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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10752406 No.10752406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police are looking for a group of nearly 20 people who they say tried to do drugs inside a popular Midtown restaurant, then skipped out on a $420 bill.


Have you ever walked out on a restaurant bill?
What should the punishment be for people who do?

>> No.10752413

Send them back to Africa

>> No.10752527

>Have you ever walked out on a restaurant bill?

I am not a trash human.

>> No.10752532


>> No.10752534



>> No.10752538 [DELETED] 

God I hate niggers

>> No.10752541

Nuke it after saving the BBQ

>> No.10752546

>make /pol/ thread on the cooking board
>add 10% relevance to food and cooking to avoid bans

>> No.10752564

Dat ass

>> No.10752572

>muh /pol/ boogieman
Fuck off libshit redditor, /pol/ has always been a part of this board, hell this entire website. No matter how much you kick and scream its not going to go away

>> No.10752584

Poor, poor summerchild.

>> No.10752586
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Actually, I surf /pol/ and the rest of the boards, too. You /pol/faggots are not really welcome here or on any board other than /pol/. That's why its there - it's a fucking containment board. That's also why Global Rule 3 exists.

>> No.10752589 [DELETED] 

shut up you double nigger faggot

>> No.10752600


>newfag from facebook and reddit complains that people on 4chan don't suck up to gay brainwashing about equality

>cries about people being 'mean'

pol isn't the loser here.

>> No.10752604

>always been a part of the this website
Explain to me how a board that wasn't introduced until 2011 and that no one gave a fuck about until 2016 was always a part of this website.

>> No.10752622

>containment board

Do you check your closet and under your bed before you sleep?

>> No.10752636

You really are a newfag. /pol/ existed under different names like /n/ and /new/. It has always been part of 4chan.

>> No.10752637

Im a regular /pol/ poster but I enjoy boards that don't discuss racial realism or politics as well. /ck/ is a nice break from that stuff. It's annoying to see /pol/ creep in here.

>> No.10752647

and leave the white man alonnnneee

>> No.10752656

You sound like one of those leftypol fags. You have done more derailing to this thread than anyone else. Get back to OPs topic. Or is it that you feel they dindu nuffin wrong?

>> No.10752657

Well in reality it's a replacement board. But people are meant to keep political discussions in /pol/ making it essentially a containment board. Problem is anons refuse too not interject politics into everything which cause every board to turn into a different flavor of /pol/. Which is why we end up with daily off topic threads to clearly belong on /pol/. Chick-fil-a threads are a great example. No one talks about food in those threads, they just talk about gays and the politics of chick-fil-a's founder. Those threads clearly belong on /pol/.

>> No.10752658

why are /pol/acks so autistic?

>> No.10752666 [DELETED] 

Why do bl*ck people smell bad and look ugly?

>> No.10752671

Just because /pol/ replaced /news/ doesn't make them the same thing. There was a time when anons would actually discuss things on /news/ before all the faggots came in with nothing to contribute except bitching about minorities, which turned it into the pile of shit echo chamber that /pol/ now is.

>> No.10752680

>everyone who doesn't like politics on every board is leftypol
You sound exactly like the faggots who think everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi.

>> No.10752688
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>That elementary school tier response
Holy fucking kek. Thanks anon.

>> No.10752691

I don't, but I still think Christian bakers should be forced at gunpoint to make gay wedding cakes or have their stores shut down.

>> No.10752732

It was /new/ you child and it was exactly like /pol/ which is why just like when it was /n/ it got disbanded. Moot finally gave up and created /pol/ so they would at least have a place to go again instead of being exiled like j00ish diaspora. The heart of /pol/ has always been part of this site.

>> No.10752738
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>> No.10752742

>Come in at closing
>eat and drink all they can
>smoke weed to start a confrontation
>pull the race card

This is what BLM should be trying to stop. Not every black person is a nignog like these people.

>> No.10752758

I wonder what would have happened if the staff quietly called the police instead of asking them to not smoke illegal drugs in their restaurant.

>> No.10752855 [DELETED] 

in reality all you should ever do is call the police. talking to them just angers them and tips them off to walk out. the police showing up basically traps them in the business where they can be arrested. its also not safe to confront blacks about *anything*. just call the police, every time.

