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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 800x800, Really Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10653806 No.10653806 [Reply] [Original]

If the US gave a damn about drug control they'd be randomly testing fast-food employees.
>pizza saver baked upside down into the dough

Random fast-food comedy/horror thread?

>> No.10653829

How would testing people for drugs help with "drug control?"

You are such a fucking faggot, dude. Stop posting on this board.

>> No.10653848

you don't want competition with other fags?


>> No.10653854

>Went to Taco Bell
>Someone took my order normally
>Go to the window and pay
>Some different dude comes to the window
>Leans halfway out the window and starts yelling, clearly high out of his mind
>Tell him I just ordered two burritos
>Look of horror slowly comes across his face
>"SHEEEEEEEEEEIT!" that could have come from a Tyrone meme
>Leaves window
>The original order-taker comes back and starts to apologize
>High dude shoves her out of the way and tosses a bag into my car
>Slams drive-through window shut
>Inside the bag is my food plus some completely random order, ended up getting about $10 worth of bonus food

>> No.10653865
File: 61 KB, 394x473, 1502685282767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great story

>> No.10653867

>>pizza saver baked upside down into the dough

>> No.10653874

kek, people work at fast food because they aren't tested there. pizza joints are notorious for being full of stoners

>> No.10653885
File: 114 KB, 800x800, Pizza Saver 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be awfully high.

>> No.10653899

you put that shit on after it gets cut, after it is baked so I don't know how he managed it

>> No.10653900

oh god this makes me want to work fast food again

>> No.10653908

then you remember what it was really like 99% of the time

never again

>> No.10653912

>go to Burger King with some friends in the car
>order two sandwiches and a ten piece nuggest
>wait in line for 10 minutes, starting to get irritated
>get to window
>see the first white employee I've ever seen working there
>wrist and neck tattoos
>obviously stoned
>hands bag out the window
>notice it is stuffed to the brim
>gave us four sandwiches, a medium fry, a small onion ring, and 27 nuggets

>> No.10653915

btw op is that some papa johns, really taking me back

>> No.10653925


>> No.10653931

Even if they aren't on drugs, most fast food employees are so low IQ that they fuck up spectacularly anyway. I'm eagerly awaiting the robot replacement for these faggots that think they deserve $15 an hour because reasons.

>> No.10653939

If you aren't a low IQ worker it helps to be stoned to deal with your coworkers

>> No.10653940

A lot of people work these jobs out of school or because they’re just poor. You cunt. Never worked a minimum wage job before?

>> No.10653944

>most fast food employees are so low IQ that they fuck up spectacularly anyway

I've been constantly praised by customers and that's how I got promoted. The people I work with are wonderful. You just live in a shitty neighborhood. Make more money if you don't like it.

>> No.10653946

Keep telling yourself you're not low iq

>> No.10653947

I agree


>> No.10653951

I just quit a job at a local sandwich shop because of the general manager being a complete moron. Thing is, everyone there smoked weed but this guy has cognitive deficits because he hit his head really hard falling out of a tree as a kid. He was also depressed and had fucked with heroin and meth among other drugs.

I got a job somewhere else and I’m almost done with college to work a real job. I’m so done with the food industry.

>> No.10653953

I'm not,
I had a minimum wage job in highschool and then in university because I needed money

Now i'm a fucking research scientist.

Being stoned was one of the only ways for me to deal with working in fast food without flipping out.

>> No.10653959

Not that guy, but does working a minimum job at a young age instill positive traits like discipline and communicating in a professional environment? My only job has been tutoring, so I often wonder if I missed out by turning my nose up at entry-level food service jobs.

>> No.10653964

It gave me incentive to become academically driven because I realized how terrible it must be to work this job at 40.

>> No.10653967

A research scientist is so fucking varied that you could be making almost no money.

And also if you were of a higher iq you would have found a better job than fucking fast food no matter what your age.

Oh and DUDE WEED LMAO. It's the dumbass drug of choice.

