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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10296300 No.10296300 [Reply] [Original]


>beg for $15 an hour
>can't even do their job

The absolute state of fast food wagecucks

>> No.10296320

How will they ever be replaced?
It'll cost tens of dollars training new staff.
RIP Mcdonalds :(

>> No.10296335

I understand this. It's why I quit my last job. They kept throwing new shit at us that took more time and effort but didn't adjust our pay or projected output.

>> No.10296389
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>$15 is a lot of money
Imagine being such a fuckup at life that you get jealous and angry at the idea of a MacDonalds employee being slightly less dirt poor

>> No.10296397

>Caring this much about what minimum wage cashier's makes

>> No.10296401

>make equivalent of 35 dollars an hour
>min wage us currently 7.25/hr
>min wage goes up to 15/hr
>suddenly i'm making 7.75/hr less


>> No.10296403
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>find a feasible way to get rid of all black employees
>no longer have to fear them spitting in your food or fucking with/up your order

Could this be the most intelligent business decision of our era?

>> No.10296411
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>increase minimum wage to $15 an hour
>your wage, however, does not
>everything inflates
>the disparity between middle and lower class dissipates

>> No.10296417

>not negotiating a raise
>hoarding cash under your mattress like a fucking moron
Not my fault you suck at life

>> No.10296427

Almost 29K a year, being able to receive maximum social aid in some areas of the US in addition to those wages, is pretty damned high.

You're talking about 29K of income then they have just under 200 USD of food and full health coverage, as well as the possibility of other benefits. This varies from state to state obviously.

If you can't live well off 2,400 dollars a month with free healthcare, low taxes, and almost 200 dollars of taxfree food where the fuck is your money going?

>> No.10296434

Everything isn't automated enough for this. Pizza it makes sense since they expect you to wait, not for fast food.

>> No.10296439

>$29k a year is pretty dammed high
what in the actual fuck am I reading
>$29k a year = cash flow of $2400 a month
oh, you are a child

>> No.10296471
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>handed in the spatula

>> No.10296476

>not sleeping with all of your money
good luck trying to cure your AIDS

>> No.10296486

Painkillers mostly

>> No.10296494

But it makes sense
>We already think we do too much work for what we make
>You want us to do more for no extra money?
>Fuck that, I'm out

>> No.10296500

Same. I understand this shit completely.

>> No.10296521

Ignoring the pay increase, it's completely fair for them to get pissed off when they're being overrun with work and the company isn't compensating by hiring more people. If it's so bad that they can't keep up with demand then customers are going to get pissy. They also have to get orders out of the queue in so many minutes which means their metrics get hurt which means their higher ups gets pissy.

If it's that bad that is.

>> No.10296535

They should show that they deserve the raise by working harder. Back in my first job, when I wanted a raise I walked right up to the foreman, looked him in the eye, and told him "I deserve to get more money since I successfully completed the 2 week training". Right then and there, he increased my pay from $8/hour to $12/hour. These lazy millennials will never learn the value of a dollar if they keep getting handouts.

>> No.10296548

>fast food for nationwide chain
Or they could just quit and move on. It's their choice as to who they work for, after all.

>> No.10296552

Not really an issue when you are easier replaced than light bulbs.

>> No.10296554

Way to take shit partially out of context like a door-to-door Mormon.

The average cost of full-coverage is $321/month in the US. That's almost 4 fucking grand a year. You want to add that to that 29K? Are we up to 33K yet? Both were so we'll give you 32.5 because I'm lazy and not going to crunch numbers that vary on years. This is before the up to 200 dollars an individual would receive on that income range per month for food, another close to 1.2K. So we're talking a minimum of 33 thousand dollars for a full time worker at McDonalds and spends 15 minutes at human services. Not exaggerating.

They're not suffering. This is more than enough money for high speed internet, cable, a good apartment or even a home if well budgeted, a decent car, good food, good clothes, etc. They have to take care of their things though and grabbing 15 paper towels off the roll to clean a drop of oil. If you live like an animal you burn money. Also weed costs a lot.

>> No.10296574

The people who can't do their job stay, because they don't give a shit about giving bad service.

It's the people who refuse to give bad service because management is living in fantasy land who walk.

>> No.10296580

It's McDonald's. You don't get a fucking raise at McDonald's.

>> No.10296581

wow, 33 thousand dollars, your fellow street urchins in bangladesh must be so jealous

>high speed internet
$60 a month
add another $30
>a good apartment
$600 a month if you live in an incredibly impoverished state. closer to $1600 a month if not
>or even a home
lol, no
>if well budgeted, a decent car
>good food
>good clothes

sounds like you've been smoking too much of that weed

>> No.10296586

Why are you implying the economic scale of pay should be based on a federal law that hasn't existed for more than a few years? Are you an idiot or just scared?

>> No.10296604

They can continue to replace the workers all they like, it won't matter much if the demand continues to increase and the restaurants aren't being compensated to help meet that demand. Might even make it worse because now youve got a lot of new people who are new to the job and more likely to fuck up.

>> No.10296613

people with no education shouldn't expect to have good everything

>> No.10296620

>it's a lot of money!
>you're retarded
>but it is!
>well they don't deserve it anyway
Well at least you admit you were wrong

>> No.10296624

this board's not frozen?

>> No.10296627

different person, stop greentexting like a fag and try to make a real argument

>> No.10296633

why are some boards frozen

>> No.10296639

Haha, look, the proletariat's squirming again. Abolish major fast food chains when? Let's have hyper-individualized family restaurants and not the same corporate shits on every block.

>> No.10296647

some spic was on /r9k/ and invited ppl to his livestream suicide. fbi asked gookmoot to freeze some boards while their agents poke in and out

>> No.10296648

>if they demand $15 an hour they'll just be replaced by super efficient machines
>can't handle online orders without human workers doing so much extra work they quit

>> No.10296650

if it makes you feel better to rage impotently at the idea of some high school dropout making a whopping $27k a year (highly unlikely given that these employees are usually only part time to avoid paying benefits), it's your life. I'm sorry things didn't work out

>> No.10296660

My daughter's friend works at McDonalds and makes 10.15 an hour and doesn't get benefits.

>> No.10296663

they're working an unskilled job they shouldn't expect more money just because

>> No.10296664

>spitting in your food
nobody spits in your food unless you're in America, in which case every single employee does it.

>> No.10296666
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>I need a worker
>I need a job
>You’re hired, now do this job
>Now do this other job also
>Now do this other other job also
>Now do this other other other job also
>What’s the problem, you lazy piece of shit?!

>> No.10296696

>already have low pay, poor working conditions, no benefits whatsoever, shit hours, chaotic schedules, high expectations, management looks for any excuse to treat you like shit and dehumanize you and you're expected to be working perfectly at optimal efficiency no matter what outside elements influence your work
>get more work and new programs piled on you with no time to adjust

honestly these people should have quit halfway through my first sentence.

>> No.10296701

they're getting the money one way or the other
let McDonalds pay their salary instead of forcing taxpayers to subsidize their food and health care

>> No.10296702

the worst part is jobs that people think would be "better" are just as bad, I've worked for two major US ISPs and my situations and reasons for leaving are identical to what you just described

>> No.10296711
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>Mobile order app just places the order into the system over the internet and then they have to bring the food curbside.

>This is somehow too much for them

>> No.10296717

>pissed off the gap between the poor and myself is closing
Boo hoo. This guy has you dialed in >>10296389

>> No.10296723

>a good apartment
>closer to $1600 a month if not
The fuck?
Move then. Where in satan's roller skating day tutu are you figuring 1600USD is only good? 790 got me a walk-in closet big enough for a queen-size bed to be placed in the center around all my coats in St Paul for fuck sakes, and that was just one of the three closets. Hell my bedroom was the same size as my living-room.

