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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 722 KB, 2048x1536, 1521415931640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10330389 No.10330389 [Reply] [Original]

this /sip/ shit is addictive, been drinking daily for the past week

>> No.10330391

rip ur teeth lol

>> No.10330393

I switch them up, otherwise they make me gag

>> No.10330399

the meme white one never tastes bad, in fact its the one i've been drinking for a whole week since the /sip/ meme started

>> No.10330402
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, 20180322_134552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a siplet.

>> No.10330405

White monster is probably the most delicious drink I've ever had, aside from the apple and blueberry juices from my home country

>> No.10330406
File: 24 KB, 400x400, monster-energy-ultra-blue-energy-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried the blue one but not as good, was dissapointed and bought the white one again...those meme masters must know their shit

>> No.10330411

666, goyim

>> No.10330414

w2c modafinil

>> No.10330417

India of course. I used modabits last time.

>> No.10330432
File: 707 KB, 555x553, gay6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same guy that took this photo

>> No.10330458
File: 127 KB, 820x424, 1520032901786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.10330470
File: 1.83 MB, 304x226, 1517492500445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that they recently found out that """""sips""""" literally cause mental retardation.

>sip boyz 2018!!!
>*watches pro wrestling*
>*stinks and has shitty grammar*
>*wears backwards baseball cap and stinks some more*


>> No.10330486

doesn't matter my brain is already fried from drug use

>> No.10330494

good thing I sip sparingly

>> No.10330497

>implying alcoholics and drug addicts care about your health preaching
thanks for the bump. time for another sip

>> No.10330510
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, slide_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another bump, my man.

Energy drinks destroy the mind and body while offering no benefits. It's a jewtoxin. Thanks for making these threads so that the word will be spread to the people that need to see it.

>> No.10330527


>> No.10330528

>to many
take it easy on those sips lad

>> No.10330531
File: 162 KB, 961x724, 2D79396B00000578-3276149-Energy_boost_The_caffeine_in_energy_drinks_causes_the_body_to_go-a-68_1445011410928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever defending a literal jewtoxin designed to kill people, keep them brainless and steal their monies at the same time
there's a special place in hell for you.

>> No.10330538

>I'm defending anything
I'm preaching moderation.

>> No.10330540


>> No.10330541

I can't even buy Monsters anymore thanks to these threads. I now associate them with this cancerous reddit-tier circle-jerk.

>> No.10330544

These threads are cancer, but so are the no-fun allowed LARPers like you.

>> No.10330545
File: 959 KB, 1142x640, 24234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about health shit
>not wanting to be cool and popular and energized at PUBG
fuck off n00b

>> No.10330555


>> No.10330569
File: 177 KB, 590x798, Energydrink1-461708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about "no fun allowed" what's "fun" about drinking laboratory spewn jewtoxins rather than something real? It's about spreading the truth of this garbage and nothing more.

>> No.10330623

Normalfags are retarded bro, I stopped trying educate them a long time ago, they actually like to be enslaved and retarded.

>> No.10330627

>caring about health shit
>not wanting to be cool and popular and energized at PUBG
fuck off n00b

>> No.10330631
File: 1.26 MB, 991x744, 1521744238618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf who /sips/

>> No.10330638
File: 163 KB, 1680x1260, sminem cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, did Sminem go to HRT or something?

>> No.10330648

i bet he drinks monster during his csgo matches

>> No.10330675

>"educating" people by shoving things they already know down their throat
It's called knowing and not caring because guess what, I just want to live my life without you faggots screaming in my ear and telling me what I'm supposed to like and not like. I'm assuming you're a /pol/dditor by the way you whine and this is why your movement is now falling. People are getting fed up with this shit. Exact same mistake the left made.

>> No.10330678

Is this because kabbala reference to 111?

>> No.10330682

/sips/ are sugar free and zero calorie you utter fool

>> No.10330717
File: 308 KB, 1439x1516, IMG_20180322_120944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I'll just leave this here. You're getting lazy, shill.

>> No.10330719

Is there anything more to these retarded threads other than blatant product placement?

>> No.10330723

These are the exact same posts in that other thread on r9k what the FUCK is going on

>> No.10330738


>people still believe shills aren't real

>> No.10330764
File: 119 KB, 789x715, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make jewtoxin
>kill kids with it
>literally gets proven that ENERGY DRINK CAUSE LITERAL 24/7 BRAIN DAMAGE
>stroke each others jew noses while you try to find more ways sneakily trick idiots into consuming your laboratory made jewtoxin

>> No.10330781
File: 312 KB, 645x679, 1521168903260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about health shit
>not wanting to be cool and popular and energized at PUBG
>can't into moderation
get rekt kid

>> No.10330786

These make me fall asleep

>> No.10330810

delet this

>> No.10330815

>""""""energy""""""" drink
>no calories

really makes you think

>> No.10330833


of all the words they could have used, they used 'quaffed' which is hardly less inappropriate than 'supped'

>> No.10330846

>still believing that anyone on earth would shill ironically
I, as a shitposter got better things to do than do the dirty work for some cuckcompany.
btw, the prolapsed anus edit was hilarious

>> No.10330855

you have ADHD. its like when these people take speed and it mellows them out and allows them to concentate

>> No.10330884
File: 255 KB, 634x710, S I P G O Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good sipgoys.

