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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10748940 No.10748940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats a good alternative to Chick Fil A, guys? Can't really eat there in good conscious anymore

>> No.10748942

im gay and id probably still eat there if it even existed in flyover land

fuck politics give me some goddamn food ffs

>> No.10748944

a man's ass, apparently. enjoy

>> No.10748951
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>> No.10748972

yeah I don't care about these faggots and their politics I just want chicken.

>> No.10748973

How can people create a business out of twisting around words and actions to make them inflammatory? If a fast food joint has a problem with people fucking each other in the ass or rubbing cunts together, why should I let that affect my food choices? And how the fuck does not condoning same-sex coupling equate to championing of inequality? Fuck huff post, fuck butthurt queers and fuck anyone who doesn't think chick filet has decent food.

>> No.10748976

I'm gay, live in flyover land, and walked through a group of fairies that patrol the nightclub I frequent as they protested it.
It's damn fucking good chicken, I don't give a shit if the CEO disapproves of what I do with my ass. That's his problem.

>> No.10748977

holy fuck are they STILL going on about this

>> No.10748978

I agree

>> No.10748979

>inb4 300 replies
Based /pol/ shitting up the entire site

>> No.10748984
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Why are there so many fucking queers on 4chan.

>> No.10748986

I got tired of telling people to stop taking the bait, so now I help the /pol/locks who are the only people who know what they're doing.

>> No.10748988

This cant be real

>> No.10748993

I'm glad I can eat there without having to look at those AIDS-ridden, mentally ill abominations.

>> No.10748996
File: 51 KB, 406x609, 7A69A0A8-E623-4E27-A547-E42D87A8649B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember hearing this controversy in fucking middle school. Why are we still talking about this?

>> No.10749002

i can't believe how many racist neo nazis are on /ck/ right now. don't you realize they are donating money to anti-lgbt groups ?

>> No.10749004

>don't you realize they are donating money to anti-lgbt groups ?

>> No.10749006
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Even as a plant based eater I still go for the waffle potato. LGBT gaggots and Black Panthers cannot oppress me

>> No.10749009
File: 63 KB, 500x448, 1528857630434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a fag is the entirety of their personality so they constantly manufacture drama to victimize themselves so that they don't lose their special snowflake status.

>> No.10749015

so uuuuh does anyone have any alternatives to chick fil a? i'm mean you're all free to do what you want but i'm not eating there anymore

>> No.10749017

Chick Fil LGBTQ

>> No.10749019

ohio literal fag here, and I fucking love chik fil a. Their ceo can oppose gay marriage all they want, but the employees can't kick me and my boyfriend out for being gay or we will sue. Waking up at noon hung over from booze and coke, and having lunch at chik fil a is the perfect end to a mildly self-destructive night of risky sex. I'm a little bit of a masochist anyway so I even get off on the fact that they sort of hate me.

>> No.10749020

So how much money did Chick Fil A pay HuffingPost for this amazing advertisement?

I don't even like fast food but now I want to be a daily customer for Chick Fil A.

>> No.10749021

Here's an alternative, kill yourself now instead of succumbing to your AIDS.

>> No.10749027

its good food don't care about views. if they came out and said something about blacks id still eat there. I love the cheese sauce

>> No.10749035

>if they came out and said something about blacks id still eat there
I'd eat there more.

>> No.10749037

>buy this fast food as a way to express your political opinions
Amerisheep level consumerism is astounding

>> No.10749038

The concern has never been about anyone's opinion. They used company money in addition to their own income to fund organizations that attempted to perform forced conversion therapy on gay youths. They paid to have free Americans kidnapped and tortured.

Get informed or keep your stupid mouth shut when grown ups are talking.

>> No.10749041

>respect my opinions to be LBTQ+ and my choices to do so

>> No.10749048

this they are literally kidnapping gay people and imprisoning them. do you know what a christian straight boot camp is like? its literally cruel and unusual punishment and its used against an extremely marginalized group and you all directly justify it by funding these practices. don't you fucking people understand what you're doing? why do you hate gay people? wtf has this community ever done to anyone except try to live their lives in peace and achieve an equal footing with CIS/straight people ?

