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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10598949 No.10598949 [Reply] [Original]

ITT shitty meals you made as a kid

>> No.10598976

Kraft Dinner smothered in ketchup.

>> No.10598977

4chan should‘ve died when moot left.

>> No.10598980

I used to put Kraft singles on a plate of Doritos and then microwave it to make it melty

who is moot

>> No.10598982

dubs confirm

>> No.10598983

12 yo
Duck a L'Orange
It was a little too tart

>> No.10598985

a mod from gaia

>> No.10598994

That is a weird meal

>> No.10599001

the whypipo version of gookmoot

>> No.10599136

spagetios with cheese in it. sometimes american cheese slices, sometimes shredded cheddar or colby jack

>> No.10599149

top ramen soup.

8 hotdogs at a time, with buns.

frozen microwave hamburgers.

delimex taquitos. UGH.

>> No.10599153

4chan should have died when he brought back /r9k/ and resurrected /news/ as /pol/.

>> No.10599193
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I always ate 2 packets of shin ramyun with a whole stick of Cracker Barrel extra sharp cheddar.

>> No.10599216

When we had spaghetti I wouldn't put any sauce on mine and instead load a bunch of cheddar cheese on top.

>> No.10599233

ramen and a shitload of garlic powder

>> No.10599246
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not made, but school lunches after michelle obama were either rancid or cardboard.

>> No.10599276

Wish I had this shit when I was a kid

>> No.10599311

A cheese pizza connoisseur

>> No.10599316

I really loved microwaving a hotdog bun and then dousing it in ketchup for some reason.

>> No.10599320

Annnddd that's your retard red state's fault for slashing school budgets and contracting out to the "food" corporations who supply jails and prisons 'cause muh kickbacks. Read the constitution sometime, the president's wife doesn't control state education.
>b-but she planted an organic garden so she's literally Beelzebub!

>> No.10599339

School lunches were terrible before her. Glad I never had them after her if they were somehow even worse.

>> No.10599367
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I'd send the kids off to school with money to buy from Subway (or whatever fast food restaurants they had in their lunch area) after seeing what was being served to them during Michelle "the Wookie" Obama's reign.

>> No.10599381

I used to put mayo on crackers as a snack.

>> No.10599407

A1 sandwich

>> No.10599463

good post

>> No.10599578

Spagehttios with shredded, melted cheese over top, paired nicely with a PBnJ sandwich and a blue flavored drink made for a nice afternoon of reading Harry Potter.

>> No.10599589

>dipping prinos in A1
>or ketchup
fucking mastapeice

>> No.10599698

PB&J with rosemary

>> No.10600117

I was making hamburger helper and I was out of milk so I put butter in it instead

This was only a year or two ago

>> No.10600122

cptn crunch and nutellla sandwich

>> No.10600127

coq au vin

>> No.10600133

literally the comfiest meal possible though

>> No.10600217


>> No.10600447

I once thought I could make orange creamsicles by mixing milk and orange soda. All I managed to do was make chunky orange milk

>> No.10600475

Plain Lays microwaved with cheese on top and then put inside a pb&j

>> No.10600492
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Spaghetti and feta. Nothing else. Still as delicious as 30 years ago.

>> No.10600495

'tater chip boigurs
>plain white bread
>chilli sauce
>plain white bread
being 9 and alone, I just grabbed whatever

>> No.10600508

Me and my friend used to eat ketchup and cream cheese on pita bread. I tried it again recently and couldn’t eat it

>> No.10600629


Popped ham (ham microwaved until it exploded) sandwiches

>> No.10600640


Do you seriously think the first lady dictates what food suppliers schools use?

>> No.10600652

Butter noodles
Taco in a bag
Chicken tenders with a dipping sauce made out of mayo and honey mustard
Crushed up cereal in ice cream.

>> No.10600690
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This with a mtn dew and mountain of pizza rolls with a hostess cupcake for dessert

>> No.10601233

"special rice"
brown sugar

>> No.10601251
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Pizza bread
Ragu and cheese on bread toasted in the convection oven

>> No.10601264

It did.

>> No.10601287

They just want any excuse to drag out their /pol/ memes

>> No.10601295
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peepee mixed with napalm

>> No.10601299

These sound pretty good.

>> No.10601305

Yet here you are.

>> No.10601684

>bake frozen pot pie in oven
>boil about 1/2 cup rice
>put cooked rice on plate
>top with hot pot pie
>break in up, stir together
>top with shredded cheese
>serve with side salad out of a bag
big times in my first apartment, way back inna day

>> No.10601693

Beef Maruchan Ramen + Dale Steak Sauce + A1 Sauce + Lots of black pepper

As a kid I would make a big bowl, get in my recliner, and watch a lot of horror films

>> No.10601709
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>who is moot
Some sjw cuck who works at diversity leader Google.