>> No.10330914

Yep I like to get my scientific facts from cosmopolitan and yahoo as well.

>> No.10330929

Like somebody else already said, stop trying to educate people, nobody wants to hear the opinion of some bitter troll who comes into threads that he obviously dislikes just so he can drop "the truth" on them.

>> No.10330948

>sipfaggots literally always on damage control
>bitter troll who comes into threads that he obviously dislikes
You faggots shit the board up with 5 of these threads at a time, fuck you.

>> No.10332653

Fake news, probably paid for by Big Alcohol

>> No.10332667
File: 915 KB, 460x816, that first SIP of the day.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that first /sniff/ of addiction for the day

>> No.10333132
File: 72 KB, 840x560, bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a white one loyalist for months.
Recently converted to Bang.
Better tasting and twice the caffeine.
Worth the extra cost.
Sipboys take note - you're looking at the future of sips right here.

>> No.10333268

real talk: the /sip/ meme is cool and all but this sugar-free shit just tastes fucking vile

>> No.10333276
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, C584E8FE-1BF5-4F55-8CA6-2C50B020BAA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10333287

How to filter out certain threads on desktop 4chan?

>> No.10333301

What kind of faggot pays 2 dollars of cancerous sugar water? Fuck your sips. Caffeine pills or over night cold brewed ice coffee.

>> No.10333308

stimulants keep my blood sugars low, other components have kept my mind sharp, been cranking out writing like mad because of them. but obtuse angles and all that, I guess

>> No.10333390
File: 1.67 MB, 1080x1003, 131513115623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do cold Red Bulls taste so good compared to all the other shitty brands like Adrenaline or Monster?

>> No.10333562


my man.

>> No.10333568

I don't know how you can drink sugar slurry on a daily basis and not feel like a complete piece of shit.

>> No.10333588
File: 15 KB, 272x242, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 3 for $5 on monsters at the supermarket

>> No.10333866

Me niether, i started drinking red bulls weakly and started feelimg sick

>> No.10333873
File: 13 KB, 385x385, Miso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up these from an asian market last week, something like $8 for a 10 pack. Holy shit, these perk me up more than any can of monster.

>> No.10333881

What about Lipovitan-D?

>> No.10333887

Do you lift? When you're regularly doing mad weights, you need the power that only a well crafted /sip/ can offer just to stay awake.

>> No.10333903

Don't know, they did have Bacchus F next to it. That just looked like a small soda than an energy drink though given the ingredients.

>> No.10333907


M-150 is the original and still the best energy drink. I bring one of these into work and sip on them over the course of a couple of days. Still not entirely sure that they're legal to sell in the US.

>> No.10333912

no iron brew
>diet coke
da farq

>> No.10333922

I can see why you're able to sip on them over the course of a couple days, shit is amazing. Why would they be illegal in the US though?

>> No.10333929


I first encountered them in Thailand, seeing the empty bottles littered all down the side of the roads in Bangkok, and had to try them when I saw them in 7/11. When I came back home I looked all over and online to see if I could find them and it was basically impossible, then I started seeing them in random Asian markets. I don't really know, but I imagine they contain some kind of shit that isn't approved by the FDA or something, and are basically on kinder egg status, because why else wouldn't they have even made an attempt to compete with Red Bull?

>> No.10333949

Whats that cap about?

We don't have them where I'm from

>> No.10333952

I would assume because 5 hour energy has a huge monopoly on small mL energy boosters. Also Americans like to consume, so most of us would prefer a 16 oz drink to a 100-150 mL drink (although I much prefer this now).

>> No.10333958


Red Bull became popular long before 5 hour, and was originally only sold in those little cans. If anything I'd say it was because M-150 isn't carbonated.

>> No.10333965
File: 23 KB, 336x330, 1491374975621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually drink this kind of garbage?Like for real?

>> No.10333968

Have you tried a daily regime of this nectar? No? Then you can't talk, because you simply don't know.

>> No.10333985

>the sun


>> No.10333994


You could have just said "UK".

>> No.10334537
File: 2.29 MB, 2880x2160, 1521811140403102657423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally sip ultra but I switched it today, not disappointed

>> No.10334542

mirin' them venous sclerosis gains

>> No.10334565
File: 433 KB, 990x650, theklokovhaetcoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10334578

>Ridiculously big forearms
A-anon I...

>> No.10334599

3 for €4,5 is the norm here. Sometimes I can find them at €1,10 per can.

>> No.10334608

When will there be a mango locos sip.

>> No.10334665

Why would i want to drink caffeine pisswater daily?