If you're suffering while hovering around 30K a year you are spending money goddamned stupidly. Shop around and don't destroy your possessions or buy goddamned unnecessary things.

>> No.10296725

Is /ck/ dead too? ;-;

>> No.10296728

Mobile order app brings in more customers, dipshit. Why else would McDonald's implement it.

>> No.10296730

I worked at a Subway when they introduced their app for orders. The owner opted us in without training anyone on how to actually work the system. All week long we would tell customers that we had no idea about their online orders that they would complain about. It was pretty funny actually

>> No.10296734

> > cable
> add another $30

If you have Internet, you don’t need cable tv. I haven't had it for 10 years now and still watch all the show and movies I want.

> > a good apartment
> $600 a month if you live in an incredibly impoverished state. closer to $1600 a month if not

Why are you trying to live in NYC on a burger flipper’s wage?

>> No.10296739

>St Paul
Well, yeah. If you live in a cornfield, $1600 probably buys you a McMansion the size of Versailles

>> No.10296746

I'm not. But hundreds of people are born here every day, and I'm tired of my taxes going to moochers (McDonalds owners). If they can't afford to pay enough to keep people alive, they should go out of business.

>> No.10296748

This. Just stream shit all the time.

Also, how the fuck are you getting internet for under 90? Comcast rapes regardless of state and has no competition.

>> No.10296754

I get comcast for $45

>> No.10296757

Do you work for them or just give really good head?

>> No.10296759

I don't live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.10296765

Does being this much of a prick help you get through the day? Maybe it keeps the gun out of your mouth and your brains off the ceiling for another day?

>> No.10296767

You do understand that the pay you earn is equivalent to the value of the job you do, right?

You do understand that fast food work isn't worth fifteen dollaridoos an hour, right?

You do understand that fast food work is meant to be a job for teenagers and not a lifelong salary-earning career, right?

>> No.10296769

Honestly. Pretty much.

You feel like holding the trigger? I need to do some housework.

Out of curiosity, where the fuck do you live where high speed internet was 45 USD. Or did you get some cheap-ass package?

>> No.10296772

Lol. Thats not inflation you fucking retard.

>> No.10296777

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I made $12 an hour literally slinging shit when I was in high school, and that was in the 1990s. I'm pretty sure McDonalds can afford to pay people more than that, over 20 years later, for... well, literally slinging shit, in this case.

Oh, they can't? They need handouts to subsidize the garbage wages they pay? Hmm, sounds like maybe it's time for the Invisible Hand to cull the weak.

>> No.10296780

>thinking people with university degree and people with minimum wage jobs should be in the same class
Found the minimum wage worker

>> No.10296788

Mobile orders can all be placed at the same time, especially after an event has finishes No business can do 100 orders that were all placed at 9-30pm

>> No.10296798

A university degree is almost worthless these days. A lot of people end up working these kind of jobs for a while until they can find real employment.

>> No.10296800
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>extreme class divisions are good
Yeah nothing says "healthy functioning society" like passing through a phalanx of heavily armed guards just to go grocery shopping

This is what sheltered amerisharts actually teach their kids

>> No.10296802

not really, only retards

>> No.10296815

So if everyone will make about the same regardless of the amount of effort they put in, society will have a shitload of empty specialist positions and 2 unskilled workers for every minimum wage position, meaning companies can hire people at part time to save money on benefits, meanwhile society doesn’t progress because even more people are brain dead fucks. That’s what you’re implying would be a good thing. Fuck off you lazy faggot. It was your choice to not get a college degree.

>> No.10296818
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Hasn't inflation killing their low-budget menu, and their lack of QC on individually owned and operated restaurants been killing the brand as a whole these last couple of years.

Wouldn't just hiring about 75 corporate inspectors (some states would require one others two), and a review board of 25 to evaluate and report to corporate, be worth salvaging the company?

>> No.10296825


>high speed internet
$60 a month
lol look at this idiot
>a good apartment
$600-800 a month if you don't live in New York City or San Fransisco
>a decent car
You don't need a brand new car. Get a used car and you're fine. No more than $150 a month.
>good food
$400 a month absolute maximum
>good clothes
$100 a month absolute maximum

And you know what? Throw in another 100 dollars a month for other various expenses. That's $1,610 a month.

33,000 / 12 = 2,750

$1,610 living expenses on a $2,750 a month budget.

>> No.10296826

>Also, how the fuck are you getting internet for under 90?

I'm paying $66 per month for for 30mps in metro Detroit.

>> No.10296827

i make 35 thousand a year, I have a small house a new car and i cook whatever i want

>> No.10296832

I get 200gb per second download speed for $60 a month. Probably because I'm not retarded and don't take the first offer that comes up on my screen.

>> No.10296833

>a university degree is almost worthless
No. There are plenty of degrees that aren’t worthless. People just get worthless degrees and then act like life is unfair because the only job they can ever get with their degree is a position teaching others how to get that degree.

>> No.10296837

MB I meant

>> No.10296840

so taxes just aren't a thing eh?

>> No.10296845

If you really think a borderline retarded fast food worker is going to suddenly turn into the next Elon Musk because someone dangled the prospect of a promotion in front of him, I think you need to lay off the weed
You think McDonalds doesn't have people in a corporate office somewhere trying to figure out how not to fail? They still pull in billions of revenue. The problem is they suck and everyone hates them except for the same kind of dumb ass schmucks who get jealous of their own employees. They've turned into one of those old west mining economies where everyone eats at the company store, in essence.
>a $100 a month margin is enough to provide security for unexpected emergency expenses
Mmm hmm

>> No.10296846
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> > good clothes
> $100 a month absolute maximum

I can’t imagine paying this much for clothes - WTF is happening to your existing clothes that you’re dropping that much money every month?!

>> No.10296848

How much are your taxes then? 25%? Let's take 25 percentaroo off it.

33,000 - 8,250 = 24,750 / 12 = $2,062.50 a month. Congratulations on your ability to live well for 33k a year.

>> No.10296850

there was another $1,000 there

>> No.10296852

a person that makes $33,000 a year will generally only be required to pay about $3,000 in taxes

>> No.10296854

Stop dropping your phone in the toilet and ramming your car into pedestrians and you'll find that 1,200 for unexpected expenses is more than enough

>> No.10296858

Fine, let's go with "if you don't live in New York City or San Fransisco"

The people rabble rousing for $15/hr are people in expensive cities, such as New York and San Francisco. McDonalds employees can't work in their pajamas from home, 1000 miles away from the office, anon.

>> No.10296859

Neither do I but the last three states I lived in they just jack up the rates over time with hidden fees even though you have a contract.

Frontier was cheapest but so damned unreliable. I liked Minnesota's Comcast because the speed was often around 1 gig, not exaggerating. Shit was instant. It's bent over the barrel in more rural areas though.

>> No.10296860

Anywhere that isn't flyover like St. Paul.

>> No.10296862

You should work for Schwab, you'd make a great advisor

>> No.10296863

so don't live there?

>> No.10296867

Minimum wage is the wrong way to force up lower class income, just increase earned income tax credit.

>> No.10296869

So stop living in the most expensive cities in the country when you have no marketable skills and no job prospects, fucking baka

>> No.10296870

Either women or people that are replacing Lucky Brand Denim that lasts a fucking decade every month.

Banana Republic is not a weekend event when you're on a budget people. Actually, Banana Republic isn't even that good.