>> No.10749050

Those kids would've gotten put in some anti-gay therapy camp anyways, I literally live in the shitholes that do this crap and there's no stopping it.
Take your self-righteous virtue signaling ass and go get fucked. Literally nobody but people who don't deal with this shit cares because you don't know the reality of the goddamn situation.

>> No.10749051

Whatever torture those gay kids endured can't be worse than being hungry for chicken on Sunday. Fuck chik fil a

>> No.10749054

drip the chicken in the cheese it will fix everything

>> No.10749059

lol wtf

>> No.10749061
File: 60 KB, 618x410, twitter-ceo-tweets-chic-fil-a-pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure tore into @Jack for getting his grub on at god tier ChickFilA. He had to kiss feet between tears like Pope Francis. AP has the pics.

>> No.10749062

Good. Being gay is a destructive life choice.

>> No.10749064

That goes for you too, retard. Nobody, not the company, not the gays, not your mom, probably not even you deep down gives a single fuck if you boycott a fried chicken fast food chain because of your insane misconceptions of how free will works or who has a choice in getting sent to fag camp.

t. Been to and through three of them

>> No.10749065

Tell us how you make a difference anon

>> No.10749067

can always go to the middle east they have are accepting

>> No.10749072

I can't help liking chik fil a, I was born this way baby

>> No.10749079

Boycotting isn't about feeling good it's about ripping up the roots so their kind of evil can't keep growing. Some of use aren't worried about what other people think of us.

>> No.10749080

I hope you're not implying you think not eating one specific brand of fast food is "making a difference"

>> No.10749082

>depriving evil corporations of profit and forcing them to go under wouldn't make a difference

yeah we definitely need more corporate boot licking sheep like you.

>> No.10749085

Still not hearing what you do to make a difference anon

>> No.10749088

they make a difference. they make difference with their hate. they change things for the worse. don't bother trying to reason with people like them.

>> No.10749094

>Some of use aren't worried about what other people think of us.
Such as me, a gay person in the south, eating at an establishment that actively tries to eliminate my mindset.
Go do something productive with your protesting energy, you shithead.

They make good chicken, you pseudointellectual dropout. Oh, sorry, I meant "Fuck the bourgeois! Capitalism is evil! Down with the 1% because I don't understand basic finance!"

I don't perpetuate the stereotype of a flaming faggot. I've never had a coworker not be shocked to learn that I suck dick (by proxy of my SO coming up in conversation, I'm not running around yelling I'M GAY! every 3 seconds).
How about? What've you done, other than affect the bottom line of a chicken salesman by 0%?

>> No.10749100

I like how all your efforts are self centered

>> No.10749104

Far less than yours. I'm so sick of you holier-than-thou virtue signaling fucktards thinking they're being noble by passing up fried chicken from THAT place because of MORALITY for the GAYS
You've accomplished and contributed nothing except self-satisfaction to your own smug ego

>> No.10749110

lol you're a pretty big retard if you assume the only thing he would engage in is boycotting chick fil a. obviously theres an entire moral philosophy activists hold to and we stand by that philosophy for every issue. the battle goes beyond fast food. obviously. dumb ass.

>> No.10749118

friend, when I'm mad there's two things that calm me down. pussy and chik fil a. I strongly recommend both

>> No.10749123

Oh no, I'm sure he does all sorts of other useful "boycotts", like not shopping at walmart to help small businesses, except he ends up shopping at ShopKo instead because Walmart is across town anyways. But no no, he's BOYCOTTING the WALMART for MORALITY!

There's 0 fucking moral philosophy at play here, you retards play activist from your couch to feel good about yourselves and get attention. You don't do a fucking thing. Boycotting without sacrifice isn't boycotting, it's masturbation of your ego.

>> No.10749125

Are there corporations that actually have sincere beliefs, not just for PR, that would actually result in less money earned? All I can think of is Chik-fil-a which closes on Sundays.

