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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 807 KB, 2260x1547, Soylent-bottles-close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10736023 No.10736023 [Reply] [Original]

Ok i'll bite,is this thing any good or does it turns you into tranny like memes say?

>> No.10736043

At this point I think the "soyboy" meme is actually a reverse psychology gimmick invented by the soylent marketing team. Basically invent a belief system that seems paranoid and insane, and insinuate that the worst elements in society subscribe to it. Juxtapose it with Brand X and try to get people to think that buying Brand X you're showing your superiority to the crazy stupid people who believe in that frogs gay stuff

Sorry but I'm not falling for it. The problem with this strategy is that your target demographic - urbanized, educated folk - are too intelligent to fall for tricks like this. What worked for Chicka Filla won't work here, because my product preferences are based on something other than tribalism.

>> No.10736076

soylent is garbage but soy will not turn you into a tranny

>> No.10736083

Soylent doesn't have soy in it.

>> No.10736087
File: 72 KB, 588x441, 5 net carb tortilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm too busy and can't leave desk for low glycemic meal

wrap meat, veggies, cheese, or natural peanut butter in a low carb tortilla. pack in a lunch bag like a fucking normal person.

>> No.10736096
File: 276 KB, 603x859, 1460582270062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dont consume 5 bottles a day and you'll be fine. Everything in moderation.

>> No.10736110

Its just an unfunny meme being forced by crossboarding redditors
Like the jiro nigger or the aardvark spammer except on a larger scale

>> No.10736130

How much does Dobson weight these day? I say well over 300.

>> No.10736134

It's not too busy, it's people who just want to eat quickly and not waste time shoveling carbons into their mouths deciding this is a healthier alternative to microwaved meals which is also way better for the environment, the planet, and human civilization because it's all-vegan, non-cruel, and free from corporate slavery.

>> No.10736188
File: 171 KB, 630x384, 1516246447247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10736198
File: 118 KB, 614x768, 1515449984912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10736220

I'm not even white and I want to stomp his head open. Why do you guys tolerate that bullshit in your community?

>> No.10736385

>Cuck consile

>> No.10736618
File: 74 KB, 674x674, plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10736628

Youre a tranny for buying it in the first place

>> No.10736635

There was an old /fit/ meme that soy protein will cause gyno aka "bitch tits" it was reccomended you obtain whey protein instead.
Like everything /pol/reddit/ do, they obtained an old archaic meme and just slapped it on everything soy and found a couple of nonsense studies that went along with it. It's just a replacement for "cuck"

>> No.10736652

In order to cause a measurable endocrine response in even the most soy-sensitive individuals, you would have to consume like 250g a day of dry unprocessed soy powder, every day, for months on end. Once you process it into soy protein isolate, thus removing all the phytoestrogens, and factor in the amounts typically consumed (<40g of isolate per day), and the fact that most people are insensitive to soy, soy is significantly less of a health threat than just about any other source of protein

>> No.10736693

This, if you're body gets feminized by the things you eat you have an endocrinology problem. Just workout and eat better and you'll be "de-feminized"

>> No.10736723

>Why do you guys tolerate that bullshit in your community?
Because white women are almost as bluepilled as blacks and it's not economically feasible for the majority of white men to get an east asian wife.

>> No.10736765

the soyboy/estrogen from soy meme is so fucking annoying
t. actual tranny

>> No.10737303

Post boipussy