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10650483 No.10650483 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop Millenials

>> No.10650487

lets start off by killing you

>> No.10650488

Their time is passing anyhow, Gen Z's coming up.

>> No.10650491

by removing you from society

>> No.10650500

Nuclear apocalypse

>> No.10650505


>> No.10650520

25 y/o boomer here, millenials are annoying sheesh I'll be glad when that's over. I'll crack open another beer to that fellas am I right

>> No.10650528

YAAAAAAS <tags 3 friends>

>> No.10650557

They'll burn themselves out. Hopefully they just kill themselves as a trendy thing to do or something retarded.

>> No.10650888

Considering two of the major hallmarks of our generation are suicidal memes and crippling despair about the future, I have a sneaking suspicion that the problem will take care of itself

>> No.10650906

this advert is targeted at gay men and straight women

just try to enjoy the ones tailored to whatever your personal demographic is

>> No.10650922

thank god im not either of those

>> No.10650927

You'd be both of those if you were my cellmate. I am not a fag and would not fuck you or nothing, but I would rent you out for soups.

>> No.10650931


>> No.10650934

posting on /ck/? must be a lesbian

>> No.10650939

it's not like theirs a strict delineation between generations. It's the younger cohort of millennials that tend to be considered shit, and they are basically the same as older gen z. It'll probably be another 5-10 years before we really see the differences of gen z, and for all we know, they could just be even worse.

>> No.10651720

Yaaaas is more than just a millennial meme.
Its a faggot meme

>> No.10651731

Those are just all talk no action

>> No.10652023

Also never.

>> No.10652076

i wish it was more action

>> No.10652166

I'm gay and i personally don't like the stigma that "the gays" like fruity shit, i like wines yes but i like them with dinner. people who think those drinks are even tolerable should be expunged from living.

>> No.10652190

Cheers fellow boomer. Let’s watch a football game on our cable subscription

>> No.10652210

i wouldn't touch it either, but i can tell when a boring ad company is clumsily trying to pander to me

it's funny seeing which of the stereotypes trickle down to mainstream media normalcy

>> No.10653459

then stop fucking the faggots that like the fruity shit, you fucking faggot

>> No.10653477
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>> No.10653492

beating them to death with clubs. worked for cavemen. millenials like to do dumb shit like that but would whats called an ironic death.

>> No.10653497

>and for all we know, they could just be even worse.
considering how sharply things declined after around 2007 and that it culture was in a bit of a downturn even since the 80s, i doubt it will ever recover

my plan is to just keep working and eventually become a hermit

>> No.10653502

Stop with this forced meme

>> No.10653516

That’s probabaly the most ironic picture I’ve ever seen in my life

>> No.10653522


Me too, i'm gonna buy land in northern ontario and slowly isolate myself

>> No.10653525

this is exactly why people want to kill millennials

>> No.10653528

Why is this in /ck/?

>> No.10653529

the levels of irony form a protective cocoon

gas yourself, kike nigger paki lover

>> No.10653537

Yeah I know my fellow boomer. These guys really fucked everything up. Ron REAGAN not DOn Trump know what I mean?

>> No.10653540

that's just southern ontario

the north is all rednecks and wagonburners, but mostly trees
what amazing place are you from anon?

>> No.10653542

quebec, you fucker

100% destruct the eternal anglo every day

>> No.10653549

way to rig an referendum and still lose faggot

I like quebec for the high quality strippers, but the people are just shit

>> No.10653565

I can always spot a Quebecois woman by the pound of monotone beige make-up shes wearing to hide her herpes.

gotta get em young in Quebec because they're born whores and have visible wear marks by 18

>> No.10653575

at least we dont have pakis running around picking up 14 year olds and whoring them out like ontario does

it was the anglos false flagging that even made it come close to separatist victory, the flq was funded by the rcmp and opp

>> No.10653580

hey now

I'm in favor of separating into northern and souther ontario

we can hate toronto together

if any americans are reading this, yes Quebec is the most racist place in canada, but we love em anyways

>> No.10653588

thanks for the lead.

