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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1046x529, 20180415_145417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10454359 No.10454359 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite water ? I love Contrex

>> No.10454369


>> No.10454370

It's this meant to be a meme? Because all water doesn't taste the same, whatever impurities there are will change the flavor pretty significantly and almost every beans if bottled water will add minerals/electrolytes both for flavor and to advertise how healthy they are.

Personally if I'm going to buy water rather than drinking filtered at home I like Dasani.

>> No.10454377

dude. give her a break. she is probably the first nigger to drink non koolaid water.

>> No.10454379

I used to think all water taste the same since we always had it ice cold. But once I started to drink them in room temp. I noticed they all taste differently

>> No.10454381

But I was agreeing with the nigress...

>> No.10454784

dasani is some of the shittiest water money can buy, holy shit its like sucking on a piece of metal

>> No.10455311

Yeah it’s worse than tap imo.

As much of a meme it is, I think Fiji is unironically the best bottled water. It’s also the official water of the commander in chief. Evian is good too. Acqua panna is great but I generally avoid nestle products.

>> No.10455325

The stuff that comes out of my faucet. It's always there, it comes in hot and cold and it's dirt cheap. What's not to like?

>> No.10455342
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>> No.10455362
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If you drink any other water you're probably a pleb.

Post waters and I will r8

>> No.10455420


>> No.10455498
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>posting generic fake bubble water

You'll learn to walk son

>> No.10455505

I like Zephyrhills

>> No.10455524

Why Volvic of course.

>> No.10455607

boiled and lukewarm

>> No.10455804

arrowhead tastes like dirt. Fiji is amazing but I can't afford that shit.

>> No.10455814

LMAO it says bad right on it.

>> No.10455829


>> No.10455838

>buying anything connected to Nestle

neck yourself

>> No.10455866

Nestlé is the most vile company on the planet.

>> No.10455900

All me

>> No.10456408

Costco water is pretty decent. Why is Arrowhead so chemical tasting and shitty though?

>> No.10456456

I have a zerowater filter. I drink and cook with it.

>> No.10456491

>yung ting
Why do niggers call themselves such retarded names

>> No.10456694

I feel bad for the people who suffer hard water.

I live in a small country and none of our water is hard, it comes from nearby reservoirs and isn't over-chlorinated. Drinking water elsewhere pales in comparison.

>> No.10456706

mm delicious mildy-chlorinated water
you sure live the life my friend

>> No.10456717

himalayan water from the kalash valley

>> No.10456724

Get the fuck out

>> No.10456734


>> No.10456735


Ha, I mean I think nearly all drinking water is chlorinated during treatment but I can't taste it.

I visited somewhere once and the water tasted like a swimming pool. Ours isn't even artificially fluoridated, which should keep he conspiracy theorists happy!

>> No.10456763


>> No.10456837
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>paying anyone for water
>not having a well in your backyard

outside of replacing the pump occasionally it's bretty gud.

>> No.10457044

>paying for water
Here in Ireland running water is free. They tried introducing charges a few years back but everyone told the government to fuck off.
I do know some people with wells but it seems a bit of a hassle

>> No.10457125

Why do you drink barely filtered atlanta tap water?

>> No.10457148

Cause Iteland is an uncivilized waste land. The Irish are the naggers of East Europe.

>> No.10457154

Pure, distilled H2O. The fact that the water can taste of anything at all is yucky.

>> No.10457159

>Having a well
>Not catching pure rainwater
Fucking Seppos

>> No.10457168

For me, it's Volvic.

>> No.10457179

Living in a developed country has a lot benefits, one of the most basic ones is access to clean tap water. I can't imagine what shithole you must live in.

>> No.10457712

>tfw dasani is my fave
>Love metallic water
Am I gonna die?

>> No.10457746
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Do other brands have as impressive bottles, it's tap water in a liquor bottle.

>> No.10457763

>people actually buy water in bottles instead of mixing hydrogen and oxygen at home

Lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.10457783

well it was, but they changed the cute art sticker, now it's lame. now i refill my gallons at walmart for 27 cents. my tap water tastes sulfur-y

>> No.10457790


It's filtered via reverse osmosis. Literally as pure and as clean as water can be. I also like the taste myself.

>> No.10457795

>as pure as pure can be
>run it through decades old water lines

>> No.10457804

>drinking water that's been on the planet for a gorillion years

>> No.10458018

Normie tier
>Cold water
Retard tier
>Hot water
Patrician tier
>Room temperature water

>> No.10458240

has that sketch been taken off youtube?