>> No.10749129

SpaceX because they can't turn a profit

>> No.10749132

Nobody's giving me attention about it but you, Anon. I don't talk about it except on Internet threads about it. And believe it or not, I didn't start this thread so I'm clearly not the only one.

>> No.10749134

i used to beat the tar out of the queers in high school. no way im giving up fried chicken over them

>> No.10749137

>be grade school kid
>don't have a crush on all the girls like my friends
>realize I'm gay
>I don't want to be gay
>the "gay communtiy" basically tells me "shut the fuck up faggot and get back in the parade"
>faggots shame normal doctors into not researching gayness so there will never be a cure
Fuck the "gay community" and their selfish bullshit. Not everyone wants to be "proud" about being gay, but instead want to be normal.

We don't tell people with fucked up teeth to "be proud", but instead developed a way they can get their teeth fixed, and yet society would deny this opportunity to be normal to gays because....faggots?

>> No.10749139

No but you do insist on piping up about the complex moral authorities you're operating under by way of not eating at a fast food restaurant.
You only want attention and to feel good about yourself atop an ivory tower of untouchable moral superiority. I take cock up my ass for fun and you're a bigger faggot than I am.

>> No.10749140


>> No.10749143

You're an idiot, holy shit.
Fuck the faggots, just be gay and not a complete retard. I do it every goddamn day.

>> No.10749144

I'm also giving you attention. eat chik fil a you faggot

>> No.10749151

People want to do what THEY want to do, not what YOU think they should do, you selfish piece of garbage.

Fuck you, and EVERY faggot like you with a cactus.

>> No.10749152

I'll only feel good about it when they're out of business. You must have this weird idea that I drive by the place and just smile at myself. If anything I just wanna burn it down.
If it's not clear, I'm not mad at you, anon. I'm mad at the restaurant if anything

>> No.10749160

>you drive a car

>> No.10749161

chik-fil-a is delicious and fags can suck a dick and get fucked

>> No.10749163

If you don't like that fact you're gay go talk to a therapist, you don't have to support bizzaro fag camps that praise jesus.

Well you better ramp up your efforts then, cause the $4 a week they're missing from you isn't hurting them in the slightest.
There are a hundred million other things you could waste your mental energy on, but no, couch activism! """Boycott""" chic fil a on behalf of the queers!
Spoiler alert: You can't fight national chains by ignoring them, they've consolidated more wealth than god already

>> No.10749167

if you don't like chik fil a go talk to a therapist.

>> No.10749168

again, its like you think fast food is the only battle. no its just one engagement in a larger scale war. you don't know what else I do for the LGBT community stop pretending you do.

>> No.10749173

we know, we know. You are a warrior on 4chan, the most important war of all. You must unmercifully and unapologetically spread unadulterated faggotry all over all boards

>> No.10749175

>Open in NYC, restaurants are well-received
>Even if they fail, they still have a presence in Long Island and have been there for some time now

As long as they maintain standards folks will eat there.

>> No.10749176

this is deeply problematic bros


>> No.10749177

I don't understand where you have this idea that I'm wasting energy. I'm a roaring fountain of anger when it comes to civil rights issues.

>> No.10749179

>talk to a therapist,
Absolute trash.

It's an issue of abnormal brain function resulting in fucked up brain chemistry. It needs serious research so it can be prevented before birth, or after, which ever becomes possible.

>> No.10749183

>its just one engagement in a larger scale war.
You're ridiculous

> you don't know what else I do for the LGBT community
Is it fucking off? Because you should fuck off, we don't want your goddamn pity help. I'm so fucking sick of you fucks that think THE GAYS need your help every 2 goddamn seconds.
We can't be fired for being gay
We can't be denied service for being gay
We can't be denied the right to marry for being gay
We can't be discharged from the military for being gay
There is NOTHING you can do to us for being gay that isn't illegal, and if you beat us up for being gay its actually worse for you than if we weren't because that's a hate crime
We've crossed the peak
This isn't some civil rights movement anymore you fucking shitstain
This is you stroking your ego and a bunch of retards playing victim complexes because they just can't handle not being able to blame themselves.

You want to do "us gays" a favor? A real contribution to the "community"?
Fuck off and stop trying.

>> No.10749192

What civil rights issues? A company funded gay camps?
How about you go vote and march in the streets about the fucking GAY CAMPS instead you twat?

And I'd love stem cell funding but we live in reality and sometimes dumb shit slips through the cracks.
Work with what you've got, not with what you want.

>> No.10749196

Well anon, I can't say I agree completely but your confidence about the state of things really put a smile on my face so I'll leave it at that. You have won 1 internet. Have a good night.

>> No.10749197

you have all those rights and privileges because people like me fought for them so youre welcome. and i'll continue to fight, and you'll continue to hate me while reaping the benefits of my work. thats sacrifice. i wouldn't expect you to understand but everyday that you live free just remember you have activists to thank for it.

>> No.10749209

>live in major metropolitan area in blue state, coexist and rainbow flag stickers everywhere
>between home, school, and work i drive by 6 different chick-fil-a's on a regular basis
>every single one has a full parking lot and drive through line wrapped around the building from 10:30a - 7:00p and until closing on weekends

why can't liberals stick to their principles bros?

>> No.10749211

Maybe if your mouth was full of chicken there wouldn't be room for any dicks

>> No.10749213

>because of people like me
You were there fighting in the 80s for acceptance of people with AIDS?
What benefits are you talking about? What the fuck have you ever done except jumping on the feel good morality wagon?
I remember assholes like you from public school, where I'd get pushed around and bullied for taking cock and you'd try and be my friend and tell everybody to go away
You know what you did? You made everything a thousand goddamn times worse. I would've been so much better off if people like you could learn to shut the FUCK up and piss off. But no, instead you had to constantly make a scene, which just made how hard I got the shit kicked out of me next time all that much worse. You escalate situations you don't belong to because it makes you feel good, you do not help anybody.
The only help anybody has done is by fucking voting and protesting in ORGANIZED EVENTS. Not avoiding fried chicken and virtue signaling.

You are an active detriment to whatever cause you think you're trying to help.

>> No.10749215

whats why i'm asking for alternatives to chick fil a

>> No.10749222

This is some "I'm white so thank you for not being a slave, black boy" tier shit.

>> No.10749223

>be getting you ass kicked for being gay
>gay person comes to help you
>blame the gay person

lol you're an idiot you were getting your ass kicked anyways. you think another gay person coming to your defense some how made that ass kicking worse? thats delusional

>> No.10749235

Not him, but the majority of the world population still hates you and you're in for a rude awakening in the next couple of decades. The hugbox infrastructure won't last forever.

>> No.10749236

>What kind of bully would beat up a gay kid who hangs out with a raging faggot warrior

>> No.10749246

>get ass kicked for being gay
>fag hag runs up and shouts LEAVE HIM ALONE HE'S JUST DIFFERENT
>goes on huge tirade about accepting others
>get my ass kicked even harder next time
A) You're an idiot if you think another gay person would ever come to your defense while getting your ass kicked for being gay. That'd just make them a new target.
B) You're literally that selfish idiot who thought they could really make a difference by escalating the situation they had no stake in. You weren't gunna get beat up, you weren't the one trying to deal with the problems of being gay, no, but you wanted to FEEL GOOD because it was RIGHT, and so you had a 0 risk opportunity to do so, to my balls and ribs expense.

I don't run around with a hat made of dildos screaming GAY PRIDE while streaking down the road and demanding appreciation for it. I think I'll blend into the shadows perfectly fine.

>> No.10749257

you're all angry incels that need to get laid

>> No.10749258
File: 76 KB, 570x855, o-BOSTON-MAYOR-CHICK-FIL-A-LETTER-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't have that shit in the north east.

>> No.10749259

>I am gay
>I don't care if they make chicken sandwiches
>Hick dragging them from a truck while eating a chicken sandwich

You either fund hate or you don't. Also none of these people defending CFA are gay.

>> No.10749269

>I am medically retarded: the post

>> No.10749274

What a hellhole. Even de Blasio let them in NYC and he's fully pozzed.

