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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10627390 No.10627390 [Reply] [Original]

How are your eating habits like, /ck/?

>> No.10627676
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>> No.10627681
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>> No.10627694

I try to eat about 1700 calories per day but often slip up and overeat by like 500. I have a hard time resisting things like handfulls of nuts or some a slice of cornbread if I don't brush my teeth immediately after hitting my goal for the day.

>> No.10627862

>1700 calories

roastie detected

>> No.10627910

just stop buying simple carbs if you want to lose weight. Get complex from fruit

>> No.10628076

Fruit sugar, fructose, is a simple carb. Complex carbs are from most unprocessed/minimally-processed grains, pulses, and vegetables. My personal top 3 major sources of complex carbs are black beans, barley, and Yukon Gold potatoes.

I too struggle with resisting the urge to snack on nuts/seeds. There's no way I can buy a bag of walnuts and not eat them all in a day or two. Recently tried eating peanuts for a snack throughout the week, ended up eating an extra 1000+ calories per day. This experience at least led to me realizing that I could buy unsalted peanuts, grind salt into a powder with my coffee grinder, and customize the salt content of my peanuts.

>> No.10628086

Forgot legumes, some faggot will point this out if I don't.

>> No.10628100

>eat 8000 calories in a sitting
>eat 0 for the next 72 hours

>> No.10628705

Bad. I've been going about 20 hours between each meal.

>> No.10628820

>2000 calories a day
Sounds pretty good to me anon

>> No.10628936

Pretty good I guess.

Breakfast: oatmeal with peanut butter
Lunch: ramen or a pb&j
Dinner: whatever leftovers I have, recently it's been black bean burgers

I started taking a multivitamin since I'm so poor and my diet doesn't vary much. Should round off the past 2 weeks of food at about $10/week, which is great for my budget. My gf took me yo IHOP recently and I was astonished at how overpriced their shitty breakfast food was. Then I realized I just don't remember the last time I paid for someone else to cook my food. Life of poverty.

>> No.10628950

There are billions of animals that I haven't eaten. Your move.

>> No.10629196


Usually consume 2 meals a day and a snack.

Meal 1 is usually some form of eggs typically boiled or scrambled with herbs, smoked salmon, on toast. Sometimes an onion bagel and cream cheese is used instead of toast. Piece of fruit, croissant. Black coffee or tea.

Meal 2 is usually a fish or shell fish. Salmon, halibut, sole, red snapper, crab and lobster are my go to. Will usually have them with steamed vegetables, rice pilaf, mashed potatoes or french fries.

Snacks vary obviously but I enjoy falafel wraps, tuna fish sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches, pistachios, soft pretzels, salmon jerky and lots of other things. A njce bowl of beet or cream of mushroom soup with warm baguette or a cheese toastie is hard to beat. Overall I eat about maybe 2000 calories a day, little bit more little bit less every now and then. I drink a lot though so maybe 2700. But I exercise too so it balances out I hope

In the past few weeks I've eaten more junk but that's just because of the NHL playoffs. I can't help but order pizza or make pierogy

>> No.10629472

Coffee and chocolate mostly
Cereal and cookies

I poop blood a lot

>> No.10629478

i had blue bell cookies and cream ice cream for breakfast this morning

>> No.10629548

Dude you should get that checked out

>> No.10629583

My diet mostly consists of:
>fruit (bananas and mango mostly)
>nuts (walnuts mostly, some pecans and almonds)
>about 72+oz of water per day
>meat, mostly chicken, usually in the form of fried chicken sandwiches

sometimes i'll eat pasta or fish or a salad or something but thats basically it

>> No.10629732

Used to be good, but I've slipped.
Haven't cooked a meal in.. nearly a year.
Just ready meals and snacks.

>> No.10629791


1 cup of coffee
1 cup of tea
80-100 oz of water
skip breakfast usually
eat fastfood/restaurant food for lunch
50/50 eat something at home or eat nothing and drink for dinner

Im a lardass 5'11 270lbs

>> No.10631580

I /fast/.

>> No.10631598

Around 1,500 kcals a day. I'm pretty active on top of that.
I try and eat a mediocre breakfast, like eggsxtoastxadvocado, or a piece of fruit. Sometimes it ends up just being a candy bar and an energy drink if I wake up late or something for work.
Lunch is chips if I'm at work. If I'm home, something easy. Stir fried vegetables with instant noodles.
Dinner is usually when I care about cooking, paired with some alcohol.

>> No.10631645

Kind of not so good. My doctor said I'm getting severely underweight and I have to start making plans of getting into some sort of treatment center.

>> No.10633439

Pretty healthy, but i'm still fucked up un the head. Organic vegetables ans fruits, local lean meat ans fishes. But i can't go over 1500kcal à day, or i'll feel ashamed to the point of becoming obsessed with it. I sometimes "chew and spit" à whole jar of Nutella. It's fucking gross, but it keeps my binge eating disorder at bay i guess. Don't know how to stop. Not even à roastie.