>> No.10458291


>> No.10458305

I use to drink evian till i realised its naive spelt backwards, its probably recycled waste water. Fiji or bust

>> No.10458373
File: 157 KB, 900x1061, ro450h-sink-reverse-osmosis-filter-under-system-ro-water-filters-canada-usi-1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you need for the best water.

>> No.10458424

t. guy who cant spell and has never been to ireland

>> No.10458489
File: 3.30 MB, 4160x3120, 20180415_211836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink water professionally im wrt certified and can say offically that arrow head is the most worst water ever taste like dirt amd not the good kind

>> No.10460232


>> No.10460235

This. Why people keep paying for bottled water over and over again boggles the mind. I refer to it as the "water idiot tax".

>> No.10460504

Surprising lack of Poland spring

>> No.10460540

The sparkling water you get in 1,5L Sixpacks at the discounter.

>> No.10460555
File: 28 KB, 400x320, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starbucks water. It's free, and just something about it tastes better than any bottled or tap water I've tasted.

>> No.10460557

Only if you have a bubbler.
Non-sparkling water is utterly disgusting.

>> No.10460560

melbourne tap water

>> No.10460897

Evian is tap water in the city too

>> No.10460929

t. child

>> No.10460938

I conquer.

>> No.10461222

Evian, Eska

>> No.10461230

Colorado's tap water. It's straight from the mountains (mostly)

>> No.10461232

Maybe Topo Chico if I'm abroad.

>> No.10461252

Welsh water represent. When your own tap water tastes better than premium products. Almost as pure as the Welshs' hatred for england

>> No.10462252


Is that you, reviewbrah?

>> No.10463599

What is the reddit of water brands

>> No.10464167

What's the best and worst public water you've ever had, /ck/? I don't know about the best, but Michigan State's drinking fountains are easily the worst, it tastes like you're sucking on rusty wiring.

>> No.10464180

This picture made me realize what a weird looking word water is. w-a-t-e-r. It looks like it should be said "waiter." Even the way it's really said, wadder, sounds like childish babble. It almost looks like it could be some Middle Eastern word, you could imagine a terrorist group called "Al-Water."

>> No.10464192


My elementary school had the most refreshing water I've ever tasted in the water fountains. Never tasted anything like it again.

>> No.10464346

I have yet to converge on a favorite, but I do know the dasani tastes like fucking poison. Fuck, I have no idea how people drink that shit. Even tasting that shit as a little kid made me fucking spit that shit out thinking "this is fucking foul."

>> No.10464355
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>real water drinkers
A-as opposed to what?
I thought everybody drank water.
I thought everybody HAD to drink water, you'd die otherwise.
What the fuck?

>> No.10464441

I'm a WATER man myself

>> No.10464545
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>> No.10464671

>nestle above aquafina
Nestle water tastes really fugging weird though, aquafina at least tastes like nothing.

>> No.10464683

What's wrong with them?

>> No.10464688

I don't have a kitchen sink so I have to buy bottled water. Usually whatever is on sale.

>> No.10464723


>> No.10464734


>somebody actually spent the time making this entirely nonsensical chart

>> No.10464750

I legitimately fill bottles from the bathroom sink.

>> No.10464751

>arrowhead in trash tier


>> No.10464959

>Not catching pure rainwater
This is super illegal in most states.

>> No.10464964
File: 2.97 MB, 3402x5102, 0.5_GL_Borjomi_Glass_Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way waterlets.

>> No.10465036


I found Fiji water salty.

>> No.10465045


>> No.10465048

>god tier
Dasani tastes like water puddle down the asphalt tier

>> No.10465054

I live in melbourne and I disagree, shit's nasty.
Cold tap water from streets is OK tier if cold as last resort but that's how far it should go. No more.

>> No.10465059

I'd give you a credit for putting some photoshop and so far as tasting homeless semen to make the chart
That being said I don't take opinions from faggots, so no.

>> No.10465213


>> No.10465260
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, mvsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surprising how few people know about pic related. It was officially declared the best water on earth twice at the world's largest international water tasting awards. When you drink it you'll understand why. It's also cheaper than any other brand. There's a lot of shit-talking going on here, but the fact is that you truly are a pleb if you don't drink this stuff. Like, seriously.

>> No.10465816

Not even from Florida, but this shit's good

>> No.10465822
File: 75 KB, 900x952, Water+filter+merchant_258094_6159906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink water thats been through a filter bought form infowarsstore.com

>> No.10465828

fiji desu

>> No.10465829

>daisani in the god tier
>ice mountain in the semen tier

Kill yourself. Seriously, do it.

