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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 246x246, 68AD7BA4-0E9C-4ECA-B1BE-5A5A56451432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10701592 No.10701592 [Reply] [Original]

What about this site makes people so fucking bold in their reviews?

>> No.10701597
File: 513 KB, 720x1007, 20180516_220516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never not post this

>> No.10701617

Whites are obnoxious as fuck. Asians are too on Yelp

>> No.10701633

Fuck off you meaningless shill blogger.

>> No.10701644


>> No.10701653

it gives white suburban moms the authority they crave.

>> No.10701656

Take a shot everytime you see "hubby."

>> No.10701662

yelp isn't the fair web site that they want you to think. I knew a business owner that Yelp telephoned, Yelp stated that a really shit post was put on Yelp about the business. Yelp asked the business owner if they wanted Yelp to delete. Business owner asked Yelp to delete it, and thanked them for the call.

>> No.10701732

I don’t see anything wrong with the photo

>> No.10701809

Post yelpkino

>> No.10701817
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>> No.10701843
File: 269 KB, 649x659, too pretty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could just leave it at white women generally

>> No.10701850

I thought you had to pay for that service

>> No.10702044

I don’t understand how what she looks like has anything to do with what she experienced. And the wings look like typical hot wings to me

>> No.10702079
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>> No.10702090

Because it puts an Internet barrier between the person complaining/reviewing and the place they're reviewing, that doesn't include any of the potential social dangers of actually saying something to someone in person. Kinda like people being much more ballsy and rude while in vehicles, they can be that because they aren't face to face with the person and don't have to worry about any potential backlash

At least that's my opinion

>> No.10702106
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>> No.10702113
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>> No.10702116

These places are perfect for us. Better not rate it to high.

>> No.10702396

>child relleno
yum yum
>Décor is tacky
that is specifically catering to yuppy white soccer moms like her wtf

>> No.10702401

but she ain't attractive

>> No.10702424
File: 111 KB, 294x233, what are they feeding euro toddlers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>child relleno

>> No.10702560

based nice granny

>> No.10702583

Lol she should stop flattering herself

>> No.10702623
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>> No.10702643
File: 38 KB, 499x449, Laughing Bara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>child relleno
>some kind of gravy
>his chalupa was soggy
I feel this a dark joke.

>> No.10702658

I don't get it when people give good reviews with no criticism, but they don't give 5/5 stars. Was it just a misclick? Did they not write the criticism?

>> No.10702699
File: 163 KB, 303x566, 1427593346644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a total dick on yelp all the time

Will post review if anyone is interested

>> No.10702720

Sure, bring on the keks.

>> No.10702725

I used to post reviews to TripAdvisor. I only posted about the ones I liked or a few that really were to avoid. But still, I felt like a massive cunt pretending like my opinion had weight and stopped. Plus you don’t actually get anything out of it.

>> No.10702756
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>> No.10703732

Haha post more

>> No.10703838

t. edgy tryhard.

>> No.10703852

That's not even savage I've gotten many a bad haircut that went just like that

>> No.10703858


>> No.10703862

The key is in the last line where she mentions the take out girl. Women think that all other women hate them for being more attractive than them

>> No.10703869

All women hate all other women anyway. They are incapable of empathy or friendship, do that response is par for the course

>> No.10704009

I dont want alcohol poisoning thank you very much

>> No.10704118

You really think not having a main criticism warrants 5 stars? Get some standards fag

>> No.10704129

I always leave bad reviews and roleplay as an African American who got slightly by racism

>> No.10704292

The same reason anons are "bold" on 4chan. Being on the internet means you can say whatever the fuck you want with virtually no consequence. Which makes people say things they would never say in person.

>> No.10704528

Because her cute nephew gets his orders faster

>> No.10704535

Social media turned reviewing into a game. Instead of people reviewing stuff because they felt the people should know the bad / good qualities of something people now review just to be part of that Internet social group.

>> No.10704536
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>mfw the reviewbombing on Wahlburgers

>> No.10704545

Cost cutters fuckn sucks

>> No.10704606

t. Shaniqua

>> No.10704609

The problem with sites like yelp is that people don't write reviews for things they like. They go on there to be outraged and say "worst thing I ever tasted they didn't give me enough chicken tenders one star terrible" and reviews get completely skewed.

>> No.10704785
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My fave is when they leave a bad review of an item based on some shipping issue and never review the actual item they purchased.

>> No.10704858
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>child relleno

>> No.10704864


>the menu needs to justify this

what planet does she live on lol.

