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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10591588 No.10591588 [Reply] [Original]

can't sleep for shit edition

previous: >>10585493

>> No.10591604

Just started.Can't get too schwasted tonight, gotta get up early to get to my parents' house

>> No.10591608

Stayed sober for two days That's enough sobriety for the year.

>> No.10591620

Bought two six packs of beer, and I don't feel like drinking any of it. It's weird to feel so unmotivated you don't even wanna get drunk.

>> No.10591626

Wait till you have that feeling and drink anyway.

>> No.10591629

I'm trying to, but eh, can't even get through half a beer. I haven't eaten today either for the same reason. I think my meds aren't working.

>> No.10591632

Is it true that you can't sleep?
I can sleep 70% of my day, as long as I'm drinking very hard the other 30%.
It's when I am off the booze that the horrid sleepless nights and days begin.

>> No.10591646

It takes months to be able to sleep after going sober. Maybe even years for serious alcoholics.

>> No.10591647

yeah thats withdrawals for you
i don't even remember half the shit that goes one when im drinking, for some reason i kinda miss blackign out for a large portion of a week and not even remembering what the fuck i was doing/watching

>> No.10591658

Yeah I'm tapering

>> No.10591673

Jesus fucking Christ why can't I stop. I was shaking so bad at graduation today, I couldn't even smile when they took my picture with the diploma. Just bought another rack of PBR. Beacon Hill needs to stop dragging their fucking feet about allowing dispensaries to open. I hate this shit so much.

>> No.10591678
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For me it's the McPabst. The best cheap beer sandwich.

>> No.10591742

Favorite meals when you need to eat? I like baked beans on toast with a side of cooked egg.

>> No.10591752

OK. I'm walking to the liquor store-Im the U.S. micro apartment fag-walking down my street which is poor whites,poor spics and poor Asians-mostly Viets and Hmong. Motherfuckers are doing drunk karaoke at 11. Mostly cheesy 80s American songs and hometown hits. Been hearing it all night but didn't really bother me. I walk by their apartment and tell YOU SUCK KEEP YOUR DAY JOB right when a song ends. Guys hanging in the hallway I didn't see. ohfuck.jpg. Drunk thug "You think you do bettah?" Say yeah but I'm busy. They offer me some clear liquor that I know is 90% Asian moonshine basically. Drink 2 gulps of high octane ass and bum a smoke. "Hey the frang(cumskin?) is alright! Now you sing? You so GOOD right?" Fuck it K-ass booze kicking in.Go in to shitty ghetto apartment but bigger than mine-assholes. They got this huge karaoke set up with a trillion songs-ask for Peace Sells thinking they won't have it-they do. Fuck I gotta do this. Change my mind and ask for Pretty in Pink by the Psychedelic Furs cuz 80s. Nail it. Even the mumble parts at the end. A pack of wild Asians all clap and say do another.They didn't have Jesus and Mary Chain and I'm obviously done. Don't drink anymore firewater but they have tons of beer. A plastic surgery whore starts getting real friendly so I tell her I'm poorfag. She laughs and say "of course why else would you be here?" We swap numbers. Everyone is cool like hello neighbor. I've been up all day and tired so they give me 4 beers and I say goodnight and walk the halfblock back to my apartment. Made fast friends with the local Asian gang and a potential fuck buddy. Ate some good food. IDK what country they're from but it's near Vietnam or is.

>> No.10591764

Remember you asked for it.

>> No.10591801

Yeah Vietnam is poor as shit. Poor people. The government is corrupt as fuck so not much they can do.

>> No.10591814

basically the same but i put grated cheese on top of the toast, then beans to make it melt and then the egg on top of tha

>> No.10591818

We all live in the U.S. big North Eastern city. I was the only White guy there. I guess I challenged them by yelling YOU SUCK and instead of being straight punks-which I was kinda being-they said you do better or at least try. So I did.

>> No.10591828 [DELETED] 

Your writing style is nigger tier painful anon. Truely I feel dumber after trying to read it.

>> No.10591842

Greentext that shit faggot where do you think you are

>> No.10591851

Good drunk anon. Calling me a nigger just JUSTed me. You win. You own the thread now. Report me and get me banned wannabe for free.

>> No.10591856

I said I wasn't gonna greentext in the last thread so fuck you janny.

>> No.10591870

Leftover goon.

>> No.10591875

Is this the first time you try to write a story? Geeentext that shit dumbass, your writing is painful

>> No.10591876
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>> No.10591878

>tfw scot
>these new alcohol prices
Fucking hell lads gonna have to quit, simply can no longer pay for it

>> No.10591886

And your gatekeeper faggotry is painful. Greentext me about your WDs.

>> No.10591888

>he can't get a handle of vodka for 8 dollars

>> No.10591892

>£8 (10+ dollars) gets you around 500ml of a spirit here now if not less
Please kill me lad

>> No.10591896

sober for 2 weeks now. been feeling fatigued as fuck most of the days, yet...I aint polishing off a fifth of shitty vodka.

>> No.10591902

Damn I really do feel for you U.K. fags. Like straight commie about everything except liquor and drugs.
Don't let them grind you down.

>> No.10591911

how much is buckfast

>> No.10591913

You should feel bad for alchies living in Australia.

>> No.10591916

>buying bucky
I want to get drunk not stabbed

>> No.10591919

That's good to hear. Keep going.

>> No.10591923

Why? What did they do now?

>> No.10591929

I plan to. usually have cycles of absolute sobriety or morbid alcoholism. hell, got so shit hammered I woke up with two black eyes (was drinking alone) and pissed on my cell phone...that was kinda funny actually

>> No.10591938

Alcohol and cigs fall under a 'sin' tax.

>> No.10591954

Desperately want to drink more but pretty sure I couldn't keep it down.
Fuck I hope my stomach can heal soon. I don't want to have to go through motherfucking wds yet. I never want to go through wds again. Just let me die already.

>> No.10591963

When I was 18 a good friend of mine drank 6oz-half a 12oz bottle of ether. He had sniped some of his mother's ether in a 12 oz bottle of cheap beer. He was swampdogging leftover beers and picked up the bottle he was using for the ether and drank it down in one gulp. I called 911 immediately but-fuck man it ripped through him in minutes. He was dead before they got there. I wish I never told him what he had done-he was so scared.

>> No.10591971

damn...sorry to hear, man.

>> No.10591973

They do in the U.S. too but how much is the tax? Like 50 on the dollar? I know you don't use dollars but you know what I mean.

>> No.10591988

What the fuck? Full story ples

>> No.10591990

I don't know the amount either. Last night at the store a bottle of bottom-shelf vodka was $38 so let's use that as our zeroing point. A 6 pack of beer can range from $18-25 easily. Cigs are notoriously expensive a 20 pack is $25+.

>> No.10591992

that's awfully insensitive...but then again...this is 4chan

>> No.10592003

It was quick and he was blackout so it was painless. I knew he was fucked. I feel guilty for telling him-he just snatched it up and gulped it. I should have just called 911 and let him be. He was so fucked up. A fifth,a case of Carlings and huffing ether. If I didn't say anything he would have just died. He couldn't have been saved. They got there quick but 6 oz of ether to the gut-damn.

>> No.10592029

Damn, it's mothers day and I'm waaaay too hungover to take my wife and son out.
I'm not even looking forward to calling my own mother.
God I fucking suck.

>> No.10592039

well...that's on you, man.

>> No.10592041

I feel you there. I'm going to be in your shoes In about 12 hours.

why do the women in our life love us?

>> No.10592050

That is the full story. He lived in a shared 3 bedroom,the house three a party. His mother had a scrip for ether-IDK but she did-and he would snipe some usually in a beer bottle. Party went on,everyone except me-somwhat functional-and him-blacked out-was gone or passed out. All the liquor and beer was gone so he started looking for dregs. His ether was in the same brand bottle that we were drinking so he was like score! And gulped it down. He was dead after the first mouthful but he drank 6 ounces of ether-no stomach no liver no intestines. Like drinking lye.

>> No.10592052

Dafuq? But you guys get paid more,no?

>> No.10592062

>bought a 36 pack on friday
>only 15 in but think i will have alcohol breath tomorrow
>supposed to take my mom out tomorrow
>pray that i won't too much alcohol breath, but deep down she will notice

>> No.10592070

Gonna leave my fiance so I can keep drinking un-hindered .
Ally doesn't yell at me like my wench does

>> No.10592071

I worked a long shift today, just finished my eighth tall boy. i wish I had more but its for the best.

>> No.10592095

I've started to just sleep facing the one way so my wife no longer needs to endure my breath at night.
Also if we fuck, I'll either do it doggy-style or mentally be breathing as little as possible with my head to the side.
I don't know why she stays.

>> No.10592132

omfg. no more, please.
it's a sunny sunday. i should wake, exercise, shower, maybe go fishing or swimming in the sea, go out for a couple of normie drinks, take some twin teen sisters home for squelchies, then wake, not withdrawing and set off on my lucrative commute. instead i'm sitting here damp with piss, smoking the combined butts of month-old joints in my ash tray, sat at the computer with my eyes closed because they hurt so much, eating raisins with peanut butter, shitting myself and crying. thanks, ethanol.

>> No.10592138

Yeh we get paid ok.
I work a shitty factory job and get $30 an hour

>> No.10592166

You sound in about as much pain as me.
Hold me?

>> No.10592168

if on facecuck i try to add someone, but after 2 days it still says "Friend request sent" on their profile, have i been rejected?

>> No.10592198

sounds a bit gay, bruh. can't we beat eachother up or something?

>> No.10592200

vomiting has been the highlight of today. 3 day binge, tapering down with beers. what a ride.

>> No.10592213

Too sick to even contemplate going feisty-cuffs with you.
I'm somewhere between throwing up and going back to the local bottle shop.

>> No.10592216


>> No.10592217

I need to go get something to drink but my wife isn't talking to me this binge was too much for her.
I think imma have to ride this one out old school.

>> No.10592228
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Hey, newfag to al/ck/ here. I buy 1.75 liters of vodka every 4 to 12 days, usually spacing it over over the course of 4 days. I've been doing this for a good 6 years since I was 16, i'm now 21. How high on the alcoholic chart am I in comparison to y'all?

>> No.10592232

yeah thought as much. i was stalking this girl...
such a fucking wreck, it's impossibly adorable. she used to be on adultwork (£30/meet) and mfc, but has been hiding for some time.

>> No.10592236

Definitely higher than normie standards but compared to some of the people here you're not doing too horrible

>> No.10592237

alcoholism is probably best gauged by the extent of the damage drinking is doing to your life.

>> No.10592256

Well said anon.
I think it's not a dick swing contest, just how fucked up your life is.
So in a dick swinging contest, I win. :D

>> No.10592261

just leave her alone.

you need to focus on getting yourself together. delete your facebook right now, for you.

>> No.10592265

>pull up to gas station pump on right side
>Porsche pulls up on left side
>go into gas station to get my 18 beers miller lite
>some drunk or method out lady at counter
>giving life story about picking scratch tickets
>hurry the fuck up
>go out to car
>lady in Porsche switched to right side next pump over
>starts yelling at me about how rude it is to go into gas station leave car
>tell her what u think u drive a Porsche u can be an asshole
>than tell her to fuck off
>drive off
>realize latter she was a fucking idiot and didn't realize what side her gas tank was on
>fuck that dumb cunt

>> No.10592267
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I see, I definitely use alcohol to cope with the fact I dropped out of school in 7th grade and have had 0 irl friends and no life since. I'd say alcohol is damaging but poor character is the root cause of my suffering that I fear I cannot fix. Best of luck to you anons in life. I feel I can't stay here long because like /r9k/ everyone constantly suffers and brings everyone else down there's no hope for escape.

>> No.10592269

nah i wanna put things in her. she's a qt, very articulate too, immaculate bod, all around nice. just insanely high maintenance and precarious as fuck... but if i'm living in chaos that's what suits. wouldn't be the first hooker i've dated, there's a reason leaving las vegas chose a working girl to be paired with an alchie.

>> No.10592285

Haha nice share anon

>> No.10592307

Everytime I get out of bed to go buy more alcohol, I start dry heaving so much I have to lie back down.
If only I could make it to the bottle shop I could get my drink on and settle my stomach down for a while.

>> No.10592317

good luck then senpai.

we all know how those pairings are made, deep down, even if we don't like it.

just be sure to leave her with a few unique physical scars, that will be your legacy on a woman like that.

trust me.

>> No.10592364

N E 1 Here
Seems like 4chan is been getting mighty slow recently

>> No.10592382

That's fucked. Sorry to hear that, man.

>> No.10592399

I started on a bender march after a bunch of shit went wrong in life. The anxiety and shakes were too bad to go cold turkey. I weeded myself down quite a bit, 2-3 beers in the day and the same amount of stiff cocktails at night. Went to the doc finally and got some ativan, thats helped me not drink but im only on day 2 sober. Before this bender I'd usually have bad withdrawls for a day, then felt like shit for a few more days, I hope I didn't do any long term damage.

>> No.10592410

This is like a B-Grade Gran Torino. Good story though anon

>> No.10592492

I'm hungover. Help

>> No.10592499

I'm thinking to go to emergency room when I stop.
I truly cannot function without the drink, and within 6 hours of stopping I completely shutdown.
Clearly I've been drinking now because I can actually read and respond to your post. Without the drink, I'm curled up in bed.
I have enough to get me through the night. I hope I can hold down enough to get me through.

