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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10627341 No.10627341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've heard a lot about this brand of vodka. Is it meme or worthwhile?
I'd like to know.

>> No.10627353
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If you're shooting, why not shoot something with more flavor than something designed to have a neutral flavor? How boring.
If you're mixing, why the fuck are you paying more than $10 per handle for vodka?
In conclusion, vodka that is more than $10 per handle is stupid.

>> No.10627358

Its fine
Vodka pretty much tastes the same across the board mid shelf but potato vodka is probably the smoothest
That said i just go with smirnoff since its so cheap

>> No.10627364

>taking advice on alcohol from an animeposter

>> No.10627366
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>> No.10627369

my professor really likes it

>> No.10627376

>Vodka pretty much tastes the same across the board mid shelf
As well as much of the bottom shelf.
>he says on an anime website created by its founder with the intent of it being a place to discuss anime and manga

>> No.10627405

WTF? I get that the overpriced shit like Grey Goose and Ketel One are a scam but anything below Gordon's is gutter tier.

>> No.10627418

Luksusowa is the only handle worth buying. I see it for $15 everywhere, and it tastes so good I can drink it like water. Everything else is diminishing returns, or tastes like nail polish remover.

>> No.10627419

I guarantee you can't tell the difference between Grey Goose and Taaka or Burnett's in a mixed drink blind test.

>> No.10627420

When I drink Vodka I drink it Slav style-shots with lots of snacks around. Then you can tell the difference.

>> No.10627437
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All basic hard liquors are the same and equal in quality, it's literally a distilled chemical, it can't be fucked up.

Although aged spirits are the only exception.

>> No.10627438

Is it available in the U.S.? I've never seen it. Vodka has got the reputation of college binge drinkers and bums where I am.

>> No.10627469

I'm not mixing though. And I stand by Gordon's-yeah Burnett's is the same tier-as the lowest you'd want to go. Unless you're just trying to get fucked up as quickly possible.

>> No.10627470

This is my go-to, I usually drink with tonic but can drink it straight, too. Where the fuck are you where it's $15? It's 24/handle before excise taxes in NY (we have a SHIT state gov't).

>> No.10627475

>And I stand by Gordon's-yeah Burnett's is the same tier-as the lowest you'd want to go.
Burnett's is under $10 a handle here.

>> No.10627503

I have a small bottle of tito's in my freezer I use to keep my Kirkland vodka cold. It was a gift and I finished it off, it let's me put more in my fridge now that I don't ha r to carry that 1.5L bottle. My coworker who swears by tito's was impressed I had some and did a couple shots with me.

I didn't have the heart to tell him it was Kirkland vodka. It all tastes the same to me.

>> No.10627512

Gordon's is in the same price range. I mean if you go to a big Liquor Mart you can get handles of the store brand for 6.99 on sale and I'm a coastie. The hood liquor stores sell shit vodka for 8.99 a handle.

>> No.10627535

This is the most 2009 comment I've ever seen, when did /ck/ get so bad ?

>> No.10627647

Costco gets good quality liquors from various places and rebrands them with the Kirkland label. Their vodka comes from the same production line as grey goose. Their bourbon I think is from the same company that owns buffalo trace, sazerac, etc.

>> No.10627653

I'm Russian.

My friends call me The Russian.

>> No.10627657

my man

>> No.10627659

It's medium priced vodka that does vodka's neutral flavor job well.
>If you're shooting, why not shoot something with more flavor than something designed to have a neutral flavor?
Because you shoot to get drunk, plus if you're gonna do that then do it with tequila and not Vodka.

>> No.10627688

>drinking for flavor
>shooting for flavor
Idiot. Don't drink at all.

>> No.10627692

Kill yourself you fucking shrek posting faggot.

>> No.10627706

must be nice to live somewhere that doesn't have exorbitant jew-level taxes on alcohol..

>> No.10627707

Commiefornia. We have exorbitant taxes on everything else.

>> No.10627719
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>> No.10627851


>> No.10627892


its smooth but vodka is kinda whatever. i dont understand paying a premium for something essentially flavorless.

i sampled a ton of vodkas in college and I think I would choose Popov for best value. extremely cheap and almost entirely inoffensive.

>> No.10628030
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Fun fact, by law in the states, Vodka has to be devoid of any characteristics that make it worth drinking.
Vodka serves only to make other drinks alcoholic, at which point you're actually just looking for ways to partake in drug use.
If you're not just trying to get drunk, drink literally anything else instead.

>> No.10628461

>this pleb has not yet learned to appreciate pure alcohol for the taste, and not just getting drunk
Next you'll be telling me you only drink coke and not water

>> No.10628508

its ok just get Smirnoff for less

>> No.10628539

I liked it. It was smooth, no off aromas, pretty much flavorless. Nothing to write home about, though. It's vodka. You can probably find something cheaper, but Tito's is alright.

>> No.10628554

Anyone else really weirded out by how the mods axed the al/ck/ gen and now we have ten different overly specific threads about different beers and liquors and none of them are being moderated? Betting INBEV slid the mod team a little paycheck for this kind of freedom

>> No.10628635 [DELETED] 


>> No.10628935

That's what I thought from the beginning. They rolled up to his Moms basement with a pallet of Hot Pockets and liquor-Im guessing Fireball- and al/ck/ is gone. Or al/ck/ is making random threads hoping one of them takes off? Nah-it is always the 4 frees.

>> No.10629461

yeah it was legalized a few years ago
much like "real" absinthe, it's mostly just hype over the forbidden

>> No.10629512

Probably doing you faggots a favor

Now imstead of seeking sympathing amd wallowing in pathetic sadness you'll be forced to find something else to do

Also those generals only got like 20 ips. More cancer than the reylo generals on tv bc you faggots enter every thread about alcohol and shit it up by talking about depression or how you drink sooo much

>> No.10630179

I didn't know that thread was banned but I was wondering why there were ten threads instead of one

>> No.10630227
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>> No.10630230

For me, it’s Skol.

>> No.10630242
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>listening to what a 30 year-old boomer has to say.

>> No.10630256

Never had it myself but i've heard that as far as bottom shelf goes its the best quality
I usually just stick to white wolf or taaka because taste and quality is irrelevant to my al/ck/ self

>> No.10630737

I tried Tito's because I heard it was good. then I remembered all vodka is shit.

Stick to brown liquor. Vodka just tastes like poison.

>> No.10630874


30 year old boomer posting 30 year old boomer memes outside of /fit/

>> No.10630880

>still posting on babys first board

>> No.10630884

You're "talking a shot," not "shooting." You sound retarded.

>> No.10631890

meme perpetuated by hipster Austinites wanting their own homegrown booze

>> No.10632253

any mid-range vodka is a good start to an alcoholic drink. it's simply ethanol and water, which is the base of literally every alcoholic drink, so get one which isn't so cheap that it tastes too much like death, and create something...relatively delicious from there.