>> No.10653589

>Quebec is the most racist place in canada
t. quebec
"callissez-vous; nous sommes plein"

quebec has the greatest slags on earth

>> No.10653596

>quebec has the greatest slags on earth

>> No.10653599

Since this turned into a Canada thread, just wanted to say that I too am a self-hating Ontarian. Please nuke this place.

>Quebec is the most racist place in canada, but we love em anyways

>> No.10653605

>self-hating Ontarian
what part of the GTA are you in?

>> No.10653607

They had shit like that in the 80s, you stupid cunt.

Look up New York Seltzer.

>> No.10653612

>they get to browse 4chan in prison now

>> No.10653615


Northern Ontario might has well be Nunavut. They have nothing. Sudbury? The Sous? It's an empty shithole.

>> No.10653622

Not in the GTA; I live a few hours east. With the 401 expanding and all of the Torontofags wanting to move out of the city but still go there to work we're quickly getting more of them creeping out my way. This year alone my town is going to build 500 new houses (current population is around 2500 people and has been for decades).

>> No.10653627

you gonna vote for dougie?

he loves urban sprawl

>> No.10653632


>> No.10653645

I'm not voting for any of them. My choices are between: literal socialist, lesbian grandma dipshit, and "dude rosacea lmao". They can all eat a dick.

>> No.10653651

literal socialist is better than the other two

but I agree..... no good choices

After you don't vote, i'm sure you'll still bitch about everything

>> No.10653663

>literal socialist is better than the other two
t. high schooler

>After you don't vote, i'm sure you'll still bitch about everything
Absolutely and unironically yes - because I don't believe that it would matter one bit even if there was a good candidate. Enjoy paying for Gurdeep's brood though because whomever you vote for has that in mind for you.

>> No.10653665

>Posting on 4chan
Way ahead of you there chief.

>> No.10653666
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Stop making /ck/ into /pol/ I swear to fucking god

>> No.10653674

stop using the word irony. You do not know what it means.

>> No.10653681

Ironically it seems that it's you who doesn't.

>> No.10653684

no i'm a literal 33 yr old natural scientist who has empathy for the environment and fellow Canadians (but, I am anti-immigration, i'm sure you'll appreciate that).

>Absolutely and unironically yes
because you're a little bitch

why don't you do something little bitch?
or are you just gonna bitch some more?
little bitch
stand up for yourself and your ideals bitch

>> No.10653702

sarcasm and flippant are not the same as irony shitface... so, unless you are going to sell your hair to be me a watch band, while I sell my watch to buy you a brush, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IRONY IS!

>> No.10653703

>no i'm a literal 33 yr old natural scientist
Sure, kiddo.

>but, I am anti-immigration, i'm sure you'll appreciate that
No, I'm anti-turning yourself into a third world shithole. I have duel citizenship (from a non-shit, non-Euro country) anyways and can move anytime I choose; frankly I don't have too much riding on this place. I just think you're self loathing faggots for the most part and the politics of the country absolutely reflect that.

>y-you're a b-bitch
Eloquent. What should someone do that will yield realistic results, thy 13 year old edumacted natural NEETist? I'm all ears.

>> No.10653705

This. I'm technically a millennial at age 34 here but we didn't have phones, internet or any of that millennial shit growing up. I don't have social media and my flip phone sits in my bag until I check it once a week and we still had typewriters for typing class in highschool.

>> No.10653711

A friend of mine is gay and fucking hates gay culture. Hilarious when you see him get pissed off about it too.
"Fucking fags, why do they have to fake a lisp and act like such fucking faeries? Why can't they just be like normal men who except take a cock in the ass?"

>> No.10653718

>person said that anon would bitch about something
>anon replies saying that that would do so without having a sense of being ironic as the first person stated that it would be foolish to do so (complain) since they won't vote

>> No.10653728

I have no reason to lie to you about my age and occupation.

>I have duel citizenship
good, leave

>What do I do, change is so hard I just can't
You're an apathetic bitch.
Get involved politically (ugh no too much work)
do some conversational work (ugh no too difficult)
join action groups and discussions on how to lobby the government to improve thing (ugh thats gay and work)

oh no I got it.... just bitch on 4chan about how it's everyone else’s fault

i'm done, this is /ck/ not /pol/
go ahead and brand me a NEET teenager so you don't have to admit you're part of the problem.

what an apathetic little bitch

>> No.10653732

not ironic you fucking moron. Look up what irony means, realise you do not understand it, and stop using the word.