>> No.10296873

>can't afford an apartment on McDonalds wage
>tell them to leave
>can't afford to pay employees a living wage
>here's millions of free money because like, who the fuck knows, it's McDonalds logic
Just go out of business already, everyone is sick of you

>> No.10296877

what is your argument? you should not try to live in one of the most expensive places in the world if you are a worthless minimum wage monkey

>> No.10296878

It's already being "forced up" by welfare and food stamps, baka. Let's cut out the middleman and stop stealing from me
See >>10296873

>> No.10296885

What is your argument? You should try not stealing money from taxpayers if you're a worthless shit restaurant that can't make ends meet because your food sucks

>> No.10296891

my argument is that minimum wage monkeys should work on bettering themselves. it's a part time job you're not supposed to be able to live a life of luxury on it

>> No.10296892

Can we just accept that poor people are poor because they're shit at managing money and waste their income on pointless luxuries, and not because they're not paid enough?

>> No.10296906

>23-year-old quits fast food job
This is news?

>> No.10296910

God I wish I could get a Delica in the US

>> No.10296911

So your argument remains that the 35 year old with fetal alcohol syndrome is going to go to NYU and get a PhD if only you can keep paying him nothing and demanding that taxpayers subsidize your payrolls

Got it

>> No.10296919

you're a retard

>> No.10296920

Yeah clearly I'm the retard here

>> No.10296926

Just because you don't understand, doesn't make him retarded.

>> No.10296933

I said a person with a part-time job shouldn't expect to live a life of luxury. his dumb ass said I expect a 35 year old retard to get a phd. invalid argument.

>> No.10296936

Retards don't even expect to live in luxury working part time, you dumb fuck.

>> No.10296937

They're going to 3D-print homes for people in South America that are the same size as the average apartment in New York City, they will have large overhanging roofs and patios on two sides. The buildings are an attractive mix of wood, metal, and concrete. It's set, this is already going to be done. Stage two is already in progress, increased floor space, a redesign with over 200 sq ft added to the original.

Meanwhile NYC deals with barely being able to afford food, sharing apartments, and living-space smaller and less structurally secure than things we're making for developing countries.

>> No.10296939

then why is he arguing that they should have $1,600/month apartments?

>> No.10296956

>Meanwhile NYC deals with barely being able to afford food, sharing apartments, and living-space smaller and less structurally secure than things we're making for developing countries.

That's because the first world gives more free shit to the poor than working class folk could afford themselves.

>Have no job, no education and 8 kids
>on welfare
>gets section 8 housing

>Have job, possible education and 2 kids
>gets nothing and is always a cunt's hair away from financial ruin

>> No.10296957

Listen, you and that guy should get together and suck each others dick. After, you should learn some critical reading skills.

>> No.10296962

People receiving section 8 are already in financial ruin.

>> No.10296965

he said they need nice clothes, a nice car, cable, internet, and a $1,600/month apartment. why would I minimum wage worker expect this?

>> No.10296979

I thought it was because you insisted on stacking ontop of yourselves like a concrete and human-meat jenga, completely killing the middle class off while creating a society of despair and disattachment from the real world.

>> No.10296989

Not everyone lives in mommy's basement for free. Rent for a shitty apartment is commonly over $1000 in metro areas. Most of the time utilities are not included.

>> No.10296991

I live in philadelphia and I have a 3 story house with a driveway for $1,500. go outside.

>> No.10296996

I ordered a burger with the mobile app and just walked in and grabbed the bag off the counter and walked out and no one even turned around from behind the counter to see me (qq). I thought it would have been really easy for someone to just snatch it. All the employees were basically just hanging out with their non employed friends in the mcdonalds. My burger was good.

>> No.10296997

McDonald's manager, we estimate hiring a new person costs about $5000 on average.

>> No.10297002

Do you understand how the supply and demand curve works?

>> No.10297007

moving goal posts?

>> No.10297008

thats ok, they can just live in their subsidized home and eat their subsidized food in a state of financial ruin forever, meanwhile someone who doesn't receive welfare will spend 1/4th+ of their check on rent

>> No.10297015

Why were you getting payed at all before you had even been trained? You entitled little shit.

>> No.10297016

They get paid per hour, not per task. If you're so unversatile that you can't figure out how to change a basic procedure you're a useless worker

>> No.10297027

30% of your income is the maximum you should be spending on housing. So, they would be fine spending 1/4.

>> No.10297032

Humans have limits. I'm a manager right now, and, we're fucked. Everyone good quit because good people are people who care. When people who care are given impossible tasks, they quit. Now I have a bunch of useless workers who don't care. I'm getting yelled at every day because my crew use USELESS

>> No.10297045

Do you not understand that a larger population demands more housing, which in turn causes rent to increase? Obviously simple economics is too much for you to comprehend.

>> No.10297053

15 an hour full time
maybe 2000-2200 after taxes?
700 rent, more like 1000
bills bills bills
why work? more money in financial ruin

>> No.10297066

I just told you I live in a major metro area and that the numbers you're using are ridiculously wrong

>> No.10297068

>change basic procedure
Not that guy but that should not include things not in the job title. Nor shit the boss doesn't understand, things instructed to do incorrectly or impossible.

There's some serious assholes up the ladder that ask some ridiculous and impossible things when it comes to shit like gas, electricity, etc.

>> No.10297078

I live in the Bay Area and have total expenses of $3k/month, with $2k being rent . I live incredibly luxuriously.

If the average person cannot subsist on $2.4k/month, they are just plain incompetent. Sorry.

>> No.10297090

Not everyone lives in your City, pal. Things are different elsewhere. Rent is usually lower in places that are shit.

>> No.10297096

Go cast your bait on >>>/b/

>> No.10297099

it's the 13th most expensive place to live in the country. you keep moving the goal posts

>> No.10297106

Do often you try to win arguments by accusing others of "moving the goal posts?"

>> No.10297111

so are you still arguing that these people should expect to afford $1,600 a month in rent?

>> No.10297118

>13th most expensive place

>> No.10297124

I never said "expect"

>> No.10297135

What is this 29K number you guys are talking about? I'm manager and my take home is less than 16K. As a crew I was selling my plasma to pay bills.

>> No.10297138

So are you arguing that everyone should be able to afford $1,600 in rent per month?

>> No.10297143

You’re fucking retarded. Elon Musk is one in 100 million. He isn’t middle class. A guy like him doesn’t even need a college degree. I’m talking about the regular people who got regular degrees and keep society moving forward. Do you even think before you write a reply? Do you even think at all? People who work minimum wage are the scum of the earth. The middle class are the ones who’s backs society is built upon. If people don’t want to make minimum wage, they should put some effort into life. Also, kill yourself.

>> No.10297155

yeah these retards are assuming the Big M will even give you 40 hours a week

>> No.10297158

Keep fighting the good fight against the god damm poors and maybe you’ll be middle class someday

>> No.10297168
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 1461546981635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if everyone just worked hard enough there would be no poor people working minimum wage

>> No.10297175

never leave 4chan man, anonymity is your best friend

>> No.10297179

This happens in almost every field. It's why you have to negotiate or try to trade up to a better job. Life is hell.

>> No.10297191

>So are you arguing that everyone should be able to afford $1,600 in rent per month?
Is English your first language? NO

>> No.10297196

I’m already at the high end of middle class, because I spent 4 years getting a degree that wasn’t useless. People deserve what they work for. I busted my ass working through college and the rest was covered by loans. I didn’t have scholarships, my patents probably would have asked me to take out extra money on my loans to give to them if I still spoke to them after I graduated. There’s a huge diggerence between something being difficult and something being impossible. Poor people just see all these women and niggers with their entitlement and gibs and want to get in on it. The rich getting richer while everyone else gets poorer, but the solution certainly isn’t to drag the middle class down to the bottom, because that’s exactly what the people at the bottom are trying to do. They aren’t lifting themselves up. They are making their own situation worse, and making it worse for the middle class in the process. Oh, they got a pay raise. Good for them. Meanwhile products and services cost more as a result, and they got their hours slashed or lost their job. Life is so much better for everyone now.

