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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.51 MB, 3024x4032, 2018-06-14-190946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10756680 No.10756680 [Reply] [Original]

So this is what rock bottom feels like.

>> No.10756698
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>> No.10756704

that one beer is more expensive than most the shit in my fridge

>> No.10756710

obvious new fridge
try harder faggit

>> No.10756722

I don't see you two fajeets posting your fridges.

>> No.10756725

Then why is it so fucking filthy?

>> No.10756726

>take a pic of my fridge and steal it's soul
lol no thanks

>> No.10756732

This is what a family of 5’s fridge look like

>> No.10756734


>> No.10756743

If it makes you feel any better, all I have in my fridge is cheese, turkey cold cuts, and mirin. My freezer is packed full of frozen single meals.

>> No.10756752

my phones is broken and im too poor to own a camera

>> No.10756781

>..but I live alone :(

>> No.10756801
File: 187 KB, 1080x719, vegan-fruit-and-yogurt-breakfast-tart-5080-February-08-2017-2-1080x719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what I bought at the grocery yesterday
8lbs strawberries
2 pints blueberries
1 pint raspberries
3lbs gala apples
1 bolthouse farms mango smoothie/juice from concentrate
2 cuts of cantaloupe (about 1/3 a cantaloupe)
6 Amy's organic black bean burritos
sum total= $68, but got $4 off from their shitty rewards card.
It's about 4 days worth of a (mostly) fruitarian diet for me.

>> No.10756807

Almost exactly my fridge.

>> No.10756816

If this isn't a meme post, I have a genuine question.
Is the amount of sugar in that a concern? I don't actually have any idea about how fructose works. Wouldn't it be bad for your teeth?
How the fuck do you eat 2 lbs of strawberries per day?

>> No.10756821

prove it.

My fridge is The Alpha, and you will fall in line behind it or risk death.

>> No.10756972
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I'm dying of cancer so I have a reason to have disgusting refrigerator and a shit diet

>> No.10756978

why would you put your bubble pipe in the fridge?

>> No.10756984

2/10, very depressing


>> No.10756987

Why would you waste storage putting onions in the fridge?

>> No.10756991

To cool the water, the water cools the smoke.

>> No.10757011

Cuz its summer and I'll get fruitflies out the asshole if I leave any produce out on the countertop.

>> No.10757023


holy fuck, that's genius


>> No.10757049

I thought you'd just put ice in it for that

>> No.10757060

Have zero kids. Just me and the cat.
>Is that better or worse?

>> No.10757079
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>Doesn't have money to fill a fridge
>Buys Evil Twin pint cans

>> No.10757403

So I'm constantly putting water in and taking it out? That doesn't make much sense...

Also It's a recycler so ice cubes don't fit in it.

>> No.10757463
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>> No.10757643
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Is that a bong?

Also how are those beers?

>> No.10757672


>> No.10757704

probably due to all the margarine

>> No.10757827

>no sriracha

>> No.10758005
File: 1.25 MB, 1440x2560, 20180614_165913 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, the Bubble-Boy?
Who refrigerates sriracha?

>> No.10758025

Fucking kek.

>> No.10758074

It says to on the label. I've had to throw a lot of unrefrigerated hot sauces out because they start getting runny, really not sure how the science works but it doesn't happen when they are kept in the refrigerator

>> No.10758088

Its a crusty squirt-top bottle, Nothing is going to get in there, so I'm not worried about refrigerating it.

>> No.10758094

Eat them faster.

>> No.10758129


There's already shit in the bottle you ignoramus

>> No.10758140

>holds up megaphone:
No there isn't.
Most products are pasteurized before sale.
Sensible from an economic standpoint.

>> No.10758143

That's why its sold un-refrigerated. It's just a dry good on the shelf.

>> No.10758147

fruit sugar is one of the best things you can consume, the carbs in fruit are the most bio-available source of energy found in anything on this planet.

Not to mention the fiber, minerals, etc. plus fruit is dank

>> No.10758151

Wrong thread buddy.
>I forgive you.

>> No.10758169
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>> No.10758264
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So many fucking cowards in this thread.

