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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10577013 No.10577013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/Homeless/ cooking thread. Help me lads.

>> No.10577022

lol what did you do

>> No.10577026
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Let me guess a woman?

>> No.10577031

Just get a house

>> No.10577034

Guaranteed contributes nothing while living with a single parent, while making them clean and cook for him. this is the basement dwelling NEET stereotype we all love so much

>> No.10577039

a little flippant?
go to the food banks and laugh at all the garbage you'll get fo free

>> No.10577058

How about you get a job for once?

>> No.10577065

t. assblasted wagecucks
Enjoy wasting your life making money for other people while you wither away.

>> No.10577067

tell her that you don't think she really works that hard to support the family

>> No.10577068

heh, keep it up faggot and I won't respond to any posts you ever make again

>> No.10577070

Enjoy having parents who hate you and sleeping on the ground

>> No.10577071

>Sell boipucci to hobos for meat/money
>Use meat/money to cook gourmet food from hot plates and cheap thrift store cooking utensils
>Use gourmet food to attract more hobos
>slowly get better and better
>become local legend
>use publicity to sell boipucci to wider, possibly non-hobo audience

>> No.10577074

enjoy living under a bridge lmaoooo

>> No.10577085

Humans are social animals biologically predisposed to enjoying belong to, and participating in society.

Working for a living is part of our social structure, and provides constant fulfillment, much like having a family.

>> No.10577091

This is what liberals actually believe lmfao

>> No.10577101

>Humans are social animals biologically predisposed to enjoying belong to, and participating in society.
10/10, saved this for next time I want to LARP as a normie

>> No.10577115

t. friendless NEETs

>> No.10577121

good goy

>> No.10577126

t. Mindwashed marvelcuck

>> No.10577130

>using memes to insult anonymous strangers on 4chan
>pretends not to be a friendless NEET

>> No.10577131
File: 4 KB, 459x67, salmonella poisoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've forgotten 4chan is a congregation of fucking worthless retards that are going to kill themselves at 30.

>> No.10577136

>living past 30
Literally what's the point?

>> No.10577141
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>> No.10577142

Not any of those people, and also a NEET, but: Nobody is assblasted that you are now homeless.
If anything, your situation validates everything that "wagecucks" believe.

I don't have to work because I have just the right combination of luck and lack thereof, but your situation is a little too serious to be lamely trying to troll.

>> No.10577147
File: 27 KB, 640x791, VJyNNlK_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock wagies

>> No.10577149

This is true.
Even the commies believe this.

>> No.10577150

I'll turn 32 this year.

I'm also probably a little too nice for this website.

>> No.10577151

Try the homeless general on /out/

>> No.10577154

no they dont, commies think no one should have to work and that they should be paid "basic income" to sit around complaining on leftbook

>> No.10577155

>Humans are social animals biologically predisposed to enjoying belong to, and participating in society.
>Working for a living is part of our social structure, and provides constant fulfillment, much like having a family.

>> No.10577162

dont listen to >>10577142 OP, you're trolling us all by being homeless
I'm really ass blasted right now, trying to recuperate. I'm trolled by homelessness. But you know what would really assblast me? if you ate some actual garbage. I couldn't handle that. It would be a great troll

>> No.10577165

NEET here again: Assuming you aren't autistic or a complete shut-in, you probably feel a little moment of awkwardness when people ask you what you do for a living.

That's because the anon you're replying to is correct.

>> No.10577166

You talking about bernie bro socialists.
True commies are about EVERYONE working and contributing to society as a whole.

>> No.10577167

>I've never had a job, but I assume it's far worse than masturbating and being sad while I shitpost all day while simultaneously ensuring that I will never be respected by anyone

>> No.10577170

I don't get why homeless people don't just go out bush and live in the forest or the mountains?
All you need is a good river for water and fishing, plant some crops and forage for berries and other seasonal shit.
Basically just hunting, fishing, farming and doing what ever the fuck you want every day in nature.
I don't get the appeal of walking around with a shopping cart, not washing yourself and eating beans out of a can that took you three days of being to afford.