>> No.10334843

White sips dont have sugar retard

>> No.10334893
File: 170 KB, 921x600, 7435676876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can monsterlets compete

>> No.10335199

>tfw regularly sipping both
feels fucking good man

>> No.10335567

OP is a gigantic fucking faggot.

>> No.10336117

>past week
I've been drinking 1-2 a weekday for over a year now

>> No.10336471
File: 67 KB, 540x960, dragon monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coca Cola here, we just started sending this into the market. Pretty good if you like the rehab line. We also are getting samples of the re-release of green tea rehab for a possible mid-summer launch. Pink rehab is going to start being phased out as well, similar to what happened to citron.

>> No.10336635

>tfw no /sniff/ gf

>> No.10338243


Hmm, interesting.

>> No.10338457

It's tasty. It makes you feel good. It sharpens mental alertness. It's affordable.

>> No.10338484
File: 48 KB, 320x320, Spectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you post your kidney stones when they come out

>> No.10338486
File: 436 KB, 300x151, 111aaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But but but I like citron.

>> No.10338828
File: 72 KB, 400x720, Last of citron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the stash I have at work, been meaning to bring it home.

>> No.10338897

>zero calories
Literally impossible

>> No.10339044

>decide to give this fag the benefit of the doubt and read one of the articles
>all the "study" has proven is that kids who play sports are more likely to drink energy drinks
I hate these threads with a passion but you should still kill yourself

>> No.10339047

blatant ripoff of bang's root beer

>> No.10339055


>> No.10339056

in america zero calories means less than five calories

>> No.10339066

it's rounded down

>> No.10339450
File: 46 KB, 750x858, 1501198954603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imbibing the energyjew

>> No.10340237
File: 1.12 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic is me. I clicked on this thread because I saw a picture that I posted in a sip thread last fall. I'm not a shill, I'm not a model, and my forearms weren't particularly big then because I hadn't lifted in about a month because of an elbow injury. Maybe see a shrink about your paraphrenia.

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 8

>> No.10340260

people just like to meme. i dont know why people believe corporations would shill on 4chan, it doesnt make any sense. if you're going to pay a person or staff hourly for marketing, 4chan is probably the absolute worst way to spend money.

>> No.10340267

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.10340291
File: 253 KB, 739x969, 3D0D99D0-1925-495D-91A3-7AE6AB83355D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking nonsippers in this thread
When will they learn

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 8

>> No.10340292

phoneposters are worse than shills TBQHWYMN

>> No.10340306

Or you can just get a bot with a few 4chan passes and proxies to do it for you, or say 45 -50 bots and one administrator reposting a shitty product on reddit twitter and whichever other dead end on the rest of the internet. Arguments like these reallly confirm to me that there are shills, but they aren’t even human anymore.

>> No.10340333

It’s only on 4chan and there was a constant stream of OC. Bots don’t shop. Also lurk more faggot.

>> No.10340498
File: 5 KB, 212x249, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys. I decided to try this meme energy drink last night and while it tasted okay, the aftertaste was disgusting metal. But I was still fine. I thought that was the price I pay for having zero-sugar. I just woke up and I'm now having liquid diarrhea rushing out of my asshole like there's no tomorrow. I hope you're proud of what you've done, /ck/

>> No.10340600

>tfw girl and all my past bfs have been grossed out by my sips

>> No.10340779

It's on the larger 24 oz cans so you can reseal them to drink it over a longer period of time.

>> No.10341349

aspartame and sucralose are fucking disgusting and if you consume them you should kill yourself

>> No.10341571

lol these have like 30mg of caffeine and 20 g of sugar

at least get m150 storm lol

>> No.10341646

wish they had these on Amazon. The price for 24 case of 16oz is great there

>> No.10341838

Post dick

>> No.10342876


>> No.10342977

Post chest

>> No.10343247
File: 56 KB, 1276x720, 1509236118868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You every teach at a highschool? Last name begins with S?

>> No.10343256

I actually think less of people who post in these threads, not including myself. Blatant shills and retards getting baited by their shit memes.

Truly embarrassing.

>> No.10343274

Do you have a favourite sip or do you just go with the flow and sip whatever you have on hand?

>> No.10344737
File: 624 KB, 1536x2048, 4DD01917-40A4-48E1-A092-A3293FD7E9A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10344747

Is that an arm or a leg?

>> No.10344758

Try the purple one man. It's the best. Also, sounds like your diet is fucked up or you drank caffeine on an empty stomach.

>> No.10344875

Oh, hi, Larry!

>> No.10345578
File: 12 KB, 259x194, 1520627109462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10345585

wtf that's my floor
what are you doing in my house

>> No.10345766

Post teeth

>> No.10345805

energy drinks are the best

t. ed consumer since he was 17

>> No.10345851

these are god tier. Even have creatine lmao

>> No.10346978
File: 76 KB, 556x400, 4735635683574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brushes perfectly good coke dust on the floor instead of licking it all off the phone
im not even a druggie, just an exclusive sip and iced coffee boi and this still hurts to watch.

>> No.10347654

That was Benny the super mutant