>> No.10297197

this actually applies to a lot of companies. its bullshit.

>> No.10297198

then why do you think minimum wage workers should

>> No.10297204

>rantings of a lunatic

>> No.10297210

Why the fuck would people want to live in concrete cubes so goddamned packed with people that its hard to walk or drive? That the cost of living is twice over where it is elsewhere despite the fact you can find the same luxuries outside their stone-nightmare and more?

The fuck is wrong with coastal city dwellers? Been there and I'd rather jump in the sea and take my chances than stay.

>> No.10297213

It's like I'm talking to a rock.

>> No.10297214

>I have no rebuttal so I will call him a lunatic

>> No.10297228
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>Nooooooooooo being poor is morally reprehensible, those disgusting subhumans shouldn't be allowed to enjoy a non-slavery quality of life. There just aren't enough resources, can't you see Goldberg needs to afford his fiftfh private yatcht? What do you mean if I gas all the poor people I'll end up replacing them in the exploitation hierarchy?

>> No.10297233

>thinks the manifesto that was written was somehow not the rantings of a lunatic

>> No.10297238

I never once said poor people should stay poor. I just believe they need to put actual effort into making their lives better instead of feeling they are entitled to it for flipping burgers or pumping gas.

>> No.10297269

>$600 a month if you live in an incredibly impoverished state.

Closer to $350-400, actually, and I live in a college town. Some of the nicer ones have free internet, to boot.

>> No.10297272

You can take the trash out of the trailer but you can't take the trailer out of the trash

>> No.10297284
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Too tired to do this shit with you two but the core of communism is correct. The problem is it can't work because people are assholes. And no you can't force it because people always find a way to manipulate the system; so it is always idealistic horseshit.

Until society evolves on its own the only real option is gentle social programs to encourage people to keep advancing themselves and help themselves and others. Cooperation is beneficial, and communication shows that especially to developing areas that are currently backwards as fuck. People that are too far left want to advance too fast which causes severe problems because people just pretend and take advantage of them.

>> No.10297289


>> No.10297295

I don't really get it

I was a very poor student, had to do summer school 3 times, ended up placed in the dumb kid classes for most of highschool
obviously didnt go to college because I couldn't even get in to one

I have no debt, own my car which is fully paid off, own property, and make $25 an hour as a childrens day care worker. Didn't even need any special certifications or anything aside from first aid which they paid for me to get
like the only prerequisites for my job are "don't be on drugs, don't be a pedophile"

like, how do you not make a living? if someone as dumb and as much of a fuck up as me can do it I feel like pretty much anyone can

>> No.10297305

I agree that communism is not realizable (the total abolishment of economic hierarchy) but you can at least treat those on the bottom of the pyramid well. There IS enough resources.

>> No.10297319

ah yes of course, outreach programs are what we need! that answer is so simple, lets just send more money and resources to the inner cities and invest in the people there!

except we try that and it doesn't do anything but waste money

>> No.10297325

I'm happy for you. I went to college, earned two degrees and am still too stupid to figure out life. Best job I ever had payed $18/hr.

>> No.10297331

I'm on two sides of this. Your workers aren't slaves. You have to provide them with the resources for business to run smoothly with occasional times where they need to buckle up and work harder. It's not reasonable to expect everyone to work at 110% for every hour of every shift, or you lose your best people from burnout. (This applies to everything, not just McJobs.)

But raising the minimum wage to $15 isn't the answer. It's absolute bullshit let someone get the absolute bare minimum job for $15 an hour when other jobs aren't going to go up the same. What's the point of all the hard work I put in if we're just going to hand out a bunch of money? What about the people who are making $15 an hour now? They're just screwed and should make the same as burger flippers for *reasons*?

There's got to be a better answer out there, but this isn't it.

>> No.10297332

I see that you didn't take any economics class during your community college years.

>> No.10297348

My complaint is people pretending to treat them are often poisoning them while using it to further it as an excuse to hoard more power like some fucked up butterfly collection.

Let's look beyond money and what money buys. Look at the generations of families that have been in federal politics because term limits don't apply there, and the conflicts of interests we have because members of the house of representatives are part of the same family that have been manufacturing arms since at least the civil war.

You can switch to communism but the same people exist so money and power just changes, and changed, hands as soon as people weren't looking.

I could write this out in several pages in several directions but it doesn't belong in /ck/, frankly it doesn't in /pol/ because I'd probably get flooded with racial politics and spam.

>> No.10297355
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>> No.10297363

>take from the middle and give it to the people at the bottom because taking from the top is too hard
Congratulations on being greedy and lazy

>> No.10297381

>reddit spacing
I think another issue whenever minimum wage comes up is that the right generally live in low col areas whereas the left live in high col areas. 15 diddly-doos an hour goes a lot farther in Brightville, OH then it does in Seattle or NYC.

>> No.10297393

Oh, shut the fuck up about reddit spacing you fucking faggot. That's the worst goddamned meme.

I live in a city, and $15 an hour is still bullshit. Not saying that raising it or paying more to be able to live is a bad thing, but just doubling it across the board for all jobs is stupid. Unless everyone is getting a raise.

>> No.10297408

I think its cause I have low expectations of myself, but also don't think its an excuse to not try

after highschool I thought being a personal trainer might be cool but nobody would hire me because I had no experience. So I went and got a personal training certification, I took a course which I barely passed with a 70 final grade.
then I applied everywhere until someone hired me. was getting paid $8 an hour + a commission for any sessions I sold
...I ended up getting fired 9 months later because I was under performing sales wise

so I pivoted and got a job as a teller at a bank which was paying $12 and change to start. It was just part time but I got promoted to full time because the job was easy and I was always on time
and at the end of the year I got a 60 cent raise, and that happened 2 years in a row so I got up to almost $14 an hour

but then I saw there was a kickboxing place that was offering $15 an hour, so I applied there and got that job instead

and then I made my big jump to this child care thing which wasn't even what I originally applied for. They were looking for someone to just do part time to do activities with kids and I had gotten all this experience now from the other jobs I was doing, and they liked me so they offered me a full time position

I dunno, just gotta be patient and take little nibbles out of life until you get on track I guess. Maybe the mistake is people want too much too quickly, and are too unwilling to pivot and change lanes in order to move forward.
Like my friend who graduated and was TURNING DOWN jobs because he felt a college graduate like him was worth more than what was being offered
he's still broke and looking for good employment

>> No.10297426

Just memeing friend.
General wages would increase due to supply side economics. I prefer basic income so that we don't have to manipulate the market directly.

>> No.10297436

I don't see Reddit spacing? Is he fucking retarded? That's paragraphing, something they teaching you in grade-school.

If you want to talk like an annoying le redditor.

>> No.10297481

>Post filipinos

>> No.10297496

>Dudley Dickerson

Sone parents hate their kids.

>> No.10297507

Mads Mikkelson is a good name, though.

>> No.10297515

Favorite name I ever head was Amanda Lynn Music during a graduation ceremony.

>> No.10297521

Are you trolling? Do you seriously think I'm lying? Why? I'm legitimately curious.

>> No.10297528

I don't eat at places that don't have online/app ordering. Makes sure I get my shit right and it's ready when I get there.

>> No.10297543

It happens everywhere. My pay has gone down 1/3rd in the last 10 years, holidays and time off cut in half, hours and workload increased.

>> No.10297549
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fast food automation when

>> No.10297560


You three have been baited by the "look him in the eye" meme. Well played, >>10296535.

