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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10412131 No.10412131 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do Americans put corn in literally everything they eat? For fuck’s sake, they even feed the shit to their livestock and poultry. Fucking appalling.

>> No.10412140


>> No.10412153

We put it in our gas tanks too.
Do you know what a gas tank is?

>> No.10412164

Summer doesn't start until the corn is Knee High.
At least before GMO's now it's shoulder high.

>> No.10412194

Where did you experience this? The only time I eat corn is maybe once a month when I buy a few cobs.

>> No.10412228

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.10412232

I thought they put soy in everything.

>> No.10412242


>> No.10412251


That's not in everything, only hyper processed foods that Americans increasingly avoid.

>> No.10412257

Cuckservative farm states demand their corporate welfare gib me dats. That's why.

>> No.10412259

Oh I get it. Yeah I eat mostly from scratch. It's nasty how much HFCS is in everything.

>> No.10412279

>For fuck’s sake, they even feed the shit to their livestock and poultry
Americans are basically livestock.

>> No.10412295

Back in the early 70s, food prices started to sky rocket. With watergate going on, the last thing Nixon wanted was angry people going hungry. So he turned to an economist who had the perfect idea.

Subsidize corn. Use taxpayer dollars to pay farmers to grow nothing but corn, and they did. That made the price of corn plummet, and just about everything else fall too. You can use corn to feed cows, pigs and chicken, which made the prices of milk, eggs, and meat plummet. And of course you can turn corn into sugar, rather than shipping in sugarcane from the tropics, so you can save vast amounts of money on everything that sugar goes into, which is all kinds of packaged foods. So families saved money on their groceries, but even more so businesses that involve purchasing food became far more successful- fast food places, junk food places, etc.

So now, some fifty years later, poor people are grossly obese, rich people spend hand over fist to be made thin, small time farmers are replaced by greedy giant farming corporations who use immigrants to do all the labor, And they line the pocketbooks of the politicians even more than the NRA.

>> No.10412334

Yea ive heard that farmers cant save seeds cuz of patents.

>> No.10412343

This is a beautiful explanation.

>> No.10412372

i can not even remember the last time i had corn

>> No.10412394

What the fuck is wrong with corn? it's my favorite vegetable besides onions.

>> No.10412416

>Americans increasingly avoid
Lol, wat? You have to source that far fetched assertion idiot.

>> No.10412435

corn is more of a grain, like potatoes, than a "real" vegetable.

>> No.10412450

>potatoes are a grain
I'd heard they were starches, and thus pseudo-vegetables, but this is a new one.

>> No.10412462

Probably the last time you ate/drank anything you didn't make yourself.

>> No.10412474
File: 25 KB, 695x695, Sweet-Corn-SOda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a refreshing cold bottle of my favorite soda.

>> No.10412535


>> No.10412634

i made pinto beans with dried beef and garlic last night

>> No.10412647

literally /thread

>> No.10412682
File: 386 KB, 540x380, Kyouko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each year they have the sacrificial cornbowl where flocks of millions gather to see who can shit the most sweetcorn, thus they all collectively ingest tons of cobs and creamed corn, then drink milk until they are shitting buckets of corn-gemmed shit with extra corn-crusting. At each corn-bowl there are special judges who examine the corn-shit for imperfections in corn consistency and the saccharine taste of undigested cellulose within the shit, they then weigh the corn shit to prove who's the ultimate Cornmeister.

>> No.10412902

Good ole Earl Butz, a Hoosier boy with a dream and a Purdue education.

>> No.10412915

Corn isn't very good on soil though, it's a pretty intensive plant. What about this little factor?

>> No.10412972

This is mostly wrong.
Nixon didn't subsidize corn, that didn't come until the 80's

>> No.10413007

Yeah a little red flag should have went off when he had to shoe-horn in the NRA at the end.

>> No.10413013

"Ha ha ha, that's my grandkid's problem!"--Boomers

>> No.10413018

>buying politicians and misleading the general public so that arms companies can continue making more money is okay because I really like my rooty tooty point and shooty

>> No.10413029

Nitrogen in nitrogen out
btw air is 80% nitrogen think about it,

>> No.10413042

Man, who knew water had so much corn in it?

>> No.10413050 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1020x768, Britain 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoting expensive, ineffective, and unconstitutional gun control instead of hiring more federal agents to enforce existing laws
>scaring up sales of firearms and blaming people trying to protect their rights by supporting the largest 2nd amendment organization
Shame on you retarded fucks. Do you really want to end up like Europe?

>> No.10413052

NRA doesn't sell guns, and gun laws are only become more restrictive. The 1994 assault weapons ban did nothing to curb gun violence. Also most of these mass shooters have had mental health problems that were not addressed due to lack of funding. I don't care about guns btw, but lets talk facts not feelings.