>> No.10749275

>Whats a good alternative to Chick Fil A

>> No.10749276

>Work with what you've got, not with what you want.
What I want is for faggots to quit thinking only about themselves and to quit demonizing people that don't want to be gay and want a cure.

>> No.10749282

>I want to burn down buildings, I don't need a therapist.

Yeah usually when people are wanting to burn things to the ground because of their moral crusades it's a bad thing. Even if you don't actually go through with it, its not a good sign

>> No.10749286

Stop paying attention to parade fags and go to a conversion therapist then. That's the best you've got available.
I'm not gunna judge. I couldn't give less of a shit. If gay really ends up being some kind of "curable" thing then shit, sign me up, whatever. I fuck dudes because my brain tells me to, not because I think it's some alternative cultural lifestyle.

>> No.10749291

Personally I love cock but you know what I like even more? That oh so crispy feel of the first bite cracking in slow motion as I bite into it. My boyfriend gets so mad that I eat there he hatefucks me

>> No.10749311

It's not just that they don't like gays though. They were giving money to anti-gay groups. Not wanting to give them more money to use for that is logical if you disagree. Dunno why you think people should continue supporting a company that does things they don't agree with, it's not like they're the only place that makes fried chicken.

>> No.10749313

Tee her le politics, I'm going to let my political opinions determine food because that's what my boomer mom said.

>> No.10749315

ya basically this. some people don't want to support asshole behavior, the article warns people like us so we know to vote with our wallets, if you wanna keep eating there, whatever, but moral people will make the necessary sacrifices for our beliefs

>> No.10749328

Where do you live, we have it in Kentucky and starting to get it in Indiana

>> No.10749456

I don't know if you are a religious sort, but I know a lot of mormon men are open about being attracted to men but still live a hetero life and have a wife. Also if you are bisexual with just a strong preference for men maybe you can find a really masculine looking tomboy sort, a reverse trap of sorts.

>> No.10749470

I had to scroll down in that twitter thread for a while and found like 2 people siding with huffpo

>> No.10749472

nice blog post you literal fag

>> No.10749491

>Are there corporations that actually have sincere beliefs, not just for PR, that would actually result in less money earned?
Uh, fucking Starbucks

>> No.10749508
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>> No.10749525


>> No.10749605

Based chick fil a sending trannies to hell

>> No.10749612


>> No.10749613


>> No.10749617

>I'm a roaring fountain of anger when it comes to civil rights issues
>Lets Huffpost do the thinking for him
>Posting on 4chan
Op is a double faggot

>> No.10749634

The McChicken you dumb homosexual.

>> No.10749644

I'm gay and like Chick Fil A

>> No.10749717

as a gay, eat that chicken, imma eat that chicken. i don't care if you worship satan, if you make good food ill eat it.

>> No.10749726

Just place a chicken patty between two male butt checks.

>> No.10749741
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let them waste their money like idiots, you really think anti gay groups can do shit? young or old, alot of people accept gays now if you like it or not. their rights aren't going away

>> No.10749749

that rhymes.

>> No.10749753

I mean, everybody wins with what you said.

>> No.10749763

This faggot truly gets it. Bravo

>> No.10750199

>Sincere Beliefs


>> No.10750273

Cuz this place is for faggots.

>> No.10750282

Of course its real

>> No.10750284

Everything is always 0 or 100 with you faggots

>> No.10750300

How many fags did you manage to convert back into normal? :^)

>> No.10750310

For every chikfila you don't eat I'll make up the difference and then some :)

>> No.10750317


Holy fuck are you delusional

>> No.10750350

you should probably go on a diet, lardass

>> No.10750556
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>> No.10750607

Faggots are all pedophiles. Should be rounded up and killed

>> No.10750627

What are you talking about there are chick fil A's in mass

>> No.10750643
File: 117 KB, 500x504, we-have-this-thread-every-day-30295928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy another politics thread thinly veiled as a chick-fil-a thread! I'm sure our mods will delete this or move it to /pol/ where it belongs.

>> No.10750648

Based Chick Fil A

>> No.10750665

Says the faggot posting animu outside of /a/.