>> No.10592501


>> No.10592503

someone create a 'smoking crack and drinking coffee while going through DTs challenge' for youtube pls.

>> No.10592504


>> No.10592511

yeah seriously, best cure ever. or, well, a couple of painkillers, a valium, a coffee, a small but decent meal, a cig, some extract smoked through an oil rig and a blowjob from a teenager works too.

>> No.10592513

I'd say we're the opposite of /r9k/. We share stories, shitpost, and help each other to live or die.

>> No.10592514

I will NOT be touching the devil's lettuce. I very much wish to go to heaven when I die. All of y'all should consider the same before you give in to temptation. Y'all will regret your actions once you become a slave to satan.

>> No.10592515

PBR is old reliable for me.

>> No.10592534

Yeah I was like that a bout a month ago, would wake up and drink too before work. Go to a doctor, drunk if you have to. Or you could just go the ER route too. I don't know if I'm out of the woods yet, the stage3 withdrawl symptoms like delirium happen a few days after stopping. If I feel that coming on im going straight for a bottle and then to the ER

>> No.10592544

Yeah, I don't know where I'm truly headed.
I've admitted myself to the ER twice before and they kept me there 2 weeks each time on a drip and morphine.
I've gone cold turkey a number of times since that but it feels this time it's the ER.
I hope they accept me because I know this time will be painful and I don't want people I know to see me through these upcoming withdrawals.

>> No.10592546

das rite brother. they'll be laughing on the other side of their faces when their cannabising causes hash explosions in their veins. may they wake up dead comfortably in their sleep and survive forever resting in piece.

>> No.10592549

*see me through these withdrawals yet AGAIN

>> No.10592590

Just made some peanut butter and honey on toast.
I'd say it comfy but it's just poor people food.
Well at least I pay my taxes to support the 1%

>> No.10592597

fucking lol
something oddly poetic about what you said tho
>may they wake up dead comfortably in their sleep and survive forever resting in piece
sounds nice

>> No.10592617

feeling absolutely lovely

problem with you people is you don't wait 2 days between drinking all day

>> No.10592619
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How I sleep, I'll be dead soon hopefully

>> No.10592669

I liked your story anon, good writing
>be me
shit is fucking gay and cringeworthy, if you like that shit you need to go back to fucking r/greentext where you belong

>> No.10592694

Just woke up. Throat is burning. I feel dizzy when i try to read. Had to throw my morning toasts in the trash. Im on my third cup of coffee and second urgent visit to the bathroom. With a bit of luck i might feel better in a while but these kids wont shut up outside my window

>> No.10592733

Third visit. And the upstairs neighbor have desided to move around all his heavy furniture while vakuuming

>> No.10592740

good story OP.
good luck with your new friends :)

>> No.10592760


Newbie al/ck/ detected

Don't go down this road. When you're new to this you can get away with binge drinking as long as you take couple day breaks inbetween. As you age and as your body adapts to the alcohol this still causes physical addiction and consequent withdrawals.

It's not safe. You haven't found a loophole. Don't do it.

>> No.10592764

I love this lmao

>> No.10592807
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Anyone have a remedy for constipation from heavy drinking. I havent shit in several days coming off a pretty big bender. It's there, I just cant push it out. I'm starting to get a little afraid it's gonna hurt like fucking he'll when this rock comes out. Pic not related

>> No.10592811


>> No.10592819

>can't sleep for shit edition
Anyone here got sleeping tips not involving drugging myself?

>> No.10592834

nope. nothing helps. most recently i tried not trying to sleep. i'd just stay up as much as i physically could chugging coffee, because i knew if i went to bed i'd just toss and turn. i did a month of that, and it fucked me physically. i was so tired that i'd sleep 5 times a day, albeit only for 2 hours at a time. i had a fucking month of that nightmare, and now im on 101 days, woke at 4am after getting to sleep at 1, sitting here irritable and uncomfortable, one eye closed because i'm so rekt, still unable to sleep, wondering if i'll ever sleep properly again. oh and out of desperation i've tried lorazepam and nitrazepam, thousands of pounds worth of weed and even small quantities of alcohol - still no sign of healthy sleep in sight. pretty much the same as last time i tried this, 13 years ago, at which point i clung on for 7 months before relapsing. it's not just the sleep either, PAWS is a raging fucking faggot, ruined sleep is just one part of it.

>> No.10592842

Water and lots of it. Meals consisting of salads and soups consisting of: beans, squash, corn, fibrous vegetables, and plenty of fat.

The shit will flow like lies from a California Democrat.

>> No.10592860

out of curiosity I have a couple of questions
What do you mean you wish you didn't tell him what he had done, did he not immediately realize his error? Was he trying to vomit and unable to? Why was he drinking the ether anyways? I know small amounts can get you drunk but was there something else? I had a friend who got drunk with us at a river one time, he went for a piss and fell in smacked his head on a rock and died, he was 18 and leaving for the military in only a few months.

>> No.10592868

>letting a substance gain that much control over you
how can anybody be so weak willed

>> No.10592899

Why did you feel the need to specify that the eggwas cooked?

>> No.10592900

>What is water
Fuck off, moron

>> No.10592974

>What is oxygen
Fuck off, moron

>> No.10592977 [DELETED] 

hello fellas
bit of weed, beers, and a harder drug

>> No.10593017

>i'd just stay up as much as i physically could chugging coffee
I specifically mentioned without drugging myself, trying the same experiment by only going to bed when you're really tired, might have given better results

>> No.10593025

took e again for the second day
those guidelines that say you shouldn't do that are probably for people who have never done drugs in their life
when you've been stoned out of your mind for days, you probably know how to handle a drug with a 1-2 hour effect

>> No.10593030

I got tested and have elevated liver enzymes : 216 GGT 60 AST 104 ALT.

It was 10 days ago, I've ceased all drinking since.

If I do another test tomorrow, will the liver enzymes have diminished? Or should I wait longer?

>> No.10593091

M8 I live in the south and 50cl is about £12 without the fucking tax hike anyway. Quit whining

>> No.10593095

don't know what that means

how much have you been drinking and for how long

also, what does that mean?

>> No.10593112

>tfw slammed 3 shots before 8 am on an empty stomach

Gonna be fun calling my mom wishing her a happy mother's day

>> No.10593123
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how do i compare

>> No.10593132

Either don't drink in the house or don't drink until 7pm.
If you are working and putting money on the table, she shouldn't care.

>> No.10593146 [DELETED] 

>If you are working and putting money on the table, she shouldn't care.
what if my bf works and also puts up with me?
sometimes he's really a dick, at the slightest thing (but rarely) he gets annoyed

>> No.10593154

Not you just are not experienced with mdma.

>> No.10593161

Let's talk about our finances. Work, jobs, pay, savings.

I'm currently unemployed but have £6000 in savings. I'm blowing about £20 a day on alcohol, and £600 a month goes to rent/bills. So by my calculations in two months I will be homeless.

Gonna fucking enjoy the next two months though.

>> No.10593166

What are you talking about?

>> No.10593169

that may be (over next days as well)
but i have had nothing feeling out of the ordinary after it

>> No.10593172

Can't tell if germanic language or romance language

>> No.10593173

Hungover as shit, nothing in the house to drink. Fuck.

>> No.10593174

i have no idea, my mother had me tested (lel)

>> No.10593177

Do those numbers tell you if you have a good/bad liver?

>> No.10593180

Not going on the bennies.

>> No.10593182

the most ostracised of romance languages

>> No.10593186

Fuck that mate. Even homeless people have more dignity than benefit leeches. But I couldn't stoop down to the level of either, I will not dishonour my family - I will take my life and die with pride.

>> No.10593193

Abnormal liver enzymes. Could be caused by drinking a lot, or in case of fatty liver or cirhosis

>> No.10593207

It will be better but 2 or 3 weeks usually makes them perfect if booze is the only issue

>> No.10593214

Yes. Basically. Your live enzymes elevate when you drink excessively and habitually. If they stay elevated long enough you end up with cirrhosis. Also can be a sign if hep.

>> No.10593217

Are you underage?

>> No.10593219

i am 28, but i haven't been home in 4 years and i always to be the youngest one, my brother and sister are 10, 11 years older than me, resp

she's just a bit obsessed with health and i though it'd indulge her

>> No.10593233

Are you sure of what you're saying?
If so I will wait a tad bit

>> No.10593261

You paid all that on the alcohol duty, 20%VAT, petrol duty, ect ect.

I paid a share wack of money and I'd rather you have it than blow your savings.
The homeless, which are not severely mentally ill, all get benefits and housing.
No shame in a hand-out if it gets you back on your feet, book an appointment with your GP, see a social worker, will get your housing sorted and don't worry about the electric bill.

They tax you from when your born until you die, then bc you aint a rich cunt they'll try and tax you after death.
Sugar tax is just a legitimate way to tax children.
Your soft in the head if you think you are being a big and proud by not claiming, if shit hits the fan and you do need help, you will not get it because you are not on the system.

>> No.10593263

Just from my own experience at my drs

>> No.10593273

Anyone watched Cobra Kai?
I watched Karate Kid a good 20+ times growing up. Kobra Kai gentlemen of al/ck/.
Just thank me later.

>> No.10593276

Haha just finished binging the first 5 episodes right now.
Dem feels right? LaRusso is..damn, no spoilers. Just enjoyed so much.

>> No.10593282

I know what you are saying about Larusso but Srs with his memories from high school I'd act the same. Hopefully that's still no spoilers.

>> No.10593298
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>about to finish a project at the end of the month
>will be living off employment insurance until august

>> No.10593310

I relapsed and came off so many times this year I can't fucking take it. I took a liqour store walk that lasted over an hour in complete terror. I've moved hundreds of miles away (amerifags). That's my piece.

>> No.10593323

I have cirrhossis. my ggt is over 1000 and alt was over 500 and similar for ast. Nip it in the bud because im 27. I've had liver failure twice.

>> No.10593327

Jesus, please stop anon.
You are far too young to die.
Please stop. Where do you live? If Brisbane I'll become your best friend.

>> No.10593336

Those taxes pay for things like roads and schools and hospitals though, which I have gained from. The way you're looking at it is as though it were just money going into a savings account for when you need it yourself. It's not, it's money that goes to infrastructure for everyone. Now I understand what you're saying but I want to earn a living myself, not rely on the welfare of others. What's the difference between begging and benefits?

>> No.10593338

I'm a Mount Gambier fag. If you're bored I can make my way down. I love the Gold Coast,.

>> No.10593345

Can you please tell me how long you've been drinking for and how much you drink on average?

I'm 27 and I literally don't think it's possible to drink as much as I do, yet I've never had a liver failure.

>> No.10593355

So what you're saying is I'm fine?

>> No.10593360

Well about 10% goes to jewish bankers on interest and the next big chuck is pensions.
Bennies is very low on the list.
Dianne Abbot is still getting paid, and if she gets sacked she will get a huge pension.
Look at all the scumbags getting a free living on taxpayers expensive, which the rich contribute about 90%
If you feel you are not entitled to gibs, because pride, fair dues, just pointing out you pay high taxes for a safety net, which you do not want to use.

>> No.10593373

You're never fine and abstinence makes all the difference, Take phytosomal milk thistle. and bcm-95 curcumin extract. You can reverse damage despite what a gastro doc preaches. Look up TUDCA.

>> No.10593380

This guy is right.

>> No.10593399

Come for a visit anon, but I'm not in a good place right now.
All I can offer is food and a bed.oh and I hide my alcoholism from the nice guy downstairs.
He managed to kick it but he never burns on me about how I'm drinking every day, all day. I'd like to keep it that way please.
Just makes things easier.

>> No.10593414

checked. Make a throwout account and if it backfires I'll stay in the Gold Coast.

>> No.10593427

£20k in bank
id expect minimum 30k/yr job if i could be arsed to get one
worse comes to worse, sell house and move back in with parents
that should give me another 180k in account after paying off the mortgage
>life is easy lol

>> No.10593438

>become an accountant
>buy house
>save money
>quit job
>do shitty construction work for six months
>then take six months off

Will this plan work?

>> No.10593457

>180k on alcohol
Fuck man

>> No.10593468


>> No.10593487

If you plan to continue drinking, a job, a family or a hobby which is very time heavy.
May stop you going into a depressive cycle of drinking.
6m with nothing to do, is going to end badly.
Video games is not a hobby.
You might have a hard time finding another account job with a 12m break

>> No.10593494

What does /ck/ recommend for fibrosis of the liver? Apparently 7 years of 24/7 drinking wasn't beneficial. Who would've thought?

My current list (The research I've done so far and what various sites have said help repair the liver)
>Milk Thistle 1,000mg
>Crushed red peppers
>Sweet potato fries??? (It was recommended by several sites, I have no idea)

>> No.10593496

liver transplant and then destroy that one too

>> No.10593500

4l water per day and don't eat processed food.

>> No.10593504

Also don't drink on an empty stomach.

>> No.10593506

>liver transplant for fibrosis
Seems kind of drastic. Fibrosis can be repaired. Transplant is the last resort for people with liver cancer or end stage cirrhosis. If you go to a doctor, they'll tell you there's nothing you can do because there's no pills they can prescribe for it.

>> No.10593513

I was in a similar situation 1 year ago. I started feeling really fucking sick. Malaise, weak legs, my insides were on fire, I couldn't eat, blurry vision, non-stop panic attacks. I honestly thought I was going to die for that two weeks. I had an ultra sound done and my GGTP scores for my blood test were in the thousands. My liver was shutting down. My AST/ALT were in the several hundred range. I started taking milk thistle 150mg three times a day, cut down my drinking drastically and my blood results returned to normal and I felt better than I ever have. I got the same run around bullshit from my doctor telling me that I was probably going to progress to cirrhosis and feel sick for the rest of my life and all I could do was have my liver monitored every few months.

>> No.10593527

Sounds like an acute hepatitis attack which will show skewed liver ultrasound results. Get a new doctor. That thing has a 30-40% mortality rate by the way.

>> No.10593564

>Video games is not a hobby.
It is if I have no hobbies and no desire to pick up any hobbies. Plus the only time I'm not drinking is when I'm playing vidya.

>> No.10593569

Kek they don't give drunks new livers.

>> No.10593586

nhs does
t. my uncle

>> No.10593639

no job
no savings
-2500 overdraft which is interest free till next year
220 a week from government, all of which goes on alcohol and ciggies
been trying lots of different craft beers and have almost found the ideal taste/flavour ratio which in my country is about $24 for 12 APAs
I drink most days and a box is just enough to get me to that "woah I'm fucked" stage
I don't like leeching off my parents but it's okay for now, hopefully should find a job soon, I have a STEM degree but shit work experience/references
I'm fucked tho, I have every mental illness under the sun and likely won't be sticking around much longer

>> No.10593645

Yeah in America they will just laugh in your face and let you die, won't even give you painkillers because junkies. You can go to the emergency room when you are seconds away from dying and they will reluctantly give you a morphine drip.

>> No.10593654
File: 1.16 MB, 1327x1333, AA78_by_Zdzislaw_Beksinski_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sober for a bit and then drank 16 500ml cans of lager in two days and could swear I was already some getting withdrawals today.

Am I playing myself or can it go that fast? Got 4 more cans just to make sure of an easy come down today.

>> No.10593664

Blacked out had a shemale over and he sucked my dick and fucked him

Much shame.

>> No.10593665

Was it a passable shemale?

>> No.10593671

sort of...but not a very feminine voice and no tits

>> No.10593679

Probably would have let them suck me off but I don't know of I would have been able to fuck them. Then again anything can happen when blackout.

>> No.10593687

>220 a week from government, all of which goes on alcohol and ciggies
99% of people on ESA are alcoholics pretending to autistic/depressed. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.10593713
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>pretending to autistic/depressed.
Anon I....

>> No.10593719

cause and effect son

>> No.10593720

Aren't most alcks literally depressed though?

>> No.10593725

I don't think I'm pretending, I have bi polar disorder/psychosis and have had manic episodes absolutely destroy my life. I'm probably an alcoholic too but I'm a fucked cunt first and formost. I'm sure as fuck not pretending to depressed. But I sacrifice a lot of necessities so that I can drink and smoke, I'm lucky that at the moment I'm in a position where I can afford to drink mid range stuff at the moment but it's temporary.

>> No.10593728

I absolutely fucking hate myself, and I imagine plenty of others on here will say the same about themselves.

>> No.10593735

I actually hate myself less when I'm sober. Yet I keep coming back to the booze. It's a confusing sort of feel.

>> No.10593773

I generally hate myself either way but I've been trying to stay sober more often than not so I can live longer to play more vidya. I wish I was joking.

>> No.10593796

It's the other way round. Depression, anxiety and psychosis are all a result of drinking. You can obviously manage to surivive without your bennies so I don't know why the fuck you even receive them.

>> No.10593826


>> No.10593829


Busch > Rainier > PBR > Olymipia > Hamms > Cat Urine > Rolling Rock > Busch Light

>> No.10593875

Which games are you looking forward to playing? I've been reading a lot on sober streaks and want to play some games again as well.

I can't stand television and film when sober, it's too passive.

>> No.10593991

I just bought a PS4 a couple months back because the video card in my PC took a shit and thanks to the recent crypto boom buying a decent video costs more than a PS4. Honestly I am looking forward to the MegaMan X legacy collection coming out this summer. But I recently played resident evil 7 which was ok, Doom was sweet, but I've mostly been playing fortnite and battlefield 1.

>> No.10594015

Deep into a thing right now where I literally do nothing unless I drink first. I've conducted myself that way for a number of years now but it's getting really bad. I seriously can't partake in any kind of activity with a solid force of will without a few drinks first.

>> No.10594022

I'm trying to get myself out of this atm. It's been 2 days and it hasn;t been that bad, but then again all I've done is go to work sober.

>> No.10594037

It's to the point where I'll do something like look at a book I have laying around that I haven't read, and I have time to read it, but then I'll think about all the time it will take to finish it and whether or not I'll even really be getting anything out of it, and I'm just like "god..." And then I go back to shitposting. Even happens with video games which I almost never play anymore.

>> No.10594038

That's interesting, I cannot play video games, watch movies, or tv unless i'm sober. As soon as I catch a buzz, any interest in doing anything other than shit posting on 4chan or doing research. Kind of pisses me off but i'm trying to use video games to stop drinking, so I suppose it's a good thing.

>> No.10594044

I did that. I went on vacation and took 3 books with me, read maybe 10 pages of one of 'em and spent the rest of the time drinking

>> No.10594047

A friend of mine: "life is a game"
Me: "life is suffering"

>> No.10594059

It's the suffering game! Where even the winners are losers.

>> No.10594070
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Why is malt liquor looked down upon so much? I don't find the taste of Mickey's or Olde English any worse than bud or Miller, yet normies still drink that shit up

What gives?

>> No.10594080

Liquor store closed and I didn't plan ahead, raiding the cabinet it is.

What's lesser pathetic, kahlua with coke or straight kahlua?

>> No.10594081

I draw the line at Natty products. Anything Natty or below makes you feel infinitely more like shit the next day. That is the only reason I keep to bottom of the barrel normie stuff.

>> No.10594089

Kahlua with coke would probably be an interesting mix. It will stretch your alcohol a little further as well.

>> No.10594104


>> No.10594112

>Honestly I am looking forward to the MegaMan X legacy collection coming out this summer.
>bought a PS4 to play literally 20 year old games
Why do americans even do something so strange?

>> No.10594132

Believe me, it doesn't make sense to me either, but it keeps me from drinking so I won't argue.

>> No.10594175

It's not too bad

>> No.10594176
File: 234 KB, 1920x1200, MEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does AA have hot grils in your experience? they're all hags on smack around here.

>> No.10594189

I have my doubts that women ravaged by alcohol for years come out looking "hot".

>> No.10594213

Life without drink is so boring.

>> No.10594218

Smoke weed, it's really the only long term option. If that gets boring take mushrooms.

>> No.10594223

I mean trust me I envy you.
If I just was satisfied doing my normal shit without drinking, I'd just do it and never look back. Sober, I swear there is no brain activity that fires off in the right way to make me want to do anything except probably go back to sleep.

>> No.10594224

This. Drinking isn't for girls.

>> No.10594230

I digress, I am constantly high as fuck when i'm not drinking, so sober should have an asterisk next to it. I don't give a shit about weed though. I'll smoke everyday all day for the rest of my life and never feel bad about it.

>> No.10594239

aa Here. A few but they’re usually “addicts” and not alcoholics. Us alkies look like shit when we come in the rooms.

>> No.10594243

Wish I liked weed also. But I don't. 9/10 if I get actually really high the stuff makes me feel like I'm going insane and I have to lay down in a pitch black room in bed until it's over.
I haven't smoked weed in 5 years now.

>> No.10594250

I had a spurt like that with weed as well. Didn't smoke for years because I already have an anxiety disorder, but luckily I live in a state where I was able to get a medical card and get strains that help to reduce anxiety. Mixing benzos and weed is literal heaven though.

>> No.10594262

>blacked out and woke up with a summons for marijuana possession
>says it happened 3 streets over
>no memory of it at all

I don't even remember having any weed yesterday or the days prior...

>> No.10594264

I'd be willing to try more strains in search of something that would work for me, but it's illegal here and I'm probably never fucking getting out of here for as long as I live.
I lived in Washington once for a year and really liked it but was too much of a failure then to be able to stay there.

>> No.10594265

not that guy, but benzos pollute the clean high i get from weed. alcohol is the same. i quite like a few tramadol if i'm waking and baking, but that's fucking unable-to-cross-the-road zombie-tier.

>> No.10594269

must have been good weed then

>> No.10594279

I don't normally take benzos with them but it takes some of the anxiousness out of the high that you get with some sativa's. Which is why I almost exclusively smoke indica's.

>> No.10594284

Second AA meeting today. Still don't know about this, I feel really really uncomfortable. I'm gonna try to keep going though.

>> No.10594290

If I can't beat alcoholism without AA I would rather just die. I ton of people I don't ever want to come in contact with again spam all of the AA meetings in the entire goddamn county.

>> No.10594294
File: 62 KB, 468x287, tempt fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need 'em, dude, you can do this on your own. just don't go. sit down and relax, you deserve it after all this trouble. you're better than AA, you can handle a drink now and then. in fact why not have one now, it's just what you need to relax and unwind. just have a couple, call it a night, go to bed and enjoy a healthy, nourishing life.

>> No.10594296

court mandated?

>> No.10594308

There might be alternatives. I had a friend link me some that aren't AA, but I wanna see how I can handle this AA before I move onto another treatment.
Nope, voluntary. Never got arrested for anything alcohol or drug related, thank god.

>> No.10594317

>commit to only drinking on fridays
>binge drink throughout entire weekend
why am i like this bros

>> No.10594324

what about it creeps you out?

>> No.10594335

since they shut down craigslist casual encounters It's become increasingly difficult to get laid (as if it wasn't already).

I don't have social media and I'm not making a fucking facebook to fuck SJW's on tinder.

God I hate this generation/year.

>> No.10594337

I wouldn't say creeps out. It's more that don't do well in large groups I don't know, and I've never been good about sharing my problems or feelings because it makes me feel like a shitty brat and a bad person. I generally have trouble accepting help for stuff because I believe I don't deserve it, but I gotta beat this thing or I'm gonna die.

>> No.10594346

good on you mate, I only ask because my brother got two duis in a span of 18 months and the second time he went to court the only way he could keep his license and keep out of jail was to agree to a year of AA.

>> No.10594349

pretty much how I've felt about it. still haven't spoken up apart from a couple of really quick awkward attempts because I feel like a fraud, even though I know I'm there with good reason really. still going to keep it up though, it does seem to help a lot of people in the long run

>> No.10594352

I feel you anon, if I have even one beer it turns into X amount of beers in about 1 to 2 hours. X being whatever number of beers is around me at that time. When I start drinking it's almost a can of beer every 5 to 10 minutes. I don't even get to enjoy the steady journey to getting drunk. That is why i'm just going to give the shit up. It's not even fun anymore. Problem is all my friends are responsible drinkers, so by quitting drinking, I am going to lose all my friends (not that I have a ton) If i'm not drunk I hate people and have no interest in socializing.

>> No.10594377

Same here in regards to the friends part. We have a huge drinking culture in my country, and pretty much every get together I do with my friends has drinking involved. And when it comes to drinking it's all or nothing for me. Shit sucks.

>> No.10594379

What do you mean spam? They are there every time? Doesn't that just show how hard they are trying? I've never been because of the Jesus thing I hear they throw down your throat.

>> No.10594393

Yeah, meaning I wouldn't be able to go to an already awkward uncomfortable meeting without added awkwardness. No thanks.

>> No.10594433

Damn, that's rough.
Hopefully it does work, though.

>> No.10594445

i wish i had money for beer.

>> No.10594446

Update: it's uncomfortably sweet after the first sip and it makes me feel bloated

>> No.10594450

maybe greentext worthy
Tell me to fuck off if you don't want yet another pity story
>be me
>possibly the biggest bender of my life
>the guys at my local look at me in fear because my withdrawals are already so bad when then open up.
>every week I try to buy less and go through withdrawals
>start buying from another outlet later in the day so they don't see me again in the morning
>just end up drinking more
>end up having to buy from third shop, more expensive but I'm just too embarrassed to go as often to the other outlets
>have not been even hardly functioning for the past few weeks, just alcohol gets me through the sleepless nights
>considering driving to the ER for help
Has anyone in Australia been to the ER for this?
If yes, did they even let you through the doors? If they did, please tell me they could help you.
I'm just throwing this out there. I'm so fucked up right now. I can't do the withdrawals alone. I can't. The best I've done is maybe 8 hours of pure hell.

>> No.10594456

Not from dingoland but in america if you go to the ER for something substance abuse related, they treat you like dogs, which is why most people don't bother.

>> No.10594465

>tfw quality of sleep is 0 no matter what I do.

I always wake up tired. Then when I quit drinking I get really bad palpitations. Had all kinds of scans, stress tests, echos, ekgs etc and all is well. Blood tests fine. Liver fine.