>> No.10413065

>Do you really want to end up like Europe?
There will be mountains of dead bodies before even coming close to that.

>> No.10413067

Wait, if everything else went down in price why didn't they just switch back to whatever the fuck they were eating before? Or just subsidize some other shit, why corn

>> No.10413070

that anon is a dumbass. Stop giving him you's

>> No.10413088 [DELETED] 

>nra membership: 5 million
>population of US: @330 million
It's wonderful when 1.5% of the population holds their popguns at the heads of 98.5% of the population. What part of "well regulated militia" do you cuckservatives not understand?

>> No.10413090
File: 55 KB, 637x469, 1521694102073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UK has super restrictive gun laws
>Can't even own plastic knives if the police suspect you of being dangerous
>London has more murders than NYC

>> No.10413115 [DELETED] 

Then come and "regulate" them, coward.

>> No.10413151 [DELETED] 

>It's wonderful when 1.5% of the population holds their popguns at the heads of 98.5% of the population.

Don't worry Trump will spend the next 7 years doing everything possible and making damn sure the left can't make that a reality.

>> No.10413172

>London has more murders than NYC

I really doubt this.

>> No.10413176


Sad but true

>> No.10413178

No one believes you care about the original meaning of the Constitution. Stop pretending.

>> No.10413192

I mean come on, you only have to read for 5 seconds to see this.

>Overall London has so far in 2018 seen fewer killings than New York City: 47 versus 54.

I'm surprised to see that they're similar, but put in some effort.

>> No.10413205

per capita dipshit

>> No.10413219

Why so rude? Based on those numbers, NYC would still have a higher rate per capita.

>> No.10413731

Here's your (you) faggot

>> No.10413765


No real commercial farmer would save corn to plant the next year anyway.

>> No.10413856

They switch beds every season with corn and soybeans. They flop and rotate them

>> No.10415034

asians are to rice as americans are to corn
corn > rice

>> No.10415954

that and tariffs on sugar imports

>> No.10415960

It costs more time and money to raise seed crops alongside food crops than it does to just pay money for seed.

>> No.10415969

>lmao what even is crop rotation?

>> No.10415975

70 percent of NRA funding comes from member dues.

>> No.10415978

Per capita it wouldn't

>> No.10415983

Why do asians eat so much rice? Why do Europeans eat so much wheat? Why do Africans eat so little? It's just in our nature, anon.

>> No.10416019


>implying africans are humans

>> No.10416324

>gun safety is bad

>> No.10416494

> I ignore my own rights because my democrat masters and CNN tell me what to believe.

>> No.10416605

Blame FDR

>> No.10416609

because its cheap and why not?

>> No.10416644

>I'll give up a basic human right because someone is making money

>> No.10416676

NRA has nothing to do with the arms market, but it's cool you saw a surface level issue and took it at CNN's word.

>> No.10418684

If they didn't the corn industry would collapse.

>> No.10418888
File: 14 KB, 300x298, farmaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would collapse.
They already did in the 80's, Neil Young and Wilie nelson had to save them.

>> No.10418999

The NRA's track record is to protect the interests of domestic arms manufacturers. This has lead to the cost of firearms staying manageable for your average citizen which is important to the validity of the 2nd Amendment, so this behavior gets a pass from me.

In all reality, most liberal accusations are more accurate when you replace "National Rifle Association" with "Planned Parenthood". Planned Parenthood puts just as much money directly into politicians' pockets while also receiving Federal funding and literally being responsible for promoting or directly snuffing out hundreds of thousands of unborn lives yearly. But you shouldn't think too hard about political hypocrisy.

>> No.10419027

Not that guy, but I can't be pro-abortion and for protection of the 2nd amendment? I'm pro-sterilization. Fuckers need to get a monetary incentive for getting your ovaries cut out if you're on welfare.

>> No.10419037

I don't think anyone questions the internal logical consistency of being an edgelord.

>> No.10419088


>> No.10419143

>recommending people be rewarded for not reproducing while mooching off the state
It would be far cheaper to reward short-sighted slag by giving them a one time cash bonus, or a year of bonus to their welfare check, for sterilization, than have children that will be dependent upon welfare for the rest of their lives.

Democrats would never agree to this though because then they wouldn't be able to breed future voters they can keep impoverished and manipulated anymore.

>> No.10419219


That's not the reason at all. Developing a good seed crop from which to grow F1 Hybrids is not something that any normal farmer would get involved in.

>> No.10420421


>> No.10421246

These. Man, 4chan has really brained up since the old days. Makes me feel proud to be a part of it.