>> No.10297570

Most I've paid for rent was $870/m for 1/4 of a bedroom. We were sharing 10ppl in 3 bedrooms (all paying between 850-950/m each) 90min commute from the workplace. Turned out there landlady owned most of the suburb so she jacked her prices up just cuz she knew people would pay it.

>> No.10297574

My apartment comes with gigabit net for free.

>> No.10297578

>10 people
>$900 a month each
Where in the fuck were you living where you were paying OVER NINE THOUSAND dollars a month in rent?

>> No.10297583
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What the fuck does this have to do with $15 dollars an hour? Wasn't that just in Seattle or something? If the job is already shit and they expect you to haul ass all the time for shitty hours at $11 an hour then yeah you can't expect people to stand for that when the Burger King across the street pays better. It's just common sense. It's business.

>> No.10297588
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>General wages would increase due to supply side economics
This. I'm in accounting and variation/cost analysis is my job. I'm the guy that lays you off and offshores and outsources you to boost profit margin and meet quarterly goals. Companies don't give a flying fuck about the arbitrary number tied to labor. They only care about profit margin. If you increase labor costs by say increasing minimum wage with a price floor all we do is increase price or automate or can you to compensate. It is that simple.

In the end all you get is rampant unemployment and inflation as the job market unfucks itself. The CNC operator making 15$/hour right now is going to demand 30 if you double minimum wage or he's going to go flip burgers. The entire supply chain will see a cost increase.

Nobody seems to grasp this and maybe it is just because I do it for a fucking living, but holy shit this is econ 101 and pretty intuitive anyway. Doesn't really matter to me, but you guys are doing it for yourself. I've worked for 5m a year companies and multiple fortune 500s. They all work the same way.

>> No.10297594

does he get a prize?

>> No.10297599

>$870/m for 1/4 of a bedroom
Please tell me this was in Britain.

This sounds like the hell-story a friend told me about getting kidnapped by Iran. The government took his passport when he arrived so he was forced to work for the company and live in a tiny apartment with several others until he got very sick and nearly died. His father eventually got him out.

>> No.10297634

i can see this tho....last times ive been in a mcdonalds at peakish hours it was a bit mad....they had people at the kiosk things ordering, drive up, uber eats and grub hub orders coming in, old folks who are shit at tech bypasing the kiosk and going to the counter.....and a big crowd of people with tickets waiting for their food

and what looked like no extra staff, the cashiers were strugling to take ordes becuase the bag up area was backing up and needed help.....and the old fucks and sharons of the world were trying to ask for managers becuase they waited 5 or 10 min(despite the fact you could clearly see they had like 20+ orders proscessing and more rolling in

i know asia has had this stuff for a while but i have to imagine they rolled it out better or just had a more efficent way to proscess it all, what ive seen was fucked u tho

>> No.10297641

I made $18.60/h sweeping floors while studying at college.

>> No.10297655

Literally any town with a ski hill next to it.

>> No.10297656
File: 45 KB, 263x344, 4245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw got a 4 bedroom for 1600 a month

>> No.10297662

>The problem is it can't work because people are assholes...you can't force it because people always find a way to manipulate the system; so it is always idealistic horseshit.

just like capitalism...there will never be "real capitalism' or a 'free" market becuase people will manipulate the system to their own advantage and buy their way to a monopoly or buy out the governemnt to create conditions that favor them

>> No.10297668

Literally getting paid $25/h to play video games and shitpost at work right now.

>> No.10297680

> They get paid per hour, not per task.

No shit Sherlock.

I’m a machinist but I can’t run a mill AND a lathe AND cut bar stock for the next job all at the same time, no matter how much I get paid or management bitches at me.

If customers are getting backed up at the drive thru because of MCDonald’s phone app, then either McDonalds hires more workers or customers are stop going to McDonalds.

>> No.10297683

Same lol. Feels gud.

>> No.10297689

they're not being asked to do multiple things that they normally wouldn't, they're just mad that they have to do more of their normal work.

>> No.10297697

You can't really negotiate with a fast food chain though, because everything is codified to hell. You request a raise, your manager sends it to his manager, who sends it to his manager, who gets an automated message back from corporate HQ telling him to fuck himself, and he passes it back down the line.

>> No.10297715

>they're not being asked to do multiple things that they normally wouldn't

Clearly they are, or the drive-thru wouldn't be getting backed up.

>> No.10297721

but when you get more orders in a shorter time it fucked with order time and quality which makes customers complain about shit you cant help(and customers are not reasonoble people), plus the delivery orders create issues becuase when its late and cold its usualy not the delivery company that gets yelled at, its the person answering the hone at mcdonalds ....the system is creating more work and stress for no more benefit or pay, and probobly no added help

>> No.10297722

there's just more ways to order so they get more orders at once instead of the typical way of there just being a drive thru line and the counter line and a pacing to the ordering. now since people can skip the line on their phone they're getting more orders quickly. literally the same job as before

>> No.10297723

The problem is the kitchens and systems were designed for a set amount of through put; You have so many registers and so many drive through lanes because that's the most you can handle. But now you're taking orders from three more vectors at the same time so you have to produce twice as much food with the same equipment in the same time. The whole thing gets fucked.

>> No.10297731

it's a job you get stressed at times. you have a brain figure out how to handle it, I bet most intelligent people could figure out a way to handle orders in an organized fashion without fucking up

>> No.10297732

You don't understand man I deserve to live in the big city like the characters on my Jewish sitcoms and sheeit

>> No.10297744

>Also weed costs a lot.
What is a closet grow with led lights
That a dry pound of pot right there.

>> No.10297747

i can only assume that you have never worked food service, while sure many jobs hhave stressfull days or moments, food service, even low level stuff like fast food, is way more stressful than people imagine.....asking employings to do more, deal with more bitchy customers, have to work with set ups not meant to handle the new systems they are having to shoehorn in....is a shit hand to be delt

>> No.10297764

so the average time for a meal goes up but it doesn't mean you get the meal wrong. first in first out make it right do your job they're complaining they don't have enough time to stand around and jerk off

>> No.10297768

>First in first out
How do you determine that when 9 orders are being placed at once?

>> No.10297773

>So Dickerson, 23, handed in his spatula.
>Mcdonalds employee
oh no no no

>> No.10297776

well the orders are numbered so I would say do the lower numbers first and work your way up to the bigger ones

>> No.10297783

Lol what kind of shitty store do you run? We can do it for easily less thsn half of that
>pay newbie 8 hours orientation + online training, +orientation manager salary (150 for day)
>pay newbie 6 shifts of 4 hours each
>pay trainer 6 shifts of 4 hours each
>food waste of MAYBE 150. Being generous here
Bam. 1.5k right there, with wages at 15/hr

>> No.10297785

So are the counter, drive through, McDonalds app, GrubHub, SkipTheDishes, and UberEats all numbered using the same system?

>> No.10297791

I imagine they don't print out an order ticket and clip it to their station and read off of a piece of paper but they use they tv screens they have that show the orders. I don't think there is a different screen for the counter, the drive through, the app, grubhub, or any of those other things. I would say maybe start at the top of the screen then and work your way towards the bottom.

>> No.10297794

The last time I checked, the McDonald's app only allows the order to be put into the system ahead of time, but you still have to show up at the drive thru or in the store to place your order normally, but you just give them a number instead of telling them your order. It saves everyone a few seconds and helps prevent any order details from being lost in communication. Online orders don't just suddenly appear and cut in line, so I don't know what the workers are complaining about.