Feel like I'm falling apart though. Exercise helps a lot. Like a whole lot with energy throughout the day.

Hopefully I can have a restful sleep one night.

>> No.10594469

I guess this is what I was expecting to hear.
I imagine it's the same here.
They get paid either way. I guess people not killing themselves are more important. I kinda get that, truly. I just want help.
I hope that made sense.

>> No.10594482

You will get the help you need if you truly want it. Keep in mind that the american healthcare system is an absolute abomination. It has to be vastly better where you are, we have some of the worst in the world.

>> No.10594486
File: 30 KB, 331x445, 1484074465070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you people sustain your trainwreck of existence? Where is this magical wonderland that provides you with accommodation and means of living in exchange for drinking booze?

And tell me how do I get there

>> No.10594492


>> No.10594514

I'm not totally ignorant of the American healthcare system, but truly how do they all go to work with a conscious? I see there are a million to shows about life in the hospital.
They all seem to be hits in America. I guess they just trick the leftists into thinking your system is actually working? What is that all about?

>> No.10594517

>How the fuck do you people sustain your trainwreck of existence?
We don't, you can't make it 20 years drinking the way most of us do/did. You get sick and die or kill yourself. 20 years was me being real nice about it. I work in finance luckily where every single person is a functioning alcoholic to begin with. A lot of us have decent jobs and would be decent lives if not for this stupid addiction.

>> No.10594524
File: 66 KB, 150x150, 00136328.0002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally, im in the reserves and it pays a lot per day but there's a lot of problems getting steady work. when work is steady, it's a pretty high amount of money for my lifestyle and when you're on a base or ship you have room and board paid so literally your only expense anymore is whatever rent/bills you have back home (assuming you dont put shit in storage and/or sublet) and booze

>considering driving to the ER for help
the ER is not the place for that. seek help if you need it but the ER is for physical injuries first and foremost; there's phone help lines and emotional crisis centres for mental stuff, not to mention just going to AA at a local church or something, or rehab clinics if you need help with the physical symptoms

but the ER is really more for "oh god im vomiting blood right this second and can't walk straight from the shock" not "oh god I've had the shakes for a week but can still move around under my own power"

>> No.10594532

*of course I am talking about all of the top rated TV shows. So many tv shows about saving lives.all the time. It's retarded but so are the people who watch them and actually think that's how life is.

>> No.10594540

The good healthcare workers who are paid well are absolutely overworked so they are dead inside, the shitty healthcare workers are underpaid and don't care if you live or die. Access to truly quality healthcare like the stuff you see on tv is reserved for the wealthy. Even good health insurance in this country will fucking break you financially. Something needs to be done. The affordable healthcare act was a step in the right direction but got butchered before it was even passed into law. I would rather die from the shortcomings of socialized healthcare than never even have a chance at all.

>> No.10594545

About your ER post.
I know America sucks for hospital help, so ignore this dude anon. It's not your fault America bro, it's just all about the money for your government. Be mad there please. You all should be.
I know they help you in Australia. You may have to wait a bit in the waiting room, but truly they are there to help.
Go there sooner rather than later.

>> No.10594585

Coastie here. Where I am is going through a straight substance abuse crisis and the hospitals will help you. My state has mandatory health insurance so they have to back it up. Also the deaths from drugs and alcohol surpass deaths from car wrecks so they take it seriously.

>> No.10594722
File: 9 KB, 225x225, oih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd like to order a pizza please, with ham, mushroom and jallarpeeno.

>> No.10594762

All whiskeys taste like blended violins and anyone who claims they like the taste is memeing, prove me wrong.

>> No.10594774

I like the taste and your opinion means very little to me

>> No.10594782

I haven't had a drink for a few days and I'm going for a jog.
If I survive, which at this point may as well be 50/50, I'm having a drink to reward my good boy behaviour.

>> No.10594789
File: 50 KB, 768x960, 1523108391706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only had 4 pints today, had some 2cb and having a fun time now desu, someone earlier on in the thread saying it was mothers day confused me though, it was in march in the UK.

>> No.10594795

Day 29 sober

Had a year and 3 months before my relapse last April but feeling good

>> No.10594816

Good shit bro. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10594823

how long did the relapse last for and how hard did you go?

>> No.10594868

Just a month

I started fucking up work and drinking vodka handles a week or two after the first after work beer. I had liver failure (full jaundice) and periphal neuropathy already year and a half ago (at age 23) so luckily people like my gf, brother, and old AA friends guided me to get serious about this.

>> No.10594889
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>. I had liver failure (full jaundice) and periphal neuropathy already year and a half ago (at age 23)
>at age 23
Jesus fucking christ anon how much did you drink daily. I honestly don't even know how this is possible at that age.

>> No.10594900

Mom didn't pick up my call and hasn't called back yet. Just return my call so I can fulfill my mother's day duties and get to drinking reeeeeee

>> No.10594914

I'm glad I took care of that stuff today already. I'm in a fucking wretched mood and am not drinking today so it's only going to get worse. I'm on stephen paddock level angry.

>> No.10594954
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Drank hard (handles every 2 days on average), approx 1L of vodka a day. Near the last year was having a hard time stomaching food. Doctors (large hospital) said I was the youngest they ever seen in this shape and I grew up in a high pesticide spray region along with bad genetics and/or an "allergy" to alcohol. I had a billiruben of 12 (<1 Is normal, past 7-8 is lethal. I was in the ICU in an induced coma for 5 days and the levels gradually went down over the following months. If the levels didnt stabilize i would have died and if they stabilized I would have been put on the transplant list. Had to relearn how to walk and was on a walker/cane for the better half of the year.

It's a hell of a disease man.

>> No.10594959
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Forgot to add I didn't start boozin hard until I was 20 in college

>> No.10594961

That's fucking crazy man, i've been at this for the better part of 10 years, not on that level, but bad. I can't imagine almost killing myself from alcohol in 3 years. But like you said, other factors were in play as well.

>> No.10594970
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My genetics are Scottish/Finnish and my whole family drinks hard so it was pretty strange, think the lack of nutrition played a big role

>> No.10594981

>drinking before or after exercise
Dont. That's the most dangerous game.

>> No.10594991

how long after? If I go for a run I can never drink again???

>> No.10594993

>when I quit drinking I get really bad palpitations
Taper over 3 days, then slowly back off on sugar until you're only having less than 30g a day or something. Worked for me.

>> No.10595061

>bird outside chirping doesnt even sing a song
>just chirps two similar notes at a time, stops for 4 seconds, repeats

>> No.10595079

I think 2 or 3 hours after is safe. Basically your pancreas and stuff sucks all the alcohol up as if it's an afterworkout shake, then the rest of your organs including your heart are very unhappy because they just chugged on alcohol when what they really need is complex carbs or protein. You can experience the same thing chugging sugary drinks like soda after exercising. Do it enough and you start to feel pains in your sides, heart pains etc.