>> No.10577172

true commies died when the wall fell nigga, and even they couldn't get shit right

>> No.10577180

Not food. Fuck off.

>> No.10577184

most homeless people are insane and are on some kind of benefits, and those who are not chronically homeless tend to bounce back within a year

also homesteading isn't as easy as Harvest Moon and Fallout would have you believe, and requires a lot of start-up capital for equipment and tools.
that nigga has been at it for years and has a house and a job and money to live off of when he's not doing youtube shit. it's unreasonable to expect someone who can't even get a job in normal society to be able to weave their own cordage and instantly raise acres of crops and shit.

>> No.10577191

i would vote in favor of a city initiative to throw all homeless in prison. all they do is piss me off asking for money

>> No.10577192

Just for the laff

>> No.10577193

>injecting "lol" and "ok" into serious conversation to denote disaffected passive-aggressiveness
>no punctuation or capitalization because you fear confidently expressing yourself
You type like a fag and you're probably an insufferable tumblr freak who deserves to get shivved under a bridge.

>> No.10577200

>throw all homeless in prison.
>all they do is piss me off asking for money
So you'd rather just GIVE them your money in an organized fashion by putting them in prison?

>> No.10577203

>as soon as you're 16 you have to move out and your parents won't help you but will also demand you pay them back for rent until you're 30

>> No.10577205

Cooking? You're going to be sucking dick for McDoubles, boy.

>> No.10577227

Because sleeping under a bridge is more comfortable than sleeping under a tree or tarp.
Eating some food someone threw in the trash is easier than foraging and killing it yourself, processing it and cooking it.
Drinking water from a fountain and a shower at a YMCA is probably cleaner than any water you could try to filter yourself from a stream.
Also the fact that most homeless in the city don't know how to live anywhere else and probably have more opportunities in the city, than trepassing and squating on a national park or someone's property.

>> No.10577245

kek reverse image search the OP
he supposedly stole 20 bucks from his dad for Wendy’s

>> No.10577248

>Also the fact that most homeless in the city don't know how to live anywhere else
Reminds me of a line from "The Wire", where some ghetto kid takes a trip to the next town over and marvels at how all the radio stations are different.

>> No.10577252

the people who become homeless are not the type of people who could plant and raise crops
trannies and autists only

>> No.10577263

I know this is probably bait but look up eviction laws for your state
in most cases, your parent (?) will have to write an eviction notice and can’t just say “lol leave”
Sometimes even if you don’t pay rent

>> No.10577268

This has no bearing on the thread dude.

>> No.10577274

this prison doesn't give 3 hots and a cot

>> No.10577288

I didn't mean the particular city they live in, but just city life in general.

>> No.10577292

I'm just thinking aloud, man. The bearing on the thread is city-folk being ill-equipped to handle life without their safety nets, which I think might apply to OP.

>> No.10577297

hmmm the country people who are insane enough to be homeless start to raise flocks out there I'm sure

>> No.10577304

woman identified

>> No.10577313

Yeah, but that's just it. Its like, there's all these steriotypes about rural folks being stupid, and to the extent that that's true, it stems from people who have lived their lives in one place doing one thing.

But it just occurred to me that there's a common thread between those types of people and the equally stupid city folk (simply put, that they're lower class).

Above might clarify the point that you're missing.

To your point tho, I've never heard of the rural homeless.
I tend to think the rural homeless either make their way to a city, or they have a family safety net to keep them housed (like me).

>> No.10577317

anon's point is that they bother him, not the loss of money, so that probably would be acceptable to him, yes

>stole 20 bucks from his dad for Wendy’s
this is peak /ck/

>> No.10577318
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>> No.10577320

>start to raise flocks
where do they get the first chickens you idiot? do you know how hard it is to tame wild fowl?

lmao i fucking love Dees

>> No.10577325

you can buy a dozen eggs for like a dollar you retard

>> No.10577326

>anon's point is that they bother him, not the loss of money
Yeah, point taken.

Still, fuck that.
That just turns prison into a safety net. People would start demanding that prisons become very nice places BECAUSE they contain so many homeless people.