>> No.10653968

for a short while and then move on to bigger and better things, which is why the talent pool if mostly filled with the ones who failed to launch.
It is both neighborhood and company dependent. McDonald's is almost overwhelmingly staffed by retards no matter where I go, while Chick fil a is almost always staffed by normal human beings. BK, Wendy's, taco bell and the like are hit or miss depending on things like how far they are from shit parts of the city, or how close to the bus line they are.
>t. low IQ fast food worker.

>> No.10653969

>does working a minimum job at a young age instill positive traits like discipline and communicating in a professional environment?

unfortunately no. For most it makes you realise educaiton and training are very valuable and you need to do something with your life

for the fast food lifers... well you probably couldn't save them anyway

>> No.10653972

>while Chick fil a is almost always staffed by normal human beings

I guarantee you don't live near one. You live near shitty fast food places. Make more money if you don't like it.

>> No.10653974

you so low IQ you aren't even good at trolling

>> No.10653975

>educaiton and training are very valuable

You need it.

>> No.10653977

>were of a higher iq you would have found a better job than fucking fast food no matter what your age.

yeah, employability has absolutely nothing to do with work history or availability right? like having classes wouldn't say get in the way at all?

I did eventually get better jobs while in school you fuck, but sometimes you gotta do shit work for the time being.

You're just massively ignorant

>> No.10653978

In spite of the fact that you felt the need to reply right?

You didn't even deny my assertion by the way. Make more money if you don't like it poor bitch.

>> No.10653982


1 typo and well I guess i'll just quit and go back to flippin burgers

you got me again 4chan

>> No.10653984

Employability has everything to do with the ability to bullshit correctly which has everything to do with actual intelligence. I bullshitted my way into working as a supervisor. Easily. You were too stupid and not smart enough to fake it.

>> No.10653986

>sometimes you gotta do shit work for the time being

I’m going to graduate school for clinical psychology where I’ll live on a stipend, health insurance, and a fellowship. Until then I’m working a shitty entry level job.

>> No.10653991

Not him, but what are you a supervisor for

>> No.10653992

Ah I see.
You're that guy who yells at minimum wage earners to make himself feel superior.

good strategy bro

>> No.10653993

I did get you. You need that educaiton as you call it. Who makes such an obvious typo? You're a dumb fuck and that's fine. We need losers like you to let managers thrive.

>> No.10653996

McDonald’s Supervisor

makes $1 more than minimum wage


>> No.10654000

>McDonald’s Supervisor
>makes $1 more than minimum wage

You would know bitch boy.

>> No.10654002

Who hits the wrong keys and then doesn't proof read on 4chan?

What if the Queen was here?

>> No.10654003

It's cute when you poors try to act tough. Nigger, I'm making $35 an hour to babysit 3 screens and play 4chan on my phone. And believe me, if I could pay 25% more for fast food to not have jungle monkeys working there, I totally would. But you living in some flyover, don't realize that east coast cities weren't designed to keep the darkies in the own little ghettos.

>> No.10654005

>Who hits the wrong keys and then doesn't proof read on 4chan?

Exactly. Your obvious sarcasm is so crazily appropriate and clever. Thank you oscar wilde.

>> No.10654009

>proofreads 4chan posts

all hail the McDonalds Supervisor

>> No.10654010

Make more money if you don't like it. You now damn well what you really make.

>you living in some flyover

If you only knew where I lived. This is getting funny. Reply again like the bitch I know you are.

>> No.10654013


>> No.10654014

Ah, wonderfully satirical. You've surely proved your biting wit with your terrible spelling and grammar.

What if the Queen was here?

>> No.10654018

Reply again and prove you're my bitch.

Make more money if you don't like it.

>> No.10654020



i'm glad I could make another anon happy and secure

>> No.10654021
File: 646 KB, 512x481, 1497640968332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people are fighting in this thread?

>> No.10654031

Probably like 1 or 2 actually successful people, 1 or 2 LARPers pretending to be successful, and at least a half dozen wage slaves butthurt that no one respects them.

>> No.10654032

You are correct that as a research chemist I am woefully underpaid (but still above burger flippers)

its ok.
I married money.. literally millions. :)
So now I get to do whatever I feel like, like being a scientist

>> No.10654040

>a half dozen wage slaves
that seems like too many

I would have guessed maybe 5 people total