>> No.10653738
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Hey Moe, Larry, where’s Curly at?

>> No.10653741

>not ironic you fucking moron
Literally (-literally-) the point.

>> No.10653743

nyuck nyuck nyuck

>> No.10653745

no. you cannot claim a troll on being ignorant naturally. you are just ignorant.

>> No.10653749

you knucklehead

>> No.10653756

No one is trolling.
>premise is that someone shouldn't complain about a result of something they refused to vote for
>response is that the person will do so and do so without being ironic in their complaining

Also on a side note, you get way too butthurt way too fast. I can only imagine from your posts that you're seething, desperately hoping that this person will concede.

>> No.10653775
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>> No.10653787

Don't fucking imagine me. I don't want in your empty head.

>> No.10653793
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>> No.10653797

>I have no reason to lie to you about my age and occupation
I wish you'd stop doing so then.

>You're an apathetic
True! You'd be too when you realize the people around you are largely self hating.
Rude. This is a Christian board.

>Get involved politically (ugh no too much work)
>do some conversational work (ugh no too difficult)
>join action groups and discussions on how to lobby the government to improve thing (ugh thats gay and work)
You give these vague statements like they have anything behind them. Do tell, what's your plan to convince 33 million people to revert their ideals? Hmm? How do you convince millions of people to suddenly vote against importing hundreds of thousands of their people to a country? And no, I wouldn't work to try to change the course of a blatantly dead country. I never said I would - you put that upon me as if you think I'd want to.

>go ahead and brand me a NEET teenager so you don't have to admit you're part of the problem.
No, I just not part of a solution that realistically doesn't exist.

>what an apathetic little bitch
Keep the latter if you'd like since you're so in love with "bitch" like you think it's some stinging remark. You know I'm right though.

>> No.10653802

>*can't refute and stays mad*

>> No.10653811

Most of the fags I know that are in my age bracket (gen x to BB) are high functioning "you wouldn't know I'm gay unless I told you" types. It's the "gay pride" obnoxiousness that furthers that stigma. Some groups of people tend towards being caricatures of their group in a sort of protest. I get it. I was punk in the early to mid 80s as a sort of protest to the mainstream.
I've learned that wearing camouflage and "attacking" with subtlety is more effective. That is to say, prove yourself as a normie before revealing your final form.
Oh, we're on /ck/.
I'm making some ghetto teriyaki sauce atm.

>> No.10653826

can and did refute. Your statements contain no irony.

>> No.10653836

>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

>> No.10653863

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate you whether you are gay or not. I think MOST ppl feel this way. Even my 70 yo parents who are hardcore Bible Thumpers. Except that they don't hate anyone, because Jesus and shit. Pretty gay attitude, if you ask me.

Added more sugar to the teriyaki sauce.

>> No.10653884

you missed amusing, deliberate, or defying expectations. You are just trite, contrary and painfully predictable.

>> No.10653906

i like polck!

>> No.10653909

>tfw had a rotary phone and a tv with a dial and a 2 button clicker
>I'm a millennial

>> No.10653917
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Honestly, Millennials are killing themselves. They don't vote, they don't start businesses (even though interest rates are crazy low), they don't take part in civil discourse other than to whine about how cool and detached they are, they don't suggest solutions to ANYTHING, they don't build, they don't travel, they aren't particularly academic, they don't try to create or add to communities -- they just whine about being victims.

No one is working harder than young people to make Millennials irrelevant.

Have fun cleaning old people's bedpans, kids -- its the only jobs you'll get due to your inaction.

>> No.10653938

I'm bisexual and I fucking hate it when gays behave like faggots. It's why I rarely get boipussy, because I can't stand being around everything attached to it.

>> No.10654112

>went to high school in the late 90s

I'm 32 and my elementary school built a computer lab in 5th grade, which was the mid 90s

>> No.10654118

Gen z comes before millennials you dopey cunt.

Gen z was the generation after the baby boomers, then gen y then millennials.