>> No.10297800

>So your argument remains that the 35 year old with fetal alcohol syndrome is going to go to NYU and get a PhD
Straw man argument for the weekend

>> No.10297801

There's probably like 10 people working at one McDonalds at any given time, the introduction of ordering food through an app just tripled their workload. God bless this country full of 400 pound ham planets harassing 150 pound workers for not serving them cardboard meat fast enough.

>> No.10297805

Security guard make 13-15$ an hour starting pay.

>> No.10297808

It has already happened, we are turning back into neanderthals.

>> No.10297809

Actually working at a McDubs was all it took for me to forever oppose giving these goons raises.
People came to work so stoned they could barely walk, take 30 minute bathroom breaks, use "X machine broke" any time they didn't feel like walking across the kitchen to get something. Manager would just scream in your face for a few seconds but never fired anyone, even after repeated absences, because their replacements would inevitably do the same shit.
But hey let's give them a hundred bucks an hour cuz they've gotta cop them new jawnz and loud bruh

>> No.10297818

>Most of the time utilities are not included
Absolutely fucking gash.
Not true.

>> No.10297829

It's called budgeting mother fucker.
I can live off less.

>> No.10297850

What is inflation.
You are aware America used to have factories and warehouses along side dock work were we produced and imported stuff right?
America is burgers now a days.

>> No.10297852

ive lived in a few cities and in a few different apartments in each....usualy at best i have one utility covered(and its something dumb like sewegae or trash...)....so yeah....most land lords arent covering utilities

>> No.10297853

> The whole thing gets fucked.

Exactly. As a machinist, it takes me X amount of time to mill, drill, so whatever to make a part and no matter how much the boss may be bitching over my shoulder to hurry up, it’s STILL going to take X amount of time and he’s going to have tell the dozens of additional customers he stupidly took orders from, that they ain’t getting their shit when he told them they would.

I used to work for a shop that disregarded due-dates all the time and took any work given them even if there was no way it would get done on time, then come running out in the ship at 3:00pm on a Friday freaking out that something wasn’t getting shipped that day.

When I’d point (again and again…) that I had two or even three jobs that were due sooner, they’d just stare at me with their mouth hanging open, then stumble back to the office and kiss the customers ass to get the job delayed.

>> No.10297858

>literally the same job as before

No, it isn't

The job was X number of employees serving Y number of customers but now McDonalds expect that same X number of employees to serve Yx10 number of customers and that just ain't going to happen.

>> No.10297868

so when I go into work I can tell my boss that I'm only going to make a certain number of sales a day and then leave, or doctors can only see a certain number of patients a day, an artist can only do a certain number of sketches a day or a garbage man can only lift so many trash cans?

or is their job to be at mcdonald's and serve as many customers that come in during their shift you fucking retard

>> No.10297871
File: 505 KB, 800x1131, neanderthal red haired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has already happened, we are turning back into neanderthals.

Then we’re going to be even more screwed, as 90% of a Neanderthal’s diet was meat and due to their much higher body mass, they were eating the equivalent of 10 Big Macs a day.

>> No.10297872

If your boss said you have to now make 4 times as many sales in the same time with the same resources or you get fired you'd have an issue.

>> No.10297876

nobody said they have to do it faster or they'll be fired

>> No.10297884

>or is their job to be at mcdonald's and serve as many customers that come in during their shift you fucking retard

So if a 1000 customers come in within an hour whereas in the past it was 100, they're still supposed to serve them all?

How the fuck does that happen, you stupid jobless teenager?

>> No.10297892

Yeah, only way up is a new job. Like I said, life is hell. In this world but not of it.

>> No.10297896

That's what happens when you don't keep up.

>> No.10297897

>my utility was covered.

>> No.10297901

no one is asking for a set amount of work and no more, just comenting on how if you create a situation where you overload your workers, you cant expect them to be happy about dealing with the added stress and work with no extra pay or extra help....the trouble too is a place like mcdonalds is built to handle a certain kind of customer flow( grills and cookers built to made x number of burgers, nuggets, fries , pies, drinks, etc, all mapped out) and when you overload a system like that, get enough orders deep and food is cooked real time in a system never designed to handle that...it fucks a persons shift up hard, and ignorant customers who dont get it get shitty at you for basicly doing nothing wrong, you can only cook sthis stuff in certain sized batches and it only cooks so fast cause its how the grills and fryers etc are built and aranged

>> No.10297902

who said they have to do it all within an hour? so the wait time for some orders goes up get over it, have you never been busy at work that you have to do one task before another before another? this is a very simple life concept, not everything can be done at the same time and you need to use your brain to figure out how to do it

we are discussing an article where fags are quitting their burger flipping job because it was too hard for them, nowhere does it say they are under pressure to magically make things faster. restaurants get busy at meal times wow

>> No.10297903

Kek this thread is out of control. Money really is the hot topic

>> No.10297907

one utility and easay the cheapest, mostly cause in ana apartmet building its easier to handle trash and sewage for the whole building, but i was still paying for gas, electricity, and water

>> No.10297917

It’s not about money, it’s about entitlement, and feeling you deserve the same as others even tho you aren’t willing to put in the effort that others do.

>> No.10297919

> who said they have to do it all within an hour?


They’re telling customers that they’ll get their food in same amount of time it’s always taken, then turning around and telling the workers to make 10x that amount of food in the same amount of time.

It just ain’t going to happen.

>> No.10297938

just because there's an app now it doesn't mean that 10 times as many people are deciding to eat at mcdonald's. what the company has done is shifted the wait time from people waiting in line to order to people waiting in line for their food instead because then they don't have to pay as many people to stand at a cash register. so yes orders come in more quickly but I don't see anywhere that says the food needs to be coming out more quickly

in fact it says sales went up 3.6% so don't give me this twice as much work bullshit

>> No.10297942

That's literally the point of fast food. People want their food and they want it fast. So it's not okay if the wait time goes up. Absolutely not. People are literally eating there because they don't want/have the wait time.

>> No.10297945

I work my ass off all day long giving 100% of my effort toward a shitty casual restaurant making minimum wage while my gf works in an accounting firm making $14 an hour without a degree, that are partially paying for her college and will give her a much better paying job once shes out of college.

She got this job at this shitty casual restaurant because she got lucky one day that these people came in one day and found out that she has an interest in accounting and is planning to go to school for it. She was guaranteed the job without any effort on her part and she is in a full-time comfy job where she can sit at a desk all day, about half of her day she and her coworkers are basically just messing around and being paid to do it.

Yes, sometimes people are entitled, and sometimes people are paid shit wages to work their damn ass off while managers treat them like shit while other people sit on their ass and get money for barely any work.

>> No.10297952

as I said the wait shifted it's spot but it's still likely a similar total wait

>> No.10297958

>the wait time for some orders goes up get over it
You are vastly overestimating the patience of the average McDonalds customer.

>> No.10297961

if you don't want to deal with people don't get a service job

>> No.10297997

we are rapidly living in a service conomy...so there will allways be service workers, customers need to a a bit better overall....

>> No.10298053

>combination of disappearing low skill positions, immigration increase, and previous recessions depress wages for low-income jobs
>obviously solving this is changing the minimum wage instead of tackling the root cause
There are too many potential workers that are willing to work for those prices. That's how the market works. Don't like it? Find something better. The only people totally stuck in those positions permanently are so low IQ that they literally cannot live on their own anyways. Why is the solution to aid minimum wage workers also one that guts the middle class further?

>> No.10298060

Unrestrained capitalism doesn't create smarter people, just more deceptive and underhanded ones. It's not about self advancement through a life of virtue its about exploiting the weaknesses of others for the highest possible payout.

>> No.10298182

Actually it doesn't really because it's a piece of shit app.

