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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10344417 No.10344417 [Reply] [Original]

>McDonald’s is shit and only worth a quick snack
>food doesn’t have to be hard and time consuming to make to be good. Taste, fragrance and texture is all that matters
>there’s nothing wrong with moderate portions of ketchup
>Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese and Mexican cuisines are amazing and severely overhated by fat fucks here
>alcohol threads doesn’t belong here
>Indian food can be quite good at times

>> No.10344423

>medium rare steak is best, and anyone calling those who prefer it that way soyboys are just legitimately retarded

>> No.10344429

lol wow ur such a contrarian xD

>> No.10344435

If you post or are reading this thread you have the autism. Doesn't apply to me though.

>> No.10344437

Honestly, I don't think these are very controversial statements.

>> No.10344438

>90% of your diet is based on either milk products or wheat products
>if you stop eating those you don't know what to eat (except meat)

>> No.10344448

Beans, rice, veggies, eggs. It's not hard.
Also, 90% seems a bit high. I'd say like 50% wheat and milk, to allow for another 40% of sugar.

>> No.10344549

>Japanese cuisine is the best cuisine.

>> No.10344600

As someone who lived in Japan, I'm going to have to say that Japanese food, while it has it's high points, is overall not worth the hype. While the quality is good, and I often appreciate the simplicity, it's all very....simple.

>> No.10344605

You're right about McDonalds at least, it's the only burger and fries fast food place that leaves me hungry after a #1 combo, I think the buns are mostly air or something

>> No.10344609

>fish on rice
>same mix of soy sauce, mirin, sake and dashi used in almost everything

>> No.10344611

They put chemicals in it that makes you full slower so you might buy another/larger serving

>> No.10344612
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Cast Iron Pans are absolutely fucking overhyped. And yes, it's also my sincere opinion.

>> No.10344615

all they have is sushi

>> No.10344619

Well it doesn't work it just makes me go to Wendy's instead

>> No.10344620
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I order filet mignon well done to see if the chef is creative. The more creative the better it comes out
I'm also paranoid so any meat I eat must be well done. No exceptions.

McDonald's has the best fries

>> No.10344702
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>This is what liberal vegans and their friends believe
You act like people don't eat fruits, nuts, pulses, beans, grains, vegetables at all, what do you think an avocado is? Just because there isn't a lobby like for dairy and wheat doesn't mean there isn't a market

>> No.10344735

>alcohol threads doesn’t belong here
Literally the only one that's wrong.

>> No.10344764

USA doesn't really have much great food

>> No.10344811

christ, all that fucking work just to visually fake an egg

I feel like there's something wrong-headed about this approach; like, just use the shit you're going to eat, don't bother creating a simulacra just for those hot instagram hits

>> No.10344817

What America lacks in quality, it makes up for in variety. I can get food from anywhere in the world in my midwestern city. Most other countries, you're far more limited.

>> No.10344828
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>> No.10344836

Beans do not belong in chili

>> No.10344885

The Midwestern states have a plethora of great restaurants but everybody dismisses them because food magazines are based in coastal states and have a recognized coastal bias

Same with Michelin stars there if it isn't east or west coast you can go fuck yourself, Houston is considered the present food capital of the US by a few food magazines and Austin restaurants have won best in US or ranked close pretty much every year for the past decade but not a single city has a star despite a good number of Jame Beard Award winners operating entirely out of those cities but while Houston is close to the gulf Galveston is in the way so neither will ever see a restaurant get a star and despite a little buzz now about the food scenes it is still always going to be less than Chicago which is half ghetto or New Orleans which is like 3 city blocks of good bars and then almost all swamp

>> No.10344930
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>The secret ingredient is love

>> No.10344965

Okay Hormel, is it going on a hotdog? It's thinned out and over seasoned ragu or bolognese at that point. Fuck you bean haters, gain taste buds already.

>> No.10344985

found the brainlet

>> No.10345033

Beans belong in chilli
Beans do not belong on my chilli dog

>> No.10345052

Chef John is mediocre at best

>> No.10345071

I agree. When a coastie is making fun of flyover it just tells me they have no idea what they are talking about or projecting big time. I live in fucking Columbus now and there's probably well over 50+ mediterranean places to eat within a 10 minute hop in my car and I don't even live within 10 minutes of downtown. Short of living in western south dakota or something you're not going to be hurting for options.

And unlike a lot of the coastie larping almost everyone can afford everything here within some reason.

>> No.10345083

do americans really do this?
can europoors really can‘t afford this?

>> No.10345113

Kek. Triggered>>10345033

>> No.10345140

I am a coastie truthfully I grew up near the Jersey coast and visited NYC alot growing up but after moving away and expecting my options to be steakhouses or Applebee's it is just honestly not true, some places have slightly more variety or regional influence of it but there is always variety and good places, rural places are still shitty but that's pretty inevitable considering there aren't restaurants where there is no money and rural areas are poor as fuck. It creates a weird food culture though where now at least in Houston is for high level chefs to open places and then close or change the concept after a year since they know it does not matter if they stick around or make money it will only get so much of a reputation due to the glass ceiling if not being coastal.

>> No.10345154

rare steack is best

>> No.10345187

why the do you care about the opinion of anyone fat redneck here?

>> No.10345220

le triggerd

>> No.10346067
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>The best Coca-Cola is bought at McDonald's

>> No.10346086

"Energy drinks" and refined cane sugars are the worst "food" that you can consume.

>> No.10346095

>southern Indian food is best Indian food
>guy fieri should be erased from the planet
>In-N-Out fucking sucks
>Korean food fucking sucks
>/ck/ has gone downhill so badly it will take a miracle to make it good again

>> No.10346120

>The only American Fastfood Chain which sells somewhat edible food is Subway
>Hot Dogs with shitload of stuff on them are only made to cover up shitty sausages. The best ones only have mustard on top but use great-quality sausages
>If the bread doesn't taste good enought to be eaten on it's own it doesn't belong in a sandwich.

>> No.10346167


>> No.10348388

How many slices of pizza does /ck/ eat?

>> No.10348398


>> No.10348400


>> No.10348404

truly a pioneer

>> No.10348930

>not HFCS

>> No.10349048