>> No.10595098

Wow, I never knew this. My motto has always been that if I want to drink I need to go to the gym first. Have been doing this for about 4 months now. Great now i'm going to die trying to make myself better. Go fucking figure. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.10595158

Maybe you're okay because you're not fat. All I know is I used to drink after lifting and after a week or so of that my body started protesting and threatening to kill me. Probably a lot to do with insulin.

>> No.10595160

Are these your photos, that looks so comfy, good luck staying sober.

>> No.10595165

Well either way, i'm not doing it anymore, thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.10595224

How do you get it up if you are blacked out? To a shemale of all people?

>> No.10595253

Yea, I work in CA ag

Thanks mane

>> No.10595258


It's called shemlackout and it happens when your penis enters a male mouth. I've shemlacked out on 3 non consecutive occasions due to drink and penis sucking.

>> No.10595271

cold turkey? ewwwww

>> No.10595321

Been constipated for a few days now and I just evacuated my bowels finally. It felt fucking amazing, a waterfall of liquid shit streaming out for a solid 30 seconds. Then more squirts lasting not as long.

>> No.10595356

>yea was decent

>> No.10595364

dont give up ever

>> No.10595392
File: 1.03 MB, 2592x1936, spatula5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got in a fight with my mom on mothers day edition.

>> No.10595402

if youre feeling wds then yes

>> No.10595504

hate that.

>> No.10595544

>roommate just has to cook extra spicy onion shit every weekend so pungent it makes your eyes hurt
Fucking fuck. What do I have to do leave the house? God fucking damnit so tired of not having my own place.


>> No.10595554
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Just had a cocktail with rye whiskey and amaro liquor.

>> No.10595616

You’re lucky to have your own room in 2018. Give it 15 years and all the good pavements will be overpriced and it’ll be 10 people per yard of sewer.

>> No.10595643
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently had to move in with my Mom. I need to have both knees replaced and my foot looks like pic related. I'm ready to put a gun in my mouth.

>> No.10595656

It's the straying from traditional ingredients. I look down on malt liquors like I look down on rice lagers too.

>> No.10595662

what the fuck? story?

>> No.10595687

shit man, what happened? :(

>> No.10595697
File: 50 KB, 462x270, 1351902598590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat the shit out of myself and me knees. been on steroids for asthma sinc I was a teenager. beetus.no more toes

>> No.10595704

beery picker as fuck. but, i struggle on fu/ck/ers. with your support

>> No.10595709
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to build shit like this.

>> No.10595717

if you fags are still here.... lets do a shot.

>> No.10595721
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>> No.10595724


>> No.10595737
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now I can hardly walk

>> No.10595747

any yanks like masterchef uk? I love that shit.

>> No.10595748

Have you ever tried to put that in a vagina?

>> No.10595749

im sorry stumpy

>> No.10595757
File: 17 KB, 367x388, 1346183337322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name's 5toe
Uncle 5toe to you

>> No.10595761

masterchef uk is goat. I can't imagine how luke-warm the food is when the judges taste it though.

>> No.10595763

when I get near a vagene I will>>10595749

>> No.10595765

maybe you should stop drinking

>> No.10595769

I know. When you're the 6th dish in line it can't be warm

>> No.10595771


>> No.10595775

Do you stream it over there? I'm from the UK and I've missed the past couple of series cause I'm a lazy ass (no surprise, I'm in this thread)

>> No.10595794

torrent. All the UK cooking shows are far superior to the US counterpart.. I'm in Colorado by the way

>> No.10595802

I don't really watch cooking shows, used to watch kitchen nightmares if you can call that a cooking show. I go to CO 3 times a year to go to the Rockies, I'm thinking of moving there. Where do you live?

>inb4 fuck off we're full

>> No.10595825

fuckoff we're....
I'm in Littleton. Denver metro. problem is, we made Marijuana a legal drug, like alcohol. So, every worthless stoner in the country is moving here. I'd rather have a hard working Englishman than stoner from OKC any time.
We are mostly famous for this. me and my siblings all attended this school

>> No.10595829

where are you in the UK?

>> No.10595840

My gf is from CO so I know all about it. Also, we were in Littleton 4 weeks ago lol, small world. I guess it's the same Littleton...The one with the halloween shop and a thoroughly underwhelming antiques place?

>> No.10595846


>> No.10595851

probably. not sure of the halloween shop. Coalmine and Pierce?

>> No.10595858

nice. I need to visit England.

>> No.10595859

Halloween place is called Reinke Brothers. I believe it was "historic downtown littleton" or something like that

>> No.10595873

You really don't, it fucking sucks

>> No.10595877

Kek I've already seen your foot brah. You seriously post this this often? That's even sadder than the injury.

>> No.10595893

did you fap?

>> No.10595907

The psychosis. It's so bad, in all the years it's never been this bad. My mind is blanking out and I'm actually going insane. And it's been over 3 days and it still hasn't stopped FUCK

>> No.10596035

>sneaking in the booze again

>its gotten to this point

>> No.10596088

I need help. Literally only a week. A WEEK since I got back on the sauce. And now my mental faculties are nothing. I am actually going fucking insane it's like I've been drugged I don't understand

>> No.10596102

I need motivation to move I can't do it

>> No.10596160

dont move then

>> No.10596173

not a fan

>> No.10596196

>I shot myself in the foot
>Oh no my foot doesn't work

>> No.10596211

It's more like I've shot myself in the foot multiple times but this time I can't function. Can't do it nigger I have fucking LoST IT

>> No.10596235

What do you mean?
Be aware, that I am drunk and growing more drunk.

I want to help you, but I can only be passenger on that downward elevator

>> No.10596265

The only psys I've done are mushrooms and it's like being on a bad trip of that. It feels like some inherent mental illness inside of me has finally welled up. I have people trying to help me and that's the worst part. They want to help me and I'm letting them down

>> No.10596281

That can happen. And I'm not saying anything whether it has or has not.

But for me, I spent the last half week totally sober.
And shit was super sharp.
It was amazing.
I could practically see the screws on eyeglasses on the other side of the bus.

I've drank tonight. I'm not free of that particular monkey. Not complelety
But I am aware of how much a few days of sobriety changes your brain.

My original post was saying that you feel stupid because you drank and made yourself stupid.
We shoot ourselves in the brain whenever we drink

>> No.10596312

I think I got heat exhaustion or caught a bug. Tingly, headache, low energy, chills

>> No.10596321

Are you sure that's heat exhaustion or just booze withdrawal?

>> No.10596335







>> No.10597683

this is pretty dark to be honest