>> No.10633784

That's a great eating habit

>> No.10635603

I eat healthy.
But I have a stomach condition where I almost never feel hungry, so only eat 1 meal a day at most.
It's usually a decent meal though.

I don't really eat chocolate/crisps/biscuits that much unless I go to the shop stoned.

>> No.10636254

I eat brekky, shakey, and dinny.

>> No.10636277

>kinda forced to chew with mouth open
>put my hand in fromt of my mouth when i eat necause the open mouth is gross and i know it
>"cmon sweetie, dont be shy, were all casual here!"
>"ok nvm not that casual, cover your mouth back up"

>> No.10636289

Try a shrink. A big chunk of employer-funded medical benefits have an allowance for a few visits per year, and that may be a chance to get you started in the right direction.

Take care of yourself, buddy.

>> No.10636349

Bread, butter, hot sauce and yogurt.

I’m really active and I drink a lot. I only want to eat or sleep when I’m drunk. I think it’s ruining my brain, nothing can hold my attention and I have to write lists to get anything done. I’m considerably underweight. I need to stop drinking soon.

>> No.10636582
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When I'm not working, it's mostly starch and other vegetables.
When I'm working, it's usually leftovers from what's on the menu, and then fruit when I'm at home.

But I eat lots of fruit.
Like, huge amounts. I just don't get full from them for some fucking reason. It's a problem.

>> No.10637425

neat and orderly when im enjoying my meal. i eat like a slob when im in a hurry or pissed, just shoveling food into my mouth.

>> No.10637435

>How are your eating habits like, /ck/?
I often find that I eat way too fast, especially when I'm eating alone. To combat this I eat slower than everyone, or at least match the slowest person, when I go out to eat with others, but this means that I'm usually the last person and then I feel bad for making others wait

>> No.10637490

>1 banana every morning for breakfast beforework
>Coffee to tide me over during work
>Pizza for lunch
>Usually chicken and a starch for dinner
My biggest issue is snacking in between the lunch/dinner part and the dinner/sleep part of my day. I enjoy munching on things. I also live a very sedentary life outside of work, so that doesn't help

>> No.10637559

well i eat way too much cheese

>> No.10637984

What kind of diet is this? The only saturated fat on this chart is the coconut, enjoy your heart problems

>> No.10638003

I eat lots of starch mostly.
potatoes, oatmeal, bread, beans.
Eating fat makes me feel sick
But I can stuff my face with starch, and feel perfectly fine afterwards.
I'm also not fat at all.

>> No.10638004
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shit like this every day for the last 2 months

>> No.10638010

omg no. gross.

>> No.10638029

>I poop blood a lot


>> No.10638032
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eat a buch of protein bars and random snacks like saltines for 3 days of the week and the rest I binge on fast food and chinese buffet

>> No.10638063

Why would you post something so gross?


>> No.10638702

Today I was too late for work to cook so I drank 6 raw eggs. 12 inch spicey Italian sub for lunch. 6 chicken tenders and a kielbasa for dinner

>> No.10638731

recipe for the cum-glazed chicken sashimi with lawn trimmings? looks delish

>> No.10638961
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>forget to eat all day
>too late to cook, go to bed
>repeat until i get all shaky from low blood sugar
>eat a snack to stop the shakes

>> No.10639004
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>> No.10639130

>wakes up
>scrambles to go to work because I fucking slept in again
>don't eat
>comes back home from work without eating for 10+ hours
>then remembers that i didn't drink water all day because now I feel like i'm dying
>chugs massive amounts of water
>pass out at 4 am


>> No.10639313
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I either eat 200 calories in a day or 10,000 calories in a day. Not a whole lot of middle ground.

>> No.10639336
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Maybe if you ate 1,000 calories a day you wouldn't need the 10,000 calore days to make up for the 200 calorie days.

>> No.10639343

I eat a lot on weekends. But while I'm at work I don't usually take a lunch break unless one of my deliveries offers me something. I just drink a lot of water so I don't feel hungry.

>> No.10639552

>eating off styrofoam
Americans explain this

>> No.10639612


I feel like your calorie estimations are wrong.

10,000 calories is what those 600lb people eat to maintain their weight.

>> No.10640052

breakfast - fruit (banana, orange, or apple) and black coffee or a sip
lunch- nothing
dinner - usually rice and beans with fresh vegetables and a ranch to dip. last night was rice and beans, head of broc, 5 radishes, and some baby carrots.

ill throw meat in when i can afford it

>> No.10640298

not great but i try to be better. typical day:
> no breakfast, water and black coffee although i´m trying to drink less coffee.
>salat and chicken for dinner, if it´s a training day i eat a wholewheat breadroll with some ham at around ten, then eat the salad at around noon
> roasted veggies and chicken for dinner when i´m in a healthy mood, pasta with any tomato/meat based sauce if i´m not. today i´m going to order some indian food because i did good in the gym and im craving it hard.
> pizza/junk food only at the weekend, no mcdonalds burger king etc. i order food once a week mostly indian.

could be worse could be better i guess

>> No.10640303

Kill yourself

>> No.10640595
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thats fish you dumbo