>> No.10577339

>People would start demanding that prisons become very nice places BECAUSE they contain so many homeless people.
american prisons are already gulags that plenty of advocacy groups complain about, and homeless people committing petty crimes to intentionally get arrested just to get a hot meal and some shelter is already common practice. you seem very ignorant of the world around you, my dude

>> No.10577348

>forces you into existence that you never asked for
>demands your undying gratitude
>kicks you out

yay humanity

>> No.10577353

it's not their fault, they were born just like you
free will is a comfortable lie everything is already determined

>> No.10577355

>There are already advocacy groups
>Therefore nothing can change, prison reform can never gain public support, and those advocacy groups will never grow in power

>Homeless people intentionally get arrested
>But they wouldn't suddenly do so more often if prisons were nicer.

On the contrary, I not only know about the world around me, I seem to have a leg up on yourself because I have some understanding about how the moving parts interact.

>> No.10577357

>>Therefore nothing can change,
no one said that

why are americans so OBSESSED with making up strawmen to attack when presented with any information that wasn't just their own statement regurgitated back to them?

>> No.10577360

>no one said that
That was your exactly implication

Why are people from shitty countries so OBSESSED with America?

>> No.10577361

LMAO enjoy being homeless

>> No.10577362

>free will is a *buuuuurp* lie m-morty i just turned myself into a pickle
>wubba lubba dab dab

>> No.10577363

Oh, I see where you're coming from now. I'm sorry for being retarded.

>> No.10577368

cry some more faggit

>> No.10577372

>those """lols"""
Frankly you sound like an absolute shit. You probably deserve a little of life's tough love.

>> No.10577373

How have this many people replied to this? The same image is posted every 6 months and nobody ever recognizes it

>> No.10577375

This. I'm a full-on commie socialist, and even I think this dude is a lazy worthless piece of shit.

>> No.10577379

lol what's wrong

>> No.10577389

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

>> No.10577397

>That was your exactly implication
no it wasn't and you are reading way too deep into things because you are brittle

you said
>People would start demanding that prisons become very nice places
all I said in response is that this process has already started, and that you are unworldly to have not seen so

trigger yourself a little more yanqui fuck

>> No.10577405

because its funny to throw a tantrum? first time on 4chan for you I see.

>> No.10577424

the fuck are you on about?

i was pointing out that op's mom forced him into life. it's a fact. and from the text, it's apparent she is raging that he doesnt thank her enough to her liking for something he never asked for. and for that, she is kicking him out

where did you pull free will from? im a determinist anyway you retard

>> No.10577429

too bad your mom was determined to drink throughout her pregnancy, huh champ?

>> No.10577444

>i was pointing out that op's mom forced him into life.
are you one of those /r9k/ anti-natalist retards?

>> No.10577447

because there are no drugs in nature, anon

>> No.10577457

>y dun homeless juss liv off le land??
even abbos congregate in cities to be homeless

that said though i wonder why they don't capture squirrels and pigeons to eat but if i dont know how to properly butcher those things i doubt a homeless dude would either

>> No.10577458

ive doe both of these things. theyre not that bad

>> No.10577461

I was paying 950 a month when I was thrown out. Such is life in the california.

>> No.10577466


>> No.10577480

Illegal eviction. You are entitled to 30 day notice, even if you don’t pay rent.

>> No.10577481

>all I said in response is that this process has already started
And you are now admitting that you are too stupid to realize the implication of this statement in context.
That being: That "because X is happening, even more X cannot happen"

inb4 your were only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.10577482

>"because X is happening, even more X cannot happen"
no one said that

you clearly arent trolling, you have triggered your own damn self. you are OBSESSED and it is eating you up inside

>> No.10577491

And now we get into the projection.
>eurofaggot gets called out/btfo for his bullshit, as usual
>starts ranting about Americans because his obsession compels him to
I can only assume that this is to fool yourself, cuz you CAN'T believe that you're fooling me.

>> No.10577625

Real talk.

>> No.10578144

Dumpster dive.

You're welcome.