>> No.10704896
File: 128 KB, 750x739, 09F55250-9113-4BFB-A705-9007772E96A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shack is in a terrible neighborhood but it’s the only non-chain spot over there, they’ve got some good food for a risk.

>> No.10704900

I fucking lol'd at work

>> No.10704914

>late 30s

oh no no no

>> No.10704916

Audio transcriptionist here. There is an entire industry based on fake Yelp reviews because Google places big importance on Yelp reviews SEO-wise. There are people who make a living creating fake Yelp accounts with proxies and posting fake Yelp reviews for businesses. I know this because I transcribe these reviews. Sometimes the fake reviews are positive reviews for the business that wants to be on page one of Google. Sometimes they're negative reviews of competitors. Often times they're positive or negative reviews of businesses that aren't even in the same line of business of the company writing or paying for the fake review. Rather, they're simply there because reviews made by Yelp accounts with lots of reviews are more valuable SEO-wise to Google's algorithms. So, if you're reading a negative review of a restaurant, don't assume it's real. It could have been written by, say, a car wash owner who wants to be on page one of Google and doesn't care if a random restaurant loses businesses because of his fake review.

>> No.10704932

Retards and entitled cunts existed in the past, and there were just as many. They just didn't have a centralized platform to broadcast how much of human garbage they are.

>> No.10705031


>work in a restaurant
>check the yelp for lulz
>Sue from Boca Raton, other the other side of the country, leaves a rather vague review
>click her account
>reviewed a restaurant in New Orleans, LA, Jacksonville, and Atlanta all in the same day

Yelp is such bullshit lol

>> No.10705055

>drinks were too strong
Fuck off, Tina

>> No.10705071

Lightweight cunt

>> No.10705077

>you can only leave a yelp review right after you eat at the restaurant

>> No.10705094 [DELETED] 

Aside from the great haircut, Michelle was also a great conversationalist. That's not to say that we had any sort of deep conversation, but the small talk was just right. Not too talkative but also not awkwardly silent. Whenever I went to Cost Cutters the small talk was either forced and awkward, inappropriate, or just too much information. For instance, last time I went the person cutting my hair went into detail about how she doesn't agree with the way her sister disciplines her children (spanking). Another time the stylist went on an unsolicited rant about why Texas should secede. Why did I wait so long to switch to Supercuts!
Texas should secede though, Chuck! wtf I love Cost Cutters now

>> No.10705096

Is this ever going to come out?

>> No.10705100
File: 62 KB, 654x521, texas US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aside from the great haircut, Michelle was also a great conversationalist. That's not to say that we had any sort of deep conversation, but the small talk was just right. Not too talkative but also not awkwardly silent. Whenever I went to Cost Cutters the small talk was either forced and awkward, inappropriate, or just too much information. For instance, last time I went the person cutting my hair went into detail about how she doesn't agree with the way her sister disciplines her children (spanking). Another time the stylist went on an unsolicited rant about why Texas should secede. Why did I wait so long to switch to Supercuts!
Texas should secede though, Chuck! Wtf I love Cost Cutters now

>> No.10705139


she had a dozen reviews all in the same day and that was it. They were all very vague "great food speedy service" and showed no sign of having actually eaten at the restaurant. If it looks like a bot and quacks like a bot...

>> No.10705441

There is no issue with either of these reviews.

>> No.10705539
File: 11 KB, 650x259, yarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite from my local places.
>food was horrible, but I ate it 4 other times to be sure it's horrible!

>> No.10706333

Not having a blatant issue=/=perfection.

>> No.10706354

One of them compains about drinks that were "too strong".

The other claims that black pepper is somehow "too spicy".

>> No.10706371

>black pepper is somehow "too spicy".
So the whypippo meme really is true? I always thought it was a joke, lol.

>> No.10706386

my mom used to put a T of pepper in my mouth if I swore when I was a kid.
pretty spicy3me

>> No.10706393

If there wasn't a chile in their chile rellno there's a problem. Sure, bitching about spice in Mexicunt food is bitchy, but the rest is valid.

>> No.10706427

Oh, I agree that there were some--heck, even a majority--of legit comments in those two. But there were also two lovely red flags.

>> No.10706451
File: 16 KB, 409x234, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago I saw a "post the worst review of the restaurant closest to your house" thread on /ck/. This is mine.

>> No.10706574

Because there is always room for improvement my friend.

>> No.10706676

Jesus.... I don't even know what planet I live on anymore.

>> No.10706740

Well, at least they're closed now.
With any luck whoever owned it was so far in debt she offed herself.

>> No.10706757

Fuck off tina

>> No.10706765

no one cares autist