>> No.10298218

So many shit arguments. Mom and pops hire more people than mega corps do. Mom and pop shops may not be able to afford Janet and Mike at 15$ an hour but 8.50 each is fine. Move the min wage to 15$ now one of them loses their job.

I came from Korea, rode a bike to work at Wal-Mart. Saved up for a 2000 car and went to community college. Received an AS in the IT field, did a bunch of extracurricular shit outside of school, got IT certs, now making 60k a year and planning to buy a house this sunday.

Don't be fucking retarded.

>> No.10298239

>$600-800 a month if you don't live in New York City or San Fransisco

This is patently false. I've been bouncing around the states for a few years now and good luck finding an apartment you'll be happy to come home to for less than $1000 in any major metropolitan area.

>> No.10298252

>and your OTHER spatula

>> No.10298258

>for less than $1000 in any major metropolitan area
Try living 15 minutes outside the murder and rape zones.

>> No.10298438

>implying i ever asked for $15 an hour
>implying i can't make a burger or take order/hand out said burger

>> No.10298451

Fucking wow man. I make more money than you and Im like 22

>> No.10298455

I live near RTP in North Carolina. If your apartment is more than $1500 its luxury mixed use space downtown.

Its about a dollar per sqft around here.

>> No.10298471


>> No.10298472

>without pay raises
I think that's the point, bro.

>> No.10298477

Is like half of /ck/ fucking fast food retards that actually think having slightly more orders is the end of the world and that they deserve 15 to poorly put together slops of shit?

>> No.10298479

Having trouble figuring out your exact age, are you?

>> No.10298487

I have not gone to college and even I understand that's not how inflation works. That guy is a fucking moron.

>> No.10298552

Who ITT is saying they should be paid 15 an hour? I keep seeing people like you reference it but I don't see anyone actually supporting it. If McDonalds wants to sell more and increase the workload without hiring extra people then they're free to do so and their employees are free to work elsewhere if they don't like it.

>> No.10298580
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubling the minimum wage
>rampant unemployment and inflation as the job market unfucks itself
So a price shock ripples through the economy? Wow someone give this guy a nobel prize

People have been advocating for the minimum wage to keep up with costs of living all this time, it's just that now that it's hitting the boiling point the minimum wage has stagnated for so long, suddenly people are like oh shit, we've got some catching up to do. No shit dumbass, next time don't fall behind on your obligations

Everyone seems ok with welfare, everyone seems ok with the idea that there should be some kind of minimum wage, and yet everyone falls back on various kinds of anarcho-capitalist arguments to defend why the minimum wage shouldn't guarantee some minimum subsistance level income without additional external subsidies. Why not lower the minimum wage? Why not abolish it altogether? Wouldn't that improve the economy? Oh, no that's totally crazy. We have to keep it the same forever because that totally makes sense.

You know how I can tell nobody in this thread is a taxpayer? Here's how: The existence of the minimum wage legitimizes the payment of basically slavery level wages, which are then subsidized by taxpayers. When waitstaff are paid next to nothing and customers are expected to make up the difference in tips, /ck shits itself with rage. But when burger flippers are paid next to nothing and taxpayers are expected to make up the difference, /ck/ says hey - no problems here! McDonalds is paying them already, fair and square! Because look there, the law says "minimum wage seven dollars" and that means the GUBMINT agrees that's enough. Now look the other way while we shovel millions of free money out of your pockets and into McDonalds's pockets. Don't question it. Seven dollars. Fair.

Try and think through all the assumptions you make about who benefits from these arguments against raising the minimum wage. It is not the burger flippers.

>> No.10298592

Lol cry more wagie, if you’re REALLY good this year you might get that 25 cent raise next year!

>> No.10298616

>they're working an unskilled job they shouldn't expect more money just because

Any full-time job that can't pay its employees to live off of is a job that shouldn't exist, since it ends up being a net drain on the economy.

>> No.10298620

It's almost like bosses and companies have no desire to actually take care of their workers.

I don't understand the disdain for Unions and organized labor when the alternative is a boss who would literally gut you and watch you bleed out if it got them 5% profit this quarter.

>> No.10298625

Yeah I'd love to start a business where I can just be like, "well I can't afford to hire all the workers I want, but I want profits anyway so pls gieb monies huehuehue" and the government just steps up and lobs me employees I can pay whatever I feel like, but unfortunately you're only allowed to do that if you're Walmart or McDonalds

>> No.10298628

Nice life story retard.

Some people like you get lucky and get high paying jobs. There is a lot of luck in the job market, and people care more about people skills than talent. I have a genius level intellect and I haven’t made more than 11 dollars an hour yet at 33. Don’t feel too special, it’s all luck

>> No.10298631

>The existence of the minimum wage legitimizes the payment of basically slavery level wages, which are then subsidized by taxpayers.

The problem is the minimum wage was created so that we wouldn't have this fucking issue. It was meant to be an accurate representation of what the base cost of a living wage should be. but they didn't peg it to cost of living, just made it a standard rate because the conservatives at the time would have fucking rioted at a sliding scale that didn't let them fuck over workers.

That and companies got used to being able to balance their books on cheap, underpaid labor.

>> No.10298632
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>people still living at their parents' house
>women who work doing menial labor at home while raising children
>summer jobs for students

You're plain wrong. Not everyone is alone, and people have to start somewhere to gain experience. The minimum wage reduces employment.

>> No.10298634

Minimum wage went up in Ontario, my place of employment closed up and moved to the USA two weeks later and the price of everything went up and is continuing to go up. Only silver lining I can see is that if anybody was making minimum wage and in debt previously it would be easier to pay off but besides that it's just a liberal vote grab

>> No.10298637

What really burns me is it's not like this is an impossible thing to do.

Doesn't CostCo pay their workers like 20$/hour or some shit? Sure, they're not making bonkers money like Walmart but it's not like they're broke.

IIRC In-N-Out actually offers their workers benefits and shit the longer they stay. But god forbid we put people before profits.

>> No.10298643

Fucking hell what is with you people and living in major areas? Why do you need to live right outside a major city?

>> No.10298647
File: 424 KB, 800x615, half-of-gdp-in-metro-areas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but this should clear it up for you

>> No.10298653

>What really burns me is it's not like this is an impossible thing to do.
For a minute there I thought you were going to say there's the secret gubmint portal where non-billionaires can submit a business plan and they shovel free subsidized labor at you.

Then I came to my senses and read the next paragraph.

>> No.10298661

> Not everyone is alone
Not everyone has support either.

>The minimum wage reduces employment.
This is just flat out fucking wrong anon. Minimum wages have shown to have either a net neutral or net positive result on employment.

Seattle raised their minimum wage to 15$/hour for restaurant workers, and they've had to struggle to find workers-because they added 25% more restaurants in under 5 years and can't fill positions fast enough.

>> No.10298668

anon is right. Also being near a major city has benefits like easier access to public transportation, government services, and a greater availability of jobs.

>Why do you need to live right outside a major city?
Most major cities in the US off the East Coast are really spread out-so 'right outside' is actually like 2-3 hours from downtown.

>> No.10298672


>> No.10298683

Let me spoonfeed you anon.

>>If that seems overwhelming, consider this: Seattle had 2,696 restaurants as of the first quarter of 2017, according to Department of Revenue data — up 25 percent from a decade ago.
>>ontrary to the oft-quoted “fact” that half of all restaurants fail in the first year, the Seattle survival rate for restaurants has been hovering around 87 percent a year out (up from 83 percent in 2007). And the numbers for Seattle restaurants’ gross annual sales are startling: up 45 percent over the past decade, to a 2016 total of $2.9 billion. Yes, billion.