>> No.10752868

muh 'not every' argument

>> No.10752869 [DELETED] 

>browsing 4chan and not expecting racism

You really are a retarded faggot NIGGGGGEERRRR aren't ya

>> No.10752877

pol go and stay go

>> No.10752885

Colonizing reddit for the 2016 election was a mistake.

>> No.10752892

The total was actually $420.69

>> No.10752897

I've heard about these sorts of people not tipping, but these folks didn't even pay the bill!! Over the line!

>> No.10752905

That's pretty shitty.
This is probably sage advice.

Also, stop screaming /pol/, newfags. These type of people have always been on 4chan, for better or worse. You're just chumming the waters by engaging.

>> No.10754039


>> No.10754055
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>> No.10754057

>summerfags unironically believe this
4chan has always been racist but the new wave of /pol/ faggots is completely different. It went from
>fucking niggers god damn it
>fucking niggers god damn it but actually minorities all commit crime and liberals are the downfall of America. SJWs are literal Nazis. The government is evil. Muh western degeneracy.
Just fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.10754087

The nigger stuff and pretending to be hyper-conservative was in jest, but once 4chan went mainstream, it attracted actual racists and hyper-conservatives.

>> No.10754153

Revisionist post-2014fag detected

>> No.10754374

No you are wrong. Moot made a post when /new/ was started staying that if it turned into nazi shit again like /n/ was that he would get rid of it again. It immediately did and eventually he did that. Eventually he brought it back with /pol/ because it was all over /int/ and other boards. The problem with leftypol fags like you is that you do not understand the history and you see a swastika and go omgalltheseracistswtfdoido. That is why you are the true cancer.

>> No.10754405

Well then the same principle should apply to homosex bakeries as well.

>> No.10754410

Black people be cray

>> No.10754426

>Black people
That's an oxymoron

>> No.10754797


but no I haven't ever dined and dashed

>> No.10754804

Fuck off back to plebbit you retarded newfag

>> No.10754818

Racist bullshit belongs on /pol/

up your game and get some (you)s there, if you are able to.

>> No.10754835

>"It was just one guy smoking weed. We asked him to stop. I guess he was the leader or the group and he made a scene,” Gonzalez said
>skipped out on the $420 bill
It's just a prank, bro

>> No.10754839

>/pol/ has always been a part of this board, hell this entire website.
Not really. I don't have anything against /pol/ except for the massive amount of newfags and redditors that it brings in, but that's been going on forever any time it gets popular in the news for a while. It used to be /b/. I post on /pol/ sometimes and have good discussions. But if you were actually on 4chan in the early years, there wasn't much political posting back then. It leaned left but only because right-wingers looked down on the typical 4chan user for liking porn, "Satanic" music and video games, etc. You're a revisionist or straight up liar if you try to say 4chan was always right-wing. It's just that left-wing SJWs are a bigger problem for the average 4chan user who just wants to play games and watch movies and shit, so that made people jump over to the right-wing, but there are still a lot of liberals here who don't like SJWs either.

>> No.10754853 [DELETED] 

N$gg3rs, enough said.

>> No.10754856

Why did you use a dollar sign instead of an exclamation point?

>> No.10755014

I walked out once.

It was a shitty Japanese restaurant. We ordered a bottle of sake and 3 sets of rolls. The sake and rolls came and we waited for like half an hour for the rest. None of the staff bothered to look our way nor would they check up on us. We just walked out. Place closed not long after

>> No.10755039

>He doesn't check his closet for monsters and spiders.

>> No.10755051

>Asking someone to leave causes a scene.
Perhaps the owners should have been more sensitive and just let the customers do what they wanted to do.
Instead they had to be incredibly racist.

>> No.10755053 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off back to plebbit you nigger. racism is and always has been a core part of 4chan culture

>> No.10755064

ive been here since 2003 migrated from ADTRW and it was never a jest. please stop claiming to be an authority on chan culture. its embarrassing

>> No.10755068

they should be made to wash the dishes for the evening so that they learn the lesson that food isn't free

>> No.10755076

Great thread... NOT!

>> No.10755086

They would have stolen the dishes.

>> No.10755352


>> No.10755357

Frida's Mexican Restaurant needs to shut down to give its employees inclusiveness lessons.

>> No.10756011

based af

>> No.10756044

There would be some questions about how a single man is able to staff an entire kitchen during dinner while being the only waiter, followed by a surprise visit from ICE a week later

>> No.10756279



>> No.10756290

stop defending a race of people who dont give a shit about you