>> No.10465833


pellegrino is radioactive

>> No.10465837

Alex Jones is a humble water filter salesman

>> No.10466385

I would but that just sounds gross to be honest.

>> No.10466422

Filtered. Clean taste with a "bite" Bottled water has a bitter taste and a chlorinated texture

>> No.10467968

My top three favorite bottled water brands are Fiji, Crystal Geyser and Smart Water.

>> No.10468223

Crystal Geyser tastes like radioactive slime passed through a Brita filter. The nearby creek water has a similar taste and texture. Don't even get me started on Smart Water.

>> No.10468935

I only drink reagent-grade distilled water.

>> No.10469099
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>not drinking heavy water

>> No.10469143


>> No.10469177

I'm poor so my water of choice is usually Arrowhead. :/
My mother likes shitty generic kroger "purified drinking water"
>tastes like poison imo
Although recently she's been into Signature Select's Refreshe... Definitely an improvement, but still shit.

I can drink most water if it's could enough though.

>> No.10469189
File: 19 KB, 205x206, Registered Sex Offender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sending your heavy water overseas

>> No.10469217

Real water drinker over here

>> No.10469289
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>> No.10469298

>plastic bottle
Um sweetie

>> No.10469589


>> No.10469607

When I was a kid I used to hate waudder. Now I realize the fucking mistake I made.

>> No.10469624

Distilled with lime or cranberry juice.

My well water has too much iron and sulfur for any filter to be effective, and softeners make it taste salty.

>> No.10469634

I live in Georgia and it's shite here, tastes like chlorine and if you pour hot water it comes out cloudy and fizzy for several seconds.

>> No.10469647

I collect rainwater and then I use electrolytic reverse osmosis and then I carbonate it with champagne yeast.

>> No.10469648

Who the fuck pronounces water "wadder"?!

>> No.10469657

That is actually pretty good. You win.

>> No.10469882

NYC tap is legendary.

>> No.10469912

Some people had gross disgusting well water, my father did growing up and it was so gross it literally made me vomit. Now city water is my favorite thing, sure it has mind control agents in it but how divine is the thought that you are primarily composed of water and you can become more of yourself simply by consuming something pleasurable.

>> No.10470414
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>> No.10470768
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>Questions OP's intent in making a distinction between amatuer water drinkers and the truly obsessed.
>Observed by another Anon that remark is not very well thought-out
>Says he is in 100% agreeance with OP.

>> No.10470775

great value purified drinking water from walmart. Literally the most neutral refreshing water out there AND it's cheap af for a 36 pack.

>> No.10470777
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1514898125003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>films in alphabetical order


>> No.10470779

Because it doesn't work. I live on a farm and filters just do not filter the iron and odor of cow shit(if you've tasted rural water, you know what I'm talking bout). This is why I resort to buying water from walmart. Saves me from washing cups also I guess.

>> No.10470795

Everyone knows best tasting water is filtered tap water that's ice cold.

>> No.10471267

Left is tap water, right is sparkling water. Huge difference. Only real water drinkers would know.

>> No.10471370


Clearly the one on the right is superior.

>> No.10471381

Is that only a four stage? Step it up to five.

>> No.10471412

The tap water from this house in Wales I was in for a week. No other water can satisfy me anymore.

>> No.10471476
File: 10 KB, 400x600, ci-perrier-sparkling-water-fdeeb9570c0872c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Perrier Sparkling Water.
>San Pellegrinofags will deny it

>> No.10471570

audible kek
t. mulatto

>> No.10471575

underrated post

>> No.10471586

you accidentally tapped into the ancient welsh mana reserves. you're fucked expect a visit from the ministry of doom soon.

>> No.10471588
File: 842 KB, 200x200, OYm6X8L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot water

>> No.10471764

In bong land, it's more like "wor-ter," or "wor-a" if you're uncivilised.

>> No.10472206
File: 260 KB, 285x604, Website Assets 2017 (Poland Spring, Website, Greatness Springs From Here, Homepage Hero Bottle, 2017).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local spring water

>> No.10472244

Nigger be drinking water from puddles in africa they have no taste.

>> No.10472316
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>> No.10472395

hello there reddit

>> No.10472406

Holy shit, I thought the water filter thing was a meme.

>> No.10472501

Lmao burger geography skills

>> No.10472550

wait, you think the op and the pic in the op are the same? lol

>> No.10474302

because hoodrats have low IQ.