>> No.10750680
File: 23 KB, 500x505, bca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One picture and the post content of an entire thread are hardly comparable. But I guess I should expect false equivalencies from /pol/faggots.

>> No.10750684

Said the girls whose clothes and electronics are made by Chinese child slaves.

>> No.10750850

Why is this still a thing? Why are people surprised that the founder and CEO is anti-gay? He's so goddamn religious he shuts down all chik-fil-a's across the country on Sunday, profits be damned.

>> No.10750862

I swear I've seen this comment on this same thread in a dream a year ago. Am I going crazy?

>> No.10750889

...you really can't read, can you? At least not at 5th grade level or higher.

>> No.10750900

triggered libtards makes me hungry (for more)

>> No.10750903

That letter is from Boston specifically.

>> No.10750918

Because most people don't give shit enough to interject politics into everything they do. The average person does not give a shit about the opinions of a dead guy who founded a fast food chicken shack.

>> No.10751170

Wait actually? I'm lazy, can I get a source for that? Probably gonna still eat there every now and again because goddamn it's good chicken but I'm amazed I haven't even heard about that.

>> No.10751327

Did you try Chick-Fil-B?

>> No.10751353

It's okay if it's gays.

>> No.10751374

The source is his ass, because that's not what happened. Which is not to say these camps are 'good' in any way shape or form

>> No.10751380

it cracks me up how much this triggers them.

Chick Fil A is a good company, and the funding of gay therapy camps came out of the founders personal pocket, not the company.

>> No.10751416

Bojangles or Popeyes are pretty much it, but they won't be as good as Chick Fil A. The secret of Chick Fil A is not it's food - no, that shit is mediocre as best. The secret of chick fil a is the incredibly high standards they have; every shop is clean and well staffed, everyone is professional and attentive and polite. The ONLY exceptions to this are the ones on college campus', because those get staffed by college kid retards.

>> No.10751422

Do you guys just browse twitter and shit all day just looking for things to get angry about?

>> No.10751423

Wow! I wish we had their franchise in this country! I wish I could give them my business!

>> No.10751428

ate chick fil a for lunch yesterday in wisconsin

>> No.10751434

if your lifestyle were unacceptable you'd like anonymity too

>> No.10751445

Because anywhere else people could check my post history and disregard anything I say in favor of attacking my degenerate fetishes and (15 years ago) cringy atheist phase.

>> No.10751452

Only you flyover philistines like Hate-fil-a. If we could strip all of you backwards people from voting then maybe this country could finally progress to the future and be more civilized like Europe.

>> No.10751453

Quit being such a narrow minded faggot and eat chick fil a if you want

>> No.10751459
File: 9 KB, 166x303, download (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no loyalty to the "queer community" ffffs

>> No.10751461
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>> No.10751464

>279 votes

>> No.10751470

And the fact that it's coming from someone who uses the word tendies tells you who their audience is.

>> No.10751539
File: 75 KB, 1167x740, 1511072453449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think I'm gonna go grab a southwest grilled salad with the chili lime vinaigrette for lunch, thanks for reminding me

>> No.10751540

>pray the gay away
works everytime

>> No.10751547

i’d rather have a spicy chicken sammich and waffle fries over AIDs anyday desu

>> No.10751552

>Racist sexist homophobes brigade poll

You guys need to be shot.

>> No.10751555

>i’d rather have a spicy chicken sammich and waffle fries over AIDs anyday
Who wouldn't, asshat?

>> No.10751573
File: 24 KB, 300x250, H8ORqs8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CFA would've gone out of business years ago if it weren't for dumbass liberals screeching and bitching and moaning, now conservatives go there just to spite them.
CFA isn't good. They're overpriced, their fries suck, their chicken's just okay, those hot wet pickles are absolutely nasty, and everyone who works there is creepy as fuck. I'd rather go to fucking Wendy's and get a double baconator with large fries and a large coke than go to CFA and get a single wimpy plain chicken sandwich with two slimy pickles and a small fry that's all floppy and soft with a small drink that costs just as much as my meal at Wendy's.
HuffPo is just giving them more business the more they throw an autistic fit.

>> No.10751574

lol even the fags won't follow the democrats agenda

>> No.10751586

Because only the mentally ill go on 4chan, so of course faggots and trannies are here

>> No.10751587

I think they pay these jewish outlets to make articles about them every few months. the homophobic owner died ages ago and they only hire niggers anyway

>> No.10751595

the fuck is this

>> No.10751599
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The irony is that you post that picture and you're doing the exact same thing you clueless retard

>> No.10751602

Popeye's is the best chicken joint, period
Zaxby's is a good alternative to Chick Fil-A since they serve chicken sandwiches too, but with more variety than Chick Fil-A. You can get wings there, too.

>> No.10751616
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1528901464192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha I'm gay and I love Chick Fil-A I hate all those other gays I'm one of the good ones trust me guys haha I'm not a total faggot like those others I don't shove my sexuality in anyone's face no sir I'm a good guy haha ;)
Fuck off you self-hating queers.

>> No.10751617

do you eat halal meat or meals?

do you know what islam thinks about homos?

>> No.10751628
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t. /gaygen/

>> No.10751630

Zaxby's, much like Raising Cane's, is basically breaded dog food.

>> No.10751636

I know what the far right likes to say what muslims believe. Truth is that most of them are perfectly fine with gays unlike hardline christians.

>> No.10751655
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>food = politics
>music = politics
>film & tv = politics
>fashion = politics
>video games = politics
Such is life in [CURRENT_YEAR]
Getting real sick of this shit

>> No.10751658

t. so sheltered

>> No.10751667

I've met muslims who drink and seem basically OK with gays. I'm not sure it's most of them though. In any case, most christians don't care that much either.

If you compare an average muslim to the most extreme christian you can find, the muslim will look reasonable. But it's not a fair comparison.

>> No.10751669
File: 48 KB, 1024x576, 1527362778602m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, the system that governs us seems to be having an effect on my daily life. so weird!

>> No.10751681

>If you compare an average muslim to the most extreme christian you can find, the muslim will look reasonable. But it's not a fair comparison

That's not the comparison.

The comparison is the average christian in america vs the average muslim in america.

Christians are more extreme, more accepting of violence, more intolerant toward outgroups and hold more regressive views than muslims in the US

>> No.10751688
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>people constantly forcing politics into literally fucking everything now is totally normal and cool and not weird and extremely tedious

>> No.10751697

That's only because muslims who come to America are the more liberal leaning ones (at least in the beginning) anyway. The only fair comparison is an average christian in America vs the average Muslim in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.10751703

I guess we have different experiences then. America is mostly Christian. Your neighbors are probably Christian. My neighbors are. And they have a close friend who is gay, and their gay friend hangs out with their whole family. Their young sons love their gay friend. They don't care.

I have also experienced Christians being anti-gay and framing it as part of their religion, too. And I've also seen muslims do that.

>> No.10751705

Pride month is shit too you political gay retard.

>> No.10751706

And yet we are in a thread about a christian company that actively hates gays. Not a muslim company.

>> No.10751713

Would you like me to start threads for all the muslim owned companies that donate money to anti-gay causes?

>> No.10751715

WHAAATT?! You mean you DON'T like every board being a different flavor of /pol/?

>> No.10751716

>Comparing a "Christian" American to a "Muslim" American
Compare an Italian Catholic to a Muslim from Saudi Arabia then tell me with a straight face how Christians are more extreme you goat-fucking apologist.

>> No.10751720
File: 62 KB, 540x360, Dd5y-EhU8AAGHJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in my mid 20s and noticing politics for the first time. It's an epidemic!

>> No.10751725

how does a company hate gays, you simpleton?

>> No.10751726

So you prefer the religion that fucks children rather than goats?

>> No.10751727

Chick-Fil-A toned it down over the last five years hard. They don't even give a shit about gays anymore. This is just Huff Po trying to dig up an AMAZING BREAKTHROUGH STORY TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE or whatever they tell themselves. In the end, only making life more difficult for gay people by displaying them as obsessive twats. You love that, though. You love being an obsessive twat like the rest. Go smash society and be empowered, love. I'll eat fried chicken.