>> No.10298711
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I was talking generally, in the case of a whole nation, not one part of the economy in one area. And yes, I forgot to mention ceteris paribus, i. e.: what I said is only true if all other parameters stay the same. If there was a big jump in GDP or whatever, employment can increase.

But consider this. CEOs only care about profits. The workers are expenses. If someone (the gubmint) mandates that the workers from now on are going to be larger expenses, (elevated minimum wage) then profits are going to shrink, and in the case of some companies, will disappear entirely, and losses will appear.
This means that people need to do more, or they need to be fired, or prices have to increase. Price increases, on the other hand, can reduce profits yet again.

Ceteris paribus, minimum wage hikes in a country will always decrease employment.

>> No.10298712

>replacing them in the exploitation hierarchy
Not how it works. Plenty of examples like after the black death or Spanish Flu when people saw their standards of living improve and wages increase as their bargaining power increased

>> No.10298727

>and in the case of some companies, will disappear entirely
But that's a good thing, anon. Artificial wage subsidies simply cover up insolvent companies.

What you are complaining about is a necessary correction in a distorted, inefficient economy. It's going to be necessary at some point either way, so why not just get this out of the way now instead of letting the pressure build and build? It's only going to be worse if we keep kicking the can down the road.

>> No.10298739
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>But that's a good thing, anon. Artificial wage subsidies simply cover up insolvent companies.
What the hell are you on about? Who was talking here about subsidies?
An how can you be against subsidies but FOR minimum wage? Both lead to distorted economies.

>> No.10298741

We've been talking about subsidies the entire thread, anon. I guess you just hopped in and decided to have a go at it? Read back a ways, I have to head to work now and I'm not retyping all my posts from this morning and last night. Maybe the thread will still be around this evening if anything remains unclear after that.

>> No.10298753

A Ctrl + f for "subsid" gets 14 hits, 5 of which are between the two of us. The remaining few are mostly at the beginning or end, with no hits in the middle. I read through most of the thread and you're talking bullshit.

Both subsidies and the minimum wage result in inefficiencies in the system, don't get me wrong, but you're still full of shit.

>> No.10298762

You're a fucking brainlet then anon

Last apartment I lived in New York and that shit was $925 for a one bedroom

>> No.10298771

You could buy a studio in SoHo for $50k in the 70s, what’s your point

>> No.10298815


I worked at a hospital where they tried this shit. If you asked for a raise, they just modified your job description to include whatever the new added task was.

>> No.10298821

>>10298053 and >>10298712 have it right.

>> No.10298855


I bet you're a good looking person, that has a lot to do with it.

>> No.10298913


Lucky you rolled Korean

>> No.10298935


More work = more money

>> No.10298943


Wow, I don't know how you can defeat an argument like that.

>cue smug response resembling "thanks" or "I know"

>> No.10298953


>One word defines a concept

ho boy!

>> No.10299015
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It doesn't really matter though. Arguing that the minimum wage will uncover and destroy subsidized companies that are bad because they create an unbalanced economy is short sighted, because the minimum wage also creates imbalance and inefficiency. It's fighting shit with shit.
I mentioned this before as well, but I have a feeling no one will address it.

Smug, condescending one-liners aren't arguments. Be better than that.

>> No.10299080

>Yay, we're all equally poor now
'tis true, misery loves company

>> No.10299085

Companies are always trying to improve their metrics, even if it's to the point of trying to fix things that aren't broken and fucking everything up in the process.

>> No.10299151


>increase work load
>McDonalds only has 3 people on the floor at the same time

They can barely get through a lunch rush when it's packed in store and in drive through why expect them to give decent service when also having to deal with online orders ? Even if they had more people it's not like they have enough kitchen equipment to serve many customers at the same time.

>> No.10299155


>employees quit due to store being understaffed
>manager has to do the job of 3 people while also training new staff

>> No.10299158

Youre not supposed to be able to raise a family working at McDonald's. It's supposed to be for teenagers not middle aged losers.

>> No.10299170

Our hours at the company i work for went from 8 hour days to 12 hour days.

>> No.10299175

>first in first out
the big problem is you have a guy in the drive thru, the online app, ubereats, a guy at the kiosk, and the counter, who all think they are first and if they wait more than 5 min they flip their shit on you

>> No.10299184
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>literally says he's the manager
>call him a wage slave

The fuck? Do you even know what that term means?

>> No.10299188
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, 1428922014533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no shit, capitalists are assholes, everybody knows that. Don't get me wrong, I'm for capitalism, but it works because of peoples' greed. You're actors in this process as well. If you don't like it, do something about it. Demand raises, if you don't get them, change jobs. If you can't, because nobody wants you, you have to face the fact that you're not as valuable as a worker as you think you are.

>> No.10299201

It's clearly not shitty enough to keep people from using it if it's working to this extent.

>> No.10299205

>Customers place their own orders without the need for cashiers
>This is somehow causing more work instead of less now that a job position has nearly been eliminated


>> No.10299212

> get hired as a stocker when I was younger
> we need you to stock the shelves with the products other backroom workers will put out on the floor on pallets
> you get 8 an hour, and 15 to 20 hours because we dont want you at the level ee have to provide you healthcare and insurance
> few weeks into job
> ok on top of stocking you neef to unload the trucks and unload the pallets yourself, and then stock them
> ok now you need to be trained to cashier as well
> guys store numbers slipped this week, remember if we do good we get to wear jeans :ooo!!!!
> ok now you need to clean the bathrooms even though we have a janitor
> still at 8 dollars with "new schedule every week" bumfuck hours

Quit and got a 16 dollar an hour office job until I graduated

>> No.10299221

i opened this picture in class and regret living

>> No.10299225

>job that can't afford to pay its workers a living wage has to close up shop
Invisible hand at work! It's a doggy dog world out there, right?

>> No.10299275

>the average time for a meal goes up
this is what people get mad about the most

>> No.10299292
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I have no idea what you argument is supposed to be here.

>> No.10299417

better than that guy who had his laptop hooked up to a projector and it showed an animu loli pic from 4chan to everyone

>> No.10299547

>my dad gave me a small loan of 1 million dollars
never change republitards

>> No.10299560
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>mfw all the Walmarts I go to are adding another section of self checkout lanes

>> No.10299639

To be fair, it could be a piece of unmanageable shit built by some street shitter. I have to deal with it all the time.

>> No.10299650
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>implying the only cost of hiring a new employee is the employee's salary

>> No.10299651

Yeah they started talking about forcing us to do 6 10 hour days a week and I just told them I'd quit. And I did. Felt pretty good desu.

>> No.10299683

Unless you own your own business you're still a wagie because you answer to someone. A manager in most setting is just a bottom tier person who spend a few years there. Hes still down at the bottom.

>> No.10300288

Why are you so mad people you don't know will make a livable wage?

>> No.10300312

Manager here. They DON'T HANDLE IT. ALL OF MY GOOD CREW HAS QUIT. The people left don't give a fuck, your food will be slow and shit and probably make you sick and I'll get yelled at until I quit. Because unemployment is like 4% and we CAN just leave

>> No.10300320

Yeah you can because unemployment is at 4% and you can just quit, there's no reason to be stressed. You don't have to give a shit unless you're paid enough to. Which, at McDonald's we are not, which is why all of my crew is quitting. We're supposed to be at 70 crew members and we're at like 50 and none of them give a shit. It is ruining my life.

>> No.10300418

Mcdicks worker here

I quit because of the till menu. It’s literally fucked. Like y’all should see it. The definition of hell. Like a where’s Waldo with hundreds of mini similar coloured blurry burger icons and then 5000 others in their own arbitrary sub menus. Like a double burger with “special”/very abnormal price variation sits with all the rest of the burgers like it’s a normal menu option