>> No.10758276
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>> No.10758295

no fridge at all
>rock bottom

>> No.10758306
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is. It also smells like rock bottom btw

>> No.10758316

It's a recycler, Similar to a bong.

The IPA's aren't mine, My girlfriend drinks those. I drink the cheap old Milwaukee's.

>> No.10758321
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about to go grocery shopping right this second. will be back l8r.

>> No.10758325
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>> No.10758332

What's with all the sugar free jello?

>> No.10758334


5/10 average as fuck





>> No.10758339

Dude. How could your fridge be dirtier than mine.>>10756698
And why don't you replace the light?

>> No.10758340

mine is just beer, horseraddish, mustard, and hotsauce

>> No.10758355

I like sauce. need to go to grocery store.

>> No.10758378

Because I don't care. I'm prob just going to buy a new smaller one to put in my room and quit using the gross one for the most part. idk man. I clean it if a girl is coming over but it's been a long time since that happened.

>> No.10758387

I thought weed cured cancer

>> No.10758388
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I know that feel, bro.

>> No.10758399

Lol, nice prop set.
Whats the DVD?

>> No.10758402

I get that. I am in combat with depression too.
Still. I replace lightbulbs when they go out.
You live alone I take it? I do.

>> No.10758408

>Whats the DVD?


>> No.10758416

I guessed that, but found it a less appropriate pun. Couldn't think of a "refrigerated" title other than
>Encino Man

>> No.10758417

>GV dressings
literally the worst thing in the thread

>> No.10758419

Same, excluding the pizza and drink. I only have a loaf of bread I got from the food bank.

>> No.10758426

At least it's clean

>> No.10758433
File: 997 KB, 450x268, buddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy

>> No.10758518
File: 271 KB, 1612x784, 20180614_180833-1612x784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruit sugar is fructose, the same shit in high fructose corn syrup. You're going to ruin your teeth and get blood sugar problems. Fruit is not very natural, all our commercial varieties are genetic freaks that have way more sugar than their wild ancestors did. And on top of that you didn't even post your fridge.

>> No.10758591

The missus is diabetic and just had some dental work done.

>> No.10758606

Fair enough.
I honestly can't remember the last time I had a cup of jello.

>> No.10758616

Unplug it...

>> No.10758670

You seriously think people can't be this poor? Jesus christ, dude. My fridge has been basically empty for like a year now.

>> No.10758696


>> No.10758752
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 20180614_180309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10758765

Mr. Whiskers!

>> No.10758772

That's Mambo. He's a Bengal and is an absolute psychopath 11/10.

>> No.10758792

The off-brand cheetos and whipped cream are exclusively for the cat.

>> No.10758893

Not late stage non Hodgkins lymphoma turns out. Helps with mood and appetite though

>> No.10758959

One of my biggest pet peeves in cooking is having a fridge that is too motherfucking full. It drives me nuts.

I still live at home cause I'm a fucking weenie, the fridge is always full to bursting with all kinds of shit. More than half that is never looked at, touched, or used in any way. If I take the time to organize it and clean it out, within days it's filled right back up with a bunch of bullshit. I hate it.

>> No.10758980

>he doesn't yet understand the horrors of an empty fridge.
>Oh my sweet child.jpg

I grew up with the same thing, but I appreciated that my family took the time to make sure I was provided for.

>> No.10759003


Should have gone with Demolition Man

>> No.10759015
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Shit. You're right.

>> No.10759045
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>inb4 somebody makes a comment about my bawls

>> No.10759063

What is this, M C Escher's fridge?

>> No.10759129
File: 44 KB, 355x355, 81ArynhTbnL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst things in this thread:
Those giant margarine tubs.

Best thing in this thread:
That maple syrup.

>they were the same person, from parallel timelines.

>> No.10759223

>still lives with mom

>> No.10759238

Nigger I moved out... a decade or so ago.
Its called I have cash in the bank and I like to cook.
>No not a fatty fat fuck. Not /fit/ either but I'm doing alright.

>> No.10759267

only one of those pics has a margarine tub in it, you fucking moron

>> No.10759348
File: 278 KB, 640x360, drakesgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look again my newfriend.
>Butter made spreadable with canola oil!

