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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10279281 No.10279281 [Reply] [Original]

Is a rice cooker worth the money?

>> No.10279298
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>> No.10279700


Yeah, but not ones that look like that. Bare minimum is the kind with a single button and a sealed locking lid.

Add more buttons depending on how uppity you want to get.

>> No.10279726

i have a model similar to that (6 cup capacity rival) that i've owned for maybe 12-13 years and it's totally been worth it, i don't think i've cooked rice traditionally once since i got it. it was maybe $15. i'm actually using it right now for jasmine rice to go with curry for lunch.

>> No.10279747
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>> No.10279940


if you're an average user, any $15 cooker should do. even though you can cook rice in a simple pot, it takes a lot of time & effort to get it right. with a rice cooker, you add the rice & water & just turn it on.

if you're asian and serious about rice, you'll have to get the expensive ones.

>> No.10279986

>rice cooker
yeah, asian wives are okay. just get a submissive one, not any of those those nagging bitches from vietnam or china. seriously, fuck Chinese girls.

>> No.10280437
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xD haha lol hi leddit!!

>> No.10280446

>not any of those those nagging bitches from vietnam or china

It's ok. Our women nag like harpees but they also know to take a good backhand and then shut the fuck up. You get the bad with the good.

>> No.10280447

found a nagging bitch

>> No.10280487

My Zojirushi rice cooker cleaned up my diet and improved my life. No, really. I add brown rice to it in the morning, and set the timer. The timer is the time the brown rice will *finish*. So if you set it to 4:00 PM, then it starts cooking at around 2:30 (for brown rice). White rice takes less time to cook and probably will start around 3:15. There's a quick white rice setting that is done in about 20 minutes. Anyways, the point is that you don't have to do the math. It knows the approximate cooking times of the rice you intend to cook, and it will have it done for you when you ask.

When I come home, I chop up some vegetables and meat, and stir fry everything. Meat first, set aside, then vegetables, then add the meat back in. Add sauce and toss everything to coat. Serve on rice and done. Dinner plus wash-up takes less than half an hour. My showers are pretty quick, so I'm usually done with dinner and cleaning within an hour of coming home from work. You can cook a little extra and take it to work for lunch. You'll start eating more vegetables, complex-er carbs (if you eat brown rice), and save a ton of money on your grocery/take-out bill.

>> No.10280490


Oh god, I wish I could just punch my wife's face in sometimes. She's one of those bitches that will say ANYTHING, cross any line, just to trigger me. It's her only goal when arguing. No logic. No reasoning. Just pure crazy ass mean shit to get me to react.

I know she's just baiting me to beat her bloody so she can take half my shit. Marrying a British slag is like hell on earth and my sin to bear for the rest of my life...

>> No.10280566

>British slag
i heard brit girls are easy.

>> No.10280570


you heard wrong.

>> No.10280634

Have you ever gone to an asian restaurant or friend's house and had rice that was so good you could eat bowls of it without much else? If so, then yes.

If your local mexican rice satisfies you then maybe not.

>> No.10280639

Jumping on this thread - is the instant pot as good as basically any regular rice cooker? I make a lot of rice but if i could also make other stuff with the same device that would be neato

>> No.10280647

if you want your rice to taste like everything else you cook, then yes, it's just as good

>> No.10280899

Zojirushi owners agree it's not as good. Others opinions range from can't get it right to good.

>> No.10280934

>a lot of time and effort
You wot, m8? It's easy as fuck in a pot unless you're very serious about rice.

>> No.10281031

My rice cooker is 20 yrs old still goin’ strong. Japanese.

>> No.10281037

if you cook rice regularly they are. its nice to just press a button and not have to worry about it

>> No.10281219

lol /ck/ is predominantly female bro ;)

>> No.10281278

Get a mid grade one 30~50$ if you like rice sometimes, if you eat it daily/often or just have money to spare get one of the nip ones. The super cheap ones are never worth it they just make soggy gross rice

>> No.10281338

Thwyre like 5 bucks ot coirse theyre worth the money

>> No.10281398

"Earth" girls, Anon. Space girls are the bitcherest.

>> No.10282375
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>> No.10282533


I have one but I rarely use it since I realized rice doesnt really do any good to lose weight.

Its a mix. On one hand, its bulky and takes up space. On the other hand, it does actually seem to cook rice easier with less fuss and mess.

>> No.10282659

Yes. Rice, oatmeal, grits, steamed veggies.... All super easy. Automatically switches to keep warm when finished cooking so you can set it and go about your business until you're ready to eat. If I could only have one small appliance, it'd be my rice cooker.

>> No.10282827

this. I had one similar to the one in the OP and it would burn every pot. got a handmedown nicer one with button and all and it works great.

>> No.10282888

Same. 13 bucks at walmart over 7 years ago. Also has a steamer tray which works perfectly every time. Literally 0 complaints. If it breaks I'll buy another one.

>> No.10282899

People who buy rice cookers are the same people who buy bread makers. They like a toy to tell them they're doing it right.

>> No.10282903

The only acceptable unitasker.

>> No.10282906

>put rice in cooker
>add water, rinse
>add more water to cover the rice +1cm
>place steamable things on it
>close lid, engage fast boil mode
>come back 15min later, ready
they're good, depending on your tastes