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10527204 No.10527204 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Easter chocolate taste so disgusting compared to regular chocolate?

>> No.10527215

easter chocolate tastes better
stop buying cheap easter chocolate

>> No.10527224
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This isn't a question of cheap chocolate vs regular chocolate. Easter and other "holiday" chocolate is significantly altered.

It's always a overly-light brown with barely any cocoa concentration, it always has a disgusting milky taste, and it's always half-melted and sticky.

>> No.10527232
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>stop buying cheap easter chocolate

>> No.10527235
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>Not exclusively eating Lindt chocolates for easter
There's your problem

>> No.10527240

Sees is good too

>> No.10527248

>less cocoa
You know, that really is what makes cheap chocolate cheap. They'll also substitute the cocoa butter with other vegetable fats, which in the US is not even legal to be labeled as chocolate. I suspect some of it even uses food-grade wax. Seriously, check the packaging. I bet most of the crappy stuff you're bitching about isn't chocolate, but chocolate-flavored candy. Nobody really cares about this because it's mostly going to 5 year olds.

There are some good Easter chocolates. Like those Lindt bunnies are decent chocolate.

>> No.10528249

It prolly costs more to make easter chocolate because its seasonal. So they try to make up for the price buy going jew on the ingredients.

>> No.10528420
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>eating anything but dark chocolate

>> No.10528426

In a functioning market, people who only buy chocolate for special occasions will be less motivated by (or even aware of) quality than people who buy chocolate regularly, and so chocolate for regular chocolate buyers will be of higher quality.

>> No.10528755

You're buying Palmer brand easter chocolate
buy rustle stover or dove
Or don't get any of it because it's all useless

>> No.10528770

could be because it's non-melting pseudo chocolate or just really cheap and shitty because most kids won't tell teh difference anyway as long as it's sweet

>> No.10528823

The puff of chocolate air inside hollow easter eggs improves the flavor significantly

>> No.10528853

Likely made by Palmer's

>> No.10528863

This though. It extends far beyond just chocolate. Nearly all holiday collections of things are lower quality because they aren't being marketed towards the people who usually buy it. This even occurs with "holiday collection" clothing and cosmetics.

>> No.10529401

holiday collection = shit

>> No.10529414
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>eating anything but white chocolate

>> No.10529440

It's usually cheaper. There's this disgusting chalky taste and texture that the cheaper ones have, which I assume is either a stablizing agent, or literal chalk.

>> No.10529442

Wow racist

>> No.10529448

I'm sorry that i don't buy into your jewish cuck chocolate keep sipping your plastic water bottles goyim.

>> No.10529462

Wow antisemitic

>> No.10529478
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