>> No.10759458
File: 87 KB, 450x370, 1484151921004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, I really don't think you know what margarine is.
Margarine =/= butter
butter with oil =/= margarine
Like holy shit man. It says right there.
>Real butter
Learn to read nigger.

>> No.10759470

You forgot
butter with oil =/= butter

>> No.10759475

Okay? Doesn't make it fucking margarine you dumb fuck.

>> No.10759493

It does in my book you turbosperg.

>> No.10759507

Well you should fucking burn that book you stupid fuck. Do you even know what margarine is? Like legitimately.

>> No.10759520

noun: margarine; plural noun: margarines

a butter substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fats.

>canola oil
>cow milkfat

>> No.10759542
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So do you know realize that you are wrong?
Adding oil instead of substituting it does not mean it's margarine. Like holy shit. Are you like sub 80 IQ? The oil is not substituting shit you dumb ape.

It's like saying a burger is a vegetarian burger when someone put onions in the beef patty.

>> No.10759563

Post your fridge Asperger's individual.

>> No.10759583
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>tbat pile of disorganized mess
>that pile of freezer stacks
>that yellow pepper and lettuce on jars

>> No.10759586

It looks gross why don’t you clean it you nasty ass

>> No.10759640
File: 407 KB, 1200x1600, esiokndefoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am back. got side tracked. I try to always get out old left overs and/or reorganize when i get groceries.
not mine. i drink gin tyvm.
rip alc threads.

>> No.10759669

Das a cabij. My freezer has no racks or shelves or anything, so yeah its just kind of a smash it in there pile.
Not ideal but I make do with what I've got.

>> No.10759677

I've got frozen curry leaves and kaffir lime leaves where my ice tray goes.

>> No.10759704

Where can i buy those type of transparent bottles?

>> No.10759712

fructose in whole fruits arent a problem. you eat them slow and because of fiber you digest it slower.DONT drink your fruits,no juice or smoothies with huge fruit amounts. a bottle of cola is fast empty and has no nutrition that is bad for blood sugar

>> No.10760040

they look this drink brand with the stickers taken off, my family also has a habit of reusing those bottles:


>> No.10760072

Move along everyone, let the ignorant faggot meme himself to death.

>> No.10760079
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Subtract a beer because your shitty thread made me drink.

>> No.10760100

>Only 1 carton of eggs.
Do you even steal from stupid chickens?

>> No.10760130

I'm getting low I will get eggs tomorrow probably. I have to go because I am completely out of lunch meat any tomatoes. Also my oj is so low because I am out of oj concentrate. So I pretty much need to go tomorrow, it's just that every body and there mom shops on Friday night.

>> No.10760138

I miss being able to buy bawls here. Fucking faggots stopped shipping it overseas.

>> No.10760139

Is that a rat on the left?

>> No.10760151

It's a rat killer.
Dis one hard pipe hittin nigga.

>> No.10760293


>> No.10760300

Aborigines aren't welcome in technology. You have to stick rigorously to your wonderful and ancient culture so it doesn't die out. Don't worry, we'll sign petitions for you.

>> No.10760319
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Its a tad full.

>> No.10760337
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There are so many different drinks because my niece and nephew visit most weekends, and they won't drink water. The energy drinks are mine, though.

>> No.10760343

Or you could just buy some German beer. Half my hurricane emergency water used to be in grolsch bottles.

>> No.10760352

What stands out to me is the fifty fucking condiments in the door.
Does hot sauce even need refrigeration? Pun unintended but left as is.

>> No.10760441
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I don't know, anon. The last time I got balsamic vinegar it said to refrigerate after opening, so I figured it would be better to refrigerate this stuff than risk wasting it. I can only get the kind I like best once a year, at the fair, as it's some mail order thing otherwise. There are only two bottles of hot sauce in there I haven't used recently, but I probably could stand to get rid of them.

>> No.10760466

Vinegar?! There's no goddamn way vinegar needs refrigerated.
What the fuck?

>> No.10760478

Not him but your wrong. Pure 100% vinegar shouldn't go bad. But literally any vinegar based sauce can. I used to drive a truck and kept hotsauces. A few days of hot temps makes them all turn.

>> No.10761128
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