>> No.10751733
File: 33 KB, 569x803, muslims and homos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

52% of american muslims say homosexuality should be accepted by society.
Compare to:
63% of general American public
52% of Protestants
66% of Catholics

So no, Muslims are not more accepting of homosexuality.

>> No.10751735
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1511234387999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The internet has not facilitated greater degrees of political interaction on a grassroots level

>> No.10751738


I would kill 100 gays a day without even blinking if it meant one free Chic-Fil-A sandwich. Anyone who thinks otherwise has no tastebuds, self-respect or is a degenerate.

>> No.10751741

>Im in my mid teens and have only lived in a world where everything, literally everything, was somehow a commentary on the current US government

>> No.10751745

Because the founder said he was against gay marriage in 2012. But he's dead. Now the company says that they don't discriminate based on sexual orientation, creed or race.

>> No.10751756

I'm gay and eat chick-fil-a. Liberals and their savior complex can fuck off my hk33 protects me better than their whinging

>> No.10751759

I am not interested in proving all your far right propaganda wrong with snopes. Its not like you people would even be smart enough to change your mind or accept tolerance.

>> No.10751761


They are literally doing gods work then, good on them, notice how I didnt capitalize the word god because im agnostic but I still love that chicken with a pickle, without having to suck on a dick-lol.

>> No.10751771
File: 128 KB, 500x542, 1528040808320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>al/ck/ gets banned for being off topic
>the daily chick-fil-a antifag circle jerk thread gets to hit the bump limit every time
If al/ck/ was retarded this is beyond retarded.

>> No.10751773

>I don't even care about discussion, I just wanted to make a snug comment about le current state of society!
>This'll get them!

>> No.10751775

What has Chick Fil A even done to gays? Not supporting gays isn't some sort of attack on them.

>> No.10751790

You honestly don't believe anyone could provide a single example of a muslim business owner donating to his mosque that preaches anti-gay messages?

>> No.10751813

Conversion therapy was something to legitimately get angry over, but they stopped doing it after 2012 and the boycott and shit and now they're just running on hot air. What retards don't realize is that Chick-Fil-A WANTS the gay audience, they want to expand to the West Coast and gay strongholds like San Fran so they have to reduce their bullshit about gays if they ever want to achieve that.

>> No.10751819

Don't pretend you "care about discussion"

>> No.10751822

The only audience that matters honestly.

>> No.10751829

I was angry
You simply cannot turn fags into people.
Gas is the only way.

>> No.10751830

>Only I care about anything, now let me flaunt it to all of you!
>This'll change the narrative!

>> No.10751835

Homosexual falseflagging spotted

>> No.10751917

No, because you will just make up some stuff about throwing gays off buildings. It only happens in your little right wing minds. Muslims are far more peaceful than christians.

>> No.10751946


this is actual insanity.

>> No.10751957

He's trolling you, my dude.

>> No.10751963

im pro-gay, but sorry, not gonna stop eating there.
it's too good

>> No.10751974

>Muslims are far more peaceful than christians
not really, they're more violent. And it isn't even hypocritical for them to be violent the way it is for Christians. Jesus actually was a pretty peaceful guy and promoted peace (even to the point of allowing people to attack you). Muhammad preached violence toward nonmuslims.

>> No.10752006

Cherry picked polls are not proof. Jesus may have been nice (probably didn't exist though). All we know that is true is that christians drag gays behind trucks, there have been entire movies about it. Most of what people in america have been taught about Islam is Islamophobic propaganda to make them look worse than they are. It is a peaceful religion if you ever interacted with one.

>> No.10752015

I 'interacted' with them in AFG. Afterwards they were very peaceful. Docile as little kittens.

>> No.10752017

i don't think i've ever seen such a dedicated troll on here

>> No.10752022

Like 90% of the vegans arent actually vegan either, it just gets (You)s

>> No.10752047

popeyes you absolute fucking moron