>> No.10601724
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>tfw no moot friend to write about in a senior thesis at NYU and to travel Europe with in the summer

>> No.10601743

Oh shit son what the fuck happened. He have a big regret over his youthful mistakes or what?

>> No.10601752
File: 713 KB, 2400x2400, moot gets bullied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And later cuck him with leading to selling his life's work to a shady japanese businessman because he was bullied by online neckbeards?

>> No.10601762

O-oh my. This is poetry.

>> No.10602478

Hot dog bread + ketchup

>> No.10602517

couple pieces of roast beef with cheese in a white bread sandwich, microwave it until its soft and melty. colby jack cheese was ideal

>> No.10602688

>Crushed up cereal in ice cream.

i still do this from time to time. slightly melted ice cream mixed with fruity pebbles is pretty tasty

>> No.10603704

>reduced pizza flavored pasteurized prepared cheese product
Even the label sounds artificial

>> No.10603715

Well his fault for creating /pol/harbor he literally sold his soul to sjw and hiding now for shame.
Fuck him

>> No.10603875

Sounds absolutely delish

>> No.10604030

I tried to recreate the corn at a bbq place a few hours from my house, it was on the cob, sweet, smokey and hot. I realized that they used brown sugar, hot peppers and a smoker. but I didn't own a smoker, and I had no corn on the cob. so I took a can of corn, heated in a pan with brown sugar, cayenne pepper and some liquid smoke.

It wasn't complete shit in taste but it was a shity meal.

>> No.10604036


>> No.10604077

I used to spread grape jam on top of my grilled cheese sandwiches

>> No.10604116

How huge were you? Sounds delicious but goddamn those portions

>> No.10604133
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Microwaved freezer corn dogs. Been craving the hell out of them lately

>> No.10604138

/pol/harbor was hilarious

>> No.10604142

I knew someone who would melt massive fucktons of butter in bowls with bags of popcorn in them and then he would eat it like cereal.

>> No.10604184

But prison food is unironically better than school lunches

>> No.10604217

Care to TL;DR that for me?

>> No.10604219

I lived on ketchup sandwiches from ages 4 to 10.

>> No.10604584

we're here forever

>> No.10604789

put cheese on bread, a shitton of spices (garlic, tumeric,pepper, curry powder) and microwave it for 1 minute.
im craving it now

>> No.10604809

Bologna cooked crispy in a skillet. I hated how it tasted but I kept doing it. No idea why. Also ridiculous how much it shrinks.

>> No.10605303

Newfag detected

>> No.10605354

Frozen fried potatoes with frozen sausage links on the side, pan fried in lots of grease of course, washed down with a couple cans of Pepsi

Not fat today, although I ate it for nostalgia the other day and couldn’t get through a few bites. So much grease.

>> No.10605397

Once I microwaved a chicken patty for an hour.

It turned into a haunted hockey puck.

>> No.10606459

>whip cream (non-sweetened) and add a shitton of finely crushed meringue
>stick in freezer
>get pretty nice ice cream like stuff
Wasn't even that long ago

>> No.10606618

When I was 5 I gave my dad cereal with water instead of milk cause we were out. He had one spoonful and stopped.

>> No.10606703
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>> No.10606723

but its got 1/3 less fat than process cheese food, though

>> No.10606746

It might sound shitty but it was damn good
>Take hamburger buns
>add maui onion potato chips or canned onion rings
>cover the top of the chips or onion rings in ketcup
> squish till flat.
I have had it again recently for the first time since I was a kid, it is not that bad. Hell, I'd recommend it to you anon.

>> No.10606998
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>shitty frozen bagel topped with processed American cheese
>cheese pizza

>> No.10607124

RIP Red palm tree man

>> No.10607139

Sandwhiches made with a shit load of miracle whip, bologna, and dill pickles. I tried making it again a few years ago for old times sake and wanted to wretch.

Also MacnCheese and canned corn, shits still delicious.

>> No.10607433

if you push a man way too much, eventually he won't want to come back to you
/pol/ pushed him away ever since he did them the favor of giving them a board, they did it every time he gave them a board, they called him a faggot and every other thing on /n/ and /new/ and old-/pol/, maybe attempt #4 at giving the stormfags their safe space broke him
if so it's regrettable but it's understandable
also this has nothing to do with cooking, what the fuck

>> No.10607440

I once made "pizza" by taking a slice of white bread and putting ketchup on it followed by pieces of American cheese and slices of hotdogs with pepper on them
it was surprisingly edible

>> No.10607473

You're going to get a stroke later in life for that.