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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10472836 No.10472836 [Reply] [Original]

Why does New York have the best food?

>> No.10472838

because it’s a Tier 1 city of the Western Hemisphere

>> No.10472842 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to the oven kike.


>> No.10472847

Big people = big food

>> No.10472862
File: 241 KB, 682x1024, New York.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. It has terrible pizza, chinese take-out, and apparently inferior deli sandwiches you think are "best" because they piled it really tall.

>> No.10472870

truly hilarious.

>> No.10472910

That's a pretty funny joke, OP.

>> No.10472932

rat shit goes into every ingredient

>> No.10473165

Fuck that set my tummy rumbling and I can't stop it because Ilive in BFE, am out of homemade corned beef or pastrami, no delis that can even approximate it within 50 miles and no store other than walmart closer than 30 miles to buy even the shitass crap to make my own with. Guess I have a new curing project to start up soon, thanks OP!

>> No.10473293

fucking kek, please tell us, good anon, what city has the superior versions of the items you mentioned?

>> No.10473294

That pizza looks good

>> No.10473340

It doesn't.

>> No.10473477

Fuck pastrami it just taste like thinly sliced hot dogs anyone who likes it is a dipshit.

>> No.10473875 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10473888

Bin New York, come to Boro n get a parmo down ya

>> No.10473889

>more complex flavor profile
>more surface area coverage
>placed onto a roll with ample amounts of peppers, onions, cheese, and mustard makes for a far more satisfying meal
>slightly higher quality meat
>you don't look like a manchild when you eat it like you do hot dogs
A dipshit is you

>> No.10473941


>> No.10473955
File: 256 KB, 773x836, jew-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews. Lots of fucking jews live in New York, and believe it or not they know food. Jewish sandwiches and soups are literally the best. Israel truly is our greatest ally.

And uh I suppose the Italians make some pretty good food in NY as well

>> No.10474003

>chinese food
>deli sandwiches
make them yourself

>> No.10474049


Britfag just come back from a week there. The pizza was great but end of the day it's only pizza and there's only so good it can be.

I'll give you the deli meats. Had pastrami and kielbasa in Katz's (awesome) corned beef in the Dead Rabbit (incredible) and a Reuben in Eisenberg's (delicious but kinda tough and fatty).

Cheesecake from Martha's was fine but too much filling and not enough base.

Bagels and lox were the fucking tits.

>> No.10474051

The real answer is that it historically has more ethnic variety and cultural influence from a large variety of a sources (it was the immigration nexus for over a century), leading to a wide variety of cuisine becoming available and improved upon. New York used to embody America's "melting pot" ideology better than anywhere else in the states.
The high population, major tourism and economic wealth didn't hurt either.

>> No.10474059

new york pizza sucks, it's the plainest least filling garbage food

>> No.10474080
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Indianapolis does deli sandwiches better.

>> No.10474091
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>> No.10474128

>Cheesecake from Martha's was fine but too much filling and not enough base.

next time go to juniors in brooklyn
Thats where the worlds best cheesecake is

>> No.10474135

ITT: Jealous flyovers

>> No.10474136
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>> No.10474143

>Not Eileen's
get out of my city.

>> No.10474150

>it's the NY water!!!

>> No.10474157

Could it have to do with a lot of different kinds of restaurants being open in a relatively small area making the competition more cut throat as other options are immediately available? I'm guessing that in more sparsely populated areas a good location alone can guarantee you business. No doubt that the cost to just be open in NYC makes it so you have to fill those seats or die quickly.

>> No.10474524
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>> No.10474535

Because while diversity is cancer in 99% of aspects, it is actually beneficial for food options.

>> No.10474555

Italians and Jews

>> No.10474558

It doesn't, but a certain ethnicity in New York is very effective at propaganda.

>> No.10474576

>it is actually beneficial for food options.
No, we need to back when we would laugh a chef out of his funny hat if he tried to add tobasco sauce to an Escoffier dish.

>> No.10474599
File: 438 KB, 557x366, blair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bagels are good because of the water! haha the water definitely isnt full of lead, flouride, chlorine and listeria hahaha. Just good old flavor and no toxins and poisonous metals. I promise the water treatment plants work great! definitely no xenoestrogens.

This post has been sponsored by the City of New York and the Governor's Office.

>> No.10474610

there's shitty pizza, yeah, but the good stuff is prettt damn good for a simple bite.

>> No.10474623

Why would one distribute the meat like that?

