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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 450x300, Well-Done-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10521862 No.10521862 [Reply] [Original]

The best steak is when it is cooked well done.

Change my mind.

>> No.10521867

if it tastes good to you matey go for it.

>> No.10521869


>> No.10521871


>> No.10521875

not gonna bother to change your mind, but you're still wrong

>> No.10521895

arguing with stubborn idiots is a fruitless endeavor. you wouldn't change your mind under pressure of torture

>> No.10522000

only a med rare fag would argue this

>> No.10522741

it's if you like lean meat, but why would you like lean meat

>> No.10522889

Wasted trips
Because I'm not a fat guzzler

>> No.10522918

Have you had a dry aged steak?

>> No.10522923

Steak is the reddit of meat.

>> No.10522947

Change your own mind, if you are like me and growing up everyone around you cooked their steak well done, you will have your mind blown trying rare/medium rare for the first time. When camping with people and I'm cooking I always serve chops up medium rare and it's pretty universally liked by former heathens like myself. Big trick is to serve it in the dark so people don't get freaked out by all the blood before tasting.

>> No.10522966

Contrarians, contrarian fags everywhere...

>> No.10522970

Even if he did, he wouldnt notice since he's getting it well done.

Dry aged steak enhances flavor and tenderness, both of which get fucked when you go past medium.

It'll probably still be better than a non-dry aged welldone steak. But nowhere near what the meat is actually capable of.

>> No.10522987

yeah pretty much nowadays, but only because a longer cooking of the exterior gives such a nice flavour. Because billionaires are cucking everyone nowadays we can only afford thins steaks, which by the time they're sufficiently cooked externally they're well done right to the centre too.

>> No.10522992

no. that would be bacon.

>> No.10522996
File: 27 KB, 418x328, kokkari_grilled_lamb_chopscropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamb chops are best well done.

>> No.10522998


A proper steakhouse will have a decent infrared broiler or similar very high heat cooking method, which you wont have access to at home.

A steakhouse should have no issue properly cooking thin or thick steaks to their proper doneness AND have a decent sear.

>> No.10524184

Why? You are right.

>> No.10524199

You're wrong but if that's how you feel then OK.

>> No.10524205

Nobody gives a shit how you like your steak. We only care how we like our own. If you want to over cook your steak, go right ahead, just don’t fucking try to tell me I have to eat my steak that way.

>> No.10524246

Stek is overrated. I'd rather have a stuffed pork chop

>> No.10524377

I thought so until i tried medium well. Its literally all of the good things that well done offers but juicier and more flavorful.

>> No.10524401

my BF is like you. He has such shit taste but I realize its not only a fruitless endeavor to try to improve other people when they're unwilling but its also not my fucking job.

so go ahead, enjoy your boot steak. after all, if you like it, who am I to stop you from stuffing yourself with shit

>> No.10524474

Well of course, you wouldn’t want a poorly done steak.

>> No.10525240

Fuck you

>> No.10525354

it makes it dry

>> No.10525438

LOL what a faggot

>> No.10525456

I agree. Medium rare is a meme.

>> No.10525685

>when your bait is so subtle, no one takes it

>> No.10525688

Literally streaky bacon.

>> No.10525726

There is no changing someone's mind when they're autistic.

>> No.10525746

i agree.
finally, someone who says this.
most people are conformists, so they buy into the "best way to eat steak is rare or medium rare" view that is consistently pushed by celeb chefs like anthony bourdain, etc. what you have to realize is that normies are absolutely mindless zombies.

>> No.10525765

If that picture is what you call well done then yeah I'd agree. Maybe medium-well is better but I'd be happy with either.

>> No.10525891

You should eat your steak that way, because it is better. You're not allowed in my restaraunt.

>> No.10526243

I don’t order steak in restaurants. Any restaurant with steak worth eating will overcharge, and I don’t want or need someone else to cook my steak for me. Also, why the fuck do I care if I’m not allowed to eat at your non existent restaurant?

>> No.10526668
File: 108 KB, 571x675, steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfectly logical.

>> No.10526687
File: 1.10 MB, 245x245, 1512696452685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10526721
File: 47 KB, 575x630, 1523286273566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10527146

It's now "well done good job"
But "well shit's done you've ruined it you moron"

>> No.10527156 [DELETED] 

>completely denaturing all the protein
>rendering out all the fat
>evaporating away all the moisture
It's almost as if you dislike nutrition

>> No.10527389

>Change my mind.
fuck you.
dont be so fucking lazy
post an actual argument for your position in the op and then defend it.

>> No.10527409

If you eat raw shit your just dumb

>> No.10527417


>> No.10527419

Why because you said so?

You're literally a speck of nothingness in the universe. What you think and care about means nothing.

>> No.10527421


"Well done" steak or "bin steak"

>> No.10527431

>If you eat raw shit your just dumb

What did he mean by this? Perhaps;
If you consume uncooked feces, the just you have is unable to speak.

But what is the "just" that I have?

>> No.10527651

>responding to a bait
>advising OP
Oh sweet summer child

>> No.10527671

Glad I saved this.

>Because it's the waste of a high quality (expensive) raw material. The whole point of a filet--the reason why it is costly--is because it is delicious without requiring a long cooking time. If you want a piece of meat cooked through all the way (and there's nothing wrong with that) it would be silly to use an expensive filet when a cheaper cut would be indistinguishable.

>To use another example, consider wood. For many applications of wood the quality doesn't matter--match sticks, sign posts, etc. For other applications the quality matters a lot: musical instruments, fine furniture, gun stocks, art carving. You select the wood based on what you're using it for. If you had a piece of expensive figured walnut it would be silly to use it to make matches. Same principle with taking a steak and having it cooked well done.

>> No.10527677

Fact of the matter is, if it's a cheap steak who cares, but if it's an actual good piece of meat, you're literally just wasting money getting it done well done

>> No.10527686

Why would you bother with a cheap steak at all?
I'd rather get some stew meat if I could not afford a decent one.

>> No.10527692

I love some chicken fried lamb chops

>> No.10529393

if you like the taste of charcoal, more power to ya m8

>> No.10529457

>it would be silly to use an expensive filet when a cheaper cut would be indistinguishable.
What retard buys expensive steak over a cheap cut? There's no fucking difference.

>> No.10529518

Because wtf does Anthony Bourdaine or Gordon Ramsay or any of those guys know about the best way to cook a steak, amirite?

>> No.10529525

>There's no fucking difference

>> No.10529528

Expensive steak tastes better, and it's not chewy as fuck either.