: 913 KB, 1881x1869, 2018-06-17 18.08.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad hasn't spoken to me in 4 years, so I made myself a porterhouse.

>> No.10773695


>> No.10773700

We’re just having pizza and taking it easy.

>> No.10773719

A good porterhouse looks just like Texas, or Africa!

>> No.10773727

at 1.25lbs and only $10.80, I can't complain.

>> No.10773748

Fish tacos.
It became my weird specialty during high school so I still go over and cook em for him. Takes a while to fry all the fish, but its worth it

>> No.10773758
File: 1.61 MB, 2209x2767, 2018-06-17 17.55.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before picture, simple, just salt and pepper.

>> No.10773761
File: 1.40 MB, 2255x2645, 2018-06-17 18.21.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and after

>> No.10773818

It's 4chan people don't come here because they're leading a good life
Stopped talking to my dad after getting really really nasty words on my uni choice. My mom supported me though so there's that

>> No.10773841


Too raw for me. I only eat well done.

>> No.10773843

I weep for your steak

>> No.10775620
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I made him chocolate covered bacon, fudge and burgers with pimento cheese. He's on a diet.

>> No.10775862
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i did some omelet

>> No.10775891

unless that's somehow pork there's something seriously wrong with your meat

>> No.10775919

lol is that supposed to be a smoker?

>> No.10775926

what about the elder scrolls TOM

>> No.10775932

I tried to teach my gf to grill and she said it was scary because the charcoal popping and the fire when she brushed butter onto them.

>> No.10775936

Ribs are supposed to be overcooked.

>> No.10775938

Women are so fucking useless
>waahhh the gwill is scawy
Military service should be mandatory for holes. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.10775953

You know they suck your dick right?

>> No.10775955

I only let cute twinks near my dick, faggot

>> No.10775956

No they don't. Maybe they suck yours, but that's totally irrelevant.

>> No.10775959

Man this is why I can't leave this place

>> No.10776043
File: 90 KB, 374x400, haaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cooked my dad and me some braised steak over roasted potatoes. Shit was cash. So many onions and so much garlic.