It's all bullshit anyway, baby boomers can be classified as being born right up into the 80's or something.

>> No.10654158
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>public transportation

>> No.10654163

>They don't vote
I did until they starting conveniently losing my voter registrations.
>they don't start businesses
I would if I could afford it. Then again if I started it in the wrong area I'd get zoned out by bullshit laws being written in.
> they don't suggest solutions to ANYTHING
Federal agencies need more transparency and it should be illegal for their agents to be on any corporate payroll while a government employee.
>they aren't particularly academic
That's probably a good think considering colleges are currently paper mills.
>they don't try to create or add to communities
There are enough communities and enough shit being added to them. If anything the noise in the communities needs to be muted a little so the truth that's already being spoken can be heard.

Also, 5 bucks says you don't know what a millennial is.

>> No.10654169


you're missing gen x

>> No.10654170


>> No.10654183
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>> No.10654209
File: 117 KB, 480x629, icon-004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 33 and we at least had Icons in my shitty rural Canadian elementary school

And we had a 386, but you had to sign up for it because there was only 1

>> No.10654235


the order is:

Boomers - Yuppies - Gen X - Gen Y - Millennials - Gen Z

stupid arbitrary categorizations which hold very little meaning except for when people want to make inaccurate generalizations about millions of people to feel better about themselves.

>> No.10654236

My first computer had vac tubes in it. The computer... not the monitor. The monitor used plastic transparancies you had to stick on the screen to form templates for games and certain text applications. It was made by Magnavox.

>> No.10654241

Yuppies was a subculture

>> No.10654244

At home we had a C64

>> No.10654248


they were the voerprivileged kids of the boomers who bore the apathetic and anti-establishment gen x'ers

but again
this is all arbitrary

>> No.10654255

Please, google it.

>> No.10654258


>> No.10654260

People who are 29 years old?

>> No.10654261

what came in between the boomers and gen x then?

>> No.10654264

How do we stop 37 year olds?

>> No.10654265

you understand that people are born daily right?

>> No.10654271

There wasn't an inbetween.

It should be noted that in my country we have a separate word for people born in the 60s, which bridges the gap, but from my understanding the western world at large lacks this, and Gen X begins where Boomers end.

>> No.10654273

Yet we still give arbitrary labels to 'generations'

technically i'm a 'millennial' but I fit the description of gen y

>we have a separate word for people born in the 60s
what is that word?
why don't we have one?
That's just silly

Gen w?

>> No.10654276


>> No.10654277

>They don't vote
Speak for your own shitty country, cunt. Voting is compulsory here.

>> No.10654281

I forgot about the hippies

my aussie friend said they had to start randomizing the ballots because the top of the list was getting to many form people who didn't want to vote but did to avoid the fine and just checked the 1st choice.

:( you can't make people care, unfortunately

>> No.10654283

We were in a golden age at the time, you weren't, that's probably why you don't have them.

Man I hate sixtiesers.

>> No.10654284

ok I'm having a hard time reading my own posts

its bed time

never heard of them

>> No.10654286

Cause you're not from my country you dolt.

>> No.10654293

what country

must not be very popular as that word didn't come up on any search engine

>> No.10654308


>> No.10654310

>technically i'm a 'millennial' but I fit the description of gen y

You only ascribe that to yourself. Now you realize how dumb the descriptions are. It's like a fucking horoscope.

>> No.10654312

fuck off swiss guy.

>> No.10654314

agreed, thats why I don't call myself either

im just pointing out I don't fit the arbitrary box

>> No.10654316

too fat?

>> No.10654317
File: 25 KB, 460x276, bork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night sweden

Bork bork bork!

>> No.10654320


ok that was good

>> No.10654359

That's right agreed you fat fuck.

>> No.10654387

I'm 30 and we were required to learn to type at school.

On green-screen computers that were glorified calculators. If we finished really quick and with very accurately we got to play green and black Oregon Trail.

>> No.10654396

with your levels of quick and very accurately, I am surprised you know what the game looked like at all.

>> No.10654400
File: 48 KB, 500x379, bunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Millennial is someone born between the years 1982-2018.
That's 18 years (adulthood) in either direction of the millennium / Y2K / 2000.

>> No.10654414

this has to be bait
no one is this retarded

>> No.10654420

according to you... an already arbitrary grouping of a generation as you choose to understand it.

I born in the late seventies and grew up in the eighties. My generation is what was labeled as gen x. I know because I was fucking there.

>> No.10654426

According to me? haha. Google it, retard.
You, perhaps, grew up physically but your mental status slowed to a stop in '79.

>> No.10654446

where do you live? If it is within an hour of me, I will come whip your ass for you. You think they called anyone a millennial before 2000? I can get some sense in you fast. Where you live bitch?

>> No.10654453
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Your life would end if you ever tried, fatso. However, you just might pass out from exhaustion after a few swings of your flabby arms. Then I'd stuff you in the dumpster so you can get back home.
If you guess which one is me in the picture, I'll post my address.

>> No.10654455

hahahahahaha semper fag. You know how do do what you are told.

Where do you live missy?

>> No.10654465

Not that other guy but if I had to guess I'd say you're the retard who went through basic without learning trigger discipline.

>> No.10654467

>implying that's targeting millennials and not fat single women

>> No.10654487
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That's pretty funny but no, not that man.

>> No.10654634

Where does this yass crap come from anyway? Homogays' tweets? sassy black ladies'
tweets? Oh they're kinda the same crap for some reason.

>> No.10655425
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>> No.10655488

>A Millennial is someone born between the years 1982-2018
The cutoff is '97 by most accounts and the latest I can find is 12/31/1999. Where are you getting that range from?

>> No.10655497

>Scooby-Doo just called me a dumbass
Never change /ck/

>> No.10655503

his fat, distended colon.

>> No.10655506

According to google nobody agrees on a consistent definition of millenial.

>> No.10655512

Before millenial was a word, i used to call them gen Z

>gen X - self explanatory
>gen y - 80s-90s kids with internet, etc
>gen z - youtube, had a cellphone in middle school etc

>> No.10655549
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Is all immigration to Canada horrible? I like the idea of everyone having space to preserve their culture and community in the world in so far as feasible, but can't people who are vetted get a chance to migrate to for business or of they're legitimate refugees, perhaps just temporarily? The Americas are almost entirely constituted by countries of recent immigrants, if fairness is a concern then why should only certain ethnicities be given the opportunity to immigrate? It's not like anyone's forcing you to marry them.

>> No.10655621

>Before millenial was a word, i used to call them gen Z
Oh so its your ass then.

>> No.10655666

How many of those would I need to drink to get fucked up because at 90 calories a pop I could get on that. Might help with my beer gut.

>> No.10655687

Are we going to act like wine coolers don't exist?
You fucking cunts whining about millenials are the same shit as your grandparents yelling about your parents generation

>> No.10657212

you sound like a 13 year old

being more self aware would stop people from singling you out for the massive loser you are

>> No.10657227
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this used to be a nice board

>> No.10657246

>muh millennials
this shit needs to die. It's the younger Millennials who are the social media sperglords who spend all day promoting this crap and gen z is just as braindead. The only reason gen z leans more conservative is because it's reactionary and the cool thing to do. They're mindless drones, just like the younger Millennials and as soon as the "right wing is the cool side to be on" fad ends they're going to latch onto the next bullshit reactionary movement. Just fucking gas everybody 27 and younger.

>> No.10657263

Gen Y is literally the Millennials

>> No.10657272

My gradeschool did not allow us to consume copious amounts of vodka in the computer lab.

>> No.10657284

Make sure it's a good old fashion MGD light. That millennial IPA fad is for the birds.
t. 27 year old fellow boomer

>> No.10657293

>older people are more conservative
Did you learn about reality from a sitcom about the 1970s? It's the younger generation that thinks rounding up the brown people is going to get them a jerrb designing video games.

>> No.10657305

Gen Z is the younger generation, dumbass

>> No.10657308

>I'm not like those other gays, I'm one of the good ones
t.self hating gays


>> No.10657328

just because they are disgusted with themselves, that does not cut us any slack.

Lets get in there and pick on some queers. Woo!

>> No.10658621
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