>> No.10474681

It's not the best city in the world as far as food goes, but it's one of the best in the US for a few reasons:

- Immigrant history still ongoing, so foods from all over the world
- Concentrated wealth, so standards on the high end are high
- Lots of competition, so those who coast go under (except at tourist traps)
- Going out to eat as entertainment. A generation or two ago people went out drinking, or to venues to see comedy or live music. Today going out to eat is entertainment, and restaurants have upped their games to accommodate that
- Variety. The city is so big and home to so many different people that you can find pretty much whatever you're into if you know where to go
- Coastal. Good seafood locally, and imports not crazy expensive because they can be brought here relatively cheaply by ship
- Decent agriculture within 100-200 miles of the city assures good meat, dairy and in-season produce.

>> No.10475946

Whats up with the pickled jalapeno

>> No.10475979

Might as well put a sphere of meat instead of slicing it.

>> No.10476396
File: 78 KB, 780x585, 1519237257221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any hippo that speak engrish making any kind of food good

>> No.10476402

Picture unrelated?

>> No.10476465

t. Never been outside the US

seriously, are americans just narcissistic or actually have no clue that every other country has superior versions of their foods? Granted, NY does have a huge variety in foods but the overall quality is pretty bad if you have visited other countries
If you ever ate a proper authentic italian pizza, you wouldn't even feel the need to argue that NY pizza is anything else but bad and poorly made. Don't even get me started on stuff like Chinese food which is 100% different from what actual Chinese food looks like (not only in the US in this case)

>> No.10476477
File: 208 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_11987_the_top_countries_for_michelin_3_star_restaurants_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you american?

>> No.10476481

>porn actress remains' sandwich
>best food
American delusion.

>> No.10476499

Is that Shapiro’s?

>> No.10476505

>Anglo praising anglo food

>> No.10476559

I will drive their salami across the fucking country I love that shit so much

>> No.10476565

That (((crap))) isn't anglo

>> No.10476576

Not fooling anyone there Moshe

>> No.10476581

>new york
>anglo food

astounding levels of ignorance

>> No.10476590

Actual Chinese food is fucking disgusting, you're a pretentious idiot

>> No.10476599
File: 66 KB, 800x800, amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 56% mutt retard

>> No.10476847

The best thing about New York is the waynfood trends come and go, and New York is constantly ahead of the game, there are restaurants constantly opening and closing so the cuisine is always changing, I like it

>> No.10476861

>terrible pizza
it's fine if you don't like the general dollar slice places, and it's also fine if you don't like the nyc style of pizza, but it's not terrible. it's good, there is lots of good pizza out there. I'm glad people are no longer saying it's the best, cuz nyc sat on its laurels for too long and a lot of classic places (lombardis) are total garbage.

>chinese take-out
who cares how good chinese take out is? is that actually a real consideration? "omg, this spot has the best corn syrup + cornstarch deep fried nuggies oWo"

nyc does have the best chinese food in north america apart from LA, vancouver. you are talking out your ass.

>inferior deli sandwiches
I don't like the 25$ katz sandwiches either, mostly cause they are too unwieldy, but nyc and montreal are the definable kings of the genre. what is better? tell me a better location for it.

>> No.10477075

T. Diet is 56% cabbage

>> No.10477095

it's the water.

>> No.10477098

This might be the only sane post I've ever seen in these types of threads.

>> No.10477671

Do americans really eat this slop?
It looks disgusting

>> No.10477984

>Why does New York have the best food?
Because it's The Greatest City In The World.

>> No.10478885

NY is a shithole m8

>> No.10478894
File: 83 KB, 728x921, tomato-soup-in-grilled-cheese-bowls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a close look, 'stal fags, now THIS is a 'za!

>> No.10479148
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It doesn't.


>> No.10479282

unironically because of multiculturalism

>> No.10479347

That's hyperbole, but it's certainly the most diverse foodwise in the US. Historically only Boston compares and Boston is like the pretentious suburban mom who acts smug while having a corncob stuck up her ass.

>> No.10479355

multiculturalism success story

>> No.10479504


>> No.10479999

Look their foods alright but I have to drive an hour for it and my girlfrend doesn’t get the whole cafeteria thing and anytime we go there or MCL i’m out like 50 dollars.

>> No.10480860

Because you're a coastie faggot who has never left the city he was born in and never will.

>> No.10481649

>Italian pizza
That's a flatbread with tomatoes on it not pizza you fucking idiot

>> No.10481669
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>> No.10482142

So many dumb flyovers in this thread lmao

No your deli down the street in Small Town Iowa is not as good as Katz

>> No.10482147
File: 137 